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If I were to build my own state, I will be a good picture for my people so they will not hesitate to
follow my order or law. Change can be obtained by being a good leader first then being a good
example to your citizens or people that you are responsible for. Leadership is a must to know to
become a great leader by implementing your plans and goals for the state and for the sake of
your people. By doing this, you will gain the trust of the citizen and do it with hardship, passion
and sincerity. It is not easy to become a leader of the state, so you must be strong mentally and
physically and you will overcome all the challenges or problems that may possibly happen.

Inside the state, I will prioritize the lower side of the society to help and support them with their
needs to grow, only if they are willing. I will support candidate officials who have the same
ambition and goal as me whenever there are elections, so the lower cabinets will not be a
burden or problem to me. The people of the state should follow the rules that I implemented and
those who are not shall receive a fair punishment. Maintaining peace is also one of the biggest
problems because crime is inevitable for a state because there are still people or citizens in the
lower society that may not receive the government support or the people who are just doing
crimes for their own sake and satisfaction.

In this state, everyone has their own freedom to do what they want without hurting or offending
someone with their doing. Provide free education for all elementary to college because
knowledge will be the foundation in their life. Everyone should cooperate with the government
and respect the other people to avoid any conflicts or fight with each other. To make progress,
everyone must work for its own economic growth and build more infrastructure, more structure
the more the laborer needed. Promoting more jobs to reduce poverty with minimum
requirements to apply. The growth of the population will not be a problem yet it can be the
advantage of the economy to grow faster

Nothing is perfect in this world, the only thing that we can do is to try and try again, and also
learn from our mistakes to become better leaders. I will value each of my citizen’s hardships and
recognize them as a family. Everyone in this will receive my service for the state, even if you are
rich or poor, it does not matter to me. I will hear all their cries or criticism and follow their
suggestions, it will benefit me and also them. This is the state that I always dream of, the
democracy and freedom for all.

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