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Subject Content
English Complete the Workbook of Julius Caesar (Act-2), scene,
Literature 1,2,3& 4
English Complete the Test papers-2, 3 & 4 from ‘Total English’ book.
Mathematics Solve Question of Set 9 & Set 10 (Page QB-12-13) in your fair

Physics Study and write in detail (in fair copy).

a. Energy flow b. Energy sources
c. Greenhouse effect and Global warming.
Chemistry Make modern Periodic table and indicate metals, Non Metals
and Metalloids.
Write Marists of Mendeleev’s Periodic table.
Draw the orbit structure of Nacl and NH3
Define redox reaction with example.
Divide half oxidation and half reduction reaction.
Cu+AgNO3  Cu(NO3)2+ Ag
Biology Solve questions of Work book chapter no. 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11
in work book itself.

Solve the entire question paper of Unit Test II and

Computer write solutions in fair note book.
Study about ‘While- loop’ and ‘Do While loop’ and
prepare short notes in fair note book.

Hindi 2

Commerce Solve the entire question paper of Unit test –II and
write solutions in fair note book.
Economics Write a note on the Poverty in India- Meaning, Types,
Causes and Suggestion to Remove Poverty, in your
fair copy.
History/Civics Write about the contribution of the following people
in the Protestant Movement in your copy.
a. Ulrich Zwingh b. King Henry VIII
c. John Calvin
Geography Write a note on the types of Pollution and their
Pollutants. (Do it in your fair copy)
1. Air Pollution 2. Water Pollution
3. Soil Pollution 4. Noise Pollution
5. Radiation Pollution
Physical Give specification of the basketball boards and rings.
Education Write a note on the circulatory system.


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