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Amina mebot ado OL 4on, Mama, A conte weet Cater, uo. AOA & called AQUULLEN UCL U Daphrunce LeLivern Meukee cer (1) Tatar coe fosummeel fen Ae KOLAE POOLE Ar, te AL Oo prspoitiens ren Ane, AGUALONE {1 re. ELLs asta” Ah Ld CLA rd ARS p CL) dad tong ‘chow Adnieg, sapiens, Volenetos ay ") cotta ak OAL Of were ‘ eae Lem, Amen. O% Pigcinls anrod Co Oven ection, LCRA, Sub atin, Ab Am AECL ila Ceo (NH,) 1 ao ee OL eel os, whe clon ity AALOLER, Com paunot Jaerd are Gumnpeer sets AL net. L dent Uy hey Ade Cra aon Story LOnibien BOAb, pe Pie entaine, comdnag KU Btnack ty Ot eee ULL, aA, 4OLCL chete Quy. ” LCL AMSA LS OLLC Sy. AAA Re R.09 i Abeiies OL ~ OCU LON eet OE EE NA co Lorelimatien ety wi Le vwlae Lectem 0% er. terenctect +0 ee 2G p 2 cope WArariese 06 Lens 04 vm atecercdes “Le WOLiNg 2° pose poimec UE LO as Avencts sae a oe uf Peceny J, fcc Fe > —[oocn,), <2, ) Ir ae ae COmne@trpttc vera de PUL CePLLC LCOnpieret { - nn na - — Ree! ML The Lco- usedimation, Cen peexes Loy uitith ~ Bedinvete, deenets.( 5 SpP gnm els a Om VENEclemtLoty Laas : oO - stint cleaves Thuy MOV one chong | ee = - a Lutyens i OOO UAER Cone Bain & & - a — a 4 FeO, NM 7 om ew - 7 at wats cele loute. - a Any Aout AL8 clement _Labewrs. —— ——_—— _ . Me PATNA (Rue g aianuee deny Chg NA oases Caray — - coo” re yp Potydamtats aug concts - - — . — - - A Agana anette Ab 29728 Boe LEON a cettecl — perycleme aby 6% —_ACrLULtLchiaLouce. Liganncl = 2 iG oo Hye Ue le ce we A Phorbe cunt tigarncls ~": Afr. uel cue, —LLgemcls Pcie ure See. ~CLONOL_acLenns pect. Of Ora ALL tq AMR £0nA AR LE OA oh ~~ ~0 tine Three Voom eed, AOL A Br t LigarnA as > - cn NO = paride, : Jee wobtiio ; a nee , ye : - — —_ ; 10 male —_—_—-— - = LS, aeons Z = Sey an a a | eae , —— | = 2 - ~ ‘ So ee : wv Amoncs Athi ect Lee eter AOL LAE Hh 0 eee Le . tered ¢ Abe. wast CeTreit ~ertory 6 | AA ton eg, Hy tugaumcts i ——C Roce, On Biter —~, te CHA HLe ; | ye Fcocnuy pF oe - | a i one Lot eno 33" Z ss NG - ene SS - . u Ce conn, J Orv a a an user cee Tre 2k £4 the. Apatwar SAMA OAL GENE Ef GLO LUALChy Case Loca Ly ALLL Check to. OF, AO - a DU ELE LCE 0 = PLA re LO, — po Oluiac LUG CAL. RULELL ~enetat, When acu 194) UNO pe, Aer. - Lee a aes bOtychercLate tego . roe Conte Lolene. aLen. as WO ALAN GLE oa be.y —aisean Lt a A Chelate Ces ASL onacLer _@F - a Pe gO Pa cote Qereubs — SULch _ugating LL citi ey rae mcs _ oe . Dye Of +O. ca- 04rd ma tien, Cem Ox - tabtication “ Ue te ~Aeladlen io ccite ch cmetete effect — Leto TO OECD SHB a — ) as OB - ; £05 AXC.No. ise... aaa aS 2 889g ~ 2 ae oo ==. 1 [fecen, J ee é Ww ae 6C-1)--4 Lex ae c Os +d Te EAN = £- 05+ Qxo-NO * - = QB-A+ Ax q te = R6-AtFIQ et = 36 hi az Weunere's lo-erdinetion LUO = ( wt 2) dn seo. weretinalion compounds , mite show tare Lyf ry — : a) ae ae pone and asconda & gy . wie bee, A de vohaa Qe normaly tonirahh Ond Or. gative ion. Yolinics a% Nor-Konala ard ke salirad fy feubal mobtules 8 negative fons PivpeVVe see ee rVeweseye <_Mhe_2¢c0 valiny! és equal t Ls C.vo and to fered ; ‘ ) P a metac - x4 g B é* 9 Ae fons ox ‘pups found Ly 4h, acconda ™melak fave DUachiiake ofatial OLilongerr RA (2B6idinabion F' Wdda) OLinapondin obo a eoponc 4o _ dipZ Nun bere . é OO > - ay go. - oe ols Me ets B frtewing obaswvabions, Qavion aecondany > Cy = oh aueng @mpoundo 2 “d P ) Pa, AN rales of 4) Nid, 6H.0 ~ wi) FECL, 2HCL Y PECL. On, 2 2 iy Coch, - 4NA - se ° ——; i 0) 5) Cea(rm yl Axcondaty vobence = i) [Ni(@ro), 10. — Atcondaiy valor valnu =& fs) Pe(hy) (HO Atconday valna=6 Ge (ce), (0), ] : Atcondary vabenu = 6 - _ May une _te-o neler Kern pet a= ~ —Sethettang ules ane set = - Coton 1s mavacd gisrie 7 UW Aiqesads et named, uy wan Olprobeticar sat ttfeci tht naam. us ce mbna wale, 88 Len WAP goons Lean ‘ OL. ga. ada tke HO6 OGL) » Nr, wt. sig ) Ladi) Ata nyrig cy UMS Pipe tees OOO cle AWG “Vu opn tt Af ——ruganchi oa . CAS) USA da, anaes, eh ting ADU pC is Uta es + zs ou Akt amd ariia 1) Dadar forte 4 1n: anite u Cicer BA UG — CO pit iy amen. n ati suet y OUN\A be kib {pst 4 Vln Au “4 c : Cote ners, ~PhOLL CU) Cheetos Dy Cyd) ce] cy a C Att a ne Lagi eae PUCUS=K Bhatt) cr 0eK Cees, ; Ye GO Peg ey Cen, J? : ; HF NO Ran ie ry Cethegtene iamnow) Cobalt C1) 2a, 5; , vo No, Jeg co'.4 Amvaninne, ‘i ° AVARLLO-N- Cobace uy) i Sy OO Cre Le Comet ; initia: Or D4 ChLesuce hte nt AS (pace, Con Ne \) ey ALOU Hes vv ber $e orn, Pt, Ci) 5 C2thitems eg eam) Peay Hoan C1) ire Ds} $x, eS Ka [eS oe . 4» @ ka Le C Cons ml . pastas mM) doonsos @ k3 lo. Coe sna ) me, ; @ k, Lan Cony } \ ; potassium 4) (A) _tatrabyyalrsocsole je Mas 2 = k3 fa Co), ] Aslam 1 Suscolatsallunnuriate fu) : @ hese seu] \e ad ; 2 baticcycecslt ud ; a a ea ht aa) 2 Aoatdlncepaendale wo > © ky [te Coad Pena debian. tical ance *@ ‘Fey fra Cte Cun foraaegunal Gu 2 Seer [re Ce won C il) Paccocyniicefirrat, Cu) 7 8 ale Cin) ae, yy ‘ F instr ay “ brede ay, Aryl, Hr dhe ty . “aeMChirnl, Mra ay pf ' a ery sJ, herr airs eddenlosub Cit Neate log Ny) y @ (wo)1 a, POOL erred ation lurrunnls Mm) i hae ¢ & Ody} ® tug Hane 14. Chews) potaie (yy) Jue floas. [Oe Cred co, Loe Nia dy HG ] &, Intl ctens ty, ave (Lohral, ( Loe CNo,) Ce D. @ clicddeiroledus Cetnana t,2-oluarnraans) —latinnen ( os ADQuche, : - - [ee Conde tnd Co / © panic l Cu) a ke fn cond @ spuntnsarnmanas itt: — O- weaQsadt Un) — I tate Long) cover] z > Z > - | do) b noe Goad puagld a - ! Lo Cn de], Csou) g _ Valence tend Ane orLy ‘ “Pp erlaait Penis lang a) A sad foe VE 6 ALCO Le bate rnd cat ae Prt ient wr ea ak ormttae LET 4A fete ieee A ode neue end tO, ae baerce Oa Clb) ny Ag spl thtar wi Me reels 4 Loe erro ere Lak Wah attr cca ror o. ue LM bef ond “ PHA A Fay brestlin, ack ae 4 MR Rl AAdiuiratent Orbital, alte ct Pager ene tay Qin) uy Dect ee bitae, Aiki AS Senge IMA Pie yap tat (eat can cenate ane ? Por h54 BOs gy as J The ue loreitars (a gh Shot a) O84) nme rhitalts (Lew spiny Orpltces ane pernad depends f AUPAN Lsictings te tla & fe Hiden SB Hrcee "or MARNAREN BAR EL ONL ae et aan brag Rape tec ate L0-LUdi nation STALL OIL, 4 tal 6 Aaprrrcalis ecto, Ahape r Agbrerodr ag VORA Loma AAAS CL, d’sp ec pa c ClLatedaa 0 (NL COND, r A+tUCD = -g A= +2 ag (Aa) Us? 348 sh nx faba Fi Noy BLK bslrelng tee ; cw sgt a fies ) TOA CNicee, a At UG Q=-g ASUg-3a ; Rat 3 Ni (2g) = Caniag gat NACI = aol NeCI{) » [te [tft Bak EEO = [Aaj 3a% ue [t[rals oi lh ] pee ere eeeerrT ETT t ee At [ni cco),] : Mt At UlOVE4Q _ —_ Zrt+2 - nitag) > Caal4s? 3c® : oe — NtCy (Aa) 38s? — oe aa nw us - — _ neu) [mma] fF] - a ois. py —_________. a clitramedeak Oo (Gianmaguete) oe = : (Fecen)gJo - —X+ 6C-D=-3 a X= +3 — ge, ~ AAT as’ aa : BC - [an}us' 3 3c© : ac a fet mae ie — ‘ (Fecuox. 7" \ 4+ 6COV 243 A432 - - ' fey = [Aa] us* 3° FRU) = PAA) Ue 308 : ES sx. i ee Reno Roy EG fe EEL TL = - : _ ee 7 : spar — eee octarwor ak, ig —— ——— ss pasomagquetie Leocnngy y t+ 6(0)= 43 = — alae —— ,,= [Aa] Us* 3a* 7 oun = Casqas go : : _— 36 ~ Us _ Gott) = C] - SA ‘GE ~~~ Bu) Bd iS _ : : os ~ aa . | 7 dcp? ~ OttANMLAYo @ chia magne bc $ ct) eb Cl. Goong GED t=) Be] “ESE dsp Octahed rag - foxawaquettc fescntay 1" “at Oy +3 Dea ~ (aa) uct 30% snes LAAl as 3c : > : , , } ) c - a+ - | n(en),) _ A+ 3(0) = +3 ; aS +3 a - Coy y= [Anjus! 34° CoC) = fanyug ad re — 90 = EERE “ep [en cen, DEES] lex]. _ |eJex px - en -oTsp ou eda i Lentes0,), , rv Gm x4 30 a) 6 Aer3 Coty = [Aa)Us' 3aS Caciy= CAA)US® ae ry _ ap oo cacy) ~ PET) Co). CT J a : z £2, aa SP, c 104 - ae — a olsp” Ok atudi ak = (asa magia tec oe [ . — - Co (¢40,), ] RO 3¢- 2: -3 > X24 (689) = (Aa) 45? 34 _ Cot = [Aa] uf aa & emp ry EY Bix] fe lels] - aan VU a ~ a asp 7 Otter dg a Lia magnetic. —Lfe ” oe = pan} ustads— a oe oe _ fect) = [Aaa] bus’ aa : Ba us _ pans Pt? Jrfe[eit/ 3d TF 4A ta cy Ge) Seb) BT Spia™ octakedsak — oo oe SS Deere Tes d et WR SEMEL DOLE _— de - a C saypes : ——— i - Ue oo im CY, Ma ctunry Leen ees - Pen LNs uly he Oh eS, at — ote tne Clan TOR ep COLES bette yp, ces CLO: ~ ~ —- CECT eee CIten. Vetter 0% Lem seit POT INS ep autos Shas ot gee © Mh Anwornetiivan Ve pam cha ge Se eet as ect nal PEt WCCO yo ene Dao naw. CRO Cob aL AYA CULL Teas 86 Cot nye | pte CNH, Ba Joly auret ProtNH so, ] ea [ =~} : ae {te (AH BA] $0, WGtrre RE 6 Woosuitby ef Aas gels da Lot : iy 8 adc Qt Oe tS afop 08 A > fe AOS 2 hae a puderceo ott AL BAY CLEC = ahek 19 ey thse ce oy ‘ . . - 40 BRAMALL eee = a Jagdeo oy Breas ddniA _Aayhe. .64— +0 ©. ALL Sse Aug ding peMasck Lev 24 PyyweALS AL ee a Seca hte - peer on vans Ue on ns BCA oH,0 ae Fea pu Loa CHO ce} HOU y By Og oh RHSO-U He ecliea ten isernae is asa Sars _— tg tg SLID OL _ CO fo fo AUTOS La he ashen, AOE Aion 2 Oth Ve atreric UY a erect gare a POMONA eye» AL elig fo ith BACH 7 a anne SEU eer rl 96 VN Poet yp iViLabroltal ter : A pA 2 Atte AL FL fore ute Dery At PM th LL, oul BOLLE ay Lt . i i A oe oe oa (4) MAB, Auybe E [éonn,), Ue, } ia gee Hy 3 ier Hy N Se ws AYO. Cay ) MA, BC dag e : [cocnHy,), eB] * HN RK 7A 4 poe 85. aaa 7 ee _ ut , CQ) a acd sage : me [px (NH) HB 1,0] dNWR Ak Wy See ee “sin - Ae J) pho { oe as ' not ~~ 8M Hig ax ts 10 A Se cp Bera gifs emexnediens = & - iE E> Lenny Had - NA, ¢ BQ NY BN ae Fe ANY, Neo 4, * Ste # ee y - 4S nNa at4- NH uN 1 Se Ay — gy NH NH o 5) AHLOLO A. — UL. Cit) MAyBO-aybe a : —[cownn ,w oa} m NH, NH “¢ Soh aNRy : GN EA Ni : / NAR ~ ' ‘ Ce | Se pee a) eel aw 21 Nit bate Bee ANDRE ae an NA, r No, Ua MAD, By wybe ~ * [totem e,] = w@ _ <> _ afrco ay 4-3 iG.g - [co (em, i 87) C Neo, wf Oy Bw - ALOIS 6x ua I \ ~ is mA, B, —uagbe. (eocnn) 5] : Sl oe S aS oa “ E : ~ or a vic aula Go MX CAR), Arye ar (eo tend] ar ry enh ved bao en? en G9 Ww [en 66,045)” 9" ca ae ea a L>' NAe Ceo mene Cat Ls VRS, cat) fextnH,) Uy] . rN: an we mo ” 3 NH * wrt I ie \ Sen vs eh ne 3 nay rae a . = peclarouwt’ AL ) actat | t glo 8 os 7 IO (dy [orle.Ogd rey oy ee Oh t Ss z 4 Sef) = co? C047 - e Cuyata Leal rab : a : : ’ he uy nPeta nt pwunts at . . 2tar Len © y tAcee AD Ae CET thondinng Lei woemncrel not ; cnel Jer Ligon ta pai —— A i : on eHOM an ectarednet fill 6 anc pp OrbAcats— 27 ~ _ ei bitats 14 -Uferl Appected et ANE cli gene tency -€F ~~ i Aico Lett d= eb Utes ane net Ag iso teak j qe. AI alone 210) ep coerce cube ~Le mopetledl Lug ADL * mga vcheurged Uqands Bo that hey OC CuRiy dh O-ae, ) ok jut ace tris (eles LUCY prem tne, olheclLLevy © Reganncls — : —____— - Bre _cppece ef tigamcs is _parccctor tg MOSUL EA =€-Lay ancl it dipunds en 10: 64 €13> — ae eee Ockorrdiral— _ 6) — a = UU Lcuge - =_ AbATLL oe vs = — ~ - Arne a saumasteaueee eet generate Luels die U9 paroenuce % § Ligaen ols at, WO Loli fe mk. ROLE bY in Anus 4h - ; CUYAOR FERC puting ara, tangy ACPasatuen, lof LEAL _erntrgig - St big ann Dgins We armnngyy 4 oe _2@ va 7 baesstnded ty Atha ta JA OL OO 4 = ae : EC pp welch Grn Ang Fein of co ; paring emiridieg.P po Ao

Qe .ncs < epTAT<. Net, MOD aE nati ted _€-C 9) @ ihe SUK gira Vong weer 610) CONE RLM Ds fdr’, @ umpornd ep Uiute shea Kyamo WOvy COntaimes Bk Ene « Con pone d e- rcp ain stab cey ar ye Emntr, 0° Emacen,] . ait My, CAR) Usk > oe M5" [Aa jus? ae Mac)" (Aa) aa Mei) [Aa) Ba = Cee 40 7F Tetrstt jug 42 $c iy RL LENO EYL lathe ™ YR COT bem, tant a ALDLOML. 64 tal BG UlaR conetat dhe ometat Cosuber yt Arend 1s peumed Le Aenation, a fol ef 2) prem C4 A- prbitar & enttaL dds pending A eAbital cormbew wenn xice She onngtal “te egauac bending Carertes cv OM ARs Lape onte acank ~aepnereyee, Rb pect ; & bending ta Super ponding , ie : : 7 7 ——— 7 2k safest s a8 Har cleqntt Of odseciccts 20, hokinvernn Jbne, BAUD Ap BCL 2s Enea nin. cL 84, GAUL Cen vides 1a “iurteiete neo” at CGA CORLL, = LOL - L ms+4c—> [me | Kz {my} 1 He imo ee t TOFU Rynrreyory or a — THY aeoyruae Aas 74 work Me — fast os “Tow = == ry Epona wopruar Peyraory OS ye neon by fo Hy TERRY —_—__ 9 E pastel) —__ — ERw) eb 9? “Trw]=h _? mw] —= 7 78 — 3 (wi - B me qu) =A 2 Caw) 8a ip (wl eS _ ftw) —s few = > ow) == EI - » c7tw) > tat ='% : (aw) aoe aout 8 . yy TU wee ® yy POV aeret ITT i 5° ate we _ sagt BD . qa MOTOS a ad CT chcor 7B ee Barn ye? TAT » » » a Tlacneis . ; 3 eimai SE compeen « HONG 1 Kercrag ( umeta® wer ~ ee AD uae es ON ambiar wammtal stem i 4& “Late aasett Le Ako tabby zo en - Sq [Reem > Kul Fe Cony | - Aer a 0. Bisvatenk Lens, stawtuty Mh drier c4ommpeeres AU weencase — AN LETLG FLO eg KemeLel renetah 467% 5 CREA 64 stably pos burcuemt vers — mite eer Cote Niece dylt - Ws Lda Uy REL a Eousimag- 1wUti (Ai) crass fiat sAcCee p‘eL : : At ALO VLA CLLOY CLaLLelg wok wank rnetats 66 ~qreup- 1 anc arrncaks van eqeusup gi = Tu ecements fear 26s) ergs dimmert -qars Card Sdtae for - rena CU Lo ALCL VOALEm ete eth, tiga cl CEMA aiming Ff. OowN AREA ALans (lun) LOS |B? UPTS"U an cy Se Leet Le tr Jars O42 rh ke ~artais ke Kh, fd Aq. pe 14 puily pstad At enbuteri< eee ¢o6™ vreat Adabte, ren fterccs rset, guaamicls. cer Lens LO, Noline ote Bir) Chelorn thr: 2+ = 1X10 EOD hee E-cacn Py? 1%! co ia - r Compirr saisvo ciation Covutauat> 1 —— fs 5 a __ x10 mo : ; : Ps what with Le conc prden for usawe sagen 26 ~ ea AH Agion woe eet ~ a aa - wo fnicnng a — OO 7 tis frvtonets), J - = = pun fninyor, - ———— - : ~ : a - J yo> nH, > NO, ae a » [ncino), |" “< Ercennt,), [S [nith0), J : ee 8 £0sa,o “SN voit ve tue caer +A Amel 1@t Boerner A ace AgNO, 1D Gene, _ cushiteppt but docs vot piatt Utth Baily Avemer ‘B) gevres rwacts sett Bak, ——— Maras Ane Cyl *y Memerisn, give TUPAC vawe of Aama b— —— £8 S000 BN HS 7 : — a fosating je Be ~ fesnehinaje MgO, — ty + [torsoyd wae a Bf Co) yey — a ee [Cou H,) 2 Js0, a = ar = Fiat te i: D J : = ( A waste Ler tt” narsvincy ol Vato stcreenic Cond gureLon : S$ bidembare,_ te pollen bp-fomw p.tex tomapeurasdl Osta rerncng, Agee (AD Ana Hine “chigrinana, Adarand ng Fo over bab aplitbivy during ee compen formatter , wv UY) Warde clectrevte cols geaation am ares £24. y /Svok type ef Wobordicatton use M™ nave — NY Nowe etre, type oY SSO WALALA WA -

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