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Biomechanics of resistance training

Chapter · August 2018

DOI: 10.4324/9781315438450-6

10 2,809

3 authors, including:

Scott Lynn Derek N Pamukoff

California State University, Fullerton The University of Western Ontario


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Biomechanics of Human Movement

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
● Comprehend units of biomechanical measurements.
● Apply velocity and joint angle specificity to training.

● Understand the length–tension and force–velocity–power relationships.

● Conceptualize Newton’s laws of motion and apply them to training.

● Evaluate and compare different modes of resistance.

Acceleration Mechanical Advantage
Angular Motion Momentum
Biomechanics Power
Balance Rotary Inertia
Displacement Stability
Distance Stretch-Shortening Cycle
Force Time
Friction Torque
Gravity Velocity
Inertia Velocity/Speed Advantage
Length Weight
Mass Work

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2 PART 1 Basic Science

Biomechanics has been defined as “the study of the structure and function of biological
systems using the means and methods of mechanics” (1). This definition divides the
word biomechanics into two parts: bio (biological system) and mechanics. In the field
of strength and conditioning, the biological system that we are most concerned with is
the human body’s musculoskeletal system. This involves all tissues directly involved with
producing, preventing, or influencing movement (muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons,
cartilage, etc.). Also, “mechanics” is defined as the study of the influence of force on
bodies. Therefore, this chapter examines how we can manipulate forces in a strength
and conditioning setting to produce the desired effect on the structures (tissues) and
functions (movements) of the human musculoskeletal system.

Biomechanics is the science of applying mechanical principles to biological systems such as the
human body.

For the strength and conditioning specialist, a basic knowledge of biomechanics is

essential in order to be able to evaluate human movement and then be able to design
and prescribe appropriate movements (exercises) aimed at increasing the overall
efficiency of movement. Forces are required to produce any type of human movement
and there are various different types of forces and aspects of those forces that must be
considered by the strength and conditioning specialist. A sound knowledge of basic
mechanical principles will allow for the prescription of appropriate movements at the
appropriate intensity to produce the desired movement outcomes without increasing the
chance for injury (acute or chronic) of any of the movement structures/tissues.
This chapter will be divided into the following sections:
1. Basic biomechanics: Biomechanical concepts essential to the strength and condi-
tioning specialist will be defined.
2. Human musculoskeletal mechanics: Mechanical characteristics of the human mus-
culoskeletal system that affect movement will be discussed.
3. Biomechanics of resistance: An examination of the biomechanics of various forms of
resistance used in a strength and conditioning setting.
4. Progressing/regressing movement: An application of how a basic knowledge of
biomechanics can be used to make an exercise easier or harder to suit different
It should be noted that many terms used in this chapter are not used according to
their strict mechanical definition but have been simplified so that their applications in a
strength and conditioning setting can be more clearly understood.

BASIC MECHANICS be understood in order to fully comprehend how

to most effectively and safely achieve our training
Biomechanics can be simply defined as the effect goal. If we think of the simple example of some-
of forces on the structure and function of living one lifting a barbell, some of the key mechanical
systems. In the field of strength and conditioning, concepts include force, distance, speed, inertia,
there are several mechanical concepts that must mass, weight, velocity, acceleration, torque, power,

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CHAPTER 5 Biomechanics of Human Movement 3

and momentum. Many of these are derived from his or her chest to the finish position, he or she
three basic variables—length, time, and mass (2). will have pushed the bar a greater distance than a
The basic unit of time is measured in either sec- more experienced individual who is able to push
onds, minutes, or hours; however, since many it straight up (Fig. 5.1). For the more experienced Fig 5.1
sporting or lifting movements are short in dura- lifter, the movement was much more efficient as
tion they are most often measured in seconds. The the distance the bar traveled was much smaller.
basic dimension of length sometimes also known Similarly, if the beginner lifter took much lon-
as space is measured in inches, feet, and yards in ger to push the bar up, he or she would also have
the United States, but the scientific community has a lower bar velocity (often referred to as speed),
adopted the metric system, which utilizes centi- which is defined as distance divided by time.
meters, meters, kilometers, and so on. Lastly, the Velocity can be measured in any unit that divides
basic dimension of mass is commonly measured a measure of distance by a measure of time. The
in kilograms. most common units used to measure velocity
To illustrate many of these biomechanical prin- include m · s−1, km · h−1, mi · h−1. Therefore, in
ciples, we will examine one of the most basic of order to calculate velocity you must measure the
exercises, the bench press. First, in the process of distance the object moved and the time it took to
lowering the bar to your chest or pushing it back cover that distance. Distance and time can be mea-
up, the bar moves through space in a fairly straight sured is several different ways, these include the use
line. Naturally, if you are a tall individual with long of a tape measure and timing gates, video equip-
arms, you will be moving it a greater distance than ment, or electronic transducers.
someone with short extremities. Thus, distance Another illustration of velocity is the example
is defined as the total path traveled by the bar. of a sprinter finishing the 100-m race in 10 seconds.
Displacement is defined as a straight line between This sprinter has achieved an average velocity of 10
where the movement started and where the move- m · s−1 over the course of the race. This gives the
ment ended. Although there is a difference between strength and conditioning specialist some infor-
the two terms (distance vs. displacement) they are mation but in order to tailor appropriate training
most often used interchangeably to describe how sessions to improve a sprinter’s time, more infor-
far the object has traveled. So, in the bench press mation is needed. If we obtained 10 m split times
example, if a beginner lifter struggles to push the for this race, we could calculate many velocities
weight up and it does not take a direct line from throughout the race and this would give us much

Beginner lifter Experienced lifter

FIGURE 5.1 The path that the barbell travels for (A) a beginner and (B) and experienced lifter. Notice that
the distance travelled is much greater for the beginner lifter; however, the displacements are the same.

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4 PART 1 Basic Science

BOX 5.1 BOX 5.2

Calculating Average Velocity during Sprint Calculating Work and Power during Weight
Running Training
The example is an athlete completing a 40-m sprint. We Let us use the example of a bench press to demonstrate
have electronic timing lights at 10, 20, and 30 m from the the calculation of work and power. If the mass of the bar
starting light gate. The average speed over the last 10 is 80 kg then the gravity force that this equates to is 784
m might be used as an indication of maximum running N (80 × 9.81). During the repetition, the lifter moves the
speed. Let us assume that the times and distances are as bar through a distance of 0.70 m and then the work com-
follows: pleted is approximately 549 J (80 × 9.81 × 0.7). Now, let
us assume that the lift is completed in 1.5 seconds. The
Distance 10 20 30 average power output during the lift can be calculated
Time 1.741 2.890 3.995 as work divided by time, which equals 366 W (549 ÷ 1.5).

Velocity is the change in distance over change in time.

Therefore, velocity = (30 – 20)/(3.995 – 2.890) = 10/1.105
= 9.05 m · s−1. amount of force being applied to an object can be
calculated by multiplying mass of the object times
its acceleration. Mass is a measure of the quantity of
matter within the object, and, in the human body,
more information regarding the portions of the it would be the sum of all the tissues that make up
race that need the most work. For example, if there our bodies (bones, muscles, fluids, etc.)
is a large drop in velocity toward the end of the
Force = Mass · Acceleration
race, the strength and conditioning specialist may
need to design a training program to work on the Mass can be thought of as a measure of the linear
endurance of the athlete to ensure that he or she inertia of a body. Inertia is defined as the resistance
is better able to maintain the velocity through the to changes in motion, and, therefore, an object
finish line. Thus, it becomes increasingly impor- with a large mass will be more difficult to get mov-
tant to examine not just velocity, but how velocity ing or to stop once it has begun moving than an
is changing over time. object with a smaller mass. Mass is often equated
to weight; however, they differ in that weight is
Acceleration = Velocity ·Time−1
mass multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity
Acceleration is a measure of how velocity changes (which we assume to be a constant value of 9.81 m
over time (defined as velocity divided by time). In · s−2 on the earth). Therefore, a person with a mass
the bench press example, acceleration or decelera- of 100 kg would weigh 981 N while on earth, while
tion of the bar is achieved through the application of in space in a zero gravity environment this person
force. Force is defined as a push or pull that moves would be weightless and while standing on the
or tends to move an object. The unit of force in the moon this person would weigh 162 N (the acceler-
metric system is the Newton, while in the United ation due to gravity on the moon is approximately
States the pound (lb) is more commonly used. The 1.62 m · s−2). Thus, while the weight will change

Acceleration Forces in Lifting Weights
One component of acceleration that is constantly acting where F, force; m, mass of the dumbbell; a, instantaneous
on the human body and sports implements is accelera- acceleration; g, acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m · s−2);
Q1 tion due to gravity. In the example of an arm curl with a with a concentric muscle action in the dumbbell curl, grav-
dumbbell: ity is a resistance force that results in negative acceleration.
With an eccentric muscle action to lower the dumbbell, the
F = m (a + g)
force of gravity results in positive acceleration.

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CHAPTER 5 Biomechanics of Human Movement 5

Understanding the Difference between Velocity and Acceleration
An example that most are familiar with involves discussing your car and an animal jumps into the road directly in front
how you would change velocities while driving your car of you, you need to decelerate from 40 mph to zero mph in
(i.e., either speed up or slow down). In order to accelerate a very short period of time to avoid hitting the animal. This
your car, or increase your car’s speed, the accelerator pedal scenario requires an extremely large deceleration as a large
must be pressed. Conversely, in order to decelerate your change in speed must happen over a short period of time.
car, or decrease the speed, you must press on the brakes. However, if you are going at the same speed and you see Q2
Thus, if while traveling at 40 mph you decide to increase the traffic light change to red at 500 yd in front of you, you
your speed to 50 mph, an acceleration is needed. And if you can apply the brake more lightly and slow down gradu-
are going at 40 mph and you wish to stop your car (velocity ally over a longer period of time. Thus, the same change in
of zero), a deceleration is needed. The rate at which these speed over a longer period of time requires a much smaller
accelerations/decelerations happen becomes extremely magnitude of deceleration.
important as well. Assume you are traveling at 40 mph in

depending on where the individual is standing, is to increase the amount of weight being lifted.
the mass will remain constant. It is fitting that the Another simple modification is to increase the
unit of force bears Isaac Newton’s name as he has number of repetitions to increase the workload.
been credited with the discovery of gravity. Gravity This introduces the concept of Work, which is
is a mutually attractive force between two bodies defined as force times displacement and is mea-
that possess mass. Since the mass of earth is much sured in Joules. As you increase the number of rep-
greater than that of anything on its surface, it will etitions you also increase the displacement over
attract or pull all objects toward its core. Gravity is which a force has been applied, therefore increas-
an important concept for strength and condition- ing the amount of work done. If there are two indi-
ing practitioners as weight training includes lifting viduals lifting the same amount of weight over the
and lowering objects against and with the force of same distance then these individuals are doing the
gravity. It should be noted that gravity always pulls same amount of work; yet if one of these individ-
objects toward the center of the earth and thus only uals is capable of producing the lift in a shorter
acts in the vertical direction. period of time then it is said that this person is
Momentum is the product of mass and veloc- more powerful.
ity and it is an important concept for strength and
Work = Force · Displacement
conditioning specialist since momentum alone can
continue the motion of an object. Unlike previous Power is calculated in two different ways—as work
Aristotelian views that a constant force application divided by time or as force multiplied by veloc-
was needed to maintain motion, Newton found ity, and it is measured in Watts. Commonly used
that an object’s inertia (mass) while on the move “slow-moving” exercises such as the bench press,
had a tendency to maintain that motion and only squat, and dead lift only produce approximately
an external force acting on the object will slow it half the power of the faster Olympic lifts (3). As
down and eventually stop. Therefore, the greater can be seen from the formula, the optimization of
the momentum of an object the greater the exter- both force and velocity is necessary for the greatest
nal forces needed to subsequently stop it. power output, and while large loads require large
amounts of force to get moving, the movement
Momentum = Mass · Velocity
speed is too low for optimal power. Conversely,
lighter loads can be accelerated to high speeds but
Momentum and inertial patterns of the sport should
do not include the necessary force production to
be mimicked during training.
achieve greatest power.
Power = Force · Velocity
There are many ways to increase the intensity of
a workout session. Naturally, the most obvious Power = Work · Time−1

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6 PART 1 Basic Science

Up to this point we have only been considering

movements of objects or the body in a straight line,
or what is generally called linear motion; however,
many movements occur or take place about an axis
or fulcrum and are defined as angular motion. In Muscle
the human body these angular motions occur as

our segments (foot, lower leg, thigh, etc.) rotate
about axes created at the joints (ankle, knee, hip,
etc.). Angular motion is measured in degrees
and in some instances can be described in radi-
ans (approximately 57 degrees) or revolutions
(1 rev = 360 degrees).

Biceps moment arm
e ll t
Force or power applied is determined by a com- Du mbb

plex range of neural and mechanical interactions Dumbbell moment arm

within the muscle, between muscle and tendon, and FIGURE 5.2 The biceps muscle torque (counterclockwise) and
between muscle and the machines of the skeleton. the torque produced by the dumbbell (clockwise), in an elbow
flexion exercise.

As discussed above, forces are needed to create

linear motion. The angular equivalent of force is This is a very important biomechanical vari-
a torque (T), which is needed to create angular able for the strength and conditioning specialist
motion, and is expressed in foot-pounds (ft lb) or as modifying the placement of the weight or resis-
Newton-meters (N · m). tance from the axis of rotation can be an effective
tool in either increasing or decreasing the muscu-
Torque = Force · Distance (length of the lever arm).
lar effort needed to successfully complete a move-
In order to lift a dumbbell the biceps brachii mus- ment. Figure 5.3 demonstrates this concept as Q3
cle must produce a torque in the upward direc- Figure 5.3A would required much more muscular
tion. How much torque is produced depends on torque than Fig. 5.3B to move the same mass. A
the amount of force being utilized multiplied by real-life example of this would be having some-
the torque arm. The torque arm is defined as the body do leg raises in the supine position with the
perpendicular distance between where the force legs straight and then with the legs bent at the
is being applied (the attachment of the biceps knees. Bending the knees shortens the torque arm
on the bone) and the axis of rotation (the elbow distance and decreases the amount of muscular
joint). In the example shown in Figure 5.2, lift- torque needed to perform this exercise.
ing the dumbbell through concentric activity of Whereas inertia relates to an object’s resistance
the biceps requires a counterclockwise torque of to being moved or stopped from moving (in a
greater magnitude than the clockwise torque being linear sense), rotary inertia refers to an object’s
produced by the dumbbell. That is, force of the resistance to being spun (angular motion). Linear
biceps multiplied by the torque arm of the biceps inertia can be easily represented by the mass of the
has to be greater than the weight of the dumbbell object; however, in order to calculate the rotary iner-
multiplied by the distance this dumbbell is from tia you need to measure both the mass of the object
the axis of rotation in order to produce concen- and how this mass is distributed relative to the axis
tric elbow flexion. If the opposite is true and the of rotation. A simple example demonstrating this
counterclockwise torque created by the dumbbell concept involves asking an individual to run with-
is greater than the clockwise torque created by out bending their knees. They will obviously not be Q4

the biceps brachii, eccentric elbow extension will able to run nearly as fast this way then when they
be the resulting motion as the muscle will have are able to flex the knee during the swing phase of
allowed the dumbbell to “win.” Isometric activity the running gait. While the legs themselves are not
would occur when the magnitude of the torque changing their mass as the hip flexes and extends,
produced by the muscle is equal to the torque pro- the outstretched leg is maintaining the mass of the
duced by the dumbbell. lower leg and foot relatively far from the hip (axis

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CHAPTER 5 Biomechanics of Human Movement 7


Muscle Torque = F * force arm = 20 lbs * 1.5 feet = 35 ft lbs


Muscle Torque = F * force arm = 20 lbs * 1 foot = 20 ft lbs

FIGURE 5.3 A. A longer force arm with the same mass = more torque required to move the object; (B) A
shorter force arm with the same mass = less torque required to move the object.

of rotation). If instead the runner flexes the knee closer to the wire rendering them more stable and
during the swing phase, this will bring the lower less likely to tip over (angular motion) to one side or
leg and foot closer to the hip (axis of rotation) and the other due to the greater rotary inertia (Fig. 5.5).
in so doing decreasing the rotary inertia and allow- The term balance implies control of equilib-
ing the entire leg to now flex forward at a faster rium, whereas stability is resistance to loss of
rate. This allows for the person to get through the equilibrium. One of the ways individuals increase
recovery (swing) phase in a much shorter time and their stability is by increasing their base of support.
therefore run much faster (Fig. 5.4). This base of support is defined as the two-dimen-
Though this example demonstrates how bringing sional area formed by the supporting segments of
the mass closer to the axis of rotation promotes faster the body (Fig. 5.6). Coaches often ask their play-
rotations, there are instances when rotation is not ers to spread their feet shoulder-width apart ren-
desired and the goal is, then, to increase the rotary dering them more stable. Increasing the base of
inertia. Good examples of this are individuals walk- support enhances stability because it increases the
ing along a tightrope. These daredevils often carry distance your line of gravity has to move before it
a long pole in their hands that is bent down from is ends up outside this base, causing a loss of bal-
weights attached at its ends. The weights serve two ance. Once the line of gravity is outside the base
purposes: it puts mass far away from the performer of support, the body will experience a destabiliz-
and brings the center of gravity of the individual ing torque from the pull of gravity that will tend
to topple the body over. Lowering your center of
gravity also increases stability by decreasing the
magnitude of this destabilizing torque by reducing
distance from your center of gravity to your axis of
rotation (your feet on the ground). Olympic lifting

FIGURE 5.4 There is much more knee flexion during the swing
phase of running (B) than there is when walking (A). This allows
the runner to decrease the rotary inertia of the leg and move it FIGURE 5.5 The pole used by a tightrope walker increases their
much faster. rotary inertia.

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8 PART 1 Basic Science

Narrow/small base of support

Wide/large base of support


Weight vector Weight vector

(center of gravity) (center of gravity)
within the base of not within the base of
support = balanced support = loss of balanced

FIGURE 5.6 The position of the center of gravity relative to the base of support determines whole body
stability and balance.

competitions require not only for the athlete to ball the base of support becomes the portion of
lift the weight above their heads but also need to the ball that is in contact with ground. The stabil-
demonstrate control of the weight by balancing ity challenge can then be altered by how much air
it for 3 seconds. This balance is difficult due to you put in the ball. If the ball is pumped up with
the high center of gravity position since it is not a lot of air, it will be very rigid and you will be
uncommon for these athletes to be lifting more balancing on a really small area of the ball. This
than two times their own body weight. Therefore, makes maintaining balance more difficult as the
a shorter lifter would have a stability advantage base of support is extremely small. To make this
over a much taller lifter as the same small move- challenge easier, you can remove air from the ball
ment of the load would produce a greater destabi- so that the ball become softer and more of it then
lizing torque in the taller lifter. The most unstable comes in contact with the ground, increasing the
foot position possible in a human being is stand- base of support.
ing on one foot. When standing on one foot our Friction can sometimes be used to increase
base of support becomes the length or width of the difficulty of a certain task or exercise. The two
the foot, and if the center of gravity falls outside of factors related to friction are the nature of the two
the dimensions of the foot, there will be a loss of surfaces attempting to slide past one another (the
balance. The strength and conditioning specialist coefficient of friction) and the amount of force
can use this foot position during many different pressing the two surfaces together (the normal
exercises to train stability. By training in this very force). Monarch cycle ergometers use increased
unstable position, one can further develop the tension of the belt around the wheel to increase
body’s sensory and muscular recruitment strate- the friction and increase the resistance. Football
gies needed to maintain balance. Several pieces of coaches stand on top of blocking sleds to increase
equipment frequently in use in strength and con- the force pressing the sled to the ground and in
ditioning facilities also have the goal of creating so doing making it harder for football players
an unstable surface to allow for the training of the to push the sled across the grass. Application of
ability to maintain balance. talcum powder to the hands in order to remove
One such recent invention is the BOSU ball moisture and get a better grip is an example of
(Fig. 5.7). If we stand on the platform side of this changing the nature of the surfaces in contact.

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CHAPTER 5 Biomechanics of Human Movement 9

the muscle increases. Conversely, as the muscle

is shortened from this optimal length, increasing
numbers of the actin/myosin crossbridges become
overlapped and are no longer able to produce the
power strokes that allow for the production of ten-
sion/force. Therefore, as the length of a muscle
decreases so too does the amount of tension/force
that the active component of muscle can produce.

The use of various methods of resistance training

can produce force-curve characteristics similar to
those of the sport.

The passive component of muscle only produces

force/tension when the muscle is lengthened. You
can think of your muscles as elastic bands. If you
shorten an elastic band beyond its resting length
it does not create any tension/force. The only way
to produce tension/force of an elastic band is to
stretch it beyond its resting length so that it then
tries to snap back to its original shape. Therefore,
when a muscle is shortened the total length–ten-
sion curve involves only the inverted U shape of
the active component. However, as the muscle is
FIGURE 5.7 Using a BOSU ball to alter the size of the base of increasingly lengthened, the tendon and connec-
support during a squatting exercise.
tive tissues are stretched beyond their resting length
and produce an increasing amount of force with
increased lengthening. Therefore, the total tension/
HUMAN MUSCULOSKELETAL force achieved when a muscle is stretched beyond
MECHANICS its resting length is the sum of both the active and
passive components (Fig. 5.8).
There are two types of tissues that can create ten-
Resting length
sion in a muscle: (a) the active component consist-
ing of the acting and myosin muscle proteins and
(b) the passive component consisting of the con-
nective tissue within the muscle belly which comes
Force or tension

together on either end to form the muscle tendon.

The tension/force that can be created by these two
different types of tissues changes as the length of
the muscle changes throughout a movement (4,5).
The length–tension curve for the active compo-
nent of muscle is an inverted “U” shape. The peak
of this curve (where the maximum active tension/ Shortening Lengthening
force can be produced) corresponds to the posi-
tion where the muscle is in an optimal position Active force
to allow the most actin/myosin crossbridges. As Passive force
the muscle is increasingly stretched beyond this Resultant force
length, these crossbridges are torn apart so the
amount of tension/force the active component FIGURE 5.8 The active, passive, and resultant forces for the
of muscle can produce decreases as the length of typical muscle length tension curve.

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10 PART 1 Basic Science

FORCE–VELOCITY–POWER the position of his or her center of gravity or take a

RELATIONSHIP step to widen the base of support to avoid falling.
It has also been shown that as one ages, explosive
Although the amount of force a muscle can pro- strength or power decreases more than the maxi-
duce is important, perhaps more important in mum isometric strength (7), which makes training
many human movements is the velocity at which these fast muscular contractions essential in older
a muscle can develop this force. Often the terms adults. Therefore, an understanding of the relation-
“strength” and “power” are used erroneously ship between force, velocity, and power presented
interchangeably. Strength refers to a muscles abil- in Figure 5.9 (5) is essential for the strength and
ity to produce force in isometric or slow velocity conditioning specialist.
contractions, whereas power refers to a combina-
tion of force production and velocity (6). Training Training at velocities and joint angles specific to the
Q5 only force development at slow speeds (strength) sport will result in the greatest carryover to sport
may have negative implications for a wide range of performance.

Most sports require the application of maximal If a muscle is maximally activated in an attempt
power output rather than force. to produce movements at different speeds, several
important points must be observed:

Obviously, most sporting activities involve high 1. As the speed of concentric contraction
velocity, high power movements and therefore it increases, the force that can be produced dur-
may not be effective to train any athlete to only ing those contractions decreases. Therefore,
be able to slowly develop extremely large forces. the minimum amount of force a muscle can
Also, in order to train older adults to avoid falls, we produce is during a fast concentric contraction.
must be concerned with the velocity of muscular 2. Greater tension can be developed during
contraction as well. If an individual loses his or her an isometric contraction (velocity = 0) than
balance, he or she must move quickly and adjust during any speed of concentric contraction.

Force and power


Eccentric Concentric

Vmax 0 Vmax

FIGURE 5.9 The force–velocity (purple), power–velocity (yellow) relationship.

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CHAPTER 5 Biomechanics of Human Movement 11

3. Muscles can generate their greatest forces PCSA). This is logical as one of the main goals of
while resisting motion during eccentric resistance training is to increase the size and hence
(lengthening) contractions. These eccentric the force-producing capacity of our muscles.
or lengthening velocities are shown as nega- One muscle with an extremely large PCSA in
tive velocities (X axis) in Figure 5.9. It should the human body is the gluteus maximus muscle
also be noted that forces generated during (9). With the force-generating capacity of this
eccentric contractions also rise slightly and muscle being so large, many smaller muscles must
then remain relatively constant as velocity compensate for it if it is not working efficiently.
increases. Therefore, it is important that we train it appro-
4. As was mentioned in the Basic Mechanics priately as extremely common pathologies such as
section, Power = force × velocity. Since force low back pain have been associated with a loss of
and concentric velocity have an inverse rela- neural drive to this muscle—termed “gluteal amne-
tionship (i.e., as velocity goes up, force goes sia” (10).
down), the point of peak concentric power
will occur somewhere between an isometric
and maximum velocity concentric contrac- STRETCH-SHORTENING CYCLE
tion. The in vitro concentric power curve Most human movements begin with motions in
derived from the force–velocity relation- the opposite direction to the intended movement.
ship of skeletal muscle is highly dependent In a vertical jump, this involves the initial flexion
on the movement being tested. Izquierdo of the knee/hips and dorsiflexion of the ankles
et al. (7) demonstrated that the best resis- used to accelerate the center of gravity downward.
tances (forces) for the development of peak This causes an eccentric stretch of the knee/hip
power in the upper body were in the range extensors and ankle plantarflexors that is quickly
of 30% to 45% of maximum isometric force. turned into a concentric contraction of these same
However, for explosive lower body move- muscles to produce the upward motion of the cen-
ments peak power was observed at 60% to ter of gravity, resulting in the jump. This eccentric
70% of maximum isometric force. stretch followed closely by a concentric shorten-
This force–velocity–power relationship can be ing has been termed the stretch-shortening cycle
readily observed in strength and conditioning set- (SSC) of a muscle. If there is a minimal time delay
tings. If we attempt to lift an extremely heavy load, between the eccentric stretch and concentric con-
the velocity of movement will be extremely small traction, it has been shown that there is an increase
as we will need to produce maximal forces to move in the force produced as compared to an isolated
this load and will not be able to get it to move concentric contraction (11). The magnitude of
very quickly. When training with lighter loads we increase in concentric force depends on the move-
are much more able to get the resistance moving ment performed and the resistance being moved,
quickly; however, training with too light a load will but is generally thought to be in the magnitude of
necessitate extremely small forces from our mus- 10% to 20%. Therefore, the SSC is critical in pro-
cles. Therefore, in order to achieve peak power we ducing high force and high power concentric mus-
must choose an appropriate resistance to allow for cular contractions.
adequate speed of movement.
The SSC is inherent in almost all sporting move-
ments and this mechanism is critical for producing
PHYSIOLOGICAL CROSS- high force and power.
The physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) of a JOINT ANGLE AND MUSCULAR
muscle is a measure of how many muscle sarco-
meres are arranged in parallel in that particular
muscle. This has been shown to determine the Muscles pull on bones at a distance from the axis
maximum force generating capacity of the muscle of rotation (joint) and therefore, they produce a
(8). Therefore a bigger muscle (larger PCSA) can torque that attempts to produce angular motion of
produce more force than a smaller muscle (small the bones to which they are attached. The amount

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12 PART 1 Basic Science

Note: Red arrow = hamstring force

Blue line = force arm

FIGURE 5.10 The change in the torque generating capacity (force arm distance) of the hamstring muscles
as the knee joint angle changes.

of torque can be calculated by multiplying the middle, and finally, a third class lever has the force
force by the force-arm distance. As a muscle causes in between the axis and resistance (Fig. 5.11).
movement of the bones, the length of the force arm The distances between the axis and the force
changes. This means that with the same amount of (force arm [FA]) and the axis and the resistance
muscular force, there are changes in the amount (resistance arm [RA]) help determine the types of
of torque generated as the muscle moves the joint movements that each lever system is best designed
through its range of motion. In a simple hinge joint to perform. Those levers with a short RA and a
like the elbow/knee, the flexors (biceps brachii/ long force arm are said to have a large mechani-
hamstrings) are at a mechanical advantage at a joint cal advantage (calculated by dividing the FA by
angle of 90 degrees as the force arm is the longest the RA). This is because large resistances can be
in this joint position. As the joint angle increases or moved short distances with small forces if a lever
decreases, the force arm decreases in length, creating is used that creates this mechanical advantage. For
less torque with the same muscular force (Fig. 5.10). example, if a 180 lb person wants to move a 900 lb
rock, they could do this most effectively by getting
a board and wedging it under the rock and then
LEVERS balancing the board on an object really close to
The arrangement of the bones, muscles and joints the rock (creating the axis of rotation). If the dis-
in the human body create simple machines called tance between the axis and the rock is 2 ft this cre-
lever systems. The anatomical levers of the body ates 1,800 ft-lbs of torque that must be overcome
cannot be changed, but when the system is well in order to move the rock. Therefore, the person
understood, they can be used more efficiently would need to jump on the board 10 ft from the
to maximize the muscular efforts of the body axis to produce the required torque needed to move
(12). The three components of every lever system the large rock, but the resultant displacement and
include the axis (joint), the resistance (weight of hence the velocity of the rock would not be large.
the segment being moved and any attached exter- Human muscle bone levers have the muscles
nal weight) and the force (muscle force). The loca- attached really close to the joints creating extremely
tion of these three components with respect to short FAs. By comparison, our limb segments are
one another will determine the type of lever and relatively long creating much longer RAs. This cre-
most importantly, the movement characteristics for ates a mechanical disadvantage or a velocity/speed
which they are best suited. The lever type is deter- advantage (calculated by dividing the RA by the
mined primarily by which of the three components FA) in human muscle bone levers. This is due to the
is located in between the other two. That is, a first fact that it will take a lot of force to get the resistance
class lever has the axis in between the other two, moving (mechanical disadvantage), but once we get
while a second class lever has the resistance in the it moving it will have a much larger displacement

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CHAPTER 5 Biomechanics of Human Movement 13

First Class


Second -Class


Third Class


FIGURE 5.11 First class, second class, and third class lever systems.

and hence velocity/speed. This concept is displayed provided by this resistance can help accomplish
in research that examined the anatomical differ- the goal of the training session, whether it is sim-
ences in the ankle/foot between a group of collegiate ply to make fundamental human movement pat-
sprinters and a group of height matched nonathletes terns more efficient or to increase strength, speed,
(13). It was discovered that the sprinters had longer or both (i.e., power). The original and most com-
toes and also had 25% shorter Achilles tendon FAs monly used form of resistance simply utilizes dif-
(Fig. 5.12). Therefore, the sprinters had shorter FA ferent forms of mass and the force of gravity. As
and were also able, with their longer toes, to get the
force of the ground pushing back up on their foot
further from the axis of rotation at their ankle, creat- Force Resistance
ing a longer RA. This creates a greater velocity/speed
advantage that may be one mechanical reason why
sprinters can run faster than nonsprinters. Red = Non-sprinters
Blue = Sprinters
FA = force arm
The musculoskeletal system is designed for speed and RA = resistance arm
range of motion rather than high force production.

In strength and conditioning settings, various forms FIGURE 5.12 The differences in anatomy noted by Lee and
Piazza (2009) between sprinters and nonsprinters. Sprinters
of resistance have been used to make movements/ had a shorter force arm and a longer resistance arm, creating a
exercises more challenging. The extra stimulus speed advantage.

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14 PART 1 Basic Science

various technologies have advanced, other forms However, the first half of this equation (ma) is not
of resistance have been developed that have cer- constant as the mass must be accelerated at the start
tain biomechanical characteristics that are differ- of the lift and decelerated at the end of the lift. If a
ent from mass and provide a different stimulus mass is moved extremely slowly through the range
to the human body during training. The follow- of motion, the effect of the “ma” term becomes neg-
ing section will examine several different forms of ligible; however, for rapid movements with large
resistance and discuss how the mechanics of these changes in speed, this term becomes extremely
then produce different training stimuli. This infor- important and can cause great variation in the resis-
mation is important for the strength and condi- tance felt by the muscles throughout the range of
tioning specialist so that the appropriate form of motion. It has been shown that doing high-speed
resistance can be used to accomplish the specific lifts with free-weight resistance requires in excess
functional goal of the training. It is important to of 190% of the weight of the load in order to pro-
tailor the training to the particular goal of the pro- duce these high accelerations (14,15). That means
gram to ensure success. An appropriate analogy that if doing a bench press with 130 lb, the resis-
can be drawn to the engines in our automobiles. tance at the beginning of the concentric phase can
A formula one car (designed for speed) will require actually exceed 250 lb as the momentum of the
a much different engine than a truck designed to eccentric phase is quickly absorbed and the bar is
haul and tow large loads. The strength and condi- accelerated concentrically to a high rate of speed.
tioning specialist needs to choose the appropriate Then, once the weight is moving at a high rate of
form of resistance to ensure that we are building speed, the resistance provided to the muscles can
the correct engines (muscles) to meet the goals of decrease to almost zero if the weight is accelerated
the individual. fast enough that the magnitude of the (m × a) term
The following section will examine the bio- equals that of the (m × g) term. This gives the lifter
mechanics of several different forms of resistance, the feeling that the bar is temporarily floating and
which will be divided into two main categories: (a) almost thrown into the air, which can be dangerous
those that use mass and the force of gravity as the in a bench press movement. This is demonstrated
resistance and (b) those that do not use significant by studies showing that well-trained athletes can
mass and generate the mechanical resistance using spend up to 52% of the concentric phase of a high
other means. speed lift attempting to decelerate and control the
trajectory of the load (16), this leads to a decrease in
the activity of the muscles producing the movement
MASS during this portion of the lift (15).
When using any form of mass as resistance, the Two common forms of mass used as resistance
most important biomechanical concept that the in strength and conditioning settings include (i)
strength and conditioning specialist must keep in free weights and (ii) gravity-based machines.
mind is its inherent inertial properties. To be put
another way, mass resists changes to its state of Free Weights
motion. So if it is not moving, large forces must Free weights are often thought to include only bar-
be applied to the mass to get it moving, and once bells and dumbbells but can also come in many
it begins moving, less force must be applied to other forms. Any object that has a mass and allows
keep it moving. Most overlook the fact that, when for 6 degrees of freedom movement of that mass
performing a lift with a 20-lb dumbbell, the resis- can be considered a “free weight.” Other common
tance provided to the human body throughout forms of free weights include: kettlebells, medicine
that lift can vary from much greater than 20 lb to balls, weight vests, weighted ankle/wrist straps,
overcome the inertia of that mass, to almost zero weighted sleds, training ropes, chains, and the sim-
if the mass in accelerated to a high enough speed plest form of resistance of all, the individual’s own
during the lift. body weight. The biomechanics of these forms of
The force the person is applying to the mass can resistance follow the laws of inertia outlined above
best be calculated using the equation F = ma + mg. and always have the resistance acting vertically
The second part of this equation (mg) is constant downward. Therefore, the force needed to move
as the acceleration due to gravity (g = 9.81 m · s−2) these weights vertically can be determined using
and the mass remain constant throughout a lift. the formula F = ma + mg. The force needed to

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CHAPTER 5 Biomechanics of Human Movement 15

Q & A from the Field

Q If the elbow flexors are strongest at 90 degrees of flexion, why is the

“sticking point” in the midrange of the movement?

A The elbow is strongest in flexion at 90 degrees because

the length of the force arm, “the perpendicular dis-
tance from the muscle insertion to the axis of rotation,”
of the motion for an isotonic exercise. Although the
mechanical advantage of the elbow flexors is great-
est at 90 degrees, the increasing length of the RA in a
is maximal at 90 degrees. However, the RA, the perpen- heavy isotonic exercise overcomes this advantage. The
dicular distance from the point of force application to sticking point will occur somewhere near 90 degrees
the axis of rotation, is also greatest in the midrange of flexion.

move these weights horizontally does not need to that use cables and pulleys to allow us to direct the
overcome gravity and therefore can be determined resistance of a mass/gravity upward or horizon-
using F = ma. Therefore, adjusting how much a tally (Fig. 5.13). Older versions of these machines
mass is moved horizontally/vertically can be a would have the user adjust the resistance by add-
good method of progressing and regressing many ing/removing weighted plates but newer versions
different movements as the amount of gravity that of these machines use pin loaded weight stacks to
must be overcome during the movement can be make the adjusting of the resistance much easier.
altered. Engineers have also attempted to design gravity
based machines so that the resistance delivered to
Gravity-Based Machines the individual better matches our muscles ability
The resistance of any mass acts vertically down to produce force across the range of motion of the
which limits our ability to train certain muscle joint. For example, in the free weight bench press
groups. For example, using mass to train a verti- we are limited in resistance by the amount we are
cal shoulder press movement is appropriate but able to move through our weakest point (sticking
in order to train the antagonist movement (i.e., point) near the bottom of the lift. Therefore, our
lat pull down exercise), the gravity force needs to muscles are not getting challenged appropriately in
be redirected. This is accomplished by machines the upper part of the range of motion.

Q & A from the Field

Q Is the full-squat exercise dangerous from a biomechanical


A Any resistance training exercise performed improperly

can cause injury. This increased risk of injury may be
related to excessive volume, excessive resistance, poor
below this “parallel” position. Squats performed appro-
priately do not cause instability at the knee. Good form
is critical to protect the low back in heavy squatting
form, inflexibility, or fatigue. With adequate strength movements. The squat exercise is important to both
and flexibility, any healthy athlete should be able to the general population and athletes because of its
squat safely to the point where the tops of the thighs functionality and similarity to athletic movements and
are parallel to the floor. Depending on the demands of activities of daily living.
the sport, some athletes may benefit from squatting

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16 PART 1 Basic Science

FIGURE 5.13 Two gravity based weight machines that allow the resistance of the mass to be redirected
using pulleys.

This was originally overcome by creating accelerations of the mass will negate the effects of
machines where the user would start the move- these variable resistance designs.
ment in their weakest position (i.e., the bot-
tom position of the chest press movement), but Understanding the mechanics underlying a piece of
with the machine lever arm to the weight stack resistance training or conditioning equipment will
extremely short. As the movement proceeded assist in initial purchase decisions as well as exer-
from bottom to top the machine’s lever arm to cise selection.
the weight stack would increase in length thus
also increasing the resistance felt by the user in
later stages of the lift. Various other gravity based
machines have also attempted to produce a vari-
able amount of resistance throughout a lift using
different designs.
One common design uses a cable or chain that
wraps over a variable-radius cam and alters the
moment arm distance to the resistance (weight
stack) as the user moves through the range of
motion (Fig. 5.14). Again, this allows for the user to
feel more resistance at portions of the lift where the
muscles are mechanically strongest and less resis-
tance where the muscles are less optimally posi-
tioned. However, all of these machines use mass
for the resistance and therefore the speed of move-
ment becomes really important as creating large FIGURE 5.14 A variable radius cam.

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CHAPTER 5 Biomechanics of Human Movement 17


Pneumatic Resistance
In order to overcome the limitations associated with
training at high speed using mass as the resistance,
a technology was developed that creates the resis-
tance with air pressure (17). It has been contended
that this form of resistance does not have the inher-
ent limitations of mass and its inertial properties.
Therefore, high speed training involving large accel-
erations can be performed and the resistance can be
kept relatively constant throughout the movement.
The basic technology involves a compressor pump-
ing air into a cylinder (Fig. 5.15) (more air pressure
= more resistance, less air pressure = less resistance)
equipped with a piston that further compresses
the air during the concentric phase and is pushed
back out by the air during the eccentric phase of the
movement. As the air is further compressed during
the concentric phase of movement the resistance
increases and this is thought to match the force pro-
ducing capacity of our muscles during most move-
ments. The user also has control of the resistance
with hand buttons or foot pedals that can increase
(pump in more air) or decrease (let air out) the
resistance throughout the movement. FIGURE 5.16 A pneumatic resistance machine designed for
high stability by guiding the user through the range of motion.
There has been a wide range of exercise equip-
ment designed using this pneumatic resistance tech-
nology. Some of these include machines designed for movement (see Fig. 5.17). Finally, there have been
high stability that guide the user through the range power racks designed to be able to incorporate both
of motion and train only specific movements (chest mass and air resistance in a wide range of total body
press, leg extension, leg press, etc.) (see Fig. 5.16). 6 degrees of freedom movements (bench press,
There are also cable machines that can be adjusted squat, dead lift, power clean, etc.). These can com-
to provide the resistance in the desired direction for bine different amounts of mass and air resistance
the exercise and allow for a less controlled range of (Fig. 5.18) or can be used with negligible mass and
only air resistance (Fig. 5.19), depending on the
goal of the training session.
Research has shown that pneumatic resistance
allows for greater movement velocities and also
produces greater muscles activity at the end range of
motion as compared to free weights in a bench press
movement (18). This is due to the fact that pneu-
matic resistance contains limited mass and there-
fore does not develop momentum at high speeds.
Athletic movements as well as many movements
in everyday life (i.e., regaining equilibrium after a
loss in balance) require high speed muscular con-
cyli tractions and velocity specific power production.
Therefore, training with pneumatic resistance could
provide some movement specific advantages over
FIGURE 5.15 A Keiser pneumatic resistance machine showing free weights. However, this work also suggests that
the air cylinder (with the piston inside). pneumatic resistance reduces the forces required

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18 PART 1 Basic Science

FIGURE 5.17 Adjustable pneumatic resistance machines that allow for the resistance to be directed in any
direction and allow for much less control of the range of motion.

to use the stretch shortening cycle at the end of trained both concentrically and eccentrically (19).
the eccentric and start of the concentric phase of However, an examination of the differences between
motion (18). Therefore, further investigation is groups subjects training with free weights (concen-
needed to identify the neuromuscular responses of tric–eccentric) and hydraulics (concentric only)
the human body to this alternate form of resistance. revealed no differences in velocity, torque, power, or
force between groups (20). Therefore, there is some
Hydraulic Resistance controversy in the literature regarding the usefulness
Another form of resistance similar to pneumatics of hydraulic resistance in a training program. It can
uses fluid (generally oil) to create the resistance. also be suggested that the elimination of the eccen-
This form of resistance has the movement drive a tric phase created with this equipment may have
piston that forces the fluid through a small open- uses for special populations as it may also decrease
ing creating the resistance. The difference between the muscle soreness experienced by the user.
pneumatic and hydraulic resistance comes in the
compressibility of the fluid being used for the Elastic Resistance
resistance. The air used in pneumatic resistance Various forms of elastic resistance have become
is compressible and, therefore, the forces put in extremely common in strength and conditioning
to compressing it during the concentric phase are settings recently. Elastics provide a variable amount
returned during the eccentric phase. The oil used of resistance throughout a movement as the elastic
in hydraulic resistance is essentially incompress- will produce more force the more it is stretched. It
ible and, therefore, hydraulic resistance does not also provides an eccentric resistance as all the force
provide any eccentric resistance during movement. that went into stretching the elastic will be returned
It has been shown that greater gains in peak as the individual’s muscles control the speed at
torque can be achieved when movements are which the elastic is returned to its original length.

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CHAPTER 5 Biomechanics of Human Movement 19

F Air F Bar F Air

F Air F Air

FIGURE 5.19 Using a bar with negligible mass and only air
resistance in the bench press exercise.

training purposes. However, the strength and con-

ditioning specialist must have a basic knowledge of
all forms of resistance and how they can be com-
bined and altered so that an appropriate stimulus
can be selected to meet the goal of each individual
F Air F Bar F Air training program.
F Plate F Plate

As a strength and conditioning specialist, an
FIGURE 5.18 Combining mass (bar and plates) with pneumatic
resistance in a bench press exercise. important skill is to be able to modify movements/
exercises to (i) increase the difficulty of movement
to further challenge those who have mastered the
Studies comparing the effects of training with basic movement and (ii) decrease the difficulty of
elastic resistance to training with mass as a resis- movement to allow those unable to perform the
tance also provide contradictory results. In a sample basic movement a chance to develop the proper
of sedentary middle aged women, there was found strength and/or muscular recruitment strategies.
to be no differences in several functional and struc- Progressing and regressing movements/exercises
tural measures between training with elastic resis- requires a good basic knowledge of many basic bio-
tance versus training with a weight machine (21). mechanical principles. The simplest progressions
Whereas, in a sample of recreationally trained col- and regressions can be performed by simply manip-
lege students, those who trained by simply doing ulating the variables of the equation presented in
depth jumps (using body weight) increased their the previous section (F = ma). If we assume that
vertical jump height, while those who trained with progressions would generally involve creating
elastic resistance (VertiMax) did not change their movements that require more force production.
jump height after training (22). This can be accomplished by either increasing the
mass or increasing the rate of velocity change dur-
WHAT FORM OF RESISTANCE IS ing the movement (acceleration or deceleration).
Conversely, we could easily regress a movement/
BEST? exercise by decreasing the mass being moved or by
It should be clear from the sections outlined above moving more slowly (requiring less accelerations/
that no single form of resistance is ideal for all decelerations). Although this sounds logical, there

Chandler_Chap05.indd 19 10/19/2011 4:35:09 PM

20 PART 1 Basic Science

are other factors that must be kept in mind. For The strength and conditioning specialist needs a
example, moving extremely slowly through a bench much more complete knowledge of biomechanics
press movement may seem like a regression (less to be able to tailor movement/exercise difficulty to
accelerations) when it may actually make the exercise the level of each individual.
more difficult. Newton’s First Law (Law of Inertia) The following section will use the example of
tells us that an object in motion wants to remain in the single-leg Romanian dead lift (RDL) in order
motion; therefore, getting the bar moving quickly to illustrate how biomechanical principles can be
in certain phases of the lift would require less mus- used to progress or regress a movement/exercise.
cular effort to keep it moving in other phases. This We will begin with a biomechanical description of
becomes important in overcoming points in the the basic movement.
range of motion where the muscle length–tension
relationship and angle of pull of muscle are at their
least optimal (sticking point). Therefore, simply try-
ing to manipulate the variables of that equation in This basic exercise (shown in Fig. 5.20) has several
order to progress/regress movements is not enough. main goals when used in a training program. Some

Hip abd muscle force



Hip extensor
muscle force

FIGURE 5.20 The basic single-leg Romania dead-lift exercise.

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CHAPTER 5 Biomechanics of Human Movement 21

Regression Progression
(Easier) (Harder)

Contralateral Ipsilateral Arms Basic Ipsilateral Contralateral

balance aid balance aid out RDL weight weight

FIGURE 5.21 The single-leg RDL progression/regression continuum.

of these goals include (i) training the hip abductors REGRESSION: ARMS OUT
to increase frontal plane control of the pelvis, (ii)
training the hip extensors in the sagittal plane, and The first basic regression involves doing the exer-
(iii) to train the balance and proprioceptive sys- cise with your arms out in a “T” position as shown
tems in single limb stance. in Figure 5.22. This simple modification of the
If we examine this movement in the fron- exercise spreads your mass out over a larger dis-
tal plane, we can see that the axis of rotation is tance, which increases your rotary inertia in the
created at the hip of the stance limb. Gravity then frontal plane. This increased resistance to angular
pulls on the rest of the body (person’s left in motion makes it easier to keep your center of grav-
Fig. 5.20) and produces a torque that is attempt- ity within your base of support and maintain your
ing to spin the pelvis clockwise. The hip abduc- balance.
tors then produce a force on the other side of
the axis of rotation to counter the body weight REGRESSION: IPSILATERAL
(clockwise) torque with the muscular (counter- BALANCE AID
clockwise) torque needed to maintain a steady
pelvis. In this middle regression, the client would use
In the sagittal plane, tilting of the trunk ante- a balance aid in the same arm as the stance leg
riorly creates a clockwise torque attempting to (Fig. 5.23). This regression does not have an effect
produce flexion at the stance hip. We then have in the frontal plane as the force produced by the
two counterclockwise torques acting on the other balance aid passes directly through the axis of rota-
side of the axis of rotation attempting to pro- tion of the hip and therefore does not increase or
duce hip extension: (a) the torque created by the
weight of the contralateral leg (which will be of
smaller magnitude than the torque created by the
trunk as the mass of a single leg will be much less
than the mass of the trunk) and (b) the muscle
force created by hip extensors that is needed to
absorb the excess trunk torque in the eccentric
phase and overcome it to produce the concen-
tric hip extension needed to return to a standing
We will now examine how a good knowledge
of biomechanics can be used to create three regres-
sions and two progressions of the basic RDL exer-
cise. The following continuum (Fig. 5.21) shows
each of the five exercise modifications that can be
used to make the exercise less challenging (regres-
sions) and more challenging (progressions). Note:
The further the exercise is to the right, the harder
the exercise is; the further the exercise is to the left, FIGURE 5.22 The single-leg RDL exercise—arms out
the easier the exercise is. regression.

Chandler_Chap05.indd 21 10/19/2011 4:35:18 PM

22 PART 1 Basic Science

Hip abd muscle force

aid force

Balance aid force

Trunk weight
Hip extensor
muscle force


FIGURE 5.23 The single-leg RDL exercise—ipsilateral balance aid regression.

decrease the torque required from the hip abduc- REGRESSION: CONTRALATERAL
tors. The effect of this regression occurs in the sagit- BALANCE AID
tal plane as there is another force to help fight the
weight of the trunk that is pulling the stance phase In the third regression, the client would use a
hip into flexion. This decreases the force required balance aid in the opposite arm as the stance leg
from the hip extensors to both slow down the hip (Fig. 5.24). This regression makes this exercise
flexion in the eccentric phase and to create the hip easier in both the sagittal and frontal planes. Since
extension in the concentric phase. the mass is still the same distance from the axis of
The ipsilateral balance aid would also increase rotation of the hip in the sagittal plane, this regres-
the base of support in the anterior–posterior sion would have the same effect on the hip exten-
direction, therefore, making it easier to maintain sors as would the ipsilateral balance aid. However,
balance in this direction. However, it does not this regression decreases the challenge for the hip
increase the base of support in the mediolateral abductors in the frontal plane as the balance aid
direction. produces an extra counterclockwise torque to help

Chandler_Chap05.indd 22 10/19/2011 4:35:20 PM

CHAPTER 5 Biomechanics of Human Movement 23

Hip abd muscle force

aid force

Balance aid force

Trunk weight
Hip extensor
muscle force


FIGURE 5.24 The single-leg RDL exercise—contralateral balance aid regression.

balance the clockwise torque created by the body to the ipsilateral balance aid regression except
weight. This requires less force to be produced by for now the weight is producing a force in the
the hip abductors in order to maintain pelvic sta- opposite direction (downward). This progression
bility in the front plane during the movement. has no effect in the frontal plane as the line of
The contralateral balance aid also increases the action of the weight force passes directly through
base of support in both the anterior–posterior and the axis of rotation of the hip and therefore does
mediolateral directions. This makes it much easier not increase or decrease the torque required from
to maintain the center of gravity within the base of the hip abductors. The effect of this progression
support and maintain balance. occurs in the sagittal plane as the weight produces
an extra clockwise torque that must be absorbed
by increasing the eccentric force created by the hip
The use of various methods of resistance training
The first progression involves adding a weight
can produce force-curve characteristics similar to
(generally a dumbbell) to the same hand as the
those of the sport.
stance leg (Fig. 5.25). This progression is similar

Chandler_Chap05.indd 23 10/19/2011 4:35:24 PM

24 PART 1 Basic Science

Hip abd muscle force




weight Weight

Hip extensor
B muscle force

FIGURE 5.25 The single-leg RDL exercise—ipsilateral weight progression.

PROGRESSION: CONTRALATERAL torque that must be absorbed by increasing the

WEIGHT force created by the hip extensors is the same in
both progression conditions.
The second progression involves adding a weight
to the opposite hand as the stance leg (Fig. 5.26).
This progression makes the exercise more challeng- Summary
ing for both the hip extensors and hip abductors.
Now, the downward force produced by the weight A good fundamental knowledge of biomechanics
is also producing a clockwise torque in the frontal is essential for any strength and conditioning pro-
plane and therefore the hip abductors must pro- fessional. This knowledge is imperative in order to
duce a much greater force to keep the pelvis stable. ensure the prescribed exercises are tailored to the
The effect of this contralateral weight in the sagittal correct level, using the correct form and amount of
plane is the same as with the ipsilateral weight as resistance, and reinforcing the appropriate move-
the dumbbell is the same distance from the axis of ment pattern to achieve the functional goals of the
rotation of the hip; therefore, the extra clockwise training session as quickly and safely as possible.

Chandler_Chap05.indd 24 10/19/2011 4:35:29 PM

CHAPTER 5 Biomechanics of Human Movement 25

Hip abd muscle force



weight Weight

Hip extensor
B muscle force

FIGURE 5.26 The single-leg RDL exercise—contralateral weight progression

Maxing Out
1. You want to incorporate some Olympic lifting into the resistance machines and at slow speed. His rationale
strength and conditioning program for the volleyball is that he does not want the athletes injured in the
team. Problem is the athletes are having real trouble weight room. From your biomechanics knowledge
learning to perform the lifts correctly. How could you do not believe such a program is optimal but you
biomechanics be used to assist you in teaching the have to convince the coach. Write a discussion paper
athletes? outlining the basis for including ground supported,
2. The football coach has told you that he only wants his multijoint movements including high speed exercises
players completing single joint exercises on pin-loaded such as jump squats and Olympic lifts.

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26 PART 1 Basic Science

Extending the Application of a Simple Contact Mat Timing System to Derive More
Pertinent Mechanical Measurements
BACKGROUND for maximum height landing back on the mat. The
You have just been employed as a strength hands are to be held on the hips throughout the test.
and conditioning coach with a small college At the end of each trial, the contact time and
that has limited performance testing equip- subsequent flight time will be recorded.
ment and no current budget to purchase more CALCULATIONS
sophisticated equipment. The program has a
simple electronic timing system that can record Flight to Contact Ratio. A useful and easily cal-
contact time and flight time during vertical culated measure is simply flight time divided by
Q6 jumping. In the past, only the flight time has contact time.
been recorded and provided to the athletes and Jump Height. Jump height can be estimated
coaches but you would like to feedback more based on the flight time and the assumption of
extensive information that is more understand- simple projectile motion. The formula is
able and relevant. Jump height = (g × flight time × flight time)/8


One of the problems with just providing flight Work Done. Once jump height has been
time is that the athletes cannot really relate to determined, the work done during the concen-
the measure. They want to know how high they tric phase of the jump can be calculated as
have jumped. Also, in terms of quantifying leg Work = F · d = mass × g × jump height
power flight time does not adequately quantify
the explosiveness of the athlete or account for Absolute Power Output. As we have a measure of
athletes of differing body weights. Based on your contact time prior to the jump, we have an esti-
biomechanics knowledge you recommend to mate of the time over which the work calculated
the coaches that the jumps be performed from above was completed. In most movements, the
an approach run, that the athletes jump onto duration of the eccentric and concentric phases
the mat then jump vertically upward for maxi- are roughly equal, which is a reasonable assump-
mum height, landing back on the mat. You also tion in this case. So the concentric time is equal
recommend record body mass on the day. From to the contact time divided by 2. Absolute power
these additional measures, jump height and is then calculated as the Work done divided by
power will be calculated. the concentric time.
Relative Power Output. Relative power output
IMPLEMENTATION is calculated as absolute power output divided
Each sporting squad is tested prior to a skills ses- by body mass. This gives an indication of the
sion. They are instructed beforehand to avoid power to weight ratio for the athlete.
strenuous activity for the previous 48 hours. relative power = absolute power · body mass−1
Measurement of body mass. Body mass is
measured in kilograms for each athlete using an RESULTS
electronic weighing scale.
Measurement of Jump Performance. As a The following results were obtained on six ath-
group the athletes are instructed in the correct letes and the subsequent additional measures
technique for performing the test. calculated. As you can appreciate, the use of bio-
Stand approximately three strides back from the mechanics principles has provided for a much
contact mat. Step into the mat area, landing with more in depth and relevant analysis of vertical
both feet on the mat, then jump vertically upwards jump performance.

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CHAPTER 5 Biomechanics of Human Movement 27

CASE EXAMPLE (Continued )

Extending the Application of a Simple Contact Mat Timing System to Derive More
Pertinent Mechanical Measurements
Athlete A B C D E F
Mass (kg) 80 78 82 79 69 74
Contact time (s) 0.561 0.493 0.587 0.534 0.521 0.508
Flight time (s) 0.567 0.587 0.543 0.602 0.511 0.519
FLT:CON ratio 1.011 1.191 0.925 1.127 0.981 1.022
Jump height (m) 0.394 0.423 0.362 0.444 0.320 0.330
Work done (J) 309 323 291 344 217 240
Absolute power (W) 1,103 1,312 991 1,290 832 944
Relative power (W · kg ) 13.8 16.8 12.1 16.3 12.1 12.8

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Chandler_Chap05.indd 27 10/19/2011 4:35:46 PM

[Q1] Please check if edit made to the sentence beginning “In the example of…” is OK.
[Q2] Please check if edit mae to the sentence beginning “However, if you are…” is OK.
[Q3] “Picture (a)” and “Picture (b)” have been changed to Figure 5.3A and Figure 5.3B, respectively per
figure citation style. Please check whether the change made is OK.
[Q4] Please check the sentence beginning “They will obviously…” for clarity.
[Q5] Please check the sentence beginning “Training only force…” for clarity.
[Q6] Please check “to feedback more extensive information” for correctness in the sentence beginning “In
the past, only the…”

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