Late Attendance Policy

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Date: 02/08/2018

Late Attendance policy

Regular and on time attendance is essential to the Company’s efficient operation and is a necessary
condition of employment.

The office timings are mentioned below:

Office Staff: 09:00 AM (Custom Employees time 10:30 AM)
Production Staff: 08:00 AM ( Grace time up to 8:15)
Lunch Hour Time 12.30 p.m. to 1.00 p.m. (Office Employees Lunch Time 01.00 p.m. to 1.30 p.m. )

This Policy Applies to all staff employees of Freedom Fragrances.

Policy Elements:
Company employees are bound to follow our employee code of conduct while performing their
Lat coming:
1. Employees are expected to report to work as scheduled and on time. Late coming three
times in a month up to the maximum of 15 minutes is permitted considering it as grace
time. This norm is only a guideline and does not entitle an employee to have a right to
come late.

2. If employee is getting late for some genuine reason beyond permissible grace period,
he can be allowed his duty with written permission from the HOD subject to the actual
salary deduction up to a maximum of two times in a month.

3. Anyone coming late i.e. after office hrs for more than 3 times in a month are marked
'half working day' i.e. ½ day.

4. No employee will be allowed to enter office after 10.30 a.m. It will be deemed that the
employee has taken a leave for the day.

5. It is mandatory for an employee to get the leave application sanctioned from Head of
the Department and HR Department in advance. In case of emergencies, to inform Head
of the department as well as HR Department with reason, so that regular operations
doesn’t affected.

A Finger Print attendance needs to validated at time of entry and exit (even for short intervals needs
to be registered – The software by default calculates First In And Last Out so if you are going for
lunch or meeting etc you need to punch in the finger print reader)
Management Has total right to change or update policy at any time.

Thanking you for your co-operation.

Regards, Regards,
For, Freedom Fragrances, For, Freedom Fragrances,

Salman Attarwala Kifayat Badi

(Director) (HR Manager)
Date: 02/08/2018

Note: It has been observed with regret that many employees take leave
without intimation and sanction in reporting authority as well as HR
Department. . Availing leave without intimation will be treated as unauthorized
leave and its reflects lack of responsibility and is not benefiting your role and
responsibilities in the company.

Note: It’s compulsory to take permission from reporting authority and HR

department when you are going outside of the company or short leave or half

Thanking you for your co-operation.

Regards, Regards,
For, Freedom Fragrances, For, Freedom Fragrances,

Salman Attarwala Kifayat Badi

(Director) (HR Manager)

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