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I finally figured out what makes me happy in life, so that is why I decided

to begin an experience with what I really enjoy and have fun, that thing
that makes me so happy is English.
Since I was little my goal was to learn a lot of languages and to know
about other cultures so I decided to go to a language school, after 8 years
of doing English at school I decided that it would be a good idea to go to
another country to improve my English and learn about their culture so I
talked to my parents and they agreed so that is what I did in 2020/2021 I
went to Ireland in a host family who treated me very well and I enjoyed
myself so much I decided to repeat the experience but in another place, so
that is the reason why I’m writing this essay.
Another very important element in my life is my family, who are giving me
the best education they can and who help me with everything.
I have a 17-year-old sister who is the best sister I could have and who I
have a lot of trust in, my father who is a agronomy engineer and helps me
with all the problems I have, my mum, who was a gym teacher and
actually is a housewife, is the kind of person that dedicates her life to us
and who tries to give us all she can.
Then other important people in my life are my friends, with whom I spend
most of my free time with.
My friends make me so happy and I have a lot of fun with them because
we do a lot of activities together like going to the seaside, playing soccer,
going on a picnic, going shopping…
The reason I want to do this experience is because I want to share my
culture and to know about other cultures, to learn a lot of English, to meet
new people and to have the best experience of my life, I have a lot of close
friends and family members that recommended me to go to the USA so I
decided to follow their advice. I’ve never been to the USA but I can
already tell that it is my favorite country because the main language is
English and because the places and the people.. there are incredibly nice.
Another good point to study there is because I want to do a degree in
English and to be able to do that I need a very good level of written and
spoken English because if in the future I want to live in another country,
that is what I need.
In my opinion, the biggest difference between Spain and the Usa is the
education and the school, since people have told me about schools there
and that is what I really like, I like all kind of sports because I am very
competitive and that is very important in the school and the marks in the
USA. Another aspect like in the school there is the special occasions like
parties and all that, because here in Spain we don’t have anything similar
at school. We only have classes and classes and we don’t do sports at
school, we just do PE twice a week and we don’t even have to do a lot of
So that is why outside the school I play soccer. I started playing soccer this
year in the beginning of september, but before I played soccer I did 11
years of athletics, when I set myself a lot of goals, but finally all comes to
an end and some day you need to leave some things aside and try other
challenges because you only live once and you cannot do the same all
your life, especially if it doesn’t make you completely happy.
So those are all the reasons why I want to go to study one year in the USA.

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