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ABS, see Asset-backed securities CLO, see Collateralized loan obligations

Accrual bonds, 84 Closed-end funds, 193–195
Adjustable convertible notes, 178 CMBS, see Commercial mortgage backed
Adjustable rate preferred stock, 177–178 securities
ARPS, see Adjustable rate preferred stock CMO, see Collateralized mortgage obligations
Asset-backed securities (ABS), 90–98 Collared FRNs, 105
Asset swaps, 231–234 Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs),
Asset swaptions, 238 121–140
Asset switches, 237 Development and market drivers, 121–123
Product mechanics and applications,
Backwardation, 23 123–140
Balance sheet and arbitrage CDOs, 134–135 Balance sheet and arbitrage CDOs,
Basis swaps, 28 134–135
Bonds with debt warrants, 107 Cash flow and market value CDOs,
Bonds with [equity] warrants, 172–173 133–140
Break forwards, 227 Collateralized bond obligations (CBOs),
Butterflies, 217–218 131–133
Buy/write securities, 173–177 Collateralized loan obligations (CLOs),
Calendar spreads, 219–220 Synthetic and structured CDOs, 135–140
Call option, 29–30 Collars, 226
Callable, puttable, and stripped securities, 45–58 Collateralized bond obligations (CBOs),
Development and market drivers, 45–47 131–133
Product mechanics and applications, 47–58 Collateralized loan obligations (CLOs), 130–131
Callable bonds, 47–52 Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs), 60,
Puttable bonds, 52–53 83–90
Stripped securities, 53–58 Commercial mortgage backed securities (CMBS),
Callable asset swaps, 235–236 60, 79–83
Callable bonds, 47–52 Committed capital facilities, 156–157
Callable credit default notes, 116 Commodity-linked notes and loans, 109–110
Callable, puttable, and extendable swaps, Condors, 218–219
224–226 Constant prepayment rate (CPR), 65
Caps, 32–37 Contango, 22
Catastrophe bonds, 147–151 Contingency loans, 158–159
CBO, see Collateralized bond obligations Contingent capital structures, 153–162
CDO, see Collateralized debt obligations Contingent debt, 156–159
CDOs-squared, 140 Contingent equity, 159–162
CDS index tranches, 139–140 Contingent premium options, 230
CLN, see Credit-linked notes Contingent surplus notes, 157–158

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264 Index

Convertible bonds and equity hybrids, 163–179 Financial building blocks, 9–43
Development and market drivers, 163–165 Concepts, 9–16
Product mechanics and applications, 165–179 Risks, 9–11
Bonds with [equity] warrants, 172–173 Time value of money and interest rates,
Buy/write securities, 173–177 11–16
Convertible bonds and variations, 166–172 Derivative instruments, 16–37
Other equity hybrids, 177–179 Exchange-traded derivatives, 36–38
Convertible bonds, 166–172 Futures, 37
Convertible preferred stock, 178–179 Futures options, 37–38
Convexity, 14–16 Options, 37–38
CPR, see Constant prepayment rate OTC derivatives, 16–36
Credit arbitrage, 25–27 Options, 29–36
Credit default swaps, 113–114, 238 Forwards, 17–24
Credit derivatives and synthetic credit positions, Swaps, 24–29
238–245 Financial engineering, 43
Credit-linked notes (CLNs), 113–119, 135–136 Host securities/liabilities, 38–39
Credit risk, 10 Private placements, 38–39
Credit spread forwards, 114, 240–241 Public notes, 38
Credit spread notes, 115 Issuing/repackaging vehicles, 39–43
Credit spread options, 114, 239–240 Investment companies, 42–43
Currency-linked notes, 107–109 Special purpose entities (SPEs), 40–41
Currency swaps, 287 Trusts, 41–42
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
Default notes, 115 (FHLMC), 59, 71–72
Derivative replication, repackaging, and Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA),
structuring, 205–245 59, 71–72, 88
Development and market drivers, 205–207 FHLMC, see Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Product mechanics and applications, 207–245 Corporation
Asset swaps, liability swaps, asset swap Floors, 32–37
packages, 231–238 FNMA, see Federal National Mortgage
Callable, puttable, and extendable swaps, Association
224–226 Forward interest rates, 14–16
Credit derivatives and synthetic credit Forward rate agreement (FRA), 19–21
positions, 238–245 Forward swaps, 228–229
Multi-option strategies, 215–219 Forwards, 17–24
Multiple swap/option positions, 214–215 FRA, see Forward rate agreement
Other structured derivatives, 226–231 Fund of funds, 197
Swaptions, 220–224 Futures, 37
Synthetic long and short options and swaps, Futures options, 37–38
Differential swaps, 229 GNMA, see Government National Mortgage
Dual coupon currency swaps, 230 Association
Dual currency bonds, 108–109 Government National Mortgage Association
Duration, 13 (GNMA), 59, 71–72
Guaranteed investment contract, 53
Earthquake bonds, 148–149
Equity-linked notes, 110–113 Hedge funds, 195–200
ETFs, see Exchange-traded funds Hurricane bonds, 148
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs), 200–203
Exchangeable bonds, 172 IAR [swap], see Index amortizing rate swap
IAS 39, See International Accounting Standards
FAS 133, See Financial Accounting Standards 39
133 ILS, see Insurance-linked securities
Financial Accounting Standards 133 (FAS 133), Index amortizing rate (IAR) swap , 225
257–259 Insurance-linked securities (ILS), 144–153
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Index 265

Insurance-linked securities and contingent capital, Mortgage-backed securities, 62–90

141–162 Collateralized mortgage obligations,
Development and market drivers, 141–143 83–90
Product mechanics and applications, 143–162 Pass-through securities, 69–83
Contingent capital structures, 153–162 Mortgage-backed securities, 62–90
Contingent debt, 156–159 Multiple peril bonds, 149–150
Contingent equity, 159–162
Insurance-linked securities (ILS), Noncatastrophe bonds, 151–153
Catastrophe bonds, 147–151 OAS, see Option adjusted spread
Noncatastrophe bonds, 151–153 Open-end funds, 186–193
Interest coverage, 129 Operating risk, 10
Interest only (IO) [strip], 53–58, 60, 88–89 Option adjusted convexity, 50–51
Interest rate-linked notes, 104–107 Option adjusted duration, 50
Interest rate swaps, 24–27 Option adjusted spread (OAS), 50, 67–68
International Accounting Standards 39 (IAS 39), Options, 29–36
257–259 Overcollateralization, 128–129
International Swaps and Derivatives Association
(ISDA), PAC, see Planned amortization class [bond]
Framework, 250–255 Pass-through securities, 69–83
Master Agreement, 251 PERCS and synthetic PERCS, 176–177
Inverse floaters, 104 Pfandbrief, 76–77
Investment companies, 42–43 Planned amortization class (PAC) [bond],
Investment funds, 181–203 86–87
Development and market drivers, 181–184 PO [strip], see Principal only [strip]
Product mechanics and applications, Prepayments, 62–67
184–203 Price spreads, 216
Closed-end funds, 193–195 PRIMES and SCORES, 175–176
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs), 200–203 Principal only (PO) [strip], 53–58, 60, 88–89
Hedge funds, 195–200 Put-call parity, 36
Open-end funds, 186–193 Put option, 30
IO [strip], see Interest only [strip] Put-protected equity, 161–162
ISDA, see International Swaps and Derivatives Puttable asset swaps, 236–237
Association Puttable bonds, 52–53

Knock-out floater, 106 Range floaters, 106

Knock-out forwards, 227–228 Ratchet collared FRNs, 105
Real estate investment trust (REIT), 70
Leveraged inverse floaters, 104–105 REIT, see Real estate investment trust
Liability swaps, 234–235 Repackaged bonds, 117
Life insurance securitization, 152–153 Residual value bonds, 151–152
Liquidity risk, 10 Reverse convertible bonds, 172
Loss equity puts, 159–161 Risk, legal, and regulatory issues, 247–259
Legal controls, 249–255
Mandatory convertible bonds, 172 ISDA documentation framework, 250–255
Market risk, 10 Regulatory and accounting issues, 255–259
Maturity shortening, 118 Accounting treatment, 257–259
MBS, see Mortgage-backed securities Regulatory capital, 255–257
Mortgage- and asset backed securities, 59–98 Regulatory review, 257
Development and market drivers, 59–62 Risk and financial controls, 247–249
Product mechanics and applications, 62–98 Internal audit, 249
Asset-backed securities, 90–98 Internal financial and operational controls,
Credit card securitizations, 91–94 248–249
Home equity loan securitizations, 94–95 Market, liquidity and credit risk
Other asset-backed securitizations, 95–98 management, 247–248
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266 Index

Semi-fixed swaps, 228 Drivers of activity, 3–5

Separate Trading of Registered Interest and New product design, 6–7
Principal Securities (STRIPS), 46 Synthetic and structured CDOs, 135–140
Single tranche CDOs, 138–139 Synthetic asset positions, 212
SLMA, see Student Loan Marketing Association Synthetic bonds, 119
Soft bullet, 93, 96 Synthetic equity warrants, 113
Special purpose entity (SPE), 40–41 Synthetic interest rate and currency swaps, 215
Special purpose reinsurer (SPR), 143 Synthetic option positions, 212
SPE, see Special purpose entity
SPR, see Special purpose reinsurer TAC, see Targeted amortization class [bond]
Step-up notes, 107 Targeted amortization class (TAC)[bond], 87–88
Straddles, 216 Time value of money, 11–16
Strangles, 216–217 Total return swap (TRS), 114
Stripped securities, 53–58 Total return swap credit-linked notes, 115
STRIPS, see Separate Trading of Registered Trade credit securitizations, 152
Interest and Principal Securities TRS, see Total return swap
Structured notes and loans, 99–119 Trusts, 41–42
Development and market drivers, 99–102
Product mechanics and applications, 102–119 UIT, see Unit investment trust
Commodity-linked notes and loans, 109–110 Unit investment trust (UIT), 194, 200
Credit-linked notes (CLNs), 113–119
Currency-linked notes, 107–109 VADM, see Very Accurately Defined Maturity
Equity-linked notes, 110–113 [bond]
Interest rate-linked notes, 104–107 Very Accurately Defined Maturity (VADM)
Student Loan Marketing Association (SLMA), [bond], 88
Superfloater swaps, 230 Waterfall, 127
Swaps, 24–29 Weather bonds, 151
Swaptions, 220–224 Windstorm bonds, 149
Synthetic and structured assets
Development of, 2–3 Zero coupon convertible bonds, 171

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