Kourte Actione Complete and Header District Court 38-1-01 February 23 2024 1:00 PM

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Empire State At Morocco

United States At North Amexem

Moroccan Nationall Reepublic Federall Governmente
Pennsylvania Government At Shakamexem Land
 ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ 
Moroccan Divyne Ande Nationall Muvemente Ov The Earthe
Northe Weste Amexem ❤ Northweste Alkebulan ❤ Northe Amexem ❤ The Northe Gate

turtle island ❤ all addjoining isslands
 ~ tempel ov the moon ande sun ~ 
the true ande de jure naturall asiatic nubian peeples ❤ heirs ov the lande
 ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ i. self. law. am. master. ~ 

default notice to affidavid uf writtene innitiall unniversall

kommerciale kode 1 phinansinge statemente liene
judgment by acquiescence nonresponse kousular kourte actione to appear
(exercise of constitution for the united states for north america- secured rights)
10th Sha’ban 1445 [February 20, 2024]

all rize ande stande ande reemain standing innto perpetuitee. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente
artiklle iii moroccan national konsular kourte acctione. i am sovereigne livinge justice: john jamie
easley en capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in
proprio heredes. my sovereign chozen appellatione is akil kemnebi easley el en capitis diminutio
nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. we are the
origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al moroccan nubian Asiatics ascendents ov the
greate pharoahs ov kemet ande ov the annciente moabites ande canaanites. our fulle faithe ande
truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves for we are the
peepel who are the origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne annciente empire state at morocco ande
the de jure moroccan nationall reepublic federall governmente. we herebye exxercise all
sovereigne rights at this time ande at all pointes in time nunq pro tunq.

no UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY CITIZEN has personam jurisdiction over

me or any other moroccan national.
i am the law and i am the government.
today we are here for a universal sovereign konsulate kourte action. the cause of action is an
unlawful occupation of sovereign original indigenous land.
the date of this kommande to appear in kourte is 2024 February 24 at 1:00 or 3:00 pm, eastern standard time.
kourte action video on FreeConferenceCalli

to corporate debter #1: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Alfarano, Marc A.] dba MAGISTRATE DISTRICT JUDGE DISTRICT COURT 38-1-01; 5293 0654 1705 3554; 9214 89690099 9790 1154 5820 29]
and all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs thereuf
to corporate debter #2: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Castillo, Ester J.] dba COUNTY CLERK JUDGE STAFF and all heirs assignes principalls agentes derivatives thereuf
to corporate debter #3: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next
[Davis, Dr Jacqueline Bailey] dba CHIEF OF POLICE NORRISTION all heires assignes principalls agents derivatives thereuv
to corporate debter #4: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[O’Donnell, Thomas M.] dba FIRE CHIEF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs thereuf
to corporate debter #5: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Vest, Michael] dba DIRECTOR PUBLIC SAFETY all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs thereuf
to corporate debter #6: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Kilkenny, Sean P.] dba SHERIFF MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT HOUSE all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs thereuf

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to corporate debter #7: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Schreiber, Lori] dba CLERK OF COURT MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT HOUSE all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs thereov
to corporate debter #8: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Winder, Jamila H.] dba CHAIR OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS and all heires assignes principals agentes ande derivatives thereov
to corporate debter #9: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Savoth, John] dba ESQUIRE DEPUTY COURT AMINISTRATOR, SPECIAL COURTS ande all heires assignes principalls agentes ande derivativs
to corporate debter #10: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Makhija, Neil] dba VICE CHAIR BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS] ande all heires assignes principalls agentes ande derivativs thereov
to corporate debter #11: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Dibello, Thomas] dba COMMISSIONER BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ande all heires assignes principalls agentes ande derivativs thereov
to corporate debter #12: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Schmidt, Al] dba SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs thereuf
to corporate debter #13: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Shapiro, Josh] dba GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs thereuf
to corporate debter #14: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Garrity, Stacy] dba PENNSYLVANIA TREASURY all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs thereuf
to corporate debter #15: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Benn, Don] dba PENNSYLVANIA STATE CONSTABLE all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs thereuf
to corporate debter #16: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Clinton Wakefield] dba president PENNSYLVANIA STATE CONSTABLE all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs thereuf
to corporate debter #17: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Biesecker, David] dba Secretary PENNSYLVANIA STATE CONSTABLE all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs thereuf
to corporate debter #18: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Ludwig, Michael] dba Treasure PENNSYLVANIA STATE CONSTABLE all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs thereuf
to corporate debter #19: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Teller, Steve] dba Director PENNSYLVANIA STATE CONSTABLE all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs thereuf
to corporate debter #20: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Collins, Roger] dba Director PENNSYLVANIA STATE CONSTABLE all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs thereuf
to corporate debter #21: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[ Oliver, Anthony] dba Director PENNSYLVANIA STATE CONSTABLE all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs thereuf
to corporate debter #22: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Bernstiel, Mark A.] dba CHIEF COUNTY DETECTIVE all heires, assignes , principals, agents derivativs thereof
to corporate debter #23: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Mcshea, Gerard B.] dba CAPTAIN PENNSYLVANIA TROOP K STATIONS ande all heires assignes principalls agentes ande derivativs thereuf
to corporate debter #24: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Paris, Christopher L.] dba COLONEL COMMISSIONER PENNSYLVANIA TROOP K STATIONS all heires, assignes , principals, agents derivativs
to corporate debter #25: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Kehs, Michael] dba COURT ADMINISTRATOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT HOUSE all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs
to corporate debter #26: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Soltysiak, Lee] dba CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT HOUSE all heires assignes principalls agentes derivativs
to corporate debter #27: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Henry, Michelle A] dba ATTORNEY GENERAL COMMONWEALTHE OF PENNSYLVANIA ande all heires assignes principalls agentes ande
derivativs thereuf
to corporate debter #28: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Todd, Debra] dba CHIEF JUSTICE SUPREME COURT COMMON WEALTHE OF PENNSYLVANIA ande all heires assignes principalls agentes
ande derivativs thereuf
to corporate debter #29: state your name and nationality for the record, pause 2 seconds and go to the next.
[Monson, Uri] dba SECRETARY OFFICE OF THE BUDGET COMMONWEALTHE OF PENNSYLVANIA ande all heires assignes principalls
agentes ande derivativs thereuf

silence is acquiescence; so therefore, those who do not speak when commanded, have consented
to our sovereign jurisdiction.
and this judgment; all sequential judgments and commands by this court, we the original
indigenous sovereign of the land, hereby state for the record, that those names called are guilty of
unlawful occupation over sovereign indigenous lands.
all property that you have in your possession is hereby returned to the original sovereign; and
you have 24 hours to physically return all property, and 72 hours to turn yourself over to the
moroccan sharif, grand army of the republic provost marshal, and/or the nearest military base.
should you decide you do not want to accept and consent to subject status, this court action is
this credit instrument is unlimited in ancestral, current and future living noble natural sovereign divine rare earth
mineral value. the unlimited value of this credit instrument is based on the value of the rare earth elements, chemicals,
minerals, supreme spiritum, consciousness, cells, and rare {deoxy} ribonucleic acid composition of the creators that is
found only in the moroccan asiatic nationals and can only be created by the moroccan asiatic nationals. the expressed
value is available as credit to the creators and their noble natural sovereign divine rare earth mineral moroccan asiatic
heirs on command.
knowtice to agente is knowtice to principall. knowtice to principall is notice to agente.
for the record to be read into the record and letting the record show
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upon my inherited status, i, akil kemnebi easley el (john johnny easley en capitis diminutio nolo), being a descendant of
the ancient moabites in other respect known as – al moroccan – moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my oath to the
‘five points of light’ – love, truth, peace, freedom, and justice; being competent (in my own proper person) to attest to this
affidavit upon which i place my autograph; whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the following to be true, correct, not
misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, ‘colored’ or improper use or purpose.all sovereigne
origeneall inndigeneous annciente empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moor moroccan nationall reepublic federall
governmente dockumentes are on the pubblic reckorde at al moroccan, annciente morocco, northe weste amexem, northe
weste alkebulan, the northe gate, turtle islande, gaia', midguarde, earthe.
chronos time immemoriall inn to perpetuitee nunc pro tunc.
ego sum justises/viziers/ministars: .
autograph: john jamie easley Living Soul © all right reserve without prejudice

all soverigne origeneall enndigeneous moroccan nationalls autograffs fore this ande all sovereigne
united states for morocco governmente dockumentes are on thee publick wreckord at the moroccan empire.
justises/viziers/ministars en propria persona sui juris en proprio solo ande en proprio heredes.
all sovereigne rightes exxercised at all tymes.
northe amexem/ north weste alkebulan / south amexem / northe gate / addjoininge isslamds
united states at morocco
moroccan nationall reepublick federall governmente
c/o 26 meadow lane
montgomery norristown pennsylvania land
pennsylvania districte at shakamexem
sion ne shakamexem
natural area code 87g64jhv+v3
latitude north 40̊.129688 longitude west +75̊.357313
0° 7' 46.8084'' north + 75° 21' 25.9488'' west
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo

no thinge en this law full affidavid, nor oure spokin affidavids, nor our sylent affidavids shalle be enterpreted ohr konnstrued as konnsente to
anye jurisdicshun that is knot en the jurisdicshun ov ourr ansciente anncesstrall ennherited esstate at any pointe en tyme.

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Kourte Action for None Response Acquiescence District Court 38-1-01


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