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on exam results’ day, there goes a young girl out and about to try to put the
apprehension out of her head. Her attention suddenly snapped across the street as
she walked along, with her mind in another world. She saw an interesting incident
There was an instance where a man sat in the car that was parked and
ready to go. This peaked her curiosity more when yet another man started heading
towards the vehicle. Much to her shock, he got out of the car, sat down behind the
wheel and drove off gracefully. Intrigued as to why these things were happening to
her, the girl opted to inquire more about it.

Unraveling the mystery upon reaching the car park site. She thought it was
a man at first, but he was sitting on a bicycle placed at the back of the car. By this
time, the two elements were at a particular angle and alignment creating an
illusory image that deluded the girl’s mind in contradiction with her presumptions.

This simple yet illuminating moment taught me that things are not always
what they seem. It was crystal clear that one should not judge a book by its
cover. Through this incident, the girl learned to take into consideration all issues
and realized that appearances can deceive. The narrative concluded with a
valuable piece of advice: when arriving at the most true opinion on any matter, it is
necessary not to be lazy but to go deeper in order to consider all possible
viewpoints in relation to this situation. Therefore, the girl took this message with
herself as she always made sound judgments having scrutinized facts properly.


The global incidence of unintended pregnancies presents an important issue
affecting women the world over, but it is increasingly evident within the
Philippines. These include a poor prenatal care, unsafe abortions, psychological
effects, economic effects, stigma on contraceptives and a lack of the reproductive
healthcare availability. Such issues include complicated, and culturally specific
barriers to service provision in the Philippines. Such issues need comprehensive
approaches taking into consideration culture sensitivity, easy access to health care
and non-stigmatized reproductive health services for better lives to all women
worldwide including in the Philippines.
There are social constraints that contribute to the increase of unintended
pregnancies in the Philippines. The reasons include but not limited to social
stigmatization on the utilization of contraceptives within Philippine society and
difficult access to family planning facilities. Contraceptive use is associated with
social and religious taboos that make people, particularly women, avoid seeking for
or using them due to fear of condemnation. Geographical obstacles and conservative
policies also hinder people’s ability to access reproductive health services for
informed family planning decisions. Combined use of this mixture can increase the
chances of unwanted pregnancies with consequent psycho social and economic
implications. This problem should be tackled by de-stigmatisation of contraception
use, increasing healthcare services and empowerment towards family-planning

However, there are reasons for objecting to its use with some calling it anti-
life, unnatural or immoral. Most times these objections are based on the idea that
contraception disturbs the flow of nature in relation to sex and
reproduction. Contraceptives may seem irrelevant at a point.
This proposition stems from the belief that the act of sex should naturally have
conception embedded within it. However, a critical look at this point of view shows
that contraceptives are very important in ensuring responsible family planning that
considers aspects like health, family size, and socio-economic factors.

Holistic perspective is stressed in the paragraph which points out about

possible life and medical status of woman and her reproductive abilities. This broad-
based framework influences the language about contraception by departing from
dualist discourse. Instead of considering contraception as merely life-barring
methods used by women, a discussion on this issue expands its vision to
acknowledge contraception as instruments that provide women a choice on what is
good for her health and reproductive targets. By highlighting various aspects,
debates on possible life or girls’ freedom in making reproductive choices can be
more sophisticated. The core ideology revolves around the comprehensive aspect
that is crucial for the discussion in contraception, which involves values, ethics, and
individual rights.

There are many advantages that contraceptives give to women’s health
henceforth creating an environment whereby society also moves
forward. Furthermore, contraceptives especially oral contraceptives have positive
implications on women’s general health. These relieve women of pain during periods
as well as reducing the duration of cycles and the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
Moreover, contraception is aimed at reducing incidents of reproductive tumours,
notably, ovarian and endometrium cancers. Contraceptives protect the physical
health of women as well as ease emotional distress due to disease conditions whose
incidence is reduced through a lowered population growth rate.

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