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SKEE 4613, 20182019 Sem 2 Test 1

General Instructions: Please answer Q1 and Q2 on the blank sheets of paper. Please answer Q3 and 4 in this question sheets. You may add
extra sheets of paper and staple them. You are advised to write your name in each sheet of answer.

1. Figures Q1 below shows a general set up for an impulse generation circuit and impulse
voltage measurement circuit respectively for a withstand voltage test. With respect to
the figure, answer the questions below based on guidance from your IEEE Standard 4.
The test is meant to examine the insulation strength under standard laboratory lightning
and switching impulse testing. [Total : 44 Marks]

Figure Q1
a. In performing the test, list down parameters we should measure to assure that
we are applying the correct lightning or switching impulse at the desired level of
electrical pressure. [8 Marks]

b. What are the accepted values for the timing parameters above that represents
switching and lightning impulse? [10 Marks]

c. Which clause in IEEE Standard 4 mentions these information for (b)? [2 Marks]

d. How do we adjust the setup components to get different waveforms? [5 Marks]

e. Through which component (refer labels used in Figure Q1) should we measure
the impulse waveform as results for the test and what equipment is used for that
measurement? [4 Marks]

f. Sketch examples of waveform with a disruptive discharge, and a partial disruptive

discharge, complete with rise and fall time indications. [10 Marks]

g. If there is a disruptive discharge, what can be observed as proof of discharge?

[5 Marks]

2. Describe the items below, [Total :18 Marks]

a. type test or acceptance test [6 marks]

b. routine test [6 marks]

c. performance test [6 marks]

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SKEE 4613, 20182019 Sem 2 Test 1


3. Define the terms listed below with brief examples that can distinguish the differences
between them [Total :18 Marks]

a. Sparkover [6 marks]

b. Flashover [6 marks]

c. Surge [6 marks]

4. The questions below are only related to section 5 & 6 of your IEEE Standard 4.
a. You are the auditor for the testing laboratory that is setting up the HVAC test. It is
meant for a withstand test. A sample of an audit form is given in the next page
(Table 1). Complete the blanks in the form in your answer sheet. [Total: 20 marks]

Table 1: Sample of blank Laboratory audit form

Pass or
Clause Item to consider Specification

5.1 [ 1 mark] [ 4 marks] Pass

5.2 [ 1 mark] [ 4 marks] Pass

Frequency 45 to 65 Hz, Vrms =/- 5%, THD less than [ 1 mark] Pass

+/- 5% of specific voltage level for 5 min test or Test voltage tolerance Pass

6.2.2 Generation of the test voltage [4 marks] Pass

Peak or rms value of the test [ 4 marks] Pass

Rate of rise of 75% of full voltage is within s% rise a

6.4.1 [ 1 mark] Pass

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