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C.C.S.S. students are treated in as a mature way as possible. Students are expected to
behave as young adults. This includes; cooperation with rules and staff,
consideration for classmates, care of school property, productive work in class and
showing respect.

RESPECT is the guiding principle at CCSS Alternative. We expect all students to
adhere to the following guidelines.

Students are expected to

be prepared to start class promptly
do quality work for a full period
follow teacher’s instructions
demonstrate cooperation and positive behavior
maintain regular attendance

Students will participate in all daily school activities as offered. This includes
activities which may not be credit related. Students should plan on staying in
school all day to achieve the most educational advantage.

Compass quarterlies will be used to determine the grade for the class.
Writing and math prompts must be completed before class credit is awarded.

Good attendance is encouraged.

Class starts promptly at 8:30. If a student cannot arrive by starting time, they
may not be allowed to come to school until either lunch break or the
following day. No late arrivals unless approved by the teacher with either a
note or phone call form the parent.

If a student leaves school at any time of the day, they cannot return until the
following day.

No putdowns, gossip or abusive/insulting language, sexual harassment, lying,

forgery or cheating.

No disrupting classes or interfering with the right to learn, work and teach.

No littering, graffiti or destruction of property.

Rough housing or intentional physical contact of any kind is not permitted.

No smoking or use of tobacco products in the building. The use of tobacco

product is not encouraged. Law enforcement is invited to monitor the
grounds at anytime for illegal use.

Violence, fighting, victimizing, stealing, possession of weapons, explosives,

drugs or alcohol are absolutely prohibited and may result in suspension,
expulsion and/or arrest.

Students arriving and leaving the building must do so in an orderly manner.

Loitering in or around the building is not tolerated.

I understand and will comply with the expectations of CCSS Alternative High School.

Name____________________________________________________________________ Date___________
(Student name)

If my son/daughter leaves school without my knowledge I would like to be

 Yes No

Parent Signature_______________________________________________________ Date________________

Parent Phone_____________________________ Parent e-mail___________________________________

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