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Jl. Kenangan 3, Medang, Pagedangan

Primary Division Class: P6 _____________________
1st Semester Academic Year 2023- 2024 Day and Date:

Final Test Review Paper Score Remarks Signature

Subject : Science
Topic : Water and weather and Earth’s Surface
Objectives : Students are able to:
1. Recall what have been learnt.

I. Multiple Choices
Cross the letter of the correct answer.

1. What do you call the blanket of air that surrounds Earth?

a. Lithosphere
b. Stratosphere
c. Atmosphere
d. Ozone layer
Mark _____/1

2. What do you call the amount of water vapor in the air?

a. Gas
b. Humidity
c. Condensation
d. Precipitation
Mark _____/1

3. What do you call a scientist who studies and predicts weather?

a. Astronomer
b. Meteorologist
c. Chemist
d. Physicist

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4. What do you call the pushing force of the atmosphere?

a. Wind
b. Barometric pressure
c. Temperature
d. Jet stream
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5. Which of the instrument bellow is used to measure the speed of the wind?
a. Anemometer
b. Thermometer
c. Barometer
d. Meter stick
Mark ______/1

6. Which instrument shows the air pressure?

a. Anemometer
b. Thermometer
c. Barometer
d. Gauge
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7. Look at the picture. What does this picture show?

a. Humidity
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b. Circulation
c. Trade winds
d. Wind cycle
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8. What do you call the water that falls on Earth?
a. Storage
b. Evaporation
c. Condensation
d. Precipitation
Mark ______/1

Identify the clouds according to the description.

9. High-level cloud form more than 6km above the ground. This region overlaps the
region for mid-altitude clouds.
Which of the following clouds is described?

a. Cumulonimbus
b. Cirrus
c. Altocumulus
d. Stratus
Mark _____/1
10. Clouds that grow vertically have rising air inside them. The bases of these clouds
may be as low a 1km above the ground. The rising air may push the tops of these
clouds higher than 12km. vertical clouds can cause thunderstorms.
Which of the following clouds is described?
a. Cirrus
b. Cumulonimbus
c. Altocumulus
d. Fog
Mark _____/1

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11. The bases of mid-level clouds are between 2 km and 7 km above the ground. They
look like small, puffy balls. The bottom of the clouds can look dark because sunlight
may not reach them.
Which of the following clouds is described?
a. Cirrus
b. Cumulonimbus
c. Altocumulus
d. Stratus
Mark _____/1
12. Low-level clouds are often seen less than 2km above the ground. They are
low-level clouds that cover the whole sky. They look dark because little sunlight
gets through the layer of clouds.
Which clouds is described?
a. Cirrus
b. Altocumulus
c. Stratus
d. Fog
Mark _____/1

13. This cloud is at ground level. As air near the ground cools, water vapor condenses
into tiny droplets and forms a cloud at or near the ground. As more droplets form and
get larger, it appears thicker. Which of the clouds is described?
a. Cirrus
b. Altocumulus
c. Stratus
d. Fog
Mark _____/1

14. Hydro or water is a source of energy that will never run out. What do you call this
energy that comes from natural resources on earth that will never run out?
a. Inexhaustible energy
b. Renewable energy
c. Nonrenewable energy

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d. Nuclear energy
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15. What do you call the outer-most of earth?
a. Mantle
b. Lithosphere
c. Crust
d. Inner layer

Mark ____/1

16. What do you call the resources that can be replaced?

a. Renewable resources
b. Nonrenewable resources
c. Inexhaustible resources
d. Man-made resources
Mark ____/1

17. Which of the following renewable resources are made by living things or from
recently living things?
a. Fossil fuels
b. Coal
c. Biomass fuels
d. Natural gas
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18. Which of the following source of energy is an environmentally friendly?

a. Biomass
b. Coal
c. Fossil fuels
d. Nuclear energy
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Mark _____/1

19. Which energy should you use in a very sunny, hot places?
a. Geothermal
b. Biomass
c. Wind
d. Solar
Mark _____/1

20. Which energy should you use in a place where there is strong wind?
a. Wind
b. Biomass
c. Solar
d. Geothermal
Mark _____/1

21. What do you call the energy that come from the steam from the Earth?
a. Coal
b. Geothermal
c. Hydropower
d. Fossil fuels
Mark _____/1

22. A nuclear energy and fossil fuels cannot be replaceable once the run out. What do
you call this type of resources?
a. Renewable
b. Nonrenewable
c. Inexhaustible
d. Replaceable
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23. What do you call the unwanted substance added to water, air, or soil?
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a. Pollutant
b. Trash
c. Chemicals
d. Oil
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24. Smoke is an example of pollutant. What can a smoke pollute?

a. Water
b. Air
c. Soil
d. Mind
Mark _____/1

25. Litter is an example of pollutant. What can a litter pollute?

a. Soil
b. Water
c. Air
d. Mind
Mark ____/1

26. Harmful chemicals from factories are examples of pollutant.

a. Water
b. Soil
c. Air
d. Mind
Mark ____/1

27. Resa wants to eat a candy. The candy is wrapped with plastic. What should Resa do
to the plastic wrap after he eats the candy?
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a. Just throw anywhere
b. Throw in the river
c. Throw in the trash bin
d. Put in other people bag.

Mark ____/1

28. Jaychen uses a tissue to wife his sweaty face. He throws the tissue on the floor
without hesitant. What can you advise to Jaychen’s action?
a. Ask Jaychen to pick the tissue and eat it.
b. Ask Jaychen to pick it up and throw in the trash can.
c. Shout at Jaychen because he is undisciplined.
d. Mock Jaychen for his action.
Mark ____/1

29. In you community, there is an action of voluntarism this Saturday to clean up the
surrounding. What will you do with event?
a. Stay at home and play games.
b. Go to the mall and enjoy your day in Starbuck’s.
c. Join the voluntarism to clean up the surrounding.
d. Just watch the people cleaning.
Mark ____/1

30. The government have made rules and regulations that if you throw trash anywhere
you will be fined Rp. 1,000,000. What should you do to abide with these rules and
a. Ignore the rules and regulations
b. Throw your trash in the proper place.
c. Dump your trash in other’s people backyard
d. Burn your trash.
Mark ____/1

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II. True or False
Write true if the statement is correct and false if the statement is incorrect.

1. Predicting weather is not important. False

2. Warm air is heavier that cold air. False

3. There is no air circulation in the atmosphere. False

4. It will be humid if there is a lot of water in the air. True

5. The lithosphere covers all of Earth. False

6. Earthquake can change the Earth’s surface rapidly. True

7. Energy released in an earthquake can destroy things quickly. True

8. Using biomass cannot cause air pollution. False

9. Fossil fuels are inexhaustible source of energy. False

10. Air pollution does not affect the climate. False

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IX. Essay
Answer the question briefly.

1. Compare constructive forces and destructive forces←- question

2. Constructive forces are processes that build up or create features on the Earth's
surface. Examples include volcanic eruptions, deposition of sediment, and
mountain-building. These forces contribute to the formation and enhancement of the
Earth's landscape.
3. Destructive forces, on the other hand, are processes that break down or destroy
features on the Earth's surface. Examples include weathering, erosion, and
earthquakes. These forces lead to the wearing away or removal of the Earth's
surface features.

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4. List three types of pollutants

a. Air pollutants

b. Water pollutants

c. Soil pollutants

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5. Make a poster on how to save energy.

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