Romeo and Jul

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IT WAS HOT SIZZLING DAY IN VERONA, Even though it’s eight oclock. Many people
are busy, people filled the streets and market traders set up their stalls in the
piazza. Sampson and Gregory are bored and want a fight with the Montague’s
(Sampson put his hands on the handle of the sword, then pointed his biting
thumb, the montague’s servants couldn’t ignore so the superior young man
Abraham came to them)
Abraham: ‘Are you biting your thumb at us?’
Sampson: No
Abraham: peace to you then
Abraham was about to leave but Sampson wants to start a fight, he went on the
Montague’s way
Gregory: My master is better than yours
Abraham: You’re a liar!
Sampson: (he drew his swords) come on, draw if you’re a man
They started fighting. (Benvolio enter, he runs toward the fighting servant)
Benvolio: Hey! Stop that! Put your swords away!
He drew his own rapier and charged in among them, trying to part them. ‘Stop!’
he yelled. ‘Stop it!’ A crowd had gathered, attracted by the shouting. Tybalt was
there and saw Benvolio at the center
Tybalt: Hey, Benvolio Fancy finding you fighting with servants.
When Benvolio ignored him he drew his sword and touched the young
Montague’s shoulder with it.
Tybalt: ‘Turn And face your death.’
Benvolio: ‘Forget it, Tybalt..
He shrugged the end of the Tybalt’s sword from his shoulder.
Benvolio: I’m trying to keep the peace. Put your sword away.
Tybalt: Don’t make me laugh. I hate that word. Just as I hate all Montagues. And
especially you!’
Capulets came running
(lord Montague wave his sword, lord capulet saw him)
Lord Capulet: get me my long sword!
Lord Montague: ‘You villain, Capulet! Come out and fight like a man.
Lady montague stopping her husband.
Lady montague: stop it! I wont let you go with a fight
The prince came, parted two families from fighting
Prince escalus: ‘This is the third time that you, Capulet, and you, Montague,
have disturbed the tranquillity of our city and obliged the elders of Verona to
make peace between you If you ever disturb our streets again you’ll pay for it
with your lives. Now go home, all of you
(Exit Prince Escalus and the lords and ladies)
Enter romeo and benvolio
Benvolio: ‘What kind of sadness is this that makes the time drag so?’
Romeo: Out of the favour of the girl I love.
Benvolio: that love such a gentle thing should be rough when it comes down to
Romeo: I don’t want to talk about it
Benvolio: I can tell you how to forget her
Romeo: how? She’s beautiful but not interested in boys. She doesn’t want to
make eye contact with me
Benvolio: get out and look at other girls
Romeo: there’s no way I could forget her. Goodbye Benvolio
Exit romeo and Benvolio
Enter lord capulet and paris
Lord capulet: I can only tell you what I’ve already intimated. My daughter is still
a child, Give it time. In a couple of years she’ll be just about ready for marriage.
Count Paris: Many girls younger than her are mothers already
Lord Capulet: She’s my only surviving child. All my hopes rest on her. Do you
understand what I’m saying? I’ll tell you what. Let’s agree to a compromise. If
she agrees to marry you then my consent will follow.
They shook hands
Lord Capulet: Peter, come here please (Enter peter)
Lord capulet: And now to pleasure. Tonight I’m having a party. There are going
to be a lot of people. Go on, take it. I want you to go all around Verona and find
the people on this list. Tell them they’re invited to my party tonight.
Enter Benvolio, Mercutio and romeo
Mercutio: I received an invitation for the Capulet’s party and I’ve heard that
Rosaline is invited too
Romeo: shall we go in and see what happens? I’m not going to dance
Benvolio: No speeches, speeches are out. Lovers are always in mood for
Romeo: ‘So love’s nothing now, is it? You don’t know what it’s like until you’ve
felt it. It hurts like hell.’
All of them go inside the capulet’s house
Lord capulet is busy organizing the guest and the party
Serving man gave a drink to romeo
Romeo: Who’s that girl dancing with that fellow over there?
Serving man: I don’t know sir
Romeo: I don’t believe what I’m seeing. Such a beauty (stares at Juliet)
(Masquerade dance)
Tybalt saw Romeo
Tybalt: lord Capulet, the boy over there. He’s a Montague. He’s making a
mockery to our festivities
Lord capulet: isn’t he the young Romeo? Let him be
Tybalt: I’m going to kill him
Lord Capulet: no, You’d want to ruin my party? Don’t cross me, I’m warning
The dance is about to end so he make a move. He moves closer to Juliet
Romeo: if my hands are too rough for you, then I have gentle lips to soothe you
Juliet: if our hands touch like this what they’re doing is kissing. See? What a
lovely kissing
(They kissed)
Nurse: Juliet! Juliet! Your mother wants a word with you.
Romeo winked at Juliet. Juliet then hurried off
Romeo: who’s her mother?
Nurse: (laughed) Lady Capulet
Romeo didn’t listen (Exit romeo)
Capulet: who’s that?
Juliet: Oh no ‘I’ve fallen in love with someone I hate! I fall in love and it has to
be with a despised enemy
Nurse: what did you say?
Juliet: nothing
Nurse: it’s bed time
Enter romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio. Romeo saw Benvolio and Mercutio so he
jumped over the orchard wall
Mercutio: ROMEOO?
Benvolio: he was here a moment ago, maybe he’s a ghost. I conjure you by
Rosaline bright eyes!
Mercutio: no wonder he can’t hit his target, let’s go
Exit Mercutio and Benvolio
Enter Romeo in a balcony. Romeo found Juliet
Romeo stares at Juliet. Juliet stares at the sky
Romeo: oh its her!, mylove! (hiding in the orchard’s shadow)
Juliet sighed: oh romeo, romeo. Why are you Romeo? I wish you could stop
being a Montague. Or if you won’t, just say you love me and I’ll stop being a
Capulet. Oh Romeo, throw your name out and take all of me instead.
Romeo: ‘I’ll take you at your word.Just call me ‘Love’ and that will be my new
name. From now on I’m not Romeo.’
Juliet: How did you get here? Tell me that. And why? The orchard walls are high,
and hard to climb. And this place is dangerous, considering who you are. If any
of my family finds you here…
Romeo: With the wings of love. Stone walls can’t keep love out. Love can’t be
stopped so how could your family stop me?’
the Nurse’s voice:‘Juliet? Lamb? Honey Love?’
Juliet to nurse: ‘I’m just coming, Nurse,’
juliet to Romeo: ‘Beloved Montague, be true to me Wait there. I’ll be back.’
Juliet came back
Juliet: Romeo. What time shall I send someone?’
Romeo: ‘At nine.’I must leave now
Juliet; Goodnight Romeo, Gooodbye
Act 2 scene 5
Juliet: Oh honey Nurse! What did he say? Did you find him? Send your servant
away. I knew all those things about Romeo before. What did he say about us
getting married? What about that?’
Nurse: where’s your mother? ‘Have you got permission to go to confession
Juliet: ‘I have.’
Nurse: ‘Then get yourself to Friar Lawrence’s cell as fast as you can. There’s a
husband waiting there to make you a wife. Hurry. I have one more thing to do. I
have to get a rope ladder so that your lover can climb up to your love nest as
soon as it’s dark. Go on Hurry.’
(in the chapel)
Friar Lawrence: May Heaven bless this holy ceremony so that we won’t regret it
Romeo: yes, You just join our hands with holy words and after that it doesn’t
matter what happens: it’s enough that she’ll be my wife.
Juliet runs rapidly
Juliet: As usual, you say ridiculous things,You speak extravagantly. And don’t
talk about imagined love. Our love is real. And people who can count their
wealth are poor: my true love has grown so huge that I couldn’t measure half of
Friar Lawrence: Enough, Go with me now. Follow
Enter Tybalt and romeo in the piazza
Romeo was out of breath when he reached them. He drinks the fountain water
Tybalt: Romeo, you are a scoundrel
Romeo turned and Tybalt start raising the sword
Romeo: ‘I have good reasons for excusing this behaviour of yours. But don’t call
me a scoundrel. I’ll say goodbye now. It‘s best to ignore you if you ‘re going to
be like this.’
Tybalt stabbed Mercutio and romeo got angry
Mercutio: help me go into the house Benvolio.
Benvolio then go inside the house
Benvolio: Mercutio’s dead
Tybalt: you wretched boy, you’re going next
Romeo: this will decide that
They fighted. Romeo almost got killed, and Tybalt is now dead
Mercutio to Prince: Tybalt started the fight, he killed Mercutio and now he
wants to kill romeo
Prince: and for that we must exile Romeo
Enter romeo and Juliet in juliet’s room
Romeo lay down beside Juliet and kissed her
Romeo: its already morning. The clouds in the eastern sky are streaked with
light. I have to leave if I’m going stay alive, or die if I don’t
Juliet: ‘I know that: it’s like some meteor sent to light you on your way to
Mantua. So stay: you don’t have to go.
Romeo: I welcome death if it is what you want
Juliet cries: then you must go. Have you really gone, my Love, my husband,
friend? I want to hear from you every hour of every day. Each minute will drag
like many days, so I’ll be very old before I see my Romeo again.
Romeo: Goodbye
Exit romeo (enter lady capulet)
Lady cap: Well.You’ve got a thoughtful father, my child.To help you through this
bereavement he’s sorted something out. Something you didn’t expect.’
Juliet: And what’s that Mother?
Lady cap: Well here it is. Early on Thursday morning… the charming, young and
noble gentleman, the Count of Paris, at St. Peter’s church…Will make a joyful
bride of you!’
Juliet: ‘No! By St Peter‘s Church and by St Peter too, he will not make a joyful
bride of me. Please tell my father that I don’t want to get married yet and when
I do I swear it will be to Romeo – who you know I hate – before I marry Paris.
What kind of joyful news is this?’
Enter lord cap
Lady cap: Well here’s your father now, Tell him yourself and see what he’ll do.’
Juliet: I’m not proud that you’ve found him. Thankful that you have. I can never
be proud of something that I don’t want but I’m thankful for what you’ve done
because you intended it as love.’
Lord cap: not proud? ‘I’ll tell you what, You get yourself to that church on
Thursday or never ask me for anything again!’
Juliet cries
Friar: ‘I already know what’s happened. It’s taxed my brains to bursting point. I
hear you have to marry the Count on Thursday.’
Juliet: ‘Don’t give me the whole story,Just tell me what to do.(’ She opened her
bag and took out a small knife.) ‘If you can’t help me then I’ll help myself. With
The Friar took the knife from her.
Friar:‘God joined my heart and Romeo’s and you joined our hands. Before this
hand does anything else I’ll use it to kill myself. So you’d better either give me
some advice or watch me die.’
She reached for the knife but he whisked it out of her way.
The Friar went to a chest and unlocked it He took out a small bottle.
Friar: ‘Here. This is it. When you’re in bed drink the liquid. In a little while your
body fluids will grow cold and you will have no pulse. There’ll be no warmth and
no breath to show that you’re alive. The colour in your face will go and your
eyes will close as though in death.
He paused. Juliet held out her hand.
Friar: ‘Then, when the bridegroom Paris arrives to wake you up on your
wedding day, there you’ll be: dead! After forty-two hours you’ll wake up as
though from a pleasant sleep. while I’m waiting for you to wake up, I’ll send a
letter to Romeo and he’ll come here. And he and I will watch you wake up and
that very night he’ll take you off to Mantua.
Exit (enter Juliet in her room)
She drinks the potion
Juliet: romeo, romeo, I drinks to you!
Enter nurse
Nurse: wake up, Juliet? LO ove, madam, sweetheart. (opens the door)Oh no!
Lady capulet: what’s the matter?
Nurse: look, look, heavy day
Lady cap: oh my! My child, my only life!
Lord Cap: what happened?
Lady cap: How pitiful to see her. So young. Death has taken her like frost takes
a beautiful flower.’
Friar: all ready to go to church?
Lord cap: she’s ready to go and never return
Lady cap: Everything, ‘Everything that we’ve prepared for her wedding will mark
her funeral now. Our musical instruments will be changed to mournful bells, our
celebration to a wake, our hymns to funeral dirges, our bridal flowers to a
wreath – everything has become its opposite.’
Exit (enter romeo)
Romeo: ‘Balthazar,Have you got a letter from the Friar? How’s my wife? And my
father? Is he alright?’
Balthazar: Her body’s sleeping in Capulet’s tomb and her soul’s among the
angels. I watched them putting her in their family vault
Romeo: You’re wrong, Just do as I tell you. Haven’t you got a letter from the
Balthazar: ‘No.’
Romeo: ‘It doesn’t matter. Go and get the horses. I’ll see you later.’
Romeo go to Apothecary and buys a poison
Romeo:‘Look here,I can see you don’t make a lot of money. I’ll give you this
forty gold coins if you’ll give me just one dose of poison, something that will kill
me as quickly as a bullet.’
‘I’ve got some,’ said the man ‘But it’s against the law.’
Romeo: ‘What’s the matter? So poor and wretched and you’re afraid of dying?
Look at you hungry, poor, down-trodden. The law isn’t your friend, I can see
that. Here, come on, take this. It’s a lot of money’
Exit (enter Romeo and Paris in Capulet’s tomb)
Romeo: I beg of you,Don’t tempt me to anger and make me commit another
crime. Oh please go. Can’t you see? I love you more than I love myself because I
came here to do myself harm. Go. There’s no need for this. Stay alive. And
afterwards you’ll be able to say that a madman took pity on you and allowed
you to escape.’
Paris: ‘No,And I’m arresting you as a criminal.’ He drew his sword.
Romeo: ‘I’m sorry if that’s what you want,’ said Romeo, drawing his rapier too
The fight was short. Within minutes Paris lay bleeding at the tomb’s entrance.
Paris: ‘Oh, I’m dying, If you have a heart lie me beside Juliet.’
Romeo: I will,
Killing the young man was the last thing Romeo had wanted to do. He hadn’t even
recognized him in the dark graveyard. He brought the torch closer so that he
could see the dead youth’s face.
He propped the torch up in the vault then dragged the body in. As he stood up he
saw Juliet lying on a marble bier.
Romeo:‘This is no grave, dead youth,It’s a lantern. Juliet ‘s lying there and her
beauty makes this vault a festive place full of light.
He lay Paris on the floor beside Juliet’s bier. Looking at her he had a sudden
feeling of happiness. He couldn’t believe what little effect death had had on her
beauty. Death hadn’t defeated her – her lips and cheeks were still rosy. He looked
around the fearful place Tybalt lay on bier a few feet away.
Romeo: ‘Tybalt, Is that you in your shroud? Oh what greater favour can I do you
than kill myself, the man who was your enemy? Forgive me, cousin.’
He stares at the beautiful juliet
Romeo: it was time. Eyes look your last, Arms take your last embrace.
He took her in his arms and raised her up. He kissed her. He lowered her again
and took out the poison. It was time. ‘Here’s to my love!’ He drank the poison in
one go.
He had an immediate spasm. He just had time to kiss Juliet again before he fell.
Enter Friar
Friar: ROMEOOO! (Then he saw romeo and and Juliet)
SO PALE!(then he saw Paris)
Friar: ‘Who’s this? Oh no! All covered in blood? What’s been going on here?
Juliet woke up
Juliet: ‘Dear Friar, Where is my husband? I remember where I’m supposed to be
and here I am. Where is my Romeo?’
Friar: come Juliet. Open your eyes and look: your husband’s lying right
there. The Watchman is coming.
Juliet: you go, I’m staying here
She hugged romeo and saw the poison in his hand
Juliet: oh no! Poison that’s what killed you! you drink it all and left none for me:
She saw the dagger and screwed up her eyes and plunged it to her chest
Juliet: let me die
Juliet died
Montague and capulet saw their beloved child
Capulet was aware of Montague weeping beside him.
Lord cap: ‘Oh brother Montague, give me your hand, This is long overdue.
Forgive me.’
Lord Montague: ‘With all my heart,’. (He took his old enemy’s hand and the two
men embraced.)
Lord Montague: ‘There’s something I’d like to do,I’m going to commission a
statue of Juliet in pure gold. From now on everyone will know that there could
never be anyone as faithful and true as the beautiful Juliet.’
Lord Cap: ‘I’ll match that, I’ll do the same for Romeo. They’ll lie together
forever, innocent victims of our quarrel.’
Prince: ‘Alright, I’m pleased that you’ve made your peace but it’s time for bed.
The sun’s coming up. Go home, everyone, and I’ll think it over. I’m going to hold
a proper inquiry. It’s a serious business. There’ll be punishment for some and
pardons for others because there never was a story of more woe than this of
Juliet and her Romeo.’
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