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It's been a week since the examination.

The teacher walks in the classroom holding peepers,

I’m praying that it isn’t the results because I know what I have caused. “Why are you shaking?”
My friend Lily asked, “Nothing serious, I'm just cold,” I replied. The lesson starts and everyone
is quiet but all of the sudden Lilly starts talking to Mr.jeffrey one thing about Mr.Jeffrey he talks
incessantly and that somehow is starting to annoy me.

“All of you did well on your exams!, BUT some of you have to see me after school”

Shivers run down my spine, freezing. What does that mean? I’m crossing my fingers that I’m not
one of them or any of my friends cause I know what is about to happen. Mr.jeffrey calls Lily to
help him share the papers to the students and there he is coming closer to where I am sitting,
hands me my paper gazing at me with a mixture of malice and kindness in his eyes. “You can
do better,” he adds. Did I do that bad? I start to question myself.

“What did you get Rose?” Lily asked while smirking and gazing at Mr.jeffrey
“ I got a C”
“How come you got a C?”
“What did you get?” I asked
“ It looks like I did pretty well actually I got an A!”
“Good job Lilies!”
How can lily have an A out of nowhere? She has always been an E student. Something isn't
right here. I mean yes the whole week we were together and I didn’t see her study for the exam
how come she got an A.

“Lily meet me after school alone ” Mr. Jeffry said, casting his gaze upon her with eyes filled with

“Why does Mr.jeffrey wanna see you after school alone?” I questioned Lily.

“Why do you worry about that it might be private”

Those words cut deep into my heart. My only best friend said that to me. I try to ignore it

“Can we go together I will hide while you talk with him” I said
“No! Not everything you need to know about me okay just go home he is a nice teacher I will be

As long as life courses through my veins There is no way I will let that monster make my best
friend the next victim.

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