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2 Miner Piece Traps Mis Pleee (Endgame Studes Nos. 161) ‘Table 2 (oatinued) oe 1» | utes, dota one on tts deans ' : ape setae i a 2 | tooitaky-néts iden for ta a8 it | Knight traps Koipht =! Zeal tt aot &8 eee | Remnant ica Fi Table 2 shows several epee postion of domination of «minor pines tras Bip ot Regt oT ROPES Cris 9, NIT Ket 4, NdO KOs 5,1 Bos bs Nveais, The play href gulte primitive, and $e aston vest doomed Betep iy sbious This sain shoe veh iy hee cmp het er Be Nat oho. Ri pyr Neoy KRS 4 Nice Ip © | asia mite oo oe 5 Waste, iNT BRS 2: NDS. ga Rica 4 Rocko KOS ar esi 7 Sait lickighas DRwkee Shake OAK 10. ES la toe ocd. teaS KO, 2,00 KeO 3, N05 16 4. KE BML 5. ed it ee ait ise No die Kes 2. Katt Beta fh 5, a7 18) 3. Mots ROT es ea 2.95 io a8 mb 4 Ko Ba 5 Noe Bee. aot Kes 2. Nok RAE 9. Ket 9 4 KB 4 | eae pe te on . Pitin fi Rigas B Rats gitgtay® Bote oe Kona Nes Bet” a) Nel nb, 9, Kaa Peni Bek Ne hn 3 ects Skiba, 2. woo EBs 3. Rib Bettis) we ket" 8. Nabe ee a Tol sata “es signage, — Deca Sdaieane, ‘he i ‘ ih on te om «| RR ae ih us eta ae Bh ere van a 5 aie te " 5 | King Reape Bishop’ ge White to play and win White to play and win White to play and win 4 4m, new tng etn 6. 6, Kasparyan ‘ates, TS 5G. Kama Avi White 0 ply and win White to play and win White to play and win 7, A. Kowsantingvich 8. A. Kalinin 8. 6 Dora ‘Reba de Sah, 1) Read ae Sala _ White to play and win White to play and win White to play and win No. 2 by A. Troitzky serves as the foundation for the Nos. 38 sain devin he de of wapping the Bishop with he Kright ‘when the former has plenty of roaming space, No, greatly resales No. 2: the pioces were shifted one rank hisier, and Sanco wasadded~the advaneo of White's Pawn f. despite its short solution, contains the subtle move 2. Kh! creat: ing the position or a. simple nugewang. In Nos. Sand G by G. Rese Daryan the simple zugzwang contained in Réti's No.4 has heen re. laced by mutual zugzwang, a development of the idea, In No. 5 jack's Bishop was made more active, and in No.6, White's King and Black Pawas. No. 7 by A. Konstantinovieh and No, 8 by A. K Tinin are miniatures, but with Yess Nese, No.9. 4.06 Ke?" 2. Nii! Ball 3 KeZl Ke8 4, Kbt Be3 (a4, 10.87) 5, ef Kaz’ 6. NaU Ker 7. Noto a8) 1. 10. A. NET Bat 2 Kbl’ Be7((0) 3. NUb+ KxeT ANB: Bed lad) 3. NAB Koel 4. Nbo- a 10.1. Rina. M4, Moravec Caatunya, art MOST ca White wo pay and win White to play and win White play and win No. U1. 4, NeT Bhi 2. KE Ka7_ 3. Ket BEB(o4) 4. 17 Ker 5, Neo Kxf7 6 Neb+=; 1... Bg? 2. Neb) Kod 3, KE. Bot 4. Kel Bus(as) 5. NeTF=; A. BEB (eH) 5. T+ Kei 6 Nps; Bebb)" 5. 17 Kext7 6. NUS, No. 12° Ne? Bhi “3. Ket Bb7(e6) 3. ME Ka7 "4. 06+ fo I Nxe6 Koei 7. Nd; 2. Bel) 3. 10 i O64 fe 5. 17 Ket 8, Nvcob Kot “7, Ngo-+=, No. 13, 1. 'e7 Kb7 2. Ni7 Bal 3. Ka2 BeS(ai, #8, g7) 4..Na04 KxeT 5. NB5(68)-E=. Attention: the lag diagona™ A chess player ean expt danger ‘whon his opponent's Bishop becomes mastor of this diagonal. ‘The endgames shown here presont exceptions from the rule. It turns ou that the Bishop on the long diagonal can bo attacked and eaptured by the Knight. A passed Pawn reaching the seventh rank of the ¢ ot £ files also helps achieve victory. ‘The trapping of the Bishop ip Nos. 9-13 is accomplished by one and the same method, No. 14 by Kubbel and No. 15 by Troitzky 13, Ax Sett 16 Le Kubbed 15, A, Teitay Soathafagctng 1048 “yt eat Shen, White to play and win White to play and win White to play and win 8 16.,¥. Yucon 1, A. Toit 15, A Traltehy salltat yen, 046 Destute'Scechetlung, Deathe Seta ere wait itt ‘White to play and win Wile to play and win White to play and win have someting in cammon with this sro. Though the Bish {esr pot Wie or elon ea ie as, 4, 46 KIB 2. Kel BaBlel) 8. 47 Ket 4 Neos Kxay SINGLE 7D) Sear er Ahead Rica? 5 NB. No. 15, 4.06 Kdé 2. NIS+ Ka7_3, No? Ba2_ 4. Kez! Bbt (e844) 3, Kets; 3,001 BhT ede + BOS (eh, 68. £7) ABT Ket 5. Ne6 KXb7 6. Nab (as) No.1. 1.Nedgt 2.NaS{ 3.KeL Bot! 4 Ke2 BRT 5. Ket ight 8 Koz Bot 8. Ke? BMT Bot” 6..Kat BRE in comparing endgame No. 16 by V. Vucovié with Nos. 14 and 45, ‘unquestionable progress may be noted: the trapping of the Bishop {s preceded by a subtle struggle between White's King end Black's Bithop to gata a tempo. ‘Neither docs the Bishop find a reliable refuge in Nos. 17-23, 49, A, rat Me Rig JH Ring 00 Btaihietidion’ 1904 LERCNguen Hos BL try a ‘th Fre te play and win White to play and win 22, nck 25. J, Magnos 2h. Uh nck sir acreten, 1944 ‘est 80 Pi te Part, 1909 White wo play and win White to play and win Whito to play and win No. {7. 4, 06 Keb 2. d+ od 9, NIG Bot 4, Ke? Bad 5 Nad Keron Mist =) 8.2. BIS(@S, 1) 4 NUL Ker 8: Neb Noe 8. “A, 6k Kxf6 2Ned BUI(@2, a3, 25, 06) 3. NESH Kxe6 NOS Nout Ve ho Kei 2. WO KUO 9. NeB BBB(e2, d3)_ 4. NAS SNE RMB. 6. Nvcn3(e2, da) KhO. 7. bbs 3. Bat Rbo Bes 9, Nib} Kgl” 6. NeT+ KXAO 7. Neb 16 8. Na®: Noc2O, 4. Ng6 BAS. 2.06 BX? 3. NeO+ KuS. 4, Nib 2 hag “ah Nabe Kab 4, Nel; 2 BES 3. Nek Bab 4 Near 2. no) Baad) Nett Risk. NBs - 3 Nee} Was 8. Nike. Hoo Be T Neo Kes 2. Nes B05 (e2) 3, NIGH KIS 4 iad kes’, Mechs ed; 3, BM Sd BxAS NDS Rig Sai; 2. BE 3, NK. Ron 22. f, NiS’ Bet 2. Ke BScbs(@3) 8. NeTH KXe7 a Nagent 1) Be 2. Node Rxet 8. Nees TMG b Ked Breed 3. Nxeo=, Ro, Bi. RUS Bd 2. Kp B28. KUO Bel 4. Kye Bed 5. WB Rie G. Ne0S | RXa0 7. Nxced RDS 8. KD 0d 8 ke Tn Nos, 2628 White's Pawa appours as an active assistant in o sang he Bishop. "Te most ercfol of thm Ib H Satlion's ion Bh. 1. Ne74 Kes 2 NAS BoP 3. 04 do 4. xed; 3 Bicod ANOLE: tease Keb 2 NAS Bg? 3, NEE: Bod t, Nia} Ked{02)" Need Kd 5. Ke7 Bat 4 BEBE, NOLES? Brac, BRS(GD, Bb, 06) & NEGO L= aby Mido ed 2 Nekt Kh6 3. Ket Be2 4 Kb s.diay 8, Bed 4, dB, Now2i. ivcélde 2. 06BI9 3. No BAS 4. Neb! eS 9.Ne7+ Kav 6. NXaS Kes T.NDOH RAB 'B. NETH Kad 8. NX: is "sata ste dete “ahaa, 28, inc 22, Matton shehen, DMG Riguer Poebty 11S White to play and win White to play and win White play No. 28. 4. eB be 2.KBI KMS 3. abt Kon 4. NATH (or 4, Non. No. 2). 4. Ne64 Kb] 2. ba Ka 8. KIT KOT 4, e841 Kxaa “5. Kgo RbT_ 0, NdB:+ KBD" 7. NET KIS. 8. NIB, ‘The Bishop did not manage, afterall, to escape from the 8 square: "The trapping idea in Nol hy V Novorbiloy resembles No. 25 wwith'a slight dilference: « White Bishop appears on the board ine oad ‘of Paw, Now 90. 1, Baht KOS 2. Na7+ Ke 3, NeS+ Kas 4. NeGp Kel 5NET RIG 6 Noa. Now Si. 1. Neb df 20 Kg6 BAS 5. BAS KAT. 4, NéB+ Koo 5 Mrz, Noe 32,4. B45! Boxg7 2 Bab 04 3. KgO BES 4, BAB! KOT 5. MiSs Ken. No u 29, M. Libuaie Indgaton Me Tourney Bulletin, 1087 30, V. Noxosht Shatnaiy OSS, 1954 28 te, Kael ‘i 31, Hallertadt 52. T. Gorghiyey 2, Pogsyants wie Seaetnce, ‘step a commision White to play and win White to pay and win White to play and win it only lengthens Halberstadt’s solution by one move due to the Addition of another Knight that is eaptured, at once, No. 38. 1 NIG gO. 2. Nd7 Bxcdd edt Kon 4, No5 (05) See ate of wat, salomate andthe capre of the Bishop are ‘well blended ia 1 te ieee be NDS DD 2) Nica BaaS. 3. NDAL=, Black loses in mutual 2ugewang. Such a method of shutting out the Bishop i af prattea imporianne sn Knight and Pawn versus Bishop io. 35, 1. Kg3 BeT-+ 2. Kh3 Be3 3. BI BMG 4 ght Kxgh 3. Naz BCCI) 6. Nok({9)+= (oo No, 3) No. 6. 1 Ne BaT” 2.°Ke2 Kb6 3. Kb Rad 4 Ka3 Bed 5, DA Kb5 8. Ne2 Be2(it) 7. Nad (c3)-+= Hepeats the play ‘i the preceding endgame but with somewhat lighter structure, ‘The goal—the final position=is more camoullaged. Ci’ dretear 122 Pal 6, B, Pogoryants Sehach’Mazezing 1969 Shalkmatng! Pte, ‘ios White to play and win White to play and win White t9 play and win 6 White to play and win White to play and win White to play and win now ® 3, A, Trotay 38. 1. Kalil 30. La Kubbet Compl “Caneslscukioh Shabhmaty Uataky 1928 Shabhmaty v 998M, 1957 ‘Soak 028 Koslow 1. 6, my 44, Me Fae Mia, ene iaaa ashes 1922 Glog Boenngy 100. White to ply ond win White to ploy and win White to play and win 1 is harder to trap a Bishop with a Bishop and Pawns than with 4 Knight, which Is very good in dual attacks and can erente a sity af blows at squates of any colour. The Bishop is far less vi ‘Therefore there aze few endgames where the Bishop is trapped b iy 8 Bishop. in No. 87 the White King's ehas its capture on the hS square. Now 37. 1. {6 gf 2.-Kb? Bd8 3, Ke8 BeT 4. Ka? BIB. 5. Bed} Kor 6. Ke8 Be? 7. KxtT BAS 8. KyS=. ‘Short but refeeshing. play arises in No. 28, wherein 2ugewang an a discovered attack settle the issue fast 'No. $8. 1. Ba Bhi. 2, Ket Bol 3. Kh3 Keon 4. a4 (a3: No. 39, 4. c6 MQ! 2. Bxb Bh2 3. ef! Bue? 4. Keb BuB(35) 5, Ka7 (65) Tn Nos, 4-42 the Knight is finally secifced, and the acceptance of the stesifie leads to the capture of the Bishop through « diseor- trod cheek caused by a Pawn attack, 40, 3. Fate, 41, A. Kakowin 2, 8. ener evite Reng te Seb, Lidost’ Bemabraces 1901 1. Guiat Megara ‘i ‘Touryy a8 nd Comindaton iter the Bishop winds up with to play and win White to ploy and win White to play aid win White to play and win White to ply end win No. 40. 1, KeT! Ba2_2.c81Kb2 3, NBS Beh 4. BeS! Bx Kel 11, Ng5 ho’ 42. Nha-F=; 8. «Nez (ba) Nee Khd 5c NI6+i KD 5. Bal Nov 184, 1, Bat Kgl 2 o7 a2. 3, Bxa2 BbS 4, cbN Kt 5, Kid Ke2 6, Bd5 Kaz 7, Na7 (ab) Ke2 8. NeS KD2 9, Kid Ka3 10, Ke3 Neé(bd) 11. Koceo4(Nxb5)= ‘No. 185. An endgame ia tho sphere of symmetrical positions, ‘The composer's solution: “I. Nd3 NdT 2. KaGl (2. BS? Kad 8, Bxdi stalemate; 2. KG NBG! 3. Nxb6 stalemate; 2. BRS? Kas "3. KaB Nb6. 4. N%bO stalomate) 2... KéB (2. <. «NIB 3. Bho“ KB. 4. NEG). 3. Bad (ereating symmetry on another fe) Boo NS G2. NDS 4. NDO 3.2. KeS) 4. Ne74 KuB 5. Nebr; 3... .'Ked 4. Ne7+ Kad" 5. None) 4. NO: “According to the composer the decoy is 4. NES NET. 2. KI6 KIS 3, BIS (a new symmetrical situation arises) 3... Ke8 4,.Ng7+? KG 5. Neb-+ KyS—. But, as was pointed out by P, Perkonoja, instead of 4 Ngt-+? the winning Une Is 4, Be6-+1 KIS 5. BaS Ke8 6, Nei KIS 7. NG KeS 8. BIS! NaG (8... NG QBhS KhS 40. Neb NgB+ 11 KIT Nhb 12. Kg6:t) "8° Bao! NeS (0... NoS 10. KeT Nei 4. Nast" KAT 12. Beis Kh6 15. KiB Nhd 14. NEPX) “lo, Ne7-+ KhS 1. Bla! Net (Ht. . Ngo 12. Ke5 Nb7 13. Neb) 12. Bad NoB 13. Keb Nbb "id BbS Ke? 48. NbS KEG 16, NdG Ker 17. Ke? Keb 48, Kd8 KfO 49, KeT Ke? 20. NIS+ KI6. 21. NeB=. This value ‘able analysis by B. PerkonoJa proves thet there is « cook 1. N13, etc., in H. Adamson’s solution. Ey 187. R, Bignehets 188. 1. Scitmann 1038 ee igen Ens, i No, 186. 4. Nod Bxd5!_ 2. Nxd5 Keb 3. BM NIL 4, Kad Nocad “5. NXxbst Red 6.NG3+ Ris 7, BeT go 8. BAS eh °9, Not ND2(C3) 10. BIOL=? 9... NIB (03) 10. Bho-t==. Nos 487. 1. Nooo ikb8 2 NaS’ Net 3. Bod Ned_ 4, Ke Na}."5.BdS Kin 8. Kbi=; 3... Ne2 4 BENA 5. Boker 6. Kab, Two symmetrical variations with the capture of the Knight on the opposite sides of the hoard, No. 188. 1. Ket Ni2- 2. KEM Ket. Ba6(b5) Nh3 4. BeS Ng SKANE 6.NeAKA 7.Beb NGS 8.BddKe? 9. Kesl PAG, KeS Ke2 Ii. Kd6 Kd3 42. Kets: 6...” NaS. TNS NET S.NDTKE 9. Bo6NDS 10. Kg5 KO tt ie Kes 12, Ker ‘Nos 189. 1. Na4 KO® 2. NeQ Nit 9, NeB Nd2_ 4. BpS! Ke? 5, Be K(G 6. Ba? Kaé 7. Nez Nit 8, Nag’Nd2 9. NO5! NEL JONNG Ko {Nos 12 Bol. 189. 1. Noravee fol. 4. ite Conteraonisy Sach, 1082 190, F, Simk 64, 80 Contsovenity Seek, 1954 White to play and win White to play and win White to play and win 3 182, 3. Peckover ‘Sutiyy 1057 194. 4, Moree Cesorenaty Sesh 1038 ‘White to play and win White to play and win White 19 play and win ‘The following three endgemes, Nos, 190-02, have a common basis: after the compelled promotion of Black's Pawn to the status of Knight the lat ken on that very squane, The play in Nos: 191 ‘and 192 after the initial exchange moves 1s eompletely ali ‘No. 190. "1. Ba3 d2 2 Nod GIN" 3. Be5 KbS 4.Kb3 Keb 1. Buss KO 2, Bhs Kn 3. Ny SINGIN 6, Hed Ras. 7 RgS Ki, KD, ROS Inaba Keb He Nabe (8 Nyt}, Nou 02,1. Res Recah 2. Nicel Nica "3. Wxaod2 4, auN” Shao Kb 16 Kb Red 7. Ke2 RUD. 8. NiO Reb aed is 10, Nao No, A NOM NULL 2. KIT NG 2. BeS KAT 4, Now KAS” S.KeS Kgl ORT Nal 7. Nolte Reo BGs em ee ee ee : ci Rel Re2Nad &.NCO RID’ 9, Nak Sor N00 Kel Base ae A. Tagalca 196 3. Koppellonihi tun. 4. Pehover rin Sach, 1988. Taste Ronan OGL TWh r See one ‘White play aod win White to play and win White to play and win EMail Seachisticn, ‘tis White to play and win White to play and win White to play and win Kok Ka 2.KeS KIB 9. Kd2 KeS_4, Nob-F Koo 5: Rab Ker ot Kod to 7. DHT KeS J, Bub Kel 8: RGD RO 76, ed KiB 7. Deb Ket Red Re fied Re tka ie ae or HOB. 1, NAS BSC}. 2. Not KA 9, NocdB Neb 4. Ki nae rte. Re Nel e co. 195.1 2Neb Ke 9° Nl gd 4. Noes KxBT s.MopK7| GB KB 1 BIDE Ret a bgie Noe tte. Noose QxDOL 2 KANG NAT 3K xa Nx8 4 NGREG SRM KGS CR RAN RD Kol '8 Bi aa rf Robi Neb ROS 12, Ne fo Rey Rh, i, Be . Mee 08.1, Ka? NeB! 2. Neg gh 3, Bd RISA. Neb Nat S$. KUSINGS 6. Neo} RIT" 7. NéGe: Keb 8. Bei; 2. --- 13 SUN Rie a hgh Nia 5. Bos 201, Miminen 212. 1. Miniacn Saint’ Nederland, Schatend ede te ‘ses oss 64, as combandation ‘White to play and win White to play and win Whit to play and win bbe, dat we Bt Her White to play and win White to play and win No. 190. 1. Kg KgG 2. NIB Kh 3. Be2-+ Keys 4. Nob KG "5, Nett Kok 6, Kat KeS 7, Bat f+ 8. Kad. No. 200, 1 KES Nd7 2. BdG NEO 8, Bed Noch? 4, Bohs Ni8'5. Bad Nay 6. BaT Kel 7.Ngd Kod 8. Keb NIB 9. KET Nh? 10. Be3 Kal “14, BhO Kel 12. Ke6= No. 201, t. Neb Nit 2. Koes Noche 8. KEG NAL 4, BbS Nap go Res NDS 6. Kid KGS 7 Kea NS 8 NS KET bee, No, 202. 1. Ba7 No? 2. 46 Na 3. BIG-+ Ke? 4. 7 NDS 5, dBN Nab 6, No6-+ Kg8) 7. Kd6 Nbj 8, Bhi Nab 9. Nas Not 10. KeS Nabe 11 Kel NbG 12. Ka6l KhS 13. Neb NaG 44. Keb Kg8 15. Kb6 NBS 16, Ne5= “The, teepping of the Knight in midboard is more interesting (Nos. 203-1}. But here, too, there is not much scope for imagination, “The patterns forthe final set-ups of Nos. 208-05 are the same— Black's Knight and White's pieces ine up on the same rank or Ale ‘and the Knight is encircled by White. ‘No. 203. 1, Nd2 Ket 2. Bb3 Kxd2_ 3, Bxeb NIB 4. BO! Nap 5, Kei Nxe6-+ 6. Kf0== (coe Nos, 204 and 205). No. 204, 1, a6 Roab 2 Rxab Nxa6 3. Bed Ned 4, NeB Kees. Ke7 KIS. 6. Key 1, Nxca® 2, Rg Rad 3. Ned Ra3_ 4, Bob+ Kh2 5. Ned Kh} 8, BIS! Rad 7. Who-+" Rhd BINGE Ke) 9, Richa Kxbd 10. Né3==, The second, an addi tional variation with the move 4... NxaG and eapture of the Gig 'on ‘the cle of show wiquetonely eich this ‘Nor 205. 1.Nxb5 KaS 2, No7 Kb6 3, Kg Bxe2 4. Bre? NOE 5 UC NGA, Nos Kb7" 7. Bek Koa 8. NDA KOT ‘Kel No. 208. 1. BD ef 2 Bred git 3. Kxet Bol 4. BdS-+ Kh2''§. Bxel Nest 6. KIS Nxdo 7. Bab Keo 8. Kel, s 20 ¥. Bom 28 Shabloaing toe, 1020 ‘nick Shatinaty SSSR, 1941 White t play and win Whit to play and win White to play ‘This set-up for trapping the Knight in midboard is elso quite in- teresting No. 207. 1.NbiNGS+ 2.Ke2 Nxcdt_ 3.BOS}+Ked 4.Nd3-+ Kad” 5, Bo5-4 Kes 0. Bg? NeB 7_NI2~ KM 8. BRO No. 208. 1. b7 RDS! 2. Bar RXDT_3. Bdd+ KeG 4. NocbT No2"'5, NES Kab 6. KM Nxxbs TK XDD aS 8. KDI; Teo. KeT(eN) 8, BoB. No. 200.1" Neb Nab 2. BAT KIT 3, Bd3 NDA 4. Bod KAG 5. Ndi KaS 0. Ke5=. No. 210, 1. Ras Bob 2. KeS BXdS 9. NxGSUIN-E 4, Kad NB2"'5, Kez Not '6..Ne3+ Kbé 7, Bott No. BI 1.Ne3+ Kd2 "2, Nott Kd3 3. Nxe6 Ke2 4. BIS KxbL 5. Bgi gO) 6. BIG Ket "7. Kes! Kea" 8. Kel Kad 9. Kdd Kin 10, Ket Keo MM. Kes NIT 8. Keb Ken TRAT Ra 8. Kel = (00 No, 212), 210, Me Rent 24. 3. Brite 212. 2, Sate Brith hag Mapcine, Centtonnnty Sach 1052 Seda Slow ‘oe cd ‘White to play and win White to ploy ond win White to play and win « 20, V. Fyedeoy Shataly BSS, 1047 213, A. a 2, 7, Bor io BUSHTiour suatknt’s FESR ose White to ploy and win White to play and win White to play and win No..212. 1, BbS NB 2. Nei MQ_3, Nxbt Nxht 4, BIS Nid '5. Nig Kb8. 6, Ka? Kal 7. Ke? Rab 8. KeO=; 4. + Ng 5. Ned Kar 6, KS ROS. 7, Kho Ke8 8. Keb=, ‘In No, 241 by J. Fritz and No. fi dale ‘have the same ay for trapping the Knight om the gb. 17 (3, 12) sau Pity Nos, 216-17 the Knight ix also caught in midbeard, but with the help of« pin at the end ofthe tolution.. Nor 3. ENebot KbT 2 NocaS NOL 3. KENGG 4. Bes K2ab bNbi Kb? "0, Ket Ned 7, Bd3 KOO" 8. Nyceb=. Tho fal position ie reminiscent of Nos. 208.00, Rona 1, Naor Keo 2 BS NAP 3. Keo Ni A KD Nie" 5, Ret Nets 0. Red Nes. 7, NITE = No. nae ‘Bb6 Nbi 2, N24+ Kgl 3. No4+ Kit 4. NeS+ Kel, Base No. HG. 1BU2NDG 2NeT+KAS SNXCTKXeT 4.Bad=. 207, R Paolt ais. F, Amelung italia Seaethiaica, Wiener Schahertangy ast ites ‘White to play ond win White to play and win White to play and win 2 220, A, Toit 204, Taken clshstune, Schteriche Sac ne pri No. 27, 4, KhG Ne} 2. Keli NoS 3. Kd7 NgT_ 4, NeS (4 5, KS Nis 6, Nob KIT 7. Neh Kyo 8, Bad In Nos, 218-38 the Knight is trapped on the b7 (7) square, As a rule, the Knight feels uneasy on this spot, where iis frequentiy de- rived of mobility and captured. ‘That is why endgames with such po Inotifs have been separated into a special group, In Nos. 218-29 i”, advantage Ia taken of the unhappy situation of the Knight on b7 12 ‘with the stalemated King on a8 (see diagram in Table 4). The inter- Hal sting thing about this set-up is that Whi Kaight are 2 Expable of lalemating Black's King. These endgames include also positions with ther cortelations of forces: domination of Knight eres Knight (Nos. 218-21), two Knights against a Kaight (No. 222), hey ooh gas night Nos 22.2, Bison and night versus two Knights (Nos, 228 and 220). Bringing together ‘White to play and win White to play and win White to play and win ough with dierent foras ht te same sop tate svt ie ee ee ee eee Nov HB. i. fe Bxed 2. Nxeb Nad 3. bi Noy 4. KI Nod 5. Ket NbT 6, Ned= No. 224. 4. Bei Ne7 2 NIG ad 3. Kd3 403 4, Ke2 of No. 210, 4. Bb8 Kb? 2. KdS Ke8 3, Keb NdS+ 4, Kodo 5. Ke No? Ned NIG 3, Keats ui Nob D8 8, KUT NDP 1. Neb a8! 8. Kel" of Bikini dc NO KD 2K NUL 3, Neb Kxat 4. Bet s eS Nov 220, 4, RDO Ka? 2, BOT Ka8 3. ba Bok 4. Kxe4 No, 326, 4. b5 NBS 2 D6 NaS 3 BI NoW7 4 NeG at Nebr 5,"Kd NXBT 8. Neb=, 5. R= No, 221.1. Neb dS 2 Nid Bxekt 3. Kxet NdOt No, 287.4, DT NBT. 2.Ne7-+ Kb6 3, Na8+ Ka 4, NeB-+ 4 RUS NIB BENGY GoKOANXO 1. BIOL Net 8. NDS Kyxa8 5. Bx 188, BRL. Nab-} 8. Kob NeB(G) 10. Bugit Nxgi 11, NiO. No. 225.1 NBist Ke 2. Na8+ KBS 8. Kad Not 4, Ned No, 223. 1, Neb Bxak 2, Nxad Nxte+ 3. Ke2Nxd3_ 4, NDT"'5, Neb Kxa8_ 6, Kase Bb2E Noib2 5. Nxed=. Here two Knights emerge victorious No, 329. 1, Nebt Kh2 2 BiG-+ Kb 3. Bhs BdS+ 4, Kx Black Pawn remains on the board a5 dd “5, BXU2 NXIS 6. g8Q Nol. 7. Keb Nxg8. 8. NIB. Fe a oe 5 ras Ny 4, Kxbh oe SU hee er ee aE orate wg a Masha aN A, SBS EL dS ae ease Se im eased aa sae righ Be Mo Pea oe cere ae cy aoe oo a Slag, Pitt Fae. Sto Pte my BS Fam ag, TE ag ee \.a) Ld ry va a White to play and win White to play and win White to play and win 7 and win White to lay and win White to play and win a

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