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Chapter 2: Lecture #5

Single factor experimental design:

The Analysis of Variance

2. Randomized complete Block Design "RCBD"
experimental combinations of CRD
2. Randomized complete Block Design "RCBD"
The randomized complete block design 'RCBD' is
shown in figure.


a = treatments that are to be compared

b = blocks
2. Randomized complete Block Design "RCBD"
The statistical model for the RCBD:
the observation w.r.t the ith treatment of the factor and jth block.
The effect model is:
2. Randomized complete Block Design "RCBD"
The hypotheses of interest are:
w.r.t treatment:
Null hypothesis:

Alternative hypothesis:


w.r.t block:
2. Randomized complete Block Design "RCBD"
The data table:
2. Randomized complete Block Design "RCBD"
2. Randomized complete Block Design "RCBD"
2. Randomized complete Block Design "RCBD"
ANOVA table: generalized results of RCBD
2. Randomized complete Block Design "RCBD"

The Residual in case RCBD:

3. The Latin Square Design "LSD"
3. The Latin Square Design "LSD"
Notice that the design is a square arrangement
and that the four treatments (operators) by Latin
letters A, B, C, and D; hence the name Latin
Some examples of Latin square are:
3. The Latin Square Design "LSD"
The Latin Square Design is used to eliminate two
nuisance sources of variability; that is, it
systematically allows blocking in two directions.
Thus, the rows and columns actually represent two
restrictions on randomization.

In general, a Latin square for p factors, or a p x p

Latin Square, is a square containing p rows and p
columns. Each of resulting p2 cells contains one of
the p letters that corresponds to the treatments, and
each letter occurs once and only once in each row
and column.
3. The Latin Square Design "LSD"
The statistical model for LSD:
The effect model is:
3. The Latin Square Design "LSD"
the hypotheses of interest are:
3. The Latin Square Design "LSD"
for LSD:
3. The Latin Square Design "LSD"
ANOVA table: Latin Square Design
3. The Latin Square Design "LSD"
For treatments, rows, and columns:
Reject H0 if:

The Residual in case Latin Square Design:

4. Balanced Incomplete Block Designs "BIBD"
Balanced Incomplete Block Design for Catalyst Experiment
4. Balanced Incomplete Block Designs "BIBD"
Statistical analysis of the BIBD:
4. Balanced Incomplete Block Designs "BIBD"
The statistical model for the BIBD is:
The effect model is:
4. Balanced Incomplete Block Designs "BIBD"
4. Balanced Incomplete Block Designs "BIBD"
Qi = the adjusted total for the ith treatment,

Example 2: ‘LSD’
The following data resulted from an experiment to
compare three burners B1, B2, and B3. A Latin square
design was used as the tests were made on three engines
and were spread over three days.

Test the hypothesis that there is no difference between the

burners at 5% level of significance.
Example 3: ‘BIBD’
Seven different hardwood concentrations are being
studied to determine their effect on the strength of the
paper produced. However, the pilot plant can only
produce three runs each day. As days may differ, the
analyst uses the balanced incomplete block design that
follows. Analyze the data from this experiment (use α

DOF = N-1 =21-1 = 20

Assignment #1
From Textbook Solve the following problems
Manually and use Minitab Program:
3.10 , 3.12, 3.15, 3.20
4.3, 4.9, 4.14, 4.23, 4.40

Due date 2 weeks

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