Questio 4

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 a.

Your task for the first part of this question is to copy and paste into your TMA document:
o i.your yeast volume measurements in the form of your completed version
of Activity 7.2 Table 2 Quantitative measurements of gas production in
yeast mixtures at different temperatures. There is no need to include your
table of qualitative observations. Make sure to include a title with your
o electronic image of your hand-drawn line graph from Topic 2 Activity
7.3 showing the volume of yeast mixture against elapsed time at three
different temperatures. Note that you should submit a single graph
displaying the data for all three temperatures. You will not receive all of
the marks if you don’t submit a hand-drawn graph.
You can create an electronic image of your hand-drawn graph using a scanner or a
digital camera (or phone or tablet) but make sure that you reduce the size of the image
before inserting it into your TMA or the final file may be too large to submit to the eTMA
system. You can find more advice on this in the SDK100 Assessment guide in the
Assessment resources area of the module website.

Remember to check your image carefully after you paste it into your document – if your
tutor cannot see the features of your graph clearly, they will not be able to award marks
for the accuracy of your graph plotting, the labelling of your axes and your graph title.
(20 marks)

 b.A research team suspects that a diet with increased levels of protein may help build
skeletal muscle mass. The team recruited 200 participants, all of whom engaged in two
weight training sessions every week. They split the participants into two groups. The
control group ate a healthy diet with 20% of their total calories coming from lean protein
intake. The experimental group ate a healthy diet with 30% of their total calories
coming from lean protein intake. The researchers measured total skeletal muscle mass
of each participant using a MRI scanner.
o i.Using what you learnt in Topic 2 Section 7.4, in a single sentence for
each write out your suggested experimental and null hypotheses for the
experiment described above. (6 marks)
o ii.What is the independent variable in this experiment and what is the
dependent variable? (2 marks)
o iii.Name three of the factors that should be kept equivalent between the
different experimental conditions in this experiment. (3 marks)
 c.Using the SDK100 module materials state four foods that the participants might be told to
eat as good sources of lean (i.e. not high in fat) protein. (4 marks).

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