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What is Knowledge management & Importance & types of knowledge Management Knowledge?

KM is the core of IT. It helps an organization to manage all its data & have it readily available for use.

All the data is separated based on projects and requirements as specified by the Management.

It is important for all employees to be on the same page for increasing productivity and creating
business results.

Types of knowledge management

2 types

explicit & tactic

explicit is to have documented AND memo items.

tactic is to have creative ideas and skills of individuals which aren’t in any recorded format.

KM cycle:


Create: identify knowledge, need to connect with expertise to get information.

Capture: collect data and make documents. i.e reports, databases, etc.

Organize: we have to organize the based categories or configuration, tagging so that it can be easily

Sharing: hv to share data with team who has involved.

Utilization: this step involves application, evolution and improvement.

Roles and responsibility:

KM has to identify knowledge opportunities.

Km has to capture it and share it with all the parties involved and educate more people about the
knowledge system

Km has to prepare documents, update them in database (like service now) then inform the team.

Km also has to maintain the data by checking it at regular intervals & addressing feedback received on

Km has to lead the team to find more innovation solutions for better performance.
km has to train and mentor people as knowledge

km has to make report and dashboards and share with management.

How to identify opportunity, Capture data, cascade & co-ordinate with Operations.

Km will have meetings with the team to get insights about knowledge sharing and then understand if
there is any additional information available and create any new process if required.

KM should always work with the operations to understand the requirement & deliver based on it.

How does the service now algorithm work for knowledge management.

How many types of knowledge base is there and how is it helpful to educate users from Operations

Service now algorithm works through keywords (META)

There are multiple types of knowledge base based on requirement.

user self help



How to build relationships with various teams to gather knowledge and how to intercept that data to

Its always better to setup POC primary and secondary to get information from support teams. Weekly or
monthly connections play a key part in exchanging updates and information.

What is Simplified Knowledge article (Method followed in EMEA GBS) What format is compatible for
service now.

It is a TP approved word format used for knowledge base articles across TP.

How to upload an article on service now.?

Login> homepage> all> knowledge> select kB> right top corner click create an article.

Other way is to import an article.

Login> homepage> all>import article> select category> select word file from desktop> select knowledge
base> click import.

How to select configuration Item, category, valid date, publish date, owner for an article in service

Configuration item, category based on issue.

valid date- generally set to 1 year or manual selection.

publish date - the date of publishing.

owner is publisher.

How to select ownership group. What should be the different roles & approvals assigned.

Ownership group as per management

different role -owner, coach, kb manager

How should an article review happen, what are the steps to collate the data for changes and who will
get the approval notification and what will be the view ship.

Article review is based on valid date cycle

approver will be kb manager.

the person who uploads article cannot approve it

How to attach links, pictures and excel sheet to an article.

Click on the paper click icon on article body while creating article to attach.

How to draft and article, the publishing workflow & also the retirement workflow

Publishing- create, draft, publish, review, approved.

retire- click retire> sends email notification> approve.

How and article is available post-retirement cycle. How can it be re-published; what are the necessary

Article is there available in knowledge base but not for everyone to view only Owner group can view it if
it needs republishing then approval has to be gained.
How is Maintenance done for Knowledge management.

Steps to be taken, Continual improvement, innovation.

Flag an article?

Marking it for review and indication that some content is incorrect or needs to be changes as to bringing
attention to owner of aan article.

KM should reach out to the user who flag an article , comment on it or rate it to get their views on it and
see if that requires any changes this helps article to be updated at all times . Also continual
improvement is achieved when this is implemented by users & teams.

What is read time of an article? What is flag an article? What is permalink mentioned in an article?

it is the link to the article destination in service now

Knowledge articles view count & its importance for continual improvement

article view count is seen on top of article it shows how many ppl have seen it

What is an article rating? How are low rating articles processed?

article rating if low has to be checked by KM and do an RCA and see if its valid or invalid.

How to divide an Article (Points to be considered based on Time and motion) to reduce read time and
increase efficiency.

divide article based on length and troubleshooting.

Excel sheet required for managing data received for processing of knowledge articles.

sheet is required for managing all the incoming data from various departments. so, that no data is lost in

Parent & child article Concept and their workflow.

If multiple articles are co-related, then parent article has links to its child article

parent and child article life cycle is separate

while users updating incidents ij snow can search for similar issues with solutions in the knowledge

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