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Mammalia 2023; aop

Short Note

Hernani F. M. Oliveira*, Nícholas F. Camargo, Humberto C. Nappo, Isac M. Venâncio, Tânia A. Queiroz,
Joseana L. Freitas, Diainara S. Figueiredo, Pedro R. Alencar, Ticiane L. Costa and Guarino R. Colli

Unprecedented habitat use by an arboreal

Neotropical marsupial (Didelphimorphia:
Didelphidae) in the Cerrado arboreal have also occasionally been recorded on the ground
Received April 4, 2023; accepted October 26, 2023; (Mourthé et al. 2007; Pauli et al. 2014). The vertical stratifi-
published online November 29, 2023
cation patterns of these animals may vary according to
different factors, such as habitat structure, food resource
Abstract: The brown-eared woolly opossum (Caluromys
availability, and predation (Camargo et al. 2018; Rader and
lanatus) is an elusive frugivorous Neotropical canopy
Krockenberger 2006). For instance, in the Brazilian savanna
specialist marsupial considered primarily arboreal, but here
(i.e., Cerrado), the arboreal rodent Rhipidomys macrurus is
we report the first records of individuals from this species
more associated with the canopy in less complex forests to
captured on the ground in the Cerrado. We hypothesize two
avoid predators (Camargo et al. 2018). Therefore, unusual
main reasons to explain this behavior: first related to canopy
records of arboreal mammals on the ground may represent
openness, which would force the animals to the ground to
relevant information to expand our understanding of their
keep moving across the landscape; and the second related
ecology and different aspects of forest dynamics (Barnett
with search for food on the ground during periods of food
et al. 2012; Pauli et al. 2014).
scarcity due to increased canopy gaps. Our findings can have
Cerrado is mainly formed by open vegetation forma-
important implications for the species conservation and
tions and is highly influenced by edaphic factors and the
understanding forest ecological dynamics.
frequency and strength of fires (Hoffmann and Moreira
Keywords: canopy; ground; mammal; savanna; vertical 2002; Ribeiro and Walter 1998). The latter has an essential
stratification role in shaping the vegetation structure within the Cerrado
by increasing tree mortality and changing tree density
Forest canopies remain one of the last ecological frontiers to across the landscape (Miranda et al. 2002). However, not all
be explored and understood by science (Nakamura et al. vegetation formations are equally susceptible to fire within
2017). There is generally much more information about the the Cerrado (Hoffman et al. 2012). Even though gallery forests
ecology of ground and understory animals than about can- do not usually burn due to the lower temperatures and sun
opy specialists (Nakamura et al. 2017). This situation is exposure, and high tree cover (Hoffman et al. 2012; Miranda
partially related not only to their elusiveness but also due to et al. 2010), there have been reports of fires within gallery
the challenges of accessing and studying animal ecology in forests, with further consequences for its associated fauna
canopies, which in some forests can reach over 40 m (Lang (Oliveira and Aguiar 2015). Moreover, gallery forests within
et al. 2022; Nakamura et al. 2017; Santana et al. 2017). How- the Cerrado present a unique ecological opportunity for
ever, different mammals previously regarded as primarily arboreal animals to feed and move, with approximately 10 %
(25 out of the 249 spp.) of Cerrado mammals presenting some
degree of arboreality (Paglia et al. 2012). However, fires can
*Corresponding author: Hernani F. M. Oliveira, Coleção Herpetológica
da Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de reduce canopy cover in vegetation formations of the Cerrado
Brasília, Brasília 70910-900, Brazil, E-mail: (Miranda et al. 2002), with potentially cascading conse- quences for the movement patterns and food availability of
Nícholas F. Camargo and Humberto C. Nappo, Departamento de arboreal mammals using these habitats.
Ecologia, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, DF, Brazil
The brown-eared woolly opossum (Caluromys lanatus)
Isac M. Venâncio, Tânia A. Queiroz, Joseana L. Freitas, Diainara S.
Figueiredo, Pedro R. Alencar, Ticiane L. Costa and Guarino R. Colli,
is an elusive arboreal Neotropical frugivorous marsupial
Coleção Herpetológica da Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de with a wide distribution ranging from east of the Andes in
Zoologia, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília 70910-900, Brazil Colombia throughout northeastern Argentina and
2 H.F.M. Oliveira et al.: Arboreal marsupial recorded in pitfall traps

southeastern Brazil (Astúa 2015). This marsupial heavily gallery forest at the RECOR burned during non-prescribed
feeds on fruits, but it may also feed on invertebrates, ver- fires in 2005 and 2011, which affected most of this protected
tebrates, and nectar (Camargo et al. 2017; Casela and Cáceres area (Caetano and Colli 2021; Mendonça et al. 2015). Fires can
2006; Gribel 1988). C. lanatus is a canopy specialist (Camargo cause significant tree mortality and the opening of vegeta-
et al. 2018; Lambert et al. 2005; Vieira and Camargo 2012), tion clearings in gallery forests (Kellman and Meave 2007;
with the genus presenting adaptive convergence with pri- Santiago et al. 2005). Consequently, this locality presents a
mates regarding behavior, locomotion, posture, and foot lower canopy cover compared to other non-burned gallery
morphology, such as the use of terminal branches, walking forests in the region located in other protected areas.
gait, and a diagonal-sequence footfall pattern during locomo- Forty permanent pitfall traps (20 in each site) have been
tion (Cartmill et al. 2002; Lemelin et al. 2003; Schmitt and checked twice a week inside these two areas since 2000 to
Lemelin 2002, 2004). To our knowledge, it has never been monitor the dynamics of lizard populations and commu-
recorded at ground level in the Cerrado, but records for other nities. Each trap consists of four PVC pipe sections (50 cm
biomes, such as the Amazon have been reported (Santos-Filho depth, 20 cm diameter – 15 litter buckets) buried vertically in
et al. 2015). Moreover, studies with considerable sampling ef- the ground and connected by 5 m long metal fences forming
forts in the canopy usually have only recorded a few in- a Y shape (Figure 2). Traps are separated by a distance of at
dividuals, indicating low-density populations (Carmignotto and least 20 m.
Aires 2011; Camargo et al. 2018; Lambert et al. 2005). Thus, this On three occasions during 2022, we found C. lanatus
species’ ecology and natural history have been scarcely re- (three individuals) inside pitfall traps in the gallery forest of
ported (Camargo et al. 2017; Casela and Cáceres 2006; Lambert RECOR (Figure 3), one during the end (March 29) and two at
et al. 2005). the beginning of the wet season (November 8 and December
Here, we report five records of C. lanatus individuals in 13). We also recorded two other individuals from this species
pitfall traps inside gallery forests of the Brazilian Cerrado in the pitfalls of the same area: one on June 14, 2017, and
that burned in 2005 and 2011, representing the first records another on November 23, 2018, totaling five records of
of this species on the ground within this biome. Although C. lanatus in pitfall traps of our study sites. However, we
C. lanatus have some morphological similarities with its could not track back the site and buckets of the last two
congener species Caluromys philander, it differs from it in individuals mentioned. Since our monitoring focused on the
relation its conspicuous tail hair pattern, which is covered by herpetofauna, these individuals were only noticed and
hair until the half part of its dorsal side and one fifth on its recorded anecdotally, and even more captures may have
ventral side (Gardner 2007; Rossi et al. 2012). In C. philander, occurred in previous years. All recorded individuals were
the tale is covered with hairs in similar extension on the released after capture, but at least one individual, after being
dorsal and ventral side, which is close to one third of its total released from the pitfall quickly climbed back to the canopy,
length (Gardner 2007; Rossi et al. 2012). Moreover, we pro- reinforcing the pattern of high arboreal activity of this
pose potential hypotheses explaining why this species use marsupial species despite the unusual ground records.
ground level for its movement and foraging. Our records of C. lanatus (three within a single year) in
Cerrado has a highly seasonal climate with a well- pitfall traps indicate a relatively high exploitation intensity by
defined warm-wet season from October to April when close the marsupial at ground level. For three years (2012–2014)
to 90 % of the annual precipitation of 1100–1600 mm occurs, (after the fires during 2005/2011), Camargo et al. (2018) sampled
and a cool-dry season from May to September (Miranda et al. eight forest sites within the same protected area of our study,
1993). All captures were made inside gallery forests in Dis- including also one of our sampling sites at EEJBB, with Sher-
trito Federal in central Brazil at two adjacent protected man live traps on the ground, understory, and canopy (43,200
areas: Reserva Ecológica do IBGE (RECOR) (15°56′41″S, 47°53′ trap-nights). They captured 13 individuals of C. lanatus, all of
07″W) (1300 ha) and Estação Ecológica do Jardim Botânico de them in the canopy. Moreover, only very few other studies
Brasília (EEJBB) (15°53′09″S, 47°50′34″W) (4518 ha) (Figure 1). within the species range has ever recorded the species on the
Representing 5 % of the Cerrado distribution, gallery forests ground (Fleck and Harder 1995; Santos-Filho et al. 2015). Pitfall
form corridors along water courses and wetlands (Ribeiro traps are designed to capture ground-dwelling animals, but
and Walter 1998). This formation is characterized by 20– might occasionally trap some arboreal mammal species
30 m trees with a canopy cover ranging between 70 % and (Ardente et al. 2017); thus, repeatedly capturing such an arbo-
95 % (Ribeiro and Walter 1998). Gallery forests represent real species at ground level is worth noting.
some of the few forest formations in the Cerrado, which is A possible explanation is that these animals were forced
characterized mainly by open formations that cover over to climb down the trees to move through the area. Usually,
70 % of its total distribution (Ribeiro and Walter 1998). The this would not be necessary for a canopy specialist; however,
H.F.M. Oliveira et al.: Arboreal marsupial recorded in pitfall traps 3

Figure 1: Locations of the two gallery forests in the Brazilian Cerrado where we captured the brown-eared woolly opossum (Caluromys lanatus) for the
first time in pitfall traps. The white circle in the left indicates the gallery forest at the Reserva Ecológica do IBGE (RECOR), and the white circle on the right
indicates the gallery forest at the Estação Ecológica do Jardim Botânico de Brasília (EEJBB).

the gallery forest in the RECOR is characterized by a tropical forests, affecting the locomotion of arboreal mam-
discontinuous canopy, a lasting consequence of a wildfire mals and overall gallery forest ecological dynamics (Mar-
back in 2011. Thus, this forest seems to present a discon- ques et al. 2022; Widyastuti et al. 2022). Hence, animals
nected ecological corridor for the movement of this species, willing to move through the forest must climb down to the
which is a limiting factor for the movement of arboreal ground at some point, allowing them to be caught in our
mammal species (Cudney-Valenzuela et al. 2023). Even low- pitfall traps. The behavior of walking on the ground has been
intensity fires can significantly impact the structure of reported for other arboreal mammal species, such as
4 H.F.M. Oliveira et al.: Arboreal marsupial recorded in pitfall traps

Figure 2: Pitfall traps that were used to capture brown-eared woolly opossum (Caluromys lanatus) for the first time on the ground in the Brazilian

arboreal sugar gliders from Australia (van der Ree et al. 2004) et al. 2022; Mourthé et al. 2007). Alternatively, these in-
and primates of the Atlantic Forest (Dib et al. 1997; Mourthé dividuals could have been attracted to the traps while
et al. 2007), which have increased ground activity in places already foraging on the ground since the pitfalls usually trap
where there are forest gaps. Similarly, anthropogenic forest invertebrates, one of their potential food items.
disturbances increase the terrestrial activity of Bornean It is important to note that this unusual behavior can
orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) according to the degree of forest significantly affect survival within this ecological context.
disturbance and canopy gap size (Ancrenaz et al. 2014). Terrestrial activity in arboreal mammals is linked with
Terrestrial activity has also been reported among increased predatory risk and higher chances of contracting
arboreal frugivorous Neotropical primates (pithecines) due new parasites (Kawabe and Mano 1972; Mourthé et al. 2007).
to food scarcity in the canopy, which forces individuals to Feral dogs, for example, attack arboreal mammals moving
look for food on the ground (Barnett et al. 2012). Although on the ground within many Neotropical protected areas
fruit production in Cerrado gallery forests is highly seasonal (Chaves et al. 2022; Galetti and Sazima 2006; Lessa et al. 2016).
(Funch et al. 2002; Ragusa-Netto 2008), the decreased canopy Thus, among many other terrestrial predator species
cover and the simplification of the vertical structure may (including native ones), they could represent an essential
have further accentuated the low food availability (Cudney- new pressure for these individuals. Indeed, feral dogs are
Valenzuela et al. 2023), forcing animals to climb down the often recorded in the protected area of our study (e.g., Pet-
trees to access alternative food resources. This strategy razzini and Aguiar 2021). Furthermore, higher infection
would also minimize intra- and interspecific competition in rates in arboreal animals by different pathogens during
the canopy, as seen for other arboreal mammals (Eppley locomotion on the ground (Zommers et al. 2013) may impact
H.F.M. Oliveira et al.: Arboreal marsupial recorded in pitfall traps 5

Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to the admin-

istration of RECOR and EEJBB and the team at Coleção Her-
petológica da Universidade de Brasília, responsible for
maintaining and checking the traps.
Research ethics: The authors declare that they have
complied with the guidelines of the Care and Use
Committee of the American Society of Mammalogists
[Sikes, R.S. and Animal Care and Use Committee of the
American Society of Mammalogists (2016). Guidelines of the
American Society of Mammalogists for the use of wild
mammals in research and education. J. Mammal. 97 (3): 663–
Author contributions: Conceptualization: H.F.M. Oliveira,
N.F. Camargo, H.C. Nappo, G.R. Colli; methodology, formal
analysis and investigation: H.F.M. Oliveira, N.F. Camargo,
G.R. Colli; writing – original draft preparation: H.F.M.
Oliveira, N.F. Camargo, H.C. Nappo, G.R. Colli; writing –
review and editing: H.F.M. Oliveira, N.F. Camargo, H.C.
Nappo, I.M. Venâncio, T.A. Queiroz, J.L. Freitas, D.S.
Figueiredo, P.R. Alencar, T.L. Costa, G.R. Colli; funding
acquisition: H.F.M. Oliveira, G.R. Colli; resources: G.R. Colli;
supervision: G.R. Colli.
Competing interests: The authors declare no competing
financial or non-financial interests regarding the
publication of the current article.
Research funding: The authors thank the Coordenação de
Apoio à Formação de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES),
Figure 3: Photos of two of the five individuals of the brown-eared woolly Conselho Nacional do Desenvolvimento Científico e
opossum (Caluromys lanatus) captured in pitfall traps in gallery forests of Tecnológico (CNPq), and Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do
the Brazilian Cerrado. Distrito Federal (FAPDF) for financial support.
their health and survival, with further consequences for Data availability: All data is available in the manuscript.
population dynamics.
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