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Year 8 - Chemistry Project Outline

Term II
Academic Year 2023-2024
I. Introduction (2 marks)
A. Definition of Chromatography.
B. Importance and applications in various fields.

II. Types of Chromatography (3 marks)

A. Explanation of the process.
B. Process overview.

III. Materials and Methods (3 marks)

A. List of materials needed for a basic chromatography experiment.
B. Step-by-step procedure.
C. Safety precautions during experiment.

IV. Experimental Data and Observations (4 marks)

A. Presentation of results.
B. Discussion of observed colour separations.
C. Photographs or illustrations of the results.

V. Analysis and Interpretation (4 marks)

A. Explanation of the science behind chromatographic separation.
B. Identification of key factors affecting separation.

VI. Conclusion (2 marks)

A. Summary of findings
B. Personal reflections on the experiment

VII. Presentation (2 marks)

A. Neatness and organization of the project.
B. Clarity of writing, use of scientific terms and presentation format.
Content (10 marks):
• Accurate and comprehensive coverage of chromatography types and techniques.
• Thorough explanation of experimental procedures and safety measures.
• Clear presentation and analysis of experimental data.
• In-depth interpretation of results and connections to chromatographic principles.

Organization (4 marks):
• Logical and well-structured presentation of information.
• Smooth transition between sections.
• Proper use of headings, subheadings, and bullet points for clarity.

Creativity (3 marks):
• Creative use of visuals (graphs, tables, images) to enhance understanding.
• Thoughtful and innovative approaches to discussing applications or potential
extensions of the experiment.

Presentation Skills (3 marks):

• Neatness and legibility of the written content.
• Clear and effective communication of ideas.
• Proper citation of sources if applicable.


N/B: Printed pictures/diagrams can be used, but hand-drawn pictures/diagrams are

highly encouraged.

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