LogbookPlatform Candidate UserGuide 2

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e-Logbook platform


You have sat an ESC examination and a logbook can be submitted to complete your
Please note that until the logbook submission deadline, if you have not submitted your e-logbook, automatic
reminders will be sent to you periodically.

1. Connection to the e-logbook platform

You have received a notification informing you that you have successfully passed the exam. This
notification contains your result letter and certificate.

Click on the “here” link in your result letter to access the e-logbook platform.
This link is strictly personal.

The following window will appear:

Enter your MyESC email address and password to access the platform.

If you cannot remember your MyESC password or if you are not yet registered on My ESC, you
can click on “Forgot password” or “Create your MyESC account”.

2. Submit your e-logbook

Once logged in, you will access the e-logbook platform on the “Submission” form as displayed in
the following screen.
Your name

Process step indication

Submission deadline

General information is displayed on the top of your submission

form. The e-logbook platform grants automatically a logbook
reference. Creation date, ESC ID, Association and Specialty are
automatically filled by the platform

In the general information section, please enter in the appropriate fields:

• “Country of work”,
• “City of work”,
• “Institution”

This information is mandatory because graders assigned to your logbook cannot be from the
same institution as you to avoid any conflict of interest.
If applicable to your specialty, you have also to select the language in which your
e-logbook will be submitted. Graders will be assigned accordingly.

Indicate your Country of work, City If applicable, select a

of Work and Institution language in the dropdown

Attach all the required documents to be provided in each appropriate field.

The list of requirements is specific to each association and specialty.

This list and all documents templates associated are available on each certification web page
on the ESC website (https://www.escardio.org/Education/Career-Development/Certification).

Document title to be provided

is indicated in each field Upload your document

Sometimes, you have to click on the “+” button available at the right of a document title to add
several documents.
When a file has been uploaded, you can:

• Visualize it by clicking on the magnifying glass icon

• Delete the file by clicking on the red cross

File attached

You can also add comments if you think that it could be relevant.

Please note that at any stage of the creation of your e-logbook all your information is
automatically saved. You can also click on the “Save as draft” button to save your information
and come back later to complete your e-logbook.

To access a draft logbook, click on “My pending tasks”. You will find here all your logbooks in
draft status. Click on the logbook ID to access your logbook again.

Once all the mandatory fields are completed, click on the “Submit” button.

The following message appears:

Click on “OK” to confirm your e-logbook submission.

If you click on “Cancel” you will be redirected to your e-logbook form.
What happens after you have submitted your logbook?
The ESC Certification team will proceed to an administrative review of your documents. If all
documents are compliant, you will receive an email informing you that your e-logbook was
submitted for grading.

Grader(s) will review and grade your e-logbook. This process should take around 3 months. In
case additional documents are asked to you, the counter is reset to zero and the whole
process can take more than 3 months.

Once the decision is available, you will receive an email informing you about your e-logbook

At any time of the process, ESC Certification team or grader(s) can ask you to complete or add
additional information to your e-logbook. An email will be sent to you with the additional
requirements to be provided.

3. Update your e-logbook

3.1 Upon request of the Certification team

If one or several documents provided are identified by the ESC Certification team as not
compliant, you will receive an e-mail prompting you to re-access your e-logbook to amend it.
The notification will contain the administrator’s comments to see what we are expected from
you. Click on the e-logbook link to access the platform.

Please note that until you provide the requested documents, your logbook is pending and will
not be processed.

Update your logbook accordingly and click on “Resubmit”. Please note that only documents
judged not compliant by the ESC administrator can be modified. Others cannot be removed

3.2 Upon request of one or several graders

At any time, one or several graders can ask for more information in order to be able to grade
your e-logbook. You will receive a notification with the additional information to be provided:

Click on the e-logbook reference link in the email to access the logbook and complete it

At this stage, you are not able to modify anymore your initial documents. Attach your
additional documents in the section “Additional files”. Don’t forget to indicate the document
title and click on “Resubmit”. At least, one additional document is required.
4. Extension request

In case you need additional time to submit your e-logbook, please send your request to the ESC
Certification team by using this link: https://www.escardio.org/Contact.

Select “Education” category and indicate in your title: “Logbook submission – Extension request”

Please note that a signed letter of explanation from your supervisor will be asked by the
Certification team to grant you the required delay. The extension request must be submitted
BEFORE the initial logbook submission deadline and cannot be granted arrears.

You will receive a confirmation by email that your extension request has been validated with the
new e-logbook submission deadline.

5. Mutual recognition – Only for EACVI

In case, you can be eligible to mutual recognition (refer to the ESC webpage for further
information: https://www.escardio.org/Education/Career-Development/Certification/EACVI-
mutual-recognition), please contact the ESC certification team by using this link:
https://www.escardio.org/Contact. Select “Education” category and indicate in your title:
“Mutual recognition”. Please note that an eligibility proof will be requested.

After validation by the ESC Certification team, you will receive an email to inform you of your
successful certification with your Level 2 Certificate.
6. Access your dashboards

• At any time, you can access all your logbook information with the related documents
(result letters, certificates…). To this end, click on “Dashboard”.

• At any time, you can access the list of your submitted logbook requests to follow in
which status they are, access the corresponding logbook… To this end, click on “My

• At any time, you can access the list of logbooks for which your action is required. To this
end, click on “My pending tasks”

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