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EP 1770717 A1 (19) » (43) Date of publication: 04.04.2007 Bulletin 2007/14 2) (21) Applecstion number: 054472212 (22) Date of fling: 09.10.2005, (84) Designated Contracting States: AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FRGB GR HUIE IS IT LILTLULV MC NL PL PT RO SE si SK TR Designated Extension States: AL BAHR MK YU ay) EP 1770717 A1 EUROPEAN PATENT APPLICATION (61) Inte G21K 1e0=men ——Ga1B 1/000 (71) Applicant: Tavakoll, Mehran Keshe {8573 Tiegem (BE) (72) Inventor: Tavakoli, Mehran Keshe 18573 Tiegem (BE) Remarks: ‘Amendedclaime in accordance with Rule 86 (2) EPC. (64) Gravitational and energy system (ST) The new method and technology is dascrbed {0 create - under centrlugal and vacuum conditions - in presence of larization conattion -a turbulence, oration, Compressive and heating of agaseous mater created ina roactor by at eaet one centra relative magnate old withthe purpase of creatingplasmatic conditions leading {othe creation various magnetic elds where at/east the Interactioncttuo magnetiofeldwouldieadtothecrectian of atleast one gravitational force phenomena. Ina reac: torembedmant a chain of enorgatc avons is eraaied Fig.8 Via a roative magnetic ination ofa basic ionization of 2 gas {L. hydrogen) which then tigers a coniroisble ‘onain of energy transfers (Sentllater) tothe next follon- inglayer(s)ofintroduced gasses (.2. He, Ne, Ar, Kr, X of el other invoduzed lomenis ofthe periode table (he. LU, Be, K, Ca, Ti, Pt, ete) ender their introduced rmol= ecule combinations (7-8. a vapor. A central colums has magnetic means to stat he process. Vertous concepts, soplcations and products are disclosed, such as space travel and atamie wolaing EP 1770717 1 Description [0001] An imporant part of research on energy happened since about 1940 when the quest for nuclear power and its control realy etaried. We see thal several concepts were developed since then. Some special more performing ‘concopie without he nucleer waste problem ara till under development, [ka the Tokornak reactors. The worldof nuclear industry seems to be infatuated by the dream to create the power af the Sun on Earth. But a change in the physical dosign structure of the present reactors is needed because the fusion industry of today has not managed to produce any sustainable and substantia! amount of energy after some fity yeate of research and development. The reason for the fallure of these reactors is rooted in the folowing tree major miscalculations. Misceloulation 1: These reactors al eufer from tho eonirel column synarome. That ie to say thet, these all have a ‘center solid body ight in the migale ofthe reactor. This ist facitate the physical loaps of the magnatic cal ngs, sa ‘thet the magneti¢ felds can be produced and maintained to bring the plasma to the right temperature and speed, In order to echieve fusion, Ths isa fundamental problem i tne soletists ave trying to imitate and reach the temperature ofthe center ofthe Sun. As when has any one seen a central column inthe center ofthe Sun? Miscaloulation 2: The fundamental reversal cf laws of physics. fone locks at magnetic field forces in the universe. “The magnetic foros is crested and maintained, trom the center outward, in any star in passassion of fusion cere. In these man-made designs, the lane of physics are lumed inside out, where the magnatic fads are enforced from the outside, Inward. This is an explanation as to why the scientists ere using s0 much energy for such @ small output (Cur vio: The magnetic fel force has to be crestad and maintained from the inner par to raciate outand thus allowing ‘eation of the second magnetc eld force Inwards, te contain the plasma within the canter of te core Miscalculation 3: Current concepts of fusion preduction end maintenance lack a source of Gravilational Fieki Forces Tike tho ono in the centor of the Sun. (Qur-views The sactetof the Sun in holding tegatherall he elements thetcan sustain fusion, isthe existance of amassive graveational field foroe at its core. What this means, s that the center ofthe Sun possesses and maintains & very high level gravitational eld force, that can nold ch to the plasma of ts masse body, ‘This gravity around the center of the Sun is calculated to be in the order ef hundreds and thousands of mes more PoNerful then the gravtationelfores on the eurtsce of the Earth. [0002] fone reads al the past and present reported results of the tests on TOKOMAK-typa fusion reactors. [0003] Even, when one eeks the men in charge ofthe latest fusion experiments in UK, they all repor the gravity in {the reactor core to oe a fraction of te pravtaionel force on the surface of the earth. Tis & peimarly due tothe fac, {thal there is no system devised to crea and mainain a greviatonal fia force to hold the plasma in the reactor core ‘and pullittogotner. Ifthis was or could be achieved there would nat be a need for sich a large input of curentto create the magnetic file {oroe from outside cols. [ooo] So now can @ nuclear fusion reactor maintain iis power without the existence of 6 Gravitational Feld Force? ‘This like baking # sponge ceke without heving any flour oregg in the dough. How can one achieve fusion when they ddo not possae the main ingredient to hold tne plasma together to custein son? [0005] When these problers are understood and reciied by the scientists they may then use these forces and materials appropristely as in the universe [oo0s] The other problem which solerists Inthe word of fusion do note and have not considered, isthe uth about the one hundreds milion degrees centigrade temperature they ty to create in the TOKOMAK rectors [0007] A few thousand degroae melted tho Columbia shuttle on ra-enty into earth's almoaphere. “The present technology cannct handle a few thousand degree’s temperature. The question is: How are they going to handle ane hundred milion degree temperctures fore long ime in a 1wo-meter dlamoter TOKAMAK core without meking provision for removing heating rom tne core? ‘This question is what the fusion engineers are avoiding to answer. They are hoping to have an enswer in My years, ater pending tniteen oilion dollars in tne next twenty years trom the common market and Japan, [0008] Nor we see the correct approach in patent-applications by other inventors. [0009] The method which is claimod in this patent application ls euch tat - undor centrifugal and vacuum contions a turbulence, retstion, compressive and hesting of a gasecus matter is crested in a resctor by at leest one central rotative magnetic fed with the purpose of creaiing plastic condiions leading to various physical phenomena, [0010] We claim niso @ method wnere - under centrtugel and vacuum conditions in presence et lonizatn condition +a turbulence, rotation, compressive and heating of a gaseous matter is created in a reactor by atleast one central fotative magnate fe withthe purpose of creating pleematic canditions loacing to the creation various magnate fields ‘where atleastthe incerection oftwo magneticfield wouldleadtotnecrestion of atleast one gravitational ‘orce phenomens. [0011] In this patent-spplcation we disclose a concept, metnod and technology for more efficient and higher, electric energy levels 6s wel as creation of gravity and antigravity wehin a center of en objector a matter tet can be created al relatively very ow cost EP 1770717 1 [0012] itis important to understand that we see an analogy with the planetary concept and postioning of planets in our solar eyetom. Tne Earth and al olanots and stars poseese a cenvaly heated core. The creation and maintenance ff the heat anc motion isnot in the lavel and methos which scientist have chosen fer motion and energy technological progress up to this moment in time. Planets possess and maintain heat, magnetic forces and gravity through one Integrated aystem with mostly one common elements the souree ofthe energy. In thecenter of pienete the temperature facqitred is more Ike in thausends of degrees centigrade rather than milions of degrees asin stars. But all the same, al effects n creating heat, magnetism and graviy can be achieved at all temperatures. Its to be proven through the dsign of the reactor inthis patent hat ie strength of magnetic fed and gravty of these planets Is more dependent on the composition of tne material andthe speed of motion inthe canter cora ofthe planet, rather then the size or any other fector inthe planar or the etar intemal eucture inthe universe vast emaurt of heat are net euddenly preduced and presentedin cre instance for usin to takes place for systems and stars to be created. There are lans and procedures {to folow to succeed in achieving large ora erall sysiem inthe universe. “These laws have tobe followed tothe letter n tre design of any system or reactor forcreston of heat, magnetic forces fiolds and subsequent cravtational forces field and so on, fora system to be successful and operational, Planets and ‘stars using tho natural laws of physic and materiale do al eee, al et once and tegather without saparsta mechinery fandcontrolooms and fuels. They do this as one fuly integrated system. Thus forthe frst time inthe wor's af tecmnclogy and intellect, in and by the design of his reacior, fundamentel princjwals are set out and developed to show how all these atove effects end many more could be very simply attained. Al et the same time and as ine natural universal ‘manner in one fully integrate system. “Ths i¢ explained Very explety inthe annex that Is joined to this patent application. That annex ie integral part of his patent application, and may hej the reader to better analyse and understand the concepls and ideas about our new resetors and telr functioning [0073] The invention reletes to a gravity producing systam, method, concept and technalogy wheraby in a renctor= ‘embodiment (10) a chain oF energetic events i created via a rotative magnelic(17A), ination of a base ionzation of 1 gas (Le. hydrogen 18A) or other matters, which then tnggers a controllable chain of energy transters (so called ‘Scintillation lo the nex folowing layers) of introduced gasses (Le. He 18B, Ne 18C, Ar 180, Kr, Xe 18E), of allotier Introduced olements of he porosictable (0. Li, Be, K, Ce, Th, .. Pl, ete) and/or ther intaduced molecule combinations Ge. avepon) [0014] _vrthoutsciniilation in alow density, low volume ration of atomic hydrogen environmert of galaxies, the process ff ionisation wil not rake place, tt he rest of the ean oF events for he croction of any system ar galaxy cen take initiated. Scinilation is the ignition key for start ef creation of any system inthe universe, ‘Allinart gasesin conjunction wth ferent materiale andcondions inthe coree canbe used fr or asecintltion material in the core ofthe ranctors [0016] The use.fliguidhefum and neon andotherinan gases as cintllatos isthe essential ingredientof the operation ff any system that neces to generate neat, power and gravy, Hellum ang neon nave no unstable naturally occuring Isotopes, therefore ary inherent radioactive backarounds. That is why thes@ are good source fer creation of the extreme Ltraviolet ray catslyst source noaded for inl lonleation of nycrogen etome to eter the haating of gases and piserya in the caroline core [0016] In galaxies the ultaviolet photons from reminisce of the explosion of stare have suffcient energy to stp the electrons completely away rom nycrogen atoms andlonisedhydrogenatoms, When anditthe atom of hydragen absorbs ‘photon with wavelength of 912A, The ator is ionised with the extra energy going into Kinetic energy ofthe electron. ‘Thie requires a phoxon enorgy graator then 12.6 eV ot wavelength of 912 Ain the ultraviolet region. [0017] Colision between electrons thermalis” their eneruy, this energy heating the gas in the region to higher tem- peratures. [0078] Thecreticel models ofthe installer clous are proving new insights into the role of extreme uliravilet rays and soft X-ray photoelectric heating, as well as thermal conductve interfaces, In exolaining the observed high ratios of hydrogen Hi stvery ow pressures. These indicating not me need tor he use ot onssed Hydrogen but natural hydrogen in the process of heating up @ gas fo Plasma State. [0019] _Atthe present most considerations are gWven to use ofionieed hydrogen and its ration wth extrame ulreviolet rays emissions. Recent researc and ndings allons the endeavour to new temtory of reverse siate of concition. Where Ikhas been observedin the galaxies that round state hydrogen receiving energy photors inthe extreme ultraviolet rays ange would endis excitedto be lonised. Then dy returning to ground state trough ontayses can be used to release this energy to heat up the surrouncing gas to heated Plasira Stave [0020] This cponing anew approach into dovaiopment of systems whore notlonised but natural hydrogen end atomic hydrogen can be used to generate energy and currents, by using extreme ubraviolet rays rather then utaviolet rays to ‘eae the ionisation [0021] This new understanding allows low temereture operation and ess energy input forthe higher energy out put, allowing operation inthe non-nuclear environment EP 1770717 1 [0022] These being due to the fect as naturel rydrogen is used, there are ne pessibilty of emission above extreme Ltravilet rays by the hydrogen atoms, a¢ an atom can not amit more then It has abeorbed. That ie as the extrema ttravioet rays energy absorbed by natura hydrogen atom, this stom to return to ground state can only release energies boiow extreme utraviolet rays, at the same tine releasing sufficient energy and tree electrons that can be useful in a ‘eystem. For thie reason the need fornew ignition eyster using extrame ultraviolet eye forhydrogen rathar hen fonieation by ulravilet rays merowave can be considered [0023] _2y passing icuid helium over Alpha or Beta source to generate the extreme ultraviolet rays, Thorindlke in ite 1 950th diacovered lquld-hellum scintilation. Stockton later showed the emission of very Intense wavelength range In the extreme ultraviolet ray’s spectrum is centered at about 20 am. Adams confirmed the transparency of iqui heliurn to te own svintlation light reagon forthe intarty ofthe photone, 0024} Scinsiation ofthe liquid heium by can be achieved through use cf Alpha ora beta raciaton source, where the use of Alpha or Beta source exctation in fquid helium determines the daneity ofthe ioisation. Adams calculated that, energy depostes by Beta particles in super Fuld hellum are emted promptly as extreme ulteviolet rays Ight, and ‘considered to be es much as 25% of total energy released by the fhid {0025} The intial etage in the process of haating al the elements in the oore of @ reactor has to be the lonleaton of fsoms of hycragen in the Caraline core by using extreme utraviclet rays, carried by compressed liquid helm into the ‘core, which has been exposed io radfoacive source prior io entry Int the carotine core, [0026] This method of ionisation of hydrogen atoms hes been observed In he galaxies, therefore t should be easy {to achieve the same in reactor environment under the right condition. The extreme ulieviolt rays in vacuum condition ‘cause promptand crect photoionization of nydrogen. Weve es ower eneray photon causes a comolnation of ragmen- tation and delay thermionic ionisation. Thus use of extrame utraviclt ray ie te fast and direct way to start the reactor trom cel. [0027] The right choice of racioactive alement for production of extrame ultraviolet rays in presence of quid helium ‘or ngon is important, With the correct selection, the possbilty that quid helium wil carry any gamma ray energy level radiation into the core ofthe reactor can totaly be eliminated. Therefore the choice irradiation scutce for scintilaton wil have diract effect on different combination and the amount of gases used inthe Caroline core, [0028] Use of nautren traps tectitios, In the outlet of Iredlated chambor of the ecinillaton unt can make aura no ‘neutrons can entar tne caroline cove, that can create high energy rays in the core, that can create racioactve chain of events of releasing X-raye or higher level energy rays wit the interaction with ctrer materials in the caroline core. [0029] The reactor-embodment nas at least one (26) or more (27) spaces (Le. cavities 11, layers, sub-chambers). ‘This i very important to understand. 26 and 27 show two diferent approaches. 26 shows a reactor which has one ‘chamber and inside wil be - Inthe pure gaseous concept - eavoral leyore of not gassae (or other mattors or a mixtura of cesses and matter). Thase layers are fonmed in the reactor chamber by the centrfugel and vacuums conditions according fo ther the atomic weight. Since the layers have a diferent rotational speed there wil be kinetical, magnetic ‘and other etaces In the inter ayer regione. 27 shows Inetoad a reactor concert where there i a reel pnysical wall (16. steelwall, quid substance, vearing energy strength matters)in he reactor which separates two zones inside the reactor, land each may have I's own internal procese(es) and spectic layer ordering. The magnetic elds in both wl ntertera ‘with each cthar in a contrlled way. This physical wall may be siynetrical too, mzaning fo be epened under certain ‘secured conditions jor various reasons or the separated aree’s may interchange matier or plasma -by connection means =f that ls appropriate In the processing [0030] The concertofcreaton of energy for this reactor on the bases ofthe understanding of cooperation, interaction ‘and apptoation of he atomio structure of the plasma, aces, iquid and gold of allmattars krown in he worlsar eviorce. [0031] The principal ofthe behaviour ofthesa in vacuumand centrifuge environmant has bean stuciedandcatalagued in dotall ever past cecedoa. [0032] itis paramount to understand thet gases in a vacuum envircnment tor thelr cortsinment Cehave very much lke gud and the two can switch state, With one element changing properties atthe same time in the samme system by ‘light onange of temperature or pressure WEhin the core ofthe reactor. This nolas the same between the quid and soll stat too. [0033] Ifthe behaviour of a crop of water In apace and the way they fost in vacuum condition are cbeerved, gases benave the seme in the vacuum too, they stay n cluster but take over the whole ofthe space oftheir containment, [0034] From ast research tis understood thai gases i a vacuurn and centrifuged encapsulate each other accorcing to thelr eterne weight, from the lighter gases In the center cf tre cluster and the Neaviest an the outer layers. [0035] This means that necn will encapsulate hellum and heavier gas will encapsulate the neon and s0 on, [0036] The second important principal for inort gee law ie that thay do net ix with each ethar Ia vacume and ‘centrifuges condtion. [0037] This factor will play an important pact inthe development of any energy eystern, which has to be portable and light. Bur the same time tlexble, energetic and funetonal abe for tte Oe used for RS Mert In any eyetem, tie Selng for power production, gravity, ant gravity, shielding and medical use and so forth EP 1770717 1 [0028] For this system to be able to take advantage ct above criterion is important to have Hydrogen in atomic, ‘molacular, is lsotopes and lonised form are the primary element In production of inital heating ofthe reactor core, ae it Is done i the cosmes, [0039] Hyoregen gas in atomic and molecular level has some versatile properties, that ¥ thay are used forthe right ppurpoge atthe right te in the right combination, thie element wil provide and faoitates most te neede of eystem fenergy creation requirement for al applications. [0040] In this patent, systems sre developed, thst makes it possibie forthe fiet time, doss not mati in what form hydrogen Is made avaliable n a core of system, primary condition can be created in the core cf the vacuum, centtuge ‘chamber, that brings about the desired elfect in any system to create the intial heat forthe onsat cf chain of events, thet wil lead on to creation of nest in vact amount, eloxve eurrant In prodotermined larga quartites, single magnate field canation in molecular evel in anc around the cove ofthe reactor, crastion of ouible magnetic fie in the molecular level, which the interaction of two magnetic felds wl lead to creation and conkrcl of gravity inthe center ofa system for the fst ime "oveation of gravity" MT Keshe. [0041] When Hyirocen is used in conjunction wit other elements, hydrogen has the properties of being easy to be tanigadby any eource that can dalivera 12.6 eV of nergy to aehveve the nication of e atom. Althe same ta hydrogen has the eaparilty to release ths atsined energy to a thir elements in ts neighbourhood and return to the ground state rapily through this Interaction wit this thir matter. [0042] How ionisation and release of energy are created and used are the principals behind the design of this reactor Tor the creation of energy, magnetic effect and gravtatiorlforoes. [0043} Then as other elements ere rtrodused inte the cote of te reactor, then the true nature ef the hyaragen wil revileits potency in this system as awhole. Where, how and how much, when and the way all elements are introducs ‘oF applied inthis system cores wil create the desire effect thet is required ofthe eystom es the whole at thet time. [0044] So thatthe system can be power generator, then wih slight change in one of the peramatars of ona of the ‘gases or introduction of other elements the system will bacome a gravity machine. Then maybe by combining the two cette One wil have a eystem that not only generates energy Butt holes graviy and ereetes ant: gravy too [0045] Thus for matier of simplicity in this disclosure the simplest forns of the energy and cravily system will be dlocuseed and disolcees. [0045] _In this patent application we name the central area ofthe total reactor the central care (or caroline core) and the outede area the outer core ‘So several layers of matter or plssmra may be possible wise separated by 2 sold (14A) or by @ gaseous (148) or by an other state layering matter [0047] By the chain o! inter Isyer transfors severe! cther physical phonomors are caused, such as: 1. Compression and decompression inside the reactor chamber, 2. Rotation of tne matter inside the reactor chamber, 8. the interaction of two magnetic fields (20 and 21) inthe center core ofthe reactor, 4.1 oroation and development of haat (40) ue to fonlstion Ing eoftar hard magnetic olde end thelr racennection (6) by the meters in the center core (alse called caroline core (18, 28, 28C) and the magnate fad in turn crated Inthe outer core(s) (12, 288, 28D) in the reactor chamber (11), 8. magnetosphere effects (22) ofthe two magnetic tlelcs of the center core, andthe magnetic fel ofthe outer core, 6. the emission of rays up to Ultra Vieet for heating up the materials in the core(s) or plasmas, 7. the cxoation and donveetion motion (71, 81 fo ereatin of currant (@0, 82) and the single and double magnatio fields which create the fundamental cytic transformation reraneformation of the gas andlor mater involved from ‘ground-state to exotation stare), [0048] The interaction between the two magnetic flelds, ofa least two cores, leads tothe creation of gravy and arti- gravy due the creation of me double epheral or otner shaped supermposed magnet tlelds (20 and, 30). This wil ‘cause the rotation (60) ofthe containment vessel's) (see all 16) ofthe caroline core, and the rotation of the inner core (4) nll ceuse the retation in et laset one central column inet losst one chamber. [0049] That central column (1A) may have several designs in relation o the reactor chamber, the desired functioning opening ofthe type of reactor ard its purpose of design, and may: 4. Either tum completely, powered by a power source (16F) that = positioned oulsise the chamber, ».Ettnar rom which only atleast onopartwithmagneticmeaneturne, Le. the tp-part(1)(inthe conter the chambor), €. Ether ‘rom wnich enly a part with topclogieal means tums, ie. at least one mixing blade (in the center of the chamber) possible wise covered with at least one scinilating material (16E) unit (180), or he. a spinning ejection mourn, 4, Etre completely immobile (fied) Fg. 8] but which has on t's surface a least one set of electro-magrets (60) EP 1770717 1 ‘andlor cols which can be activated (924) or deactivated (92D) - possible wise controll by electronic means (Ie. amicrochi 98) - in a preferred periodical andior positional way, which - preferable - can change olay and/or strength (82A, 328, 920), thar way able o create turbulence Inthe certer core, andlor in other superior cores, €@. Ether is comaletaly immobile (lied) but by which the basic gas and/or maiter is pumped in a core by at east ‘one ojaction mouth, (called the statite rosctor, + Either nas at lens! one symmetrical or asymmetrical channel in stip which can pump gas(ses) from one side to the other, 9. Acombination f previous, [0050] The cortval column (1A) has poseble wiso - but very preferable - a least one intemal channl (16D) (Le. 9 borehole 168) far the cistrbution andor cellecton of relevant gas|ses), mater anc/or plasma (28) [0051] The central column possible wise can have at least one electrode (178) - but vary preferable several -:o collect electric eurtent for ransperration (170) to te outsice of the reactor, This way the currents cen be collacced for several purposes, [0082] The conta! column can neve - dopancing from the type of reactor (0. 14A, 14B) and corresponding o tre ‘ype of gas, matter or plasma - one of more injecton-meutns on dfferent levels, each for another ‘ype of gas, matter andlor plasma, preferable on a height that correspondents with the layering postion that this Gas er matter wil have ater its atomic welght and/or the purpose of the injected plasma or matters, [0083] The reactor (10) comprises body 24) that can made of any natural orman-mademsterial orseveralmaterias, of in atomic or morecuiar state - at least mace of ane part - In which at least one hollow space (77) i¢ pestioned, anc whereby allrelevant pars (Le. the wall 25) i needed tobe protected (ie. coated, laminated, painted, etc.) inwell known mennore egeinst corrosion, aggrassive acide, eto. [0054] _Atthe outside of te reactor (10) a number of relevant supporting systems are positioned, such as: pressure- ‘tanks (154), reverse tanks (158) turbo molecular pump (15E), gas eeals, scintillation uni(e)(15C), electrical brushes (15D), neatremoval chamber, vaNes, pumps, tubes, closing means, measuringmeens, control sensors, engine(s)(15F), gears, power-sourca, electical components (ie. fuse), computers), IC's, et ‘Atartha ini mechanical tation (L9. at 3,000 rpm) endlcr electromagnetic thegered rotation the intarnal rotation (60) ‘Will be cartinued due the interaction ofthe magnete fies invcived (self-sustained process), in correspondence with ‘one of mote core-layers and thelr containment. [0085] Possible wise one of the reactor concepts may have one of more of next species: ‘2. The contral column may be mechanlcelly withdrawn (62) Ifthe intern Interaction goes attor we, and can be repositioned insige the chamber there is a reed to collect current, to add new gas(ses), matter andlor plasms, andor to adapt or correc the balance ofthe ower or higher volume-ratio ofthe matter and density. b. In another concept or a combined concept the central column will have on his tip (58)(central pesto) atleast ‘wo magnetic means (64) of different pole, but proferable gaveral sats which can be ring wise cr polanty faced wiaa {and sized positionealacve ar next to each other, and on the top of the cclumn tip one magnet, ether in pointy stipe (96) or a @ single body. c. The central column may be teated at the inside and/or outside surface by radioactive material (165). Squid, old or a epray), or materials which can radiacetvely dacay, or by fxed matnode of eelnilatizion Ike microwave lamps. 4d. A reactor may heve more then one column, one (91) with i's tp pestioned inthe center erea, and st least one (84) with Ws tip ona diferent level, but seperated from each other. «¢. Atleast two central columns ('¢.7) may bs positoned opposite to each other, Coffec,etthor crostng & conflicting rotatonel direction, ther creating a similar rotational {. The reactor body contains atleast two separate hollow spaces of idetical or dferent mensions, 19. The reactor body may cortains atleast tao separate material cores (Le, by a walhlayer 14A), a larger enciciing ‘small and each may have @ proper Inornelindgpendant procese, and magnet intoracons may occurbetwesn ‘heir magnet fields, and matters mey be excrenged between physicaly separated chambers (28C and 28D) by connection means (58). hh. The reactor can be connected by connection means wit at least one other reactor, ether of a diferent type, EP 1770717 1 dimension, concept, either icentcal |. nan extemal conainer (15G)- outside the chamber atlanst one scintitating unk (.. made of partaly of C8127) is available which will have 2 netmal radicactive behavior of his natural decay inside or outside the chamber | Areactor may heve either a solid structure (10), either a dynamical structure and being able to adapt ts structure ater, (he the intemal pressure and iempersture), and being secured by magnetic seals (16C) and/or fields, k. A eactor core can have also several overall shapes, such as: prtect spherical, ellpic,hal-ciular, ete. |. The reactor mall (25) andor material care wall (298) can have alsa locally or overal several topological shapes, skins and/or furnishings, such as: perfect smooth, dimpled, grooved, riangied, etc. Such surface properties may ‘add easitionaletfects on tne ternal processes), 'm. A material core (298) can sleo be eurrounded by conductive wires (0. capper) oF bands, or similar, which can cieate adkstional Alemating Curtert, which can be superimposadi on tre Lect Currents) which are crested within the core. [0056] Above mentioned reactor conoeete, method and technology results ing completely naw type cfdynamicenergy- ‘source and energy concapt which also implies the contol ever locel grav. This brings a large number of new products land applications. These are also described in the annax document, whi is part ofthis invention, [0087] Cnectthomostimpentant esutsis ho creation of gravty ene ant-gravty. Wesee arumber of applications next. [Next the crantion of internal heat source leacing to creation and the intermcton of five or mora magnati= es, Ieacing to creation of gravity, shielding and current procuetion in alternating or direct or elactrovolts levels, can be used 11 fappilcations tor space, arerat, and submarine, sea-tottom habitat, Nau habe ke In container tank oF for nano ‘technolegy in blood vessels), colorisation crafts and colonisation systems (2. cocooned amesphere conditions on a ‘908 bod, beneath surface or on surfaces). Tha same can also be created by at loast ono extra leyer with a magnatic field rotating in oppasite fraction ta at least one other magnetic ld, within atleast one care or outside the boundary (ofthe systarn, creating in exarrple a impensttabl field and useful for reentry or ext of atmospheric conctions, or for laser-tke ettects of co-existing megnetc elds (le. surgery, curting tools and long-aistarce commmuntcaton}. [0058] The production of energy via soft fusion (2. cold and warm fusion) is a major application [00S9] The production of plasma due the creation of gravity at molecuisr level betwacn two magnate feiss (41, 42) (€2,63) of wocaviias ormore in a system or creation high temperature plasmain fusion industries (40) s very important [0060] New concapts of batteries, lighting devices (Le. transparent reactorshoueing, fight-bulb, for ight, wall ight and floodlit, ec.), securty products (Le. trafic Ights, sensors, water purer, etc.) and Industrial and household devices and apertures, ike waler-production machines become possble ‘Neco heating and dying ceviess, tha use of energy production capabilities for ereeting heating Ike warming tho eur- rounding maters Ike in boilers and heaters in the house for central hesting systems or ndivdual naating aystems, anc ‘war blanketing, using as boiler for warming up or boing metters fke fiquide and mating sold materials, for use as drying system like hairdryers for Industria! or commercial crying system, or heating oven, or stove or cookers in the house appliances, or riling of food appliances for private or commercial or industral use. Other application can be ie. ‘the heating of the roade in winter, the soils for plant growrh, ee Now cooling devices can be constucted due the reverse gravity magnalicfield_ generation systam(s), where the system ‘will abecrD nest fom it surrounding, to cool ke surrounding for use inthe si-consitioning for bulldings and care, anc ‘rafts or any ceject which can carry any other object, retrigeration systems of any kin , production of ce or frozen state fof any material or matter. [0063] The production ot new materiais hand cutsisethe renctor chamber under snecitiamagnetie ancVor grawtational ‘conditions (i.e. directional nane growth, the welding of aloms and molecules, etc.) becomes possible, A number of processes related to stom creation baseme possible, such as for human oF animel or lant cals, where the micro sgraveationa field in presence of magnetic eles in one or more magnetic fields crested inthe center of he one or more ‘cavites wil allow magnet fields above dark magnetic levels to manifest themiseives and cluster together io create the nucleolus of the atom and in use of mutt layering, ten the electrons ate allowed to manifest themselves, and these processes can be continued for leading to production of molecules, ancl base material for the DNA, where speciic ‘energiee or magnet ialde ate ingertad leading to aroation ofthe right characteratio ofthe foundation ef the any ee! or organs or creatures, [0062] | In space refueling and accessing new material or food or oxygen, orparts will easly done, simply by retracting basic maners in the eeemee soup an using this meted In conjunetions wity atomic wording methods, el maters-an ‘continuous bases can be produced or manufactured as demand arses, so there arene needfor huge inventory 10 cary, EP 1770717 1 fone produces in the core as what its needed at that point of space an time [0063} Gravitational devices bocome possible which can move without contact with a carrying subevate (Lo. earth ‘surface, sea, ar etc), Such as gravationa ited transport devices, liters for heavy products, wneel chal for able and disable bodes, the push chair for chicran , or elevators in building, the use of holow center lop fitted with rotor blade Of ary kind for the manufaature of ourrent, far eky cr water board, elding boerd for play where the board hover, for ‘movement large abject, this being far autometive or commercial vassels, trucks an relers or shipping over quid or solid bodies from one continent to other or planats or solar eystams and gslavles, for use of cycies sing over surisce, ‘raft which can fy and have magnetic shielding and gravitational fore feld Inside, for ralway like system where the object of any size orlength can fut over the track, use inthe fork lft and crane and platform iting of an object of any king anc aze in Indtr fo iting objects or iquide to any height, for tna use inthe gate and doore which wil elevata fandleviate or revolve By use af entgravity and vce versa, tables and chairs, beds, turiture's ofany kind with or without lags or stachmenis to the physical surrounding, shoes for walking, et. [0064] "New methods and agpiications become possible In the inter-tarra development and exploration (Le. transport {tunnels and hollow habitat spaces by rock melting in deeper earth and planet layers), [0065] Vio eee elzo an intereating number of eppications in Transforming unke for tne dacompostion and recempe- tions of waste end old products in new basic matter and matetias or specte combinations (i. plastics) witn pertect intemal atomic orceting, [0066] There are elso products reteted tothe creetion of double or more magnetic feles_superimposad (90), atleast |wo, and fully n circulating each other in layers, on top of each other for muli-layer shielding ofan object, where atleast fone magnetic telds can rtate in one cretion or at least one rtating inthe cpposte clrection to one 0” more elds, ke {forthe usein submarine orspace cattindustr,air- and space transport syslems and devices (-e. wih macnetic shielding ‘otfect with creation of imposition gravity) ard non-er-ition-ayetoms, producte or welding Industry, thie belng material fr atomic walding ormeleciar welding [0067] Newelectronic davies and components become possible (Le. computers, scanners, ete. with 8D-dyramische layers), nano-wire tanssters, three dimensional aereen, three dimensional communication holographic eystern, ete, and vatious aspects of nano-tachnology, whare the minuat machinas neaded to be energised and controled, where the ppackagee of energy ean be made or aeliveradte the enargy calls or the battery of tha eystornfor ito continue operation, fr the use of minuet battery system which only creates elactroveks currant needed! for the operation of these micro machines. [0068} A important eppication isin the tels of eommunloation systems, by the use of the sof body, or port of te reactor at least with one cavity, where the high eneray magnetic wave are released in the spherical domain, erat least In ona droction, where the magnetic anergy willbe code in tho eequonce aa in the procent eyster bur thle willbe Aer {to daciphar in the iter galaxy eystern, the bast method of snece rapid response communication will be the magnatic plasma ofthe element in the sequential chambers, what this means is that he Hydrogen plasma magnetic energy will eA, Hellum plasma magneticenergy wile Bandsotorth, according atomioweighti ine clement, where emuttaneous sal chamber magnetic charge will be released inthe magnetic energy field level, then there is no need for decoding or losing information inthe solar syetom or gelsxy media, 28 esch eloment of tha poriodic table caries it own magnate fenargy frequencias in the plasma magnetic stata, and then the tme laps wil ba insignificant, and iter solar magnet- ‘spheric bouncing wil be used, ke satelite dies ofthe present ‘ime to forward a massage onto tie next system or ‘ref in te other part of the same system or others. [0069] New decontamination systems, and gronth provoking magnetic condtions for human, animal and plant cells and fa (Le. plasma-mult-cole light), and radiation protection, CO2-decompastion eysiam, ot, are possblo Now development are possible in weapon systems (Le. fragment of the reactor wall is opened under controled ‘conditions or at lesst one layor-core is opened by physical means ender at last one magretic ald), partialor completa rmegnetic disintegration cf matter on any atomic or moleculer level (ie. meteortes) becomes possibe, protection elds Torvarious objactike aircraft, ships, tanks, housing, and also radar-steath systems (or steath effect where the Incoming energy trom a radar can fully be acsorced in the tangles of one or more magnet tlelds), EM-aoeoration systems, [0070] |New magnetic bianketing can be reached in a perfect way (internal magnetic ordering in objects, tools and dovices) [0071] Another field of applications is in field of Housing concerts and prodics, dus the use of the magnetic fila shielding, as an object to prevent passage or block or obscure the view inte or out of an object, ke as doors or walls tor entering nto or out ofan object, like the door of a house or walls af the nouse, ores replacement of ote pass or any otver materials used for this purpose where the double glazing or ary kind of glazing, or prevention of ent of small 6 certain abjoct can be predetermined by tna flold, ike to be used ae of mosquito nete and window fy nets, oF as Lmrelle for preventing the sun cr the rain trom reacting any metter or object, roving, andficering [0072] Products and applications can be designed reaied tothe energy release mechanism using soft orrevactable ‘walleystem ofthe core mat can be used forrelease of plasma or energy oF an object, ormaterialin ene or more alrecton from the atleast one or more cores of the system, this being used as the Fivet machines, nail machines or guns of all EP 1770717 1 sorts, shooting guns fer defence anc! laser or leisure or hunting, using for destruction of matter ahead Ike eynamite, daling machine in any ecale or with any cower, dant diling machine, space weapons for destruction of mateorte or object ahead, wnere the celNered mater wil ot have a physical container as of the rockets and cots of present time, but packages of energy being magnetic or plasmas of matter of any kind [0073] Newtypocf auction mecrinas for vacurre eysiem for absorption or atracion ofother matters by use of magnate field attraction or physical suction of the system, this being used for ikes of Household vecuum cleaners of industhal ‘vacuurn cleaners, or for absorption of any gas or auld, or sold material from ts immediate environment ike in contam- Ination clean up conditions, and this canbe created through magnetic strength helctiesbetween at leesttno interlayers (67, 55) cf material with difterert speed of rotation and varying atomic weight, creating t's onn localized magnetic field black hove (58) conden whore by the use of soft body core or magnetic tunncing material ean be cuckad into the black hole region from the core region of the reactor or by facifiating a port nale from matters outside into the bleck hole ‘condition, as described in annex (saction "creation of Diack hole") and in the description, [0074] Vie-see also new products reletadto the creation of intemal eat source leacing to crestion and the interaction ff two or more magnetic fialds, leading to creation cf grenily, shielding ard current production in aerating or direct or lectrovolts lovele, usod in the epaco, aera, and eubmarino, colonieaton eres. 10075} Several consumer products will be created, such as textiles (Le. with memory), end vacuum suits for human Or animal or any object in possession of inter gravity for pay or Industriel or apace agelcaton, lke toys (Le. human Iitng bets) and sporingproducts el sors. cfeteril used or floating, bes torlewtation , where gravtycen be reversed, ‘magnetic shield bowis, diving euls for submerging in to any igud or gas in possession of graviy and heating elemenis. [0076] Froauets, machinery and applications become possble which are related to using the magnetic pressurises {forthe production or shazing of al kinds of material orcontainers and use in he pressure moulding and pressure casting, Or forthe praceure purnpes systers of ell types of metorele and matter, lke tho water pumps, Injectors for computer industry printing and etching system and Ithacranhy, printing industry |i. transfer print), and platting and lamination inausty. [0077] | Zero gravry machines can be used for production of material, where the reactor wil, By Incitculating the inner ‘cavily, where the material is produced, ke in flask ora room , where the magnatic felis of one or more de not pass the Inner physicel bouncary of he certainment but creatas the zare grevity candtion inthe inner cavity but nct at the sara time a vacume conclton, this being used for like production of sifeons or forthe micro chip incastias where clean but zero gravity condition is necessary. [0078] Also new medical devices and applications ete possible, due the creation ot one or more soft magnetic elas formatching the magnetic field but et the same time in possession of gravitational force system, with temperature level ‘control raqulroments for medioal use, tor Ike raseating of tha megnotic or onargy avela of human cell fer eradication of ‘cancer cell from a tissue, tor blood cell fr blood eancer, ike dalysis's machina, or creation of candtion forthe grown (of body part inthe exact position on the body, of remote matter or organs reclacement without cutng Hssuee or organs {rom outside to reach the organs or part In the matter, this Is un-Itrusive surgery, incubators for premature bore chi, where the gravity can be reduced fo alow breading in asoftercondtions, where heat and quid condition ofthe internal ‘environment cf mothar reproduction organ cen be repeated, Incubators for animal production, Organ tanaplant without intrusive methad by transmutation of the organ in is postion and in position recannaction ofthe argen through remot fone or more gravity laser beam for the ewing ofthe organ ints postion, [0079] Of course en very Important application and method is related tothe generation of electrical power, using one ‘of more materials in the cavities, by the use of collection of the appropriate charge particles Irom the right electrodes ‘specially positioned in the He (83) end Ar (82) layore or on the approgrlate material layer, whera the postive chargos ‘canbe uilised as wallas the negative charges for operation anciused within ora outside the parameters othe system, ‘thet isto ay the protons cay aa much energy or most instance more tnan the its eleciran counter pans, where ever ‘they are colected in one or more ceviies ofthe reactor, and by which the total uifstion ofall energies from all parts cof an atom even the magnetic der matier's possible, and not just the elactions es has been done up io now. [0080] Atomic welding eppications and technology. becomes a simpler way to produce or fuse mater together than fusion methods - where large enercies are required to fuse to aloms together - where atomic welding brings to near ‘simi’ stome or molecules together and only edd one electron or proton, or an neutron for the two stoma to become fone, whichis in realty the reverse atemic decay or hat Ife system method, which the world ot science nas never understood, where for example potassium goes through beta decay io become argon, where If one add beta in the ‘magnetic and gravitational condition ene can create potassium from ergen, thus applying the material cveation in the universe, where the atoms do no start always from hydrogen to go to uranium, but they just simple weld inte higher clemant to create hoavier oloments, ke cresting 113 eloment out ef Iron 6 and 57 (which & a double magnetic element land therefore can be called magnetcaly a dere’ matter) [0081] Space vavel without use of any fue using the gravitational pull ofa targated planet, where the double magnetic ‘meter created in ene or more cores could be fed into three Independent, 120 degrees postions, for creation of tre planetary gravitational pul, where one reactor wil be ils and two ether reactors on azcroach to ora the destination EP 1770717 1 ‘willbe reversed beck in gravitational force using a citferent magnetic cerk matter for break or slow down system, 0082] Even non-tangble magnetic locks in poston of gravty are possible where the two magnatl elds are matching but opposite that trey can lock into each ether. These appications are claimed here, now, and may be developed In more detal in future patents, [0083] Next aro soma space claims related to ts Invention, and they are also daccrived In for mentioned annox. [0084] A reactor-embociment (26) can have cnly one retating chamoer. This reactor body [26) cen contain at east {wo Inserted gasses of sifferent stornic weight which position themselves due the centTugal effect in layers: (1) the lighter gas(ses) at the Inside (¢0 called inner core 28A) and (2) the heavier gas(ses} atthe outs (s0 called outer core 286). [0085] Arotrer ype of reactor-embadiment (27) wil have a least two internal chambers (28 and 280). [00865] |The reactor can have atleast two internal charisers, from wrich atleast one in stationary (28D), [0087] The reacior body can have at last tno intemal chambers, from which atleast one (26C) = connected wih the ‘central colurnn (28) and both rotate together, [0088] itis possble thatthe reactor (10) has a central column (16A) which is in rotation, butis also possible fo make ‘reactor where the eaniral column be etate, [0089] itis also possible to buid @ reactor where there is not central column in at least one chamber. [0090] A reactor can also been bulld where there Isa cfferent central column in at least two chambers. [0081] The centralcolumncan have several shanes anc/or concepts, atleast in one chamber, such es:fully telescope, pay telescopic, witha pipit inside, without & ppt inside, party dynamic (.¢. only tip pat rotates). The central column” ‘wilde desigredater he intentional purpose, thamateralsto be used, the way to inserttnem ar the condition to meet. [0092] The central column may have rolary-bieda(s) or saddles), covered with various materials (ie. radioactive), ‘equipped with magnetic maans (Le. solid, iquid, coi, electromagnetics, nization emiter (.. lamps, microweve, ‘chemicals, ac.) [0093] A reactor (fg. 1 to 8) will create at last one spherical or other shaped nor-tangible magnetic fleld 20, 21, 80, 40, 41, 80,62, 63) at least in one chamber. Buta reacer (fig 6, 8) is aso cizimed that can ceaie atleast wo spherical or other shaped nor-iangible magnetic fields ‘suparimposes or eneircied one ine tho other atleast in one chamber. [A reactor (fig 2) is alse claimed thet can create st leasttwo spherical ar cther shaped non-iangicle magnetic Felds (20, 21) superimposed or encircled one incide the other atleast in one chamber, forthe creation of gravity and antigravity (e. I, leviaton), andlor at least a double magnetospheric (22) elect ‘A reactor (ig, 2) i also claimed that can create atleast two spherical o other shaped non-tangble magnetic Fields (20, 21) superimposed o encircled one inside the other at least in cre chamber, for the oreation of plaema for cold or hot fusion process, including the containment such plasma, inposition of gravity farusion processes (.2 powerganerstion, production of new materials). Areactoris ais cieimedto generate etectriccurrent (80,81, 82,88) atleectin one chamberthrough Ionization, turbulence, ‘convection, rotation and plasira, and magnetic fields and interaction between at least two magnetic felis, and al least In one layer of tho metoril In one chamber. ‘Aneat reactor is alsa claimed to ganerate heat in at least in one chamber thraugh ionzaton, turbulence, convection, rotation ard plasma, and magnate feds and interaction between at least two magnetic fed snd st least in one layer of the material in one chamber, which will delver heet (70) to at least one material n et leest one chamber or o the surrounding outer layer of the inside ofthe reactor, or a the cuter boundary ofthe reactor (for hea-ransfers, heat ‘xchangers or heating oF ighting {..stearr). ‘A reactor 's also claimed to generate cooling in atleast in one chamber through ionization, turbulence, convection, rotation ard plasma, and magnotic fede ana interaction between st least wo megnetie Feld, end et lonet In one layer fof the mteral in one chamber, which create cootng effect to at least one material in st least one chamber or to the surrounding outer layer of the inside ofthe reactor, or atthe outer boundary ofthe reactor. [0094] Aro nay a recetor (ig. 10) whion possesses - Inst least n one chamber - al yee of heat, current, magno#o fel (gravity and plasma), Le. space-cratt technology, magnetic shielding [0095] This Invonton is intendedto bring substantial prograes and traecom fer mankind in various domelr. ANNEX TO THE PATENT APPLICATION: GRAVITATIONAL AND ENERGY SYSTEM (being ntagral part of i) [0096] 10 EP 177071741 The principals of new gravitational and energy system design and technology (ITNOTGOG) © MT. Keshe, 2005. All rights reserved. Lot of contents [0097] “The principais of new gravitational ancl eneryy system design and technology Avsttect Introduction “The object of designing this system The new prireipais and concepts behind the intellects and technologies of the proposed eystom, “The seed of the Earth, EP 1770717 1 “The creaton of gravy. ‘Magnetiem ana gravity. Magnetosphere “The creation of Black Hole “The Dark Metior Moterels forte cor ‘Gases usad in the cores ofthe reactor. Hyorogen Helium ‘Neon | Argon Krypton Xenon Raden xtrame Ultraviolet Scintilaton ‘Scher methods of EUV generation. Turbulence, “The rotation oF the core, “The magnetism an gravity of the system, Cores of the system “Tne earaline core ofthe reactor. “The outer core, “The Static Core “The Soft Booy Core “The central column, “The plenerity unit, “The scintillation uni. “The use of sofd magnets in the system, “The magnetic seal “The Pump units. Meseurement gaugoe. ‘Motoring system. “The energy balance ofthe reactor. Energy delvered through quid helium scintiiaton to hydrogen. Hydrogen ionisation eneruy absorption and release. Hoating and fonistion cue to magnotic reconnaction by the matters Inthe caroline coro and the magnet ld of ‘he outer cores. “The energy created through magnetospheric effec ofthe two magnetic elds of the caroline core and outer core. “The measurement ofthe volume rato of gases in ne caroline core. “The rrathernatical calculation ofthe weight ofthe gases in the caroline core, “Tho production and assombly of the prototypo. (Operation of tha reactor. “Tho Start-up of reactor condition “The principal output measurement parameters of the reacter. [Notes and safety ‘Shirdown and sofery of te reactor oor. Salety aspects and parameters of the system Weste deposal system, Conclusion Calculation appendix 1. ‘Additional Applications and Resction cperation notes ‘Some answers to questions which has resin during the preliminary design stages of the reactor. “The lit of roterences. ‘The principals of new gravitational and energy system design and technolegy (ITNOTGOS) [0098] Scientisthave yearned to understand theintelactandtechnology behind the secre of creation andmainienance 2 EP 1770717 1 fof anergy and gravity endimotion as has been achieved in the universe [0099] | Utlicing tn intallecual and technology elven inthis patent docurnant it ls possible to generate a vast amount ‘energy and gravitational force #8 nthe Universal order within a core af reactor. [0100] In the folowing documents systematic principais, phenomenon and designs of the new system to achieve ‘energy and grevity by the Univareal method is dlsouseed ard explained in dete [0101] The technology 0 be explained is @ totaly integrates! nclusve system for cteating energy and grevity in the ‘center ofthe system. {0102} Using his tecmology, it wil be urderstand hew to construct and utile the systems to ty In the space tree of ‘man made {uels and shekals of gravity. [0103] | The energypreduction of tis syetem ie of natural unWverseleyetom, where the eyetem ueee geomagnatc freee fand principals to oreate energy, magnetic felis and then gravity. [0104] The system through understanding ofthe astrophysios end the cosmology methods, make it possibie to come ‘rue the concept oft wihout use of fuel by use of creation of entigraviy and inthe space wih eblity 0.5e in possession of gravity trough drect creation of within the center of a system. [0105] "The sy2tem techno.egy wil incomporeta the theoriae of geomagnetic etmospnere conditions ee the protection, land defend tee fom any environmental and ottaide physical intervention [0108] The system wil be & unique Tuetration of coming ofthe age of man to his natural wisdom end glory. [0107] Our nope is that the intellect inthis paper and the systems that can be ectleved through ks knowledge can bring and will become a toll forthe pleasure of man and not of his inalations [0108] The tut potential chs tundamental aisaosure is notbe all apparentat the present. wlitake te, In decades andcentures to comprehend and ulise the fullpotentialol whatis tobe disclosed inthe design ofthis reacior technology. [0109] Hore we lay tho correct founcation of this new eo'enece of erection of universe! energy and gravity, needed for fe anc travel, and are forthe man to choase his corract path into the future In time and thraugh etrar and al man will {ind the methods to sult his time and position In space to use these methods to achieve His needs: Abstract [0110] The Earth and all planets andsters possess a centrally nested core. The creation andimeintenance ofthe heat ‘and motien is nt in he level and methed which scientist have chosen for mation and energy technoiogicel progress up to this momert in time [0111] Planets possess and maintain heat macnetc forces and gravity through one integrated sysiem with mostly fone commen element as the source ofthe enorgy. [0112] Inthe center of planats tha temperature acquired is more ike in thousands of dagiees centigrade rather than milions of degrees os instars. But all the same, al effects in oreating heat, magnate and gravy can be achieved at al temperatures, [0113] itis tobe proven tough the design ofthe reactor inthis patent thatthe strength of magnetic field and gravy of these planets la mera depondent on the composition of tne material and the speed of mation in the center core of tha planet, rather than the size or any other ‘actors inthe planat or the star intemal etuctute. [0114]_In the univeree vast amount of heat are not suddenly produced and presented in one instance for fusion to ‘ekes place for aysreme ana stars to be crested, There are laws end procedures to folow to succeed In achieving a large ora small system in the universe. “Thase laws havo to be followed to the lator intro dosign cf any eyetom or reactor for ereaton of hoat, magnoticforcas fields and subsequent gravitational forces field and go on, for = eystem to be successful and operational. [0115] Planets end stare using the netural awa of physic end meteriais co all hase, all et once and together without separate machinery end control rooms and fuels. Taey do this es one tully integrated system. [0116] Thus forthe fist tne in the world of technology and intellect, in and by the design ofthis reactor, fundamental principals are set out and developedito show nowall hese above effecis and many more coula be very simply tained, Allat the same time and as in a natural universal manner in one fuly integrate system, Introduction [0177] The teonnology behind the devotepment of thi reactor goes back to basle understanding of Inws ot physics [0118] The concaptofcrwation of energy forthis reactors on the bases ofthe understand of cooperation, interaction ‘and application ofthe atomic etructure af tho plaema, gacee, iquid and gold of all matte krown in he world eclerce. [0179] The princppal tthe beneviourottnese in vacuum and centituge environment hes been stuciedendcatalogued In detall over past decades. [0120] itis paramount to understand thet gases in a vacuum environment ter ther contelnment behave very much ke iguid and the two can switch state, With one element changing properties atthe same time in the same system by 13

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