Pts Inggris Genap

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama : __________________

Waktu : 60 Menit
Hari/Tanggal : Kelas : ________

1. Berdo’alah terlebih dahulu sebelum mengerjakan soal-soal
2. Tuliskan nama dengan jelas pada tempat yang telah tersedia
3. Pilihlah soal-soal yang mudah terlebih dahulu
4. Tulisan harus rapi, bersih dan jelas
5. Teliti kembali jawabannya sebelum diserahkan ke pengawas (Bapak/Ibu Guru)

A. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan member tanda silang (X) pada huruf a, b, c atau d!

1. Where you go if we will pray to Allah SWT …

a. School b. Mosque c. Hospital d. Market

2. How many times am I supposed to pray Islam?

a. Five times a day
b. Two times a day
c. There times a day
d. Four times a day

3. “Porridge” Indonesian language is …

a. Nasi b. Bubur c. Kacang d. Sayur

4. “Hot” Indonesian language is …

a. Panas b. Gerah c. Cape d. Berkeringat

5. ‘Dining room” in Indonesian language is …

a. Dapur b. Ruang Tidur c. Kamar mandi d. Ruang Makan

6. “Lapar” in English is …
a. Hungry b. Hurry c. Horry d. Hore

7. Thoriq always gets good score. He is a ... boy.

a. Diligent b. Lazy c. Clever d. Stubborn

8. Niswatun always helps his parents. She is…girl

a. Smart b. Lazy c. Diligent d. Beautiful

9. Fruits are ... for our body.

a. Healthy b. Expensive c. Cheap d. Beautiful

10. What fruit do you like?

a. Spinach b. Carrot c. Apple d. Broccoli

11. ... taste sweet.

a. Chili b. Coffee c. Pepper d. Banana

12. Avocado's color is ...

a. Orange b. Green c. Purple d. Blue

13. ...'s color is red.

a. Melon b. Strawberry c. Papaya d. Banana

14. What fruit taste sour (terasa asam)?

a. Lemon b. Avocado c..Date fruit d. Apple
15. How many apples are on the table?
a. Four apple b. Four apples c. One apples d. Apple

16. How many oranges do you buy?

a. Six oranges b. Six orange c. One oranges d. Oranges

17. What fruit you can eat with its skin (dapat dimakan bersama kulitnya)?
a. Pineapple b. Watermelon c. Orange d. Apple

18. What fruit tree you easily find in Indonesia (mudah ditemukan di Indonesia)?
a. Coconut b. Blueberry c. Fig d. Olive

19. Date fruit (buah kurma) is mostly grows in ... climate (iklim).
a. Cold b. Wet c Windy d. Dry

20. Azka buys three fruits, they are: ...

a. Banana, spinach, eggplant
b. Apple, melon, peas
c. Pear, strawberry, orange
d. Broccoli, pineapple, cucumber

21. There are ... in the bag.

a. Orange b.Oranges c. One oranges d. Two orange

22. 14. What fruit you can NOT eat with its skin?
a. Coconut b. Apple c. Pear d. Grape

23. Sixty thousand rupiahs …

a. Rp. 50.000 b. Rp. 60.000 c. Rp. 66.000 d. Rp. 65.000

24. One hundred and twenty five thousand rupiahs …

a. Rp. 125.000 b. Rp. 135.000 c. Rp. 155.000 Rp. 126.000

25. Rp.37.000.000 read ..

a. Thirty seven million rupiahs
b. Thirty two million rupiahs
c. Rupiahs thirty seven million.
d. Thirty seven rupiahs

26. It is ….

a. a plastic bottle b. a glass bottle c. a plastic c d. a cardboard

27. It is ….

a. a plastic bottle b. a glass bottle c. a plastic c d. a can

28. It is ….

a. a plastic bottle b. a glass bottle c. a plastic c d. a can

29. It is ….

a. a plastic bottle b. a glass bottle c. a plastic c d. a can

30. leaves is….
a. Organic trash b. inorganic trash c. anorganic d. all false

B. Jawab pertanyaan dibawah dengan lengkap dan jelas. !

31. What are the 5 praying times of Islam?

32. Write 5 fruits that you like !

33. Tick that true !

NO Question
Things Organic Trash Inorganic Trash
a. Example:

broken mirror

Apple waste


34. Mention 4 things of trash inorganic that can be recycled at home?


35. What can we make from a glass bottle?



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