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How many tones are there in English? What are they?

 5 tones:
Tone 1: down tone (WH-question, information)
Tone 2: up tone (yes?No question)
Tone 3: across tone (list)
Tone 4: down up tone
Tone 4: up down tone (emotion)

 Level tone (_yes_no)

 Moving tone:
Fall (\yes\no): neutral, finality (not interest)
Rise (/yes/no): indicate of question, curious of sth (show interest)
Fall-rise (vYes,vNo): hesitant, uncertain (agree but have question)
Rise-fall ( yes no): strong emotion, surprise, approval, disapproval

Practical: practice, -al (2)
Shoelace: shoe, -lace(2)
Brightness: bright. -ness (2)
Pots: pot, -s (2)
Looking: look, -ing(2)
Government: govern,-ment (2)
Unlockable: un-, lock-, -able (3)
Butcher: butcher (1)
Modernization: modernize, -ation (2)
Undecidedly: un-, decide, -ed, -ly (4)
Free & bound morpheme:
Readers: read (F), -er (B), -s (B)
Mississippi (F)

books = book (base) + -s/ {-S1} (IS)

women = woman (base) + {-S1} (IS)

man's = man (base) + 's/ {-S2} (IS)

student (base) + {-S1)(IS) + (-S2} (IS)

1. Cooking is fun.
2. My mom is cooking a meal.
3. It is boring. subject --> gerund (danh động từ)

3.boring: adj present participle

cooking: cook (base) + -ing/ {-ing1} (IS)

cooking = cook (base) + -ing (Derivational suffix)

cook (v) --> cooking (gerund)

boring = bore (base) + -ing (DS)

bore (v) --> boring (Adj)

flowed? past simple or past participle?

It flowed ...: flowed = flow (base) + -ed/{-D1} (IS)

It had flo+wed/ has flowed ... : flowed = flow (base) + -ed/ {-D2} (IS)

broke = break (base) + {D1}

broken = break {base) + {D2}


I've moved: past participle

I'm moved: adj

I'm moved: moved = move (base) + -ed (DS)


1. Mother's: mother: base - 's (IS)

2. Irrelevant: ir- (DP); relavant (base)
3. Noisy: noise: base,- y (DS)
4. International: inter (DP), nation: base, -al (DS)
5. Possible: im- (DP), possible (base), -ility (DS)
6. Likeable: like : base, -able (DS)
7. Conclusion: conclude (base), -ion (DS), -s (IS)
8. Shinier: shine (base), -y (DS) , -er (IS)
9. Descriptions: describe (base); -tion (DS), -s (IS)
10. Spelled: spell (base); -ed {D1}(IS)
11. Commitments: commit (base), -ment (DS), -s (IS)
12. Explosion: explode (base), -sion (DS)
13. Assessments: assess (base), -ment (DS), -s (IS)
14. Teacher’: teach (base), -er (IS), - s/{S1 }, 's/{S2} (IS)
15. Unhealthily: un- (DP), health (base), -y (DS), -ly (DS)
16. Replaces: re- (DS), place (base), -es (IS)
17. Societies: society (base), -es (IS)
18. Comings: come (base), -ing (DS), -s (IS)
19. Non-fiction: non- (DP), fiction: base
20. Behaviours: bahave (base), -iour (DS), -s (IS)

-D1}: additive (t, d, id)

replacive (i -->a)

uppletive (go --> went)

zero (hurt --> hurt)
17 words

stay: simple word

stays: stay (free base) + -s (IS): simple word

long: simple word

longest: long (free base) + -est (IS): simple word

She is swimming in the sea. (swimming: PresP) --> simple word

Swimming is my hobby. (swimming: gerund) --> not a simple word

Simple words: there, is, a, can, that, be, rocked, arms, crossed, knees, drawn, up, holding, this, ship’s,
smooths, contains
1. sharpshooter : Comp
2. Act : S Simple
3. eact C-FB
4. storekeeper: comp
5. Highlander: Highland (simple) + -er --> C-FB
6. apparatus S Simple
7. contain: C-BB
8. recur: C-BB
9. Current: C-BB
10. unearth : C-FB
11. Referee C-FB
12. solve: simple
13. Dissolve: C-FB
14. Solvent C-FB
15. bull's eye: comp
16. Passbook: Comp
17 disapproval C-FB
18. inaccessible: C-FB

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