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Approved Far Release 2002/10/29 : CIA-RDP62B00844R000200070131-1 ‘yur SECRET 2 Agust 1987 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief of Naval Operations SUBJECT 1 Project AQUATONE REFERENCE Memorandum to Director of Central Intelligence from Chief of Naval Operations, dated 31 July 57, same subject, (Op-553e/mgt, Ser 003P553C) 1, The Chief ef Naval Operations’ memecandum on AQUATONE has been carefully considered by this Agency. It describes accurately the Course of discussions thet have been held between the Navy and the Central Intelligence Agency during the last few months, It ie gratifying that equip- ment that has been developed for AQUATONE gives promise of being useful to the Navy, The memorandum coufizns our understanding of the Navy's desize to participate operationally in the program and of the terme on which uch participation might take place. 2, Since the discussions in April 1957 referred to in the referenced memerandum, the value te AQUATONE ef « carrier-based U-d capability has been reappraiszed, taking into account relevant political developaients in the intervening months, It is the present judgment of this Agency (a) that a carrier-based ¢apability would add little to the coverage of the Soviet Bloc obtainable by AQUATONE from the land bases to wilch it now bas access, (bd) that the availability of alternate land bases provides a fair degree of insurance against the political risk ef eviction, but (c) that carrier eperations, by reasen of thelr flexibitity and independence of foreiga jurie~ would generally enhance the reconnaissance capability of the United States, eepecially with reepect te areas outside of the Soviet Bloc. Accord- ingly, although the benefit to AQUATONE would be too Limited to justify e Aro For Rls an ex orezoonasranorH ta ee ; Approved For Release’P908) EO RNA ROPE2B00g¢4R000200070131-1 -a- the expenditure of Project funde fer the conversion of aircraft, this Agency would be happy to see thie additiosal capability in hand, These views have, ef course, been made known to the Navy in recent conversations. 3, A decision to convert extating U-2 aircraft for tii purpose can be made enly with the concurrence of the Alr Force. Not only has te Air Feree been a full partner in AQUATONE since its inception but a clear underetanding hae existed that the alrcraft and other equips:ent utilised in the Project would be turned over te the Air Force when ao longer needed for this purpose, Accordingly, there must be set against the advantages of a carrier -based operation its cost in terme of a correspondingly reduced land- based capability, 4. This Agency is not in a geod position to weigh the relative merits of theses alternative uses of the equipment in question, It te believed that the maia responsibility for so deing should rest with the two Services themselves, It is suggested that the Navy approach the Air Force dizectly and seek » resolution of the issue. This Agency will be glad to join in any discussions that may be held for this purpose and is prepared to supyert whichever decision is arrived at. It should be noted that, unless the manu- facturer receives in the immediate future instructions to proceed with the conversions, jigs wilt be torn down, his Bakersfield facility closed, and the conversion will become infeasible within any reasonable tie limite. Time fe, therefore, of the essence. 5. ‘Thie Agency has kept the Air Force, in ite capacity asa Partner in AQUATONE, informed at all times of discussions with the Navy on the matters discussed in this correspondence, In order to facilitate a Prompt decision, a copy af thie memerandum together with a copy of the referenced memorandum frre the Chief of Naval Operations is being forwarded to the Chief of Staff, United States Air Force. cw . G, P, GABELL GONCURAYG 9 1957 Lieutenant General, USAF sd) Richard Mi. Bissell J Aeting Direeter Project Director — ec: Chief of Staff, USAF twley 2 of SAPC-18095) 25X1A RMBEiB TOP SECRET Cy 1&2+Forward Cy SeAgreDSI, then Proj Dir Cy 9= Proj Chrono aL ARPA R EST Nites 2000/4028 Fk cPiponsaanodocemmrebanas ~~ /3=Proj Dir Chrono Con raf 7

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