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Seca = : : “Temperature ERFECT On AVALANCHE Grin g= The gain mechanizm of an avatanche photoctrode 18 VeHY tempenature sensittve because oP the tempera tune alepenclence of fe E-h innigation Habeas ; Kas Ais tempenatuse increases +hexmal vibration 18 cuystal ani a s athe newely genenated €-h pais looses out ome enexgy agains YS! vaxiiation~ Thus, impact tonigaton eyyect Ip Mecdu at Same vevess: voltages ier 9 i ene “This tempenatusie dependence becomes csrittcal at high bias voltage, small change th fempenature Can cause ‘ont yorration in oe “The multipiication Jactoy ofan APD can be £ expuessed as 1000 fet be M ey O B Ya eo ey VR Bueckdown Voltage at To wo T-> Apasiameten with value bw astey 2s > abpued seveuse-bigs Voltage = = Var Imm > ub when th S Revesiee bios valkage Figs: Gment Gann Gnve of Tm= Murtipured photo curvent § APD & Rm > Resistance which 13 the combination oP photocttode Gestigs Heglatonce and cletecto load sesistance- Ue vasies with temperature Vott) = lace) firccrn)] - @ 8 Tempenatuste increases Ve incseaseo. Algo cliode junctron auea W> clepurtfon layest width “The Capacrtone oP the photocltode, Ca tsthe combination Junction capac te NSE, Capacitane oP lead ond packaging . 4 Pacr'tan ce Must athe depletion layer oid if must be:laygest “To achieve a high quantum egffecency the def nt) So Fhol mast of Light will be absorbed than Yee, (/cohes) o£, = absasiption costo The eject oP photocletectos! haxiametess onthe Hesporve of +Re device to siectongulas: optical pulse at the ‘inputs Input Ap WW? dee | fake | _ | Patse | Smane (@ >) lAldy 2 Wesd olp CLsyge ofp ‘small ©) wd Jy Rr Is the combination of load and ampuifiey Input uesistance and Cr 18 the 26um of the photocltode 4 ampu tres Copacrtancs s the datectoy behaves appro - ximately Uke a imple RC LPF Usith O ss bond given by [23 / ARG Also, the 3-cl@ BIA of Re photodiode hoving depletion with ewidth Lal ts given By bd Bwe + = oni antdiy AAW poms een NOTE g A = Aueduction in thickness Hegi r B the (-Hegion would sesull in Heetucton of quantum eftidency and an rouenseo He value of yunction Capa atange ian e ; Ses INCHEASE Re time conolent and ave aU Heshonse ere Kerio by tne Input Ro timé constant yathey mait tIMe Acuoss the depletion Hegion- PHOTODETECTOR NOISE £- AL the secevest, When the wrynal is converted from the optical to electrical comath, allthe elechical noise. Components. stasit intesicving with the desied signal: “The Photoclrode 18 generally Hequisted to cletect Very Ineals optical Biqnals- TEIS necessary fo clevice ways ancl means to frotect: signal from getti saTy fi Ling ovepHidden by the noise aignals- y : Seay oveut Detection of Ae Weakest possible optical signals Hequises the bhotodetectost nd tts ampufication cineniby to be obttmized sotnat a given signal - to - Nolse- Hato (SNA) 1s.maiitained: ‘The signal poweH +o noige AOE atthe C/p oP an optical detecton ys given by SNR = S. = _Signal fowen from Photo‘cusent 4 Photo cletectos noge Powe + AmpuTo Nose fewer To Achieve a high sue, the JollowAg condition should be met: (f) The photocetectos must have a high quantum egfrarency to genenate a lasige signal owes (ii) The photodetecto and ambi fien noises should be kebt as low gg “possible. fn most abblcations it 18 the noise cunsent that cleten mine He Minimum optical powes level that Can be detected ginG@ the Photo- cide quantum efficrency 18 ormally close to te MOX- posstblo value - owes Noise Sounces i opHcal oetectos 2- In optical detecton the mami Sources noise que due to photodectou & amp freH: The basic structure + its equivatine Ff front-end of optical detectov 3 Eee piode Rs & Bias Voitage che, TTT is Ie olp AMP Simple Model f Photodetectos Equivalan & Crreuik Rs= Semiés esis tance of photo code Cd = Tota) cliode capact bane Ru= bias (onload) sresiston@ , RLY Rs Ca= Copouttone of amputrey Ra= Input esistane of qmpuifie4 va-(eH), Noise Que to Photo- DetectoM 2- The Puinciple noise Sources associated} With photodetectors are Guan tum noise, cass wuHent noe generored ithe malesial and Surface leakage Current @ Quantum 0 Shot Noise s- In Photodetection psnriciple, the bhoton intestaclton or Absouphion cueat eleclron-hole pousy - The discuete natue of oxstval cf bhotong and ther Subsequent cHeation of e-h pains siondomly tn the photocletecloH give silse fo. fosim of noise 18 called Quantum noise: Ranclomneag inte total numben of e-h fain generated by the Ineretent vacation 1s Bousica of Quantum oiorse- heat statis tics follow for'ssona cushibution + “Ihe shot noise cusHent has a mean squaye Value Ing Hecervesr BW 66 Be” that 1s PHobos tonal +o the average value of photo -Uisrent Tp = : £ Choe > = Shor = 294pBecr Fem) - © oH > mult buca tron Jactor Fro) > Noise Figure tor REN bhoto-cvode C=) € Floa)=4 fox Avalanche photo- code —FOq) = m* swhen oexer €Cca) depends onthe matesial 6 Photo~cliocle Davk Cusistents- 13 4he cusisent that Continues to Jtow through the bias Cinauik of the device When no Ught vs incident On the photo dode. Tt 18 the combinatton of bulk cunmend ancl Gurface curvents - “The bulls clasts Cussment Cog astises from €and/os holes that ane ‘thermally generated mm the p-ngunetion of the bhetocwode - “The mean- squaye value oP this Guivent 18 given b sean 39 of gen by The Mean squane value of the Surface davis current ip gym by Surface leakage current ie Siice the clasik Cuusent + the 6ygnal cusiient ane un-cosstelated Ud} (LI) the total mean-squane photodeteckos noize cumment 18 gwen by LOry = t Am bu'tication Te 1 highly srequined eis not Hequined Requiyement Response bme very less Mone High ofp Guvenk Output Curent legs ouput Curent shot, thes mal, Avalanche Photo, Shot, John3on Noiges 7 eae Mi = genenation- siecombination Sensi tity less Bensittyity Highly Sensiteve Reveyse bigg very low steverae bigs “puigh nevense bids voltogs YoItage voltage eqrer to break clown Yolty Temperature Good Poor Stobiuty 4-(L-1 Compaw'son of oliffesent pt-n code U4-C(L-13) Fonametes St-code Ge-cliode TnGafhs code eee 400-Ilo0 nm 800-1650nm 00-1700 AM Resbonstvity (0-4-06) Afar (0-4 -0-5) A/w (0-18-0-95) A/u Dasik Cusient (I-10) nA (S0-S00) NA @-S-20) nA Rige time, (o-s-ng (0-1-0-5) ns (008-08) ng Modulation BW (Q-3-0-7)GHz (0-5-3) Guz C1-2) Ga, Bins Voltqge sv S-l0Y Sv Compasnson of diffeent Avalanche photo cuode faometes St-clrode Ge-cuode InGa As-ciode lnlavelengif Ronge (400-1100) nm o0-1650)nm —_ (1100-108) nm Ayolonche Gain (20- 400) (50-200) (10-49) Parkamen . (0-4-1) 4 (S0-so0) nA Cor So) nA Rise time (ot-2) 8 (0-0-8) N& (ol-o-s) 8 Garh- Bed (o0- 4,00) (240) (20-256) (20°30)¥ Bins Voltage (10-400) v (20-40)V Fononmentats Of RecerveR OPERATION Gin Digh TAL IRANSMIssiur o— UNDAME ; f “The following Fyguve Shows ‘the shobe of o cligitel Bygnal at diffesrent “points along an ophical link: : : Hesie bansmitied wignol ys atwo lever binary lata sheam coppishng cf ethan a‘o osta 'Y ino time slot of dumation Te “this tinie slot 18 HefeuHeda s bit spesiod- One of the simplest ones Jou sending brnasyy clata 12 ASK Ox On-off Keying chee th a voltage level 18 switched between fuse valueg which ane usually ON os OFF: The Hesuitont signal wave thus Consist of voltage amputude vuelattve to gev0 voltage level when a binary Locurs pulse ay and geHo voltage level when a binary 'o® occu + “The obhcal Signal that is coupled! from the Upht gousice tothe Jebesi ttenuated << clistorted as it buopaqates along the dibex- Upon austiving at the end Pa fedex a Hecetvesy convesits the Optical Signal back to an elect'cal format- Ate —————_|, ATP LofT LOT) veo om tasey | LOFT LOL [7 ef “Tuonsmitlet | 97, ophcal OFC Attenuated + Distorted hae ti Ti Elechic 1/P. Optical bowest pulses, Pulse Powest pulse G > Ampuiien 3 ie an: + : es Elechical Puigex | Pidten Signal earth Amplahies HOTODIO Containmg pd Noise Noise e G Decipion Corenit | ; 0 Signal frocessing O/p Kquipment Pulse Hggevaton “The above ophical link |g basect on the IM/pp (intensity modulation clinect cletection ) U-4Cb14) © E f- The 45! element of the Hecetvey FE pTICAL RECEIVER Direct, DE ECTION O Bc ‘ Yona) +o isa photo-clwode, which brocuces an elechie Cumment that ts pHobos tron ‘the stececvecl fowes level - et eee Sampung Deasion Lae Aquouizes Ceveuit Ceranit | fp Front-End Am pufired AN Clock, “T)Phato Detector Recovery R Since thig elechic cunsent fybically 18 vesry weak a font end ampu'fey boosts it ine that can be used by the Jurtnes electronic combonents - The hoxtend conowt of Exeambution (ibhee it 18 pecessar: oy oc al noise AS kept +o ann F gC aa bandorion op @ HECetV Signal . i Attey ampttication ut is passed through q LPF to Heduc noise that ts outsicle the Signa) Bus this heen thus clejines Hecervest Bugs Ahadertton, +o Mynim3e “IST? the Jtltey can Hebloce the pulses that have become olistortedl as they hravel through the bea, this function 18 called ‘Zquouizatron? because i€ equatises on concels pulse spsreaciing epyect- “he Srltcn rs Yollowed by a Bampung Circuit andl clecision civaint « “The Sampiing Ctraiie Samples the Signal level at the mielpoint of each time Slot, to accompush this the Bampls must know wwheue the bit bounda- S1@B Que. The above task 1s accom plished usith the helb oP a pesiocic. Gaveform known ag 6 Clock? The penvoclyp thocts 18 equal-to bit intcsval - To- This-funct’on 1& knousnias “Clocle Hecovesty as firming Hecovery > ¢ ample Bignal is then fed 4o the decision ciuuié cohese the Comptes ae compared toa ceutam sefevenc know value as the Thuesholel level: Ty the ecerveel Bignal level 15 gHealcs thon the +hreshod 1 level 1 ts aarel to have heen srecerved and if iRe voltage ts beloco the threshold , 0" 16 syecetvecl - 4 | An ue Tt fe Oh Oe bey He los feo Aquivalent Covent. opHical Amp NoTe 2- In wome cases Onpse-ompuities is placed a heacl of the bhoto- oltode -+to boost the obttcal Bignal level befoue the photo cletectton takes, places: “THIS 1a clone &e tha in the Heceves electrons © largess E the SNR clearadation caused by thesma| noe KA canbe Lubbuessed. An ohhical pue-ambutiesy brovicles ‘ go factor ong broacey aw. slow ever thie proces: also Un hoctuces AeclEfonal noise to the ObHeat Bigna} : Ayuom Sources ix Optical Detection 2- Eunos yn the detectron os hanism can aise from vaxious noises and clistuybances assowated witty mechan the Bignal cletection Bystem Photonskeam Phatodetectar HE Gani on iy * Quantum Norse Cfoisson }wetuation) — Doak Cuvvent one leaka: = Co ee theamal owt / Anothen Sources of envious is TS1 which Hesult from pulse spueading 1 OpHeal tibey - Dueto pulse buoadning adjacant pulse Moy inteas teste with each othe and clue +o thery Ge overs lapping we moy loose enesigy of Re eit Recexved_ Signal Jost Energy

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