Isopropanol Jolliff2016

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Isopropyl Alcohol

Heath A. Jolliff

Contents Isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol, 2-propanol,

Biochemistry and Pharmacokinetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 propan-2-ol, IPA) is a clear, colorless, and volatile
liquid that has a bitter taste and fruity odor similar
Pathophysiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Central Nervous System Depression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
to that of acetone [1–3]. Most commonly,
Gastrointestinal Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 isopropanol is found in rubbing alcohol as a
Metabolic Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 70 % volume/volume solution in water. It is
Other Manifestations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 important to note that not all rubbing alcohol is
Clinical Presentation and Life-Threatening made with IPA, as ethanol is also used. IPA also is
Complications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 found in solvents, inks, drug preparations, beauty
Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 products, de-icing agents, and hand sanitizers [4,
Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5]. Toxic effects of IPA are seen most commonly
in alcoholics, who abuse it as a cheap, readily
Special Populations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 available substitute for ethanol [5–9]. However,
Pediatric Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Pregnant Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 most exposures occur in small children who
develop toxicity through ingestion of IPA or who
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
had long or repeated contact to IPA through der-
mal or inhalational exposure. Occupational expo-
sure may occur by the dermal and inhalational
routes [10–12]. The primary effects of IPA toxic-
ity are central nervous system (CNS) depression,
gastrointestinal irritation, and ketosis. Treatment
is symptomatic and supportive.

Biochemistry and Pharmacokinetics

IPA is a volatile secondary alcohol. It has a vol-

ume of distribution of 0.45 to 0.7 L/kg [13–15]
and is metabolized to acetone via hepatic alcohol
dehydrogenase (ADH) (Fig. 1). In contrast to
H.A. Jolliff (*)
primary alcohols such as ethanol or methanol,
Wexner Medical Center, Ohio State University, Columbus,
OH, USA the secondary alcohol, IPA, is metabolized to a

# Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 1

J. Brent et al. (eds.), Critical Care Toxicology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20790-2_53-1
2 H.A. Jolliff

for CNS depression. Acetone is known to cause
CNS depression [26–30]. The literature also
H3C CH CH3 Alcohol H3C C CH3
reports cases of patients with initial CNS depres-
Isopropanol Dehydrogenase Acetone
sion whose mental status improved despite
Fig. 1 Conversion of isopropanol to its primary metabo- increasing acetone levels [8, 31]. Therefore it
lite acetone. Small amounts of isopropanol are excreted seems likely that both compounds are responsible
unchanged in the urine and expired air for the CNS depression seen with IPA toxicity.
Based on animal studies, IPA is estimated to
ketone (acetone) but not to a carboxylic acid (see have twice the intoxicating effect of ethanol at
Fig. 1). similar serum concentrations [32]. This effect
may be due to the higher molecular weight of
Pharmacokinetics of Isopropyl Alcohol IPA compared with ethanol [13] or perhaps the
Volume of distribution: 0.45–0.7 L/kg additive toxicodynamic effect of the acetone
Protein binding: negligible metabolite.
Mechanism of clearance: hepatic alcohol Respiratory depression and hypotension may
dehydrogenase metabolism, first-order accompany coma resulting from IPA intoxication
kinetics [13, 17, 23–25, 33, 34]. These effects are most
Half-life: isopropyl alcohol, 2–8 h; acetone, likely the result of peripheral vasodilation and
7.7–27.7 h depression of the brain stem [8, 13, 14, 17, 20,
Solubility: miscible in water 23, 25, 35]. Tachycardia is common and may be a
Vapor pressure: 33 mmHg compensatory response to hypotension [36].
Data from references: [13, 14, 16, 17] Common CNS effects of ethanol ingestion,
such as ataxia, nystagmus, and dysarthria, occur
but are not as common in IPA toxicity [36,
37]. Diminished reflexes are commonly seen in
comatose patients with IPA toxicity [17, 31,
Pathophysiology 36]. Seizures are rare but have been reported in
infants [35].
Central Nervous System Depression

Central nervous system depression may occur Gastrointestinal Effects

rapidly after ingestion of IPA [8, 13,
18–20]. Peak serum concentrations of IPA occur IPA may cause gastritis, mucosal irritation, and, in
30–60 min after ingestion due to its rapid absorp- severe cases, hemorrhagic gastritis. Patients who
tion from the gastrointestinal tract [17, 21, 22]. In ingested IPA may present with nausea, vomiting,
contrast to other toxic alcohols in which toxicity is and abdominal pain. It often is reported that hem-
largely dictated by metabolite production, IPA orrhagic gastritis is caused by IPA [37, 38]. How-
seems to be the primary chemical responsible for ever, it is not clear that hemorrhagic gastritis is
CNS depression because the onset of these man- any more common than the upper gastrointestinal
ifestations clinically correlates with the time to bleeding seen with ethanol abuse. Most abusers of
peak serum IPA levels [5, 23, 24]. Patients also IPA are alcoholics, and there is considerable over-
tend to clinically improve with declining serum lap between these two groups. Systemic toxicity
IPA levels [8, 14, 20, 22, 23, 25]. However, they has been reported after rectal administration of
can also have prolonged CNS depression, despite IPA [39–41]. In these cases, serum IPA levels
declining serum IPA levels [7, 16]. Most of these were comparable to serum levels attained after
cases show rising serum acetone levels, which has oral ingestion. Elevation of serum transaminases
led to the theory that acetone may be responsible has been reported after IPA ingestion [42].
Isopropyl Alcohol 3

Metabolic Effects [49–51]. This may be more common in the occu-

pational setting. Flushing and diaphoresis, though
Acetone is the major end product of IPA metabo- uncommon, have been reported after ingesting
lism (see Fig. 1). Because no acidic product is IPA [19, 34, 52, 53].
generated, the metabolic acidosis associated with
other toxic alcohols, like methanol or ethylene
glycol, does not occur with IPA toxicity. Ketones Clinical Presentation and Life-
or, more specifically, acetone can be measured in Threatening Complications
the serum and urine of patients with IPA toxicity.
Acetone can be measured in the serum within Patients most commonly develop CNS depres-
30–60 min of IPA ingestion but may not be mea- sion, ketosis, and a fruity breath odor but not
surable in the urine until 180 min after IPA inges- metabolic acidosis [5, 7]. They also may present
tion [8, 21]. Patients poisoned with IPA often have with abdominal pain, emesis, or gastritis. Patients
a ketotic or sweet smell to their breath secondary with IPA toxicity should be monitored closely for
to the presence of exhaled acetone [8, 20, 43, 44]. rapid changes in their mental and cardiopulmo-
nary status. Hypotension and respiratory failure
have occurred after large ingestions of IPA [14,
Other Manifestations 17, 23, 34, 35, 45, 48]. If not monitored closely
and treated, these conditions may lead to death.
Hypothermia has been reported after IPA inges- IPA exposures occur primarily by ingestion;
tion and is thought to be secondary to the CNS however, dermal, inhalational, and rectal expo-
depression and peripheral vasodilation that can sures resulting in toxicity also have occurred
accompany IPA toxicity [14, 34, 45]. Hypothermia [13, 18, 24, 33, 41, 45, 46, 54, 55]. A common
should be ruled out in all patients with decreased exposure pathway in children is by bathing or
mental status, especially if they are found out- sponge bathing with IPA to lower a fever [18,
doors. Hypothermia may be secondary to the 31, 35, 38, 45, 46, 54, 55]. Dermal and inhala-
toxic effects of IPA, the environment itself, or a tional exposures in adults may occur in the occu-
combination of the two. pational setting.
Miosis and mydriasis have been reported in
patients poisoned with IPA [13, 31, 34–36,
46]. Nystagmus has also been reported but is not Diagnosis
a specific finding with IPA toxicity [31].
Mild hyperglycemia has occurred in patients Isopropyl alcohol toxicity should be considered in
who ingested IPA. Hypoglycemia should be the differential diagnosis of CNS depression. It
suspected and ruled out in all patients with CNS also should be considered in an intoxicated patient
depression. who does not smell of ethanol, has a fruity breath
Renal insufficiency and renal failure have smell, or has an unexplained ketosis. Non-acidotic
occurred secondary to hypotension and rhabdo- ketosis should raise the possibility of IPA or ace-
myolysis in IPA-toxic patients [34, 42, 47, tone ingestion in the differential diagnosis. IPA
48]. Rhabdomyolysis should be ruled out in all also should also be considered in patients with an
patients who are found comatose, especially when unexplained osmolar gap.
the duration of the coma is unknown. Serum IPA concentrations may not be readily
Coingestants should be considered in all patients available in many hospitals [5]. If possible, how-
presenting with altered mental status. ever, they should be obtained in all patients who
Contact dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, and are suspected to have been exposed to IPA. Serum
defatting dermatitis have all been reported in concentrations can be used to document IPA
patients with prolonged contact to IPA exposure. The patient’s overall clinical condition,
4 H.A. Jolliff

not the IPA level, should be used to judge toxicity. levels in patients with acetone in their serum [5,
Levels should be drawn at least 30–60 min after 31, 60–63]. Serum osmolality and an osmolar
the exposure to identify peak IPA levels [5, 13, 17, gap may be determined. Caution must be used,
22]. The best method for measuring serum IPA however, because not only are acetone and IPA
levels is headspace gas chromatography with osmotically active compounds, but other sub-
flame ionization or proton nuclear magnetic reso- stances, such as methanol and ethylene glycol,
nance imaging [5]. If IPA levels are determined by are as well [64, 65]. The absence of an elevated
ADH-based enzymatic assays, the assay may osmolar gap does not rule out the presence of
interpret IPA as ethanol and give a falsely low either compound and, in clinical practice, is not
IPA level [5, 44]. Although IPA may be detected useful [66, 67].
with breathalyzers used to measure ethanol, these
levels are unreliable [56]. A possible erroneous
diagnosis of IPA poisoning may occur in patients Treatment
with diabetic ketoacidosis. Cases of measurable
IPA in these patients have been reported, although As with all toxic ingestions, treatment should
no exposure to IPA was known [57]. It has been focus on the overall clinical condition of the
theorized that the acetone produced with diabetic patient. The primary treatment centers on support-
ketoacidosis might be reduced to IPA via ADH [5, ive care. Because IPA is a CNS depressant, the
58]. It is also possible that in these cases, there was clinician must be vigilant with respect to the abil-
an unrecognized IPA exposure or that a laboratory ity of a patient to maintain his/her airway. If the
error occurred. patient is unable to maintain a patent airway,
Serum IPA levels greater than 120 mg/dL endotracheal intubation should be performed and
(20 mmol/L) have been associated with deep mechanical ventilation maintained. These patients
coma [14, 19, 48, 54]. An ingestion of 90 mL warrant continuous cardiac monitoring and pulse
(3 oz) of 70 % IPA can theoretically produce a oximetry. In patients who are initially able to
serum IPA level of 100 mg/dL (16.7 mmol/L) in a maintain a patent airway, close monitoring for
70-kg patient. As with ethanol, chronic alcoholics respiratory compromise is advised.
may tolerate higher IPA levels [7, 59]. Any patient with altered mental status should
Serum ketone or acetone concentrations may have a rapid bedside assessment of the serum glu-
be helpful in the diagnosis of IPA toxicity. Ace- cose to rule out hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia can
tone is not usually detected in the serum until be treated with intravenous dextrose. Intravenous
30–60 min post-ingestion [8, 13, 43]. Detection access allows for normal saline administration to
in the urine is usually delayed for at least 3 h post- maintain blood pressure and ensure adequate
ingestion [13]. An initial non-detectable urine hydration and urine output. At least 100 mg of
acetone level should be repeated in patients if thiamine should be administered intravenously or
there is a high index of suspicion for IPA inges- intramuscularly to any patient in whom nutritional
tion. Acetone levels increase as ADH metabolizes status is uncertain and who may be at risk for the
IPA. Acetone should be measurable even after IPA development of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome
levels are undetectable. (grade III recommendation).
Laboratory tests useful in the management of Hypotension can be treated initially with intra-
IPA-poisoned patients include serum electro- venous fluids. In adults, normal saline can be
lytes, creatinine, glucose, and creatine phospho- bolused in doses of 250–500 mL each. When the
kinase. If a significant metabolic acidosis is total amount of intravenous fluids has reached
present, other causes must be considered (see approximately 2000 mL, one should be cautious
chapter on “Acid–Base Disorders”). Acetone not to fluid overload the patient. If the hypoten-
interferes with certain colorimetric assays used sion does not respond to intravenous normal
to determine serum creatinine levels; this has led saline, an intravenous pressor is the logical next
to reports of falsely elevated serum creatinine step. Adequacy of cardiac pump function can be
Isopropyl Alcohol 5

ascertained by bedside echocardiography. No one

Criteria for ICU Discharge in Isopropyl Alcohol
pressor agent has been shown to be more effica-
cious than others in toxicant-induced hypoten-
Mental status returned to baseline
sion. (See chapter on “▶ Hypotension and Shock
Normotensive without pressors
in the Poisoned Patient.”) Dopamine was tradi-
Patient maintains own airway
tionally the pressor of first choice because of its
Oxygenation maintained without supple-
relative ease of use and its availability as a
mental oxygen
premixed intravenous preparation. However,
No further need for hemodialysis
incontemporary practice norepinephrine is often
used. There have, however, been no comparative
studies between pressors in cases of IPA toxicity. Isopropyl alcohol can be absorbed through the
The dose administered should be based on clinical skin with resulting toxicity [13, 18, 35, 46]. If
response. Hypotension that does not respond to dermal contact is suspected, washing the skin
the initial pressor of choice should be reassessed with a mild soap and water solution is appropriate
and may require higher doses or additional for dermal decontamination.
pressors [68]. Because of its small volume of distribution and
Gastrointestinal decontamination is not likely negligible protein binding, IPA is easily dialyz-
to be of benefit in IPA ingestions because IPA is able [13]. The clearance of IPA with hemodialysis
absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract within has been reported as 137 mL/min [20, 23]. The
30–60 min [24]. Gastric lavage is not likely to acetone metabolite of IPA also is amenable to
influence this absorption and should not be done. dialysis. Hemodialysis is rarely indicated in
In a patient who presents within 30 min of a large these patients, however. It has been suggested
IPA ingestion, nasogastric emptying with a stan- that patients who are hypotensive due to IPA
dard nasogastric tube may decrease the total toxicity may benefit from dialysis [72]. Another
amount of IPA absorbed. Nasogastric emptying suggested indication for dialysis is for patients
is theoretical and has not been tested [5, 69, who have serum IPA concentrations greater than
70]. However, if it is done, attention to protect 400 mg/dL (66.6 mmol/L) [13, 72]. However,
the airway from aspiration is recommended most patients do well with supportive care alone,
[5]. Activated charcoal also is of questionable even if the patient presents with hypotension or an
benefit, especially when used in the standard initially high serum IPA concentration [5, 8, 19,
dose of 1 g/kg. An in vitro model showed that a 34]. There are risks associated with hemodialysis,
20:1 ratio of charcoal to IPA was needed to and the overall clinical picture of the patient
adsorb 87–92 % of the IPA [71]. It would require should be considered [73]. Peritoneal dialysis
a large amount of charcoal to adsorb even small has been attempted in several reported cases, but
amounts of IPA. Using such large amounts of the clearance of IPA with this method was only
charcoal becomes impractical for the treating slightly better than the patients’ endogenous clear-
physician and dangerous for the patient. It also ance [74]. For patients who do not respond to
is of questionable efficacy considering how rap- aggressive supportive care or who are unstable
idly IPA is absorbed from the gastrointestinal due to high levels of IPA, hemodialysis should
tract. be considered in consultation with a medical tox-
icologist or poison control center.
Indications for ICU Admission in Isopropyl There are no antidotes for IPA toxicity.
Alcohol Poisoning Inhibiting ADH with ethanol or fomepizole
Coma would only prolong the time for the metabolism
Hypotension of IPA. Because acetone itself neither is life threat-
Respiratory failure ening nor causes significant end-organ damage,
Patients needing hemodialysis treatment with ADH inhibition is unnecessary
[75, 76].
6 H.A. Jolliff

Special Populations
Key Points in Isopropyl Alcohol Poisoning
1. Toxicity may occur after oral, inhalational,
Pediatric Patients
rectal, or dermal exposure.
2. Isopropyl alcohol can be a potent central
Children may have a different susceptibility to
nervous system depressant.
dermal IPA absorption than adults owing to
3. The hallmark of IPA toxicity is ketosis
their larger body surface ratio and thin dermis.
without metabolic acidosis.
IPA has been applied dermally to reduce fever
4. Isopropyl alcohol toxicity may cause gas-
in children, with resultant significant toxicity
tritis as with other alcohols.
[45, 46, 54, 55]. It is unclear if the toxicity is
5. Treatment should focus on supportive care.
due solely to the dermal absorption or possibly
to a combination of dermal and inhalational
absorption. Infants have become toxic when
IPA was applied chronically to the umbilicus References
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