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Date:07-12-2016 Time:1140-1330

Cadidate:Tay Examiner:Capt Sanga

Briefing:To answer all questions as Master level and if not clear questions to ask him.
I had asked and clarify questions which I was not understand and he explained me the questions again.
Please do not scare to ask if not understand questions.

1.How you take over from outgoing Master?

Ref: Office visit & briefing,Handing over note,Familiarization forms,Hadning over checklist,
Statutory certificates and Documents,ISM ISPS MLC filings,MPA SC 6 of 2012.
Quarter listing.
Key point:checking passage plan.

2.How do you check passage plan and approved?

Ref:SOLAS V/34 , MPA SC 16 of 2010, IMO Resolution 893(21),

Company SMS Checklist,
For Ocean Route: Ocean passage for the world NP136
For costal route:Admiralty Sailing Direction
Tide Information:Admiralty Tide Table
Reporting:Admiralty List of Radio Signal
MARPOL Annex I, V , VI Special Areas
NO GO Area,PI,Wheel Over point,Navigation Danger,Obstructions,

Your ship will proceed to POLAR region,Master concern on passage planning?

POLAR Code, Polar Water Operating Manual,

For Voyage Planning,refer to POLAR Code Chapt 11 explain procedures and precautions.
Legal Action:Class Notation,P&I H&M certificates,Crew Agreements.

3.Your duty officer informed you that he received a distress signal 50 N.M away ,what is your action?

Ref:SOLAS V/33 Distress Situation:Obligation and procedures.

What are your responsibility for survivor?

SOLAS V/33,IMO MSC Circ 167,Food water Medical ,RMA, Safety Disembarkation.

4.2nd Officer call you at 2am,vessel agrounded,what is your initial action ? Write down on plain paper.

Keywords:Head count and check casuality,Back up VDR,Change Low to High Suction in E/R,
Close Watertight doors,Sound all tanks and around the ship,Machinery status and Damage in E/R,
Damage accessment,Damage control plan & booklet,
Imminent Danger--LOF Not imminent Danger--contractural slavage.
5.What is the difference between LOF and contractural slavage?

Contractural Salvage LOF

not imminent Danger Imminent Danger and required immediate assistance

Lumpsum/Daily rate No cure No pay
Owner need to sign contract No need to sign contract,can be done by Radio
Cheaper Expensive

6.You choose contractural salvage and tug will arrive within 7 days.
After 3 days,suddely high tide and vessel refloat,what is your action?

Ht of tide, Machinery status, Damage accessment,

Safe to sail POR,POR concern.

7.What will you do at POR?

Keyword:Underwater survey,class surveys,approval from class committee and flag state,

Declare GA if discharge cargo for Dry dock.

What is General Average?

8.You receive instruction from company,vessel will go for dry dock after 1 month.
What are your preparations?

Keyword:SDR review for 3 yrs,Damage reports,Quarterly listing,LSA and FFA servicing,Deck and Engine repair list,
Class condition report,stability condition to enter Drydock.

When entering Drydock,what are your concern?

Keyword:Safety of crews,ship,Dock personnel,Critical period,

small trim,FFA ready,closed overboard discharge.

Your vessel experienced heavy weather,what are your concern as Master?

Keyword:review heavy wewather report,IMO MSC Circ 1228,

Instruct Duty officer t monitor weather and Heave to,
Avoidance of beam swell and rolling.

What is your obligation to report to authority during heavy weather at sea?


10.What are the drill requirements?

What precautions to be taken during drills?

SOLAS III / 19.3.3

IMO MSC Circ 1206

Supervise by C/O, Weather conditions, Risk acssessment.

11.What are your responsibility as per ISM?

Key points:5 points

12.You re-routing due to heavy weather and distance increase 100 miles from original route,
Charterer complaint about that.What is your responsibility?

Keypoint:SOLAS V/34-1

13.What is Emergency Towing Arrangement onboard you ship?

Keypoints: 3 copies on board,1 copy in company office,

Towing patterns,Communication methods and procedures,Equipments Inventory.

14.How do you implement MARPOL onboard?

keypoints:MARPOL annex I,IV,VI certificates valid.


15.What are the official log book entries?

Keypoints:cover informations,contents in OLB,

16.After sailing 2 days,bosun found 2 stowaways in forecastle store,

what is your action as Master?

Keypoints:Search area,collect documents and informations,

Security watch,Not out in crewlist,not assign duty and jobs,
provide food,water,sanitary facility,medical.
IMO MSC Circ 312

17.You will transit HRA,what is your preparations?

Keypoints:Register to MSCHOA,Review SSP,Crew briefing,

security drill,concult BMP 4,Report to UKMTO,
Fire hose on Deck,CITADEL.

18.What are your main concern on container ship?

Keypoints:Ice accretion,Windtage area,Illegal migration,

What are your main concern on bulk carrier?

Keypoints:Structural damage,cargo may liquify,Toxic and flammabe gaes,

Chemical reaction.

19.How do you advice C/O and 2/E to make work plan for crews?

Keypoints:MLC 2006, STCW 2010 Manila Amendment, MPA SC 18 0f 2011

Rest hour requirement.

If rest hour is less than 10 hrs in 24 hrs,can accept that?

Keypoints: emergency and operational requirements.

20.How do you carry out Loadicator test on board?

Keypoints:IMO MSC Circ 891 and 1229

Test condition

21.How will you deal with the class?

Keypoints: Classification society

22.What is port state control?

23.crew complaint about food,what is your action?

keypoints:MLC Reg 5.1.5 Onboard Complaint procedures

24.compass swing and calculation of coefficient.

Keypints: Obtaing True brg from the chart---PSA building to PSA container wharf conrner.
Swing the compass in 8 headings.Calculate Compass errors,Use Variation 0 from the chart.
obtain Deviation and calculate coefficient A B C D E
calculate final coefficient A B C D E
Explain how to put correctors as per your calculation results.

for B+ Put blue forward

for C+ Put Blue to STBD
for D+ Move sphere toward compass.

25.Expain briefly about ROR rule 7 and 8.

me the questions again.
mediate assistance

one by Radio

and Engine repair list,

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