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NAME - _______________________

1) The standard unit for length is _________, mass is ________ and capacity is
2) I have 200 __________ milk every morning.
3) Amit jogs 2 ________ everyday .
4) The unit 1000 times smaller than hectogram is _______________.
5) The unit 100 times greater than decigram is _________________.
6) The unit millimetre is ___________ times smaller than decimetre.
7) The unit kilolitre is ___________ times greater than decalitre.
8) 10,000 cg = 1 ____________
9) 30 m 5 cm = _____________ cm
10) 2 kg 30 g = _______________ g
11) 31200 ml = _________l ____________ ml

12) 291129 mm = ________________ m

13) 20 hg = ________________ g
14) 41 kg 65 g = _____________ g
15) 8.2 l = _______________ ml

16) 0.9 g = _______________mg

17) 100 g = ____________ kg
18) 1 m = _____________ km
19) 800013 cm = ____________ dam
20) 20 hg = ____________ g
21) 10000 ml = 1 __________
22) 2 l – 750 ml = _____________ ml

23) 350 m + 250 m + ___________ = 1 km

24) Quarter of a kg = _____________ g
25) ________ times 25 cm = 1 m
26) Half of a litre + Quarter of a litre = ___________ ml
27) 0.8 kg = ____________ g
28) Each cup has 200 ml milk. 8 cups will have ______ l _____ ml milk.
29) The degree of hotness or coldness of an object is called its ___________.
30) A ____________ thermometer is used for measuring our body temperature.
31) The normal adult human body temperature is _______ ˚ C or _______ ˚ F.
32) The freezing point of water is 32˚ in the _______________ scale .
33) The boiling point of water is 100 ˚ in the ______________ scale .
34) Anu’s body temperature is 2.4˚ more than normal. Her body temperature is
_______˚ C.

35) The temperature of a hot cup of coffee is 200 ˚ ____ .( C / F )

36) The temperature recorded on a cold winter night in Delhi was 16.8˚______ (C / F)
37) The temperature of pudding in the refrigerator is 25˚ more than the freezing
point of water. The temperature of the pudding is __________ ˚ F.
38) Quarter to eight in the morning is written as _________ in the 24-hr clock time.
39) 22:30 hours is written as ____________ (a.m / p.m.)
40) 12:45 a.m is written as _______________ in the 24-hour clock time.
41) 5 hours 35 minutes = ____________ minutes
42) 11 weeks 4 days = __________ days
43) 100 months = ________ years _____________ months
44) 230 minutes = _________ hours __________ minutes
45) The time 5 hours 25 minutes before 5:00 p.m. was _____________.
46) The time 12 hours after 6:40 a.m. is ____________.
47) There are __________ hours ________ minutes from 11:50 a.m to 9:15 p.m.
48) There are _________ hours _________ minutes from 5:45 p.m to midnight.
49) ___________ minutes are covered when the minutes hand moves from mark 3 to
mark 10 of the clock.
50) There are ___________ hours from 14:30 hours on Monday to 14:30 hours on

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