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IPL SRO Se 2. ‘The Molarity of $00ml of an aqueoys solution containing 40g NaOH ®& Sri chaitanya Educational institutions, india. AP. TS, KARNATAKA, TAMILNADU, MAHARASHTRA, DELHI HARYANA, PUNJAB, BAIASTHAN, MLV, UTTARAKHAND, Wb. ODISHA A Right Choice for the Reat Aspirant cose CENTRAL OFFICE ~ MADHAPUR, HYDERABAD Sec: sR JEE Date: 00-00-2023 ‘Time: 00.00 Hrs. (CBSE BOARD TERM-2 Max. Marks: 70. Je followin, 1, The value of Vi 0 1 ean 16x1~16M a0 »I 2 3. The product obtained at anode during the elect 4.0 The elect in Mercury eel a) NH,Cl QKOH+Zn0 c) HgO+C ——d) PLO, of 3d series having more number of unpaired e718 Paco 1) Ethylehloride «) Ethylene cloride ‘d) Methyl chloride 7. dents the wrong IUPAC name Chloropentane ) 3-chloropentane )2cloropetne 6) taoopetne Ratner of Mel chlor flows —_mechaisn ae aN osN he atove 2 one maleslesf DDT is 9, Thepamber of halogen atoms ay) 93 a2 10. Germinal diols readily form a)Aldehydesb)Ketones. —_c) Ethers yor 12, Which of the 8) Cone 1,50, b) ALO, Assertion & Reason ‘Vapor strong reducing agent wing compounds w) K.[Fe(CN),] Complete the fllowing reactions a) HCOOCH, + NaOH > ) CH,CHO+CHMgBr—!2> (oR) the following questions = 160 M) + 2As (5) {on of a nonvolatile solute toa volatile solvent decreases its vapor Compounds of Transition clement are generally colored |, n elements have unpaired ¢ esate when ested wih NOH ‘consequences tho & para nitro phenol which component is steam fal formula of ls Cog BE Gn Hant oH | fect iodination of 5x2=10M 7x3=21M ve and negative [es =1.05 Scanned with CamScanner +) Complete and balance the following reaction C07 +H,S +H" > Using VBT determine the hybridization, geometry and magnetic behavior of the complex[Ni(CN),]" ing reactions with examples ') Darzen’s process ©) Finkelstei APoplain the method of preparation of chloroform from ethanol and ide = >) Giveany one example of freon a) Write all s ) Exy Answer the following questions : Case Study The properties ofthe solutions whi but not on their nature are’ pressure is an example of col por pressure was found to be 0.061 mm of Hg. (Vapor pressure of water at 20°C is 17.5 mm of Hg) = The following questions are multiple choice questions. Choose the most appropriate answ 2H1+1= 4M (0) Belative lowering of vapor pressure for the given solution is- 00348 b)0061)0.122 A) 1.75 sma found out about a colligative property that depends on molarity not the . She asked her friend Seema a Mat would be Seema'’s answer? a) Elevation of boiling point Osmotic pressure ©) Depression in freezing point YBrRelative lowering of vapor pressure would happen the vapor pressure of a solution in which a non-volatile One of the notable features of at iety of oxidation states it may sho ‘preatest number of ‘oxidation states occur in or near the jet. Manganese for example exhibits all the oxidation states from +2 to +7. The lesser number of 6 the extreme ends stems from either too few electrons to lose or sha ‘out of incomplete Is in such a way that from each other by unity. An interesting feature in the 1¢ d-block elements is noticed among the groups in the p- block the lower o (groups 4 through by the heavier me The following questions are multiple choice questions. Choose the most appropriate answer: 2414=4M configuration ofa transition element X in +3 oxidation sate i [Ar)S8°. omic number? nr: 2. The electroni ceniguraion of Cu(t is 3a" whereas that of Cu the fol a2 Fen Ema ig statements is not correct? gen from acids. states, manganese forms stable compounds with oxygen and, 3x5=15M (or) sand write its mathematical expression (2M) could be plated out on a serving tray by the cr in +1 oxidation state fora period of Shours i834" Whichof Scanned with CamScanner 32. using a current of 8.46 A is (thickness of plating is 0.0254cm and density of silver is 10.5g/cc) (3M) a) Draw the diagram related to splitting of d-orbitals in octahedral field (3M) b) Explain the bonding in metal carbonyls (2M) (OR) a) Explain co-ordination isomerism with an example (1M) b) How many moles of AgCl is precipitated when one mole of CoCl,.5NH, is treated with excess AgNO; solution (1M) c) Write d-orbital occupancy of d’ octahedral high spin complex (1M) d) What is the oxidation number and co-ordination number of central atom in [Fe(CN),(en)} 2M) i) Explain the mechanism of acid catalyzed dehydration of ethanol to ethene. (3M) ii) Explain Fermentation of molasses (2M) (OR) Explain the following reactions with examples a) Kolbe's reaction b) Reimer-Tiemann reaction c) Nitration of phenol d) Oxidation of phenol ¢) Williamson ether synthesis Scanned with CamScanner Diath = | Ash) Aveaswe = 3M Qo~ Re pt oy p =A 2 O-79y = % Réswicty (= 59 y gap ores : = sa = 0 RE3NID = Bh Conduck sy ae al, . 3 Melon Cndudivig Aa, 2L¥lao colle x wood Ae 2 Oollke Kew 020s ail WES esaiq °° = |G) Cedorcet chy = 2. 0g¢) ger 31- w) at 1k m 2p Ze 2 Alomewk , 10& _ lof, lof ye CURE X OOK E0G as 32211 KE EY ERLE XO = QTePSB Voluine i We 0% pled md(v) >free Op Ihe Pay yee 8272 Ny = x08 i Yos.. = ean oe Boo. 2 AiBe ~ Scahtied with CamScanner

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