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SAMPLE PAPER- 4 ) ieee: a ia ee “ae eS + thot all ho, wiitiate. electrophilic eustitetion Blectrophile. _teaction. 70 ie a 3) MWe, + tho + 3T3 —> olny + 610) +tatizo + 4 a4 3) t= 4 minvtes += 0.693 = e602 = O13 mia! taa.ay = ARAN 10g 100 ty Onl t44.qn= arr 24.2 uainutes 5 ° a3 5 ob + Pog 53 Cte) 4 HPO, cth-att= ch —aty-on FE, crt ew ec —E4 8 |stesic Windramcs «| (oteel > ¢ ye > < ea sn? reactivity, ; u 1 mu a 477) eg stfoug field ligand increase evetgy gap between eq aud tag ofbitals than weat Field ligand, so electrous jump to eg oom Ail} tag orbitals in weak field ligand 8) We> 0692. 4) straight like indicate etfoug electrolyte(A), corvea lime_indicate weak. electrolyte (B). af i Son pa orth ) or Pata hydvony ago benzene. Sime feactaut has less evetqy than sroducis , feactaut is mote Stable tan piodut. ‘a9 7 Activation evetgy for forwatd teaction is Ei t Ea. AY ignatd Teagents teact with au compounds easily. erg + PMgx —> a Baoyd + Hx » 2 ae 5) | Reimet—Tiemamu teaction | eimet-Tiemanu teacton. ee chidls + Naot ——> Opts suey _anaotl ae el 4, 3 V4) ) Aliphatic amines ate wore Wasic tian aunouia, a5alla4) group donate etectrous fo witfogen by +retfect. Atomatic amines afe (ess basic than aliphatic amives, due to tetonauce of bue pair electrons. as—Q), “al is wrong bot “e’ is cortect. 19) Protelas opor hydrolysis form o-amino adds. t-amidoadss exsist aS 2wittet ion at isoelectric pit. Ap—gi-w8 , due +o presence 0f bot avid (Coot fouctioual groop) and basic. Got) groups in same wolesoie, $0, K-amino acias show amphoteric natuie. pout’ ana ‘2 ate correct bot ~# is uot cotfect explaimion a. 2) Actiuoids vse both sf and 6d otbitals for bonding bot lartrayoids do wot vse weit “4@'orbitas for boudiug, so “X' is wrong wt “R’ correct. . oan eee 12 ethers have specific dipole moment values , ROR. Both W and *# afe cortect ald R@aSOA is corfect explaination a's. 1) Yes) Iron veiug a metal feact with acid +o libetate hydrogen gas 40) JFilkelstein Teaction= Methyl bromide vudetgo sn reaction with sodivws fodide im presence G acetone to form met) iodide. cbs + war SCHOMS cir + waBr 5) Because Gtignats teagent betug 4 stoug base feact with water. + —oF R-H + Max RMgX + i-OH ——> My Meaue. 4° chore on boiling with aniline IM prewence o# late form fool smelling gas preny! isowauide , where cotvou tetfacklotide does nor give Wis teaction. Benzy! chloride upon heating with sodiom hydroxide form Benzyl alcohol, out chlotovergeue. does yot Teact with sodivw lydtoxide, due +o pattiay dovble bond between “cand cl’. aj) pve to abseuce Q fire aldeuyde Im glowse, gixose does uot feact with 2,4 dinitio phenyl wydtagine Tn_ helical sttucute of Dwa, Adenine paits with tymine , cytosine pails wit gvanive, So two strauds of DNA ate complementary to each other. or Glvwse vpor leatug with ved plosplotoos and Iydrogen iodide form whexque , which indicate presence of “6 uubtached carbon atoms bouded +o each other. HhO, TS a stroug oxidizing ageut which oxidize both aldeyde. and primary, aloo! to form sacckaric acid... cho T (i-é-08), #1003 1828, go dy ct ° ° y y 2) cad oxidation, cy-Z—on _“X’ undergo aldol condensation in ptesewe © % dilote base which ou heating form Bot -aen-al. mie % | tale, N_y dilote o# eo tay —| heme 1: ——>- = eH a 4 ° 4 on cH, p ! is fewemn ots ©) ot, © Aldo| Condeusation 23) tqox = 2-303. (09 160 taaqy. = 2-303. 109 100 94-4. = 100 x 0 E 100-90 2 o—-ae-g tao 1 —t00 > ata, | a4) ReacHous tat occur on soreace Ey catalyst ate eto ofder feactious , t40 becavse , Couceutiation of feactauts ou sviface % Catalyst is always toustaut. fr i st, ch CfOmc tte > cian + Ho ~ RH + Max Altave. 4° w a » solution process is endothermic +il 4c amd exowetmic after sdc. » Pressute applied on solUtion DBS XI00D_ = 57.8 mol 5. 48 (i-085) loog 9 solvent coutain 499 Salt , then iM 10009 9 solvent coutain 405.9 Salt. 32) 3) Posines im pwA ate Adevine and. Cjuanine. 1) aptesine i) wodentide, each nvdleotide is jpined by PHosPhoniesTeR LDEAGE. ot distance between base pairs are fequlay aud sequeuce of Witrogenens bases ate intequbs. Exhibit tve baloform fest due to plseute of ctiz-G- group aldehyde Srop- > W ° 33))He-c—CHy—cHg = B >) 53 fame en-ug 8 concncr "ECM OHy Hs A= 2—cHhyah—cHig = A Butane = D s fs feact with Tollew's. feageut dve to. preseuce of free act —choth, =c I che %) ketones ate least teactive towatds mucleophilic addition fractious q 8 ° ee eee 2 ie De te CH=CH —CH CH + 0, Sp the- cH + H-e-atty Cts © 10g Loxidation] | Ecel= ott o-0sal tog 4x15" eductiou’]. a (ext i = 0+14-0-0A9S = o.llosy 2 1H) oixdarge potential of cl is wofe than o-. » specitic condectauce decrease epeu djlotion due +o. dectease in _nvwiber oe fous pet onit volvue. ot i) 4) Tn wetals couduciauce. decrease. pou Tucteasiug teuberatere, So silver wite at 3cf couduct mote electticity wan at 60%. ® condvetawe tucrease with fucrease 'n dfloifou, So o|MctigcooH @uduct mote than 1M CHzCoott. 2) Bectolytic condvciauce fuctease with fuctease tm temperate, so td at soc couduct wore electricity #Aan at aoe. ii) Electrolytic cell. Electtochewfcal cell- 4) Electric cotteut fs converted to 4) cheuifcal Enetgy ts couvetted to chemfcal evergy. Electrical energy. b) Mode ts Posiffvely charged. ) Anode is negatively charged 38) ) Doe to less eveigy diPfereuce between “4s! aud ‘2a’ subshells ) cat =(ar] 82d” on? =far] af 34% cat does uot contain vubaited elect “tou wot a coulain one vnpaited ‘s’ electrou, so aPt is blve colored ¢ ait is colotless. ii) wu"? =firJ a? 23° a ited so wikis mote staWle doe to wore exchange energies, wit®-GrJag 2d? is incompletely filled , so less stable wan Hu iv) Trausition metals fotun several complexes dve to a) smal) size ®) vacaut 3 orbital amd swall energy difference boiween ~ ¢/ aud ‘a! svbshells ¥) 2x" does ot posses oupaited “s’elecirou, but ai! has ove. vupatted ‘s! election so wu" is bive iM colt, where as 2u* is white.

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