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1-During this half of the semester I will complete at least one of two different projects that relate to each

other. The first Ideas working title is slime of doom portal This consist of construction a small room with heavy sensory aspects to it, where the viewer is invited to participate and go through this portal or threshold and achieve a transcendental outcome. The second project, has more of a documentary aspect to it, its centered around Glory Holes in the Chicago area. This would consist of going around all the glory holes that I find. Mostly interested in the architecture of the holes themselves, but also for their function as an index of the activities that happen thought them.(are glory holes transcendental?) 2- slime of doom portal The actual structural aspects of this project are constantly changing in my mind, from it looking like a from being a a small hallway like design, constructed of thin skeletal wood, to it being more free form, like just made out of cloth and plastics. other elements would include painted mylar, opalescent tissue paper, sewn blob structures out of thin paper, RGB LED lights, some drone music, incense, bloonies, and other things. I am still thinking of whether I will be there in the portal to interact with the participants as a performance, or to just add more things to the inside that would still have a similar effect on the viewer. (guidelines of the process might be explained in the outside, as text or illustration.) The participant will be given a psychological examination Via producing an object from the interaction of the participant, and will be assigned a new consciousness identity, based on Queerness not as a sexual identity, but as a radical thinking. Theory of chaos (Doom) becoming otherness in an androgynous thought of fluidity and transformation, going through the portal means a transcendence to becoming a shapeless form, an ever changing fluid blob. Glory Holes This project will start on getting locations of glory holes in Chicago, Via Co-worker, Craigslist, and Google. I am mainly interested in recording the architectural aspects of these holes. A possible outcome would be me doing rubbings on these holes to acquire a 1-1 scale record of the different holes, and recording the dimensions of the wall on which it is situated, I will also try to take pictures if allowed. these records could then manifest into a series of works, as photographs, an installation of the records as they are, base a series of paintings and sculptures that reference these holes. 3-slime of doom portal, First week: get a wood and string structure going on, research on portals, dooms, and slime and other things. Week two: finalize wood and string structure and start working on the surface of the walls, blow up bloonies, make blobs and slimy things. Week three: set the mood, work on lights and music, elaborate a ritual/instructions for the participants.

Glory Holes. first week: Research on locations, start to send emails to some people on craigslist that have glory holes. go to a glory hole over the weekend and see how it is, Take different materials and make test runs on impressions and documentation. . Second week: if not freaked out by the first experience, continue to go to as many possible. Start to think of ways of display, how many documents from the process will be shown (pictures, notes on measurements of the structures, transcribed mental notes, diary?). do different things from the documents, like make a sculpture, Painting, or installation or all of the above. Continue with this until final week. Just before Final week: evaluate all the materials produced and archived, create an installation with this. 4- Reading/reference list.
An Archival ImpulseAuthor(s): Hal FosterSource: October, Vol. 110 (Autumn, 2004), pp. 3-22 Smelly aesthetics. Chromophobia. A.A. Bronson Derrida Deluze Insert Name of artis late spring at Wester exhibitions Insert name of artist recomended by Diana. essay on Glory Holes.

5- Glory Holes & slime of doom portal &: Creating a platform in which the viewer/participant exposure to the abject, or create an space to embrace it. more like, the abject is not what it is when one/the viewer is decentralized into otherness. My artistic practice would seem benefited as I go on the quest of these projects in a transcendental performative aspect. A big aspect of my late work is grounded in transcendence, even if it is not a complete transcendence (as going through the slime of doom port might create) one is brought to another level (state of continuousness). the al artworks produce, if they dont have a transcendental value to the viewers, are at the very least a record of my attempts to transcendence. 6-. Diana, if it is not clear for you of what I mean by Glory Holes, by it I mean the holes that are made between bathroom stall, adult video booths in bookstores, and some structures that people make at their homes. in order to have an anonymous exchange of pleasure.

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