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Balance Diet for Indian school

These days school going children at are much more

pressure than what it was five years back. With rising
demands of career and increasing competition, schools
have also become a place for rat race, where everyone is
fighting for the first place. One cannot help but be a part
of it. Balanced diet for school children is the only way to
keep them healthy and also to enhance their power to
achieve the aim.
Indian Diet Plan for School Going kids by Nutritionists with a focus on
nutrient value as well as attractive foods for their better physical and mental
growth. Healthy diet is very essential for child’s physical and mental
development. Talking of balanced diet for school children we need to remember
that their metabolism rate and digestive system is much more active than in a
grown up individual. Thus, excluding fat, carbohydrates etc are a wrong practice.
School going children can result in fat accumulation in a person who is older and
not active but for the child it will be his source of activity.
Balanced Diet for School Children -
1. Carbohydrates – Good Carbohydrates is a source of
energy. It is found in bread, cereals, rice, pasta etc. All
of these make the balanced diet for school children.
Regular intake of these things is a must as they are good
sources of energy. Daily dose of 200 gm is a must for school children.
2. Fruits – Fruits apart from being a good source of vitamin
C is also rich in fiber which helps the digestive system,
dental health and the cleaning process of the body. It is a
great source of vitamins and minerals. 170 gm to 250 gm
of fruits should be eaten by children every day.
3. Vegetables – Vegetables meet the basic requirement
of Childs body i.e energy. Vegetables are low in calories,
having dietary fiber and help to keep the body hydrated.
It has excessive water content which controls the appetite
of the child and also helps in promoting intestinal health. 170 gm to 250 gm
of vegetables should be included in the meal.
4. Dairy – Milk and other dairy products like cheese, butter, and yogurt is
main source of energy, protein and calcium. It also promotes
muscle health and development of the body. Protein also
helps in building muscles. Calcium is needed for bone
A Childs diet should always include 2-3 servings of dairy
products. After the age of 5 years milk consumption should be lowered
down to one glass a day as research has proved that excessive milk
consumption along with other food leads to kidney stone in future.
5. Poultry – Poultry which includes meat, fish, chicken etc
are good sources of iron, protein, zinc, vitamins and
minerals. It provides energy, cognitive development,
memory, enhanced eye sight and blood. 150 gm of
poultry everyday can be included in the diet of school
Balanced diet for school children not only demands inclusion of these
entire but also demands right food timings. Intake of food on time is very
important for proper functioning of the body.

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