A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English (Grade 7 Junior High School)

Prepared by: Ms. Charmaine T. Aurin

At the end of the discussion, students should be able to:

1. Identify interjections from a given story

2. Define interjections

3 .Classify the different types of interjections; and

4. Make five simple sentences using interjections.

Topic: Learning Interjections from the short story: Ouch! It Bit Me!

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, short video clip, visual aids, printed emojis, and handouts

Time allotment:60 mins. / An hour

A. Preliminary Activities
Teacher’s Activity Student’s activity
“Good morning class” “Good morning, Miss!”

“How’s your weekend?” All: “Great!”

“Wow, That’s great! Now, everybody please stand

and let us go to the Lord in Prayer, Thalia, lead the “Amen!”
prayer please”

"Before you sit down, look around and please pick (Students do what is asked)
up the pieces of paper and chip wrappers that are
strewn around you and put them in a bin over

Checking of attendance “Is anyone absent for

today’s class?” “None, Miss!”
Any absentees?

“Ok! That’s great!”

“Before we proceed to a new topic, may I ask (Students raised their hands)
anyone from the class to give us a brief summary of
our topic last meeting?” “Ano po, last meeting, we are introduced to the
connectors that are used to connect phrases,
“Yes, Jazreel?” words, and sentences. And they are called
“Well said Jaz, thank you, you can sit down now. subordinating conjunctions.”
Subordinating conjunctions are words and phrases that
connect dependent clauses to independent clauses.
They usually show cause and effect”

“Yes Miss!”
“Have you ever heard the term "interjection"?”

"I'll show you a short video clip. It's about a story

with an interjection, please listen and be quiet."

(Video will flash on YouTube)

“Now, what have you noticed about the short (Students will raise their hands)

“Yes, John Louie?” “The story that we just read presents the
interjections that are used to express a feeling in a
“Good job! Louie”
“Anyone, what are the examples of interjections (Students will raise their hands)
that are present in the story?”

“Give me one Haydee” Ouch!

“Yes, Asi?” Oh no!
Maybellyn? Well!
Adrian? Aha!

“Thank you”

“Alright! How about we play a game?” (Students cheerfully answer yes)

“I am going to divide the class into 3 by picking up a

number on the box”

“Those who picked the number 1 will stay at the (Students proceed to their groupmate)
right row, 2 at the middle, and the 3rd group at the
left row.

“Now, I will be giving sets of interjections and what
are you going to do is raised the preferred
interjection that matches my sentence. Then if you
got the right answer then you earned a point. Pretty
easy right?”

“Are you ready class?”

“Yes, miss”

1.(Shoo! Achoo! Aha!) I hope I am not getting sick.

2. Today’s lunch tasted awful! (Yum! Yippee! Yuck!)
3. I think I have been burnt! (Yay! Tsk-tsk! Ouch!)
4.(Argh! Aww! Wow!) Shut up!
5.(Gee! Blah! Oops!) I’m so sorry!
6. You are so dramatic! (Boo-hoo! Boo! Eh!)
7.(Shhh/ Ooh-la-la/ Nah), I don’t drink. (Students are enjoying the game)
8.(Psst/ Yikes/Yum), this is so delicious!

(After the game)

“Good job everyone class, you are all so great in

playing this game. A round of applause please.
Please claim your price from me after our class” (Class applaud)
B: Development Activities

"Now students, how do you feel when you find out
that someone you like likes your best friend, or your
mom gives you extra allowance? " “Miss, it depends on the situation, we feel hurt or
happy or sad”
“Yes, Aina?”

“Very good Aina, and by those feelings or emotions

we come up with different expressions such as
yikes, yippee, argh, and the likes and those are

Flashed the slideshow

“Will you please read the story class?”


“Everybody read the jobs of an interjection” (READ)

“Always remember class that the interjections are

words or phrases that express strong emotions or
sudden feelings. They are usually set apart from the
rest of the sentence by an exclamation mark or a
comma. Interjections are not grammatically related
to the other parts of the sentence.”

“Very good. Interjections it is! Now to know more

about interjections class.”

Lesson proper
a. Activity
“Now we are done explaining interjections.
OK, I have here a story from an unknown author it is
title “Three Birds on a Wire” Please get one and
Each group of students will receive a copy of story

“What I want you to do is, while we are reading the

story, I want you to underline the interjections that
are used in the story, tell how it is being used and
“Yes Miss!”
the proper punctuation mark that is used. You work
as a team, the same team and discuss it later in
front, is that clear?”

“Now let’s start”

Three birds on a wire

A teacher was helping her third-grade students with

a math problem. After choosing a student in
particular, she recited the following story:
“Hmmmm! Billy, there are three birds sitting on a
telephone wire. A man with a gun shoots one of the
birds. How many birds are left in the wire?”
The boy pauses. “Aha! None,” he replied
“Oh dear! No, no, no. let’s try it again, maybe you
didn’t hear me correctly” the teacher says patiently.
She holds up three fingers. “There are three birds
sitting on a wire. A man with a gun shoots one,” she
puts down one finger, “how many birds are on the
“Uh-oh! none,” the boy says with authority
The teacher sighs. “Hey! Tell me how you came up
with that.” “Hmm, it’s simple.” Says the boy, “after
the man shot one bird, the noise from the gun
scared the other two away.”
“Well,” she says, “Ha-ha! That’s not technically
correct, but I like the way you think.”
“Thanks,” chimes the boy, “now, let me ask you a
question” “Okay,” she said guardedly. “If you had
three apples and four oranges in one hand and four
apples and three oranges in the other hand, what
would you have?” he asked innocently. The teacher
looked at the boy’s angelic face and writhed in
agony, turning three shades of red.
“Well, uhm,” she gulped and in a barely audible
whisper relied, “Bingo! Of course, I have many
“NO!” he says with surprise, “the answer is you have
a very large hand, but I like the way you think”
-the end-

b. Analysis
“I hope you enjoy the story. Group 1 point out the
interjections, group 2 tell us in what way the Groups will present their work in front
interjections are being used and group 3 the proper
punctuation mark that is used in the interjection”
Choose one that will present your group work.”

c. Abstraction

“Well done class, you are all right” “interjections are

divided into following 6 types on the basis of way
they express, greeting, joy, surprise, approval,
attention, and sorrow, when used in sentences.
(Shows example for each type) When we use
interjections, we should always follow them with an
appropriate punctuation mark”

“You are all fast learners! Let us give ourselves a

round of applause” (Students applaud)

d. Application

Do what is asked.

“Make five simple sentences that has


“Finish or not pass your papers in front and both

sides kindly collect your classmates’ papers. “

a. Select the appropriate interjections from the

given choices. Write only the correct letter of your
1. _________! I hate broccoli.
a. Eew! b. Yes! c. Aw! d. Yippee!
2. _____! I love my family
a. Argh! b. Yikes! c. Booh! d. Aw!
3. ____! My foot hurts.
a. Ouch b. Wow c. Yes! d. Aw!
4. _____! We won the competition.
a. Ouch b. Yippee c. Urrgh d. Tss
5. ______! I’m mad at you.
a. Yehey! b. Hoorah! c. Ooh! d. Urgh!

A. Read the interjections that are listed down

below then choose the correct type of the
interjection from the choices listed below.
Write the letter of your answer only.
1. Yippee!
4. argh!
5. eew!
6. heyhoe!
8. Well done!
10. Aww!

a. Greetings b. Joy c. Attention

d. Approval e. Surprise f. Sorrow

"Once you're done, please pass on your papers"

“Get your assignment notebook and copy your

“Kindly lead the closing prayer Joan”

“Let’s see each other on our next meeting, let’s call

it a day”

Listen to the Adjective Song from Grammaropolis -
"Paint the Way" then answer the following
questions on pages 68-70 of your textbook”

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