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School: San Francisco Pilot

Central Elem. Sch. With Grade Level: 6

SPED Learning Center
DETAILED Teacher: Caryll M. Pondoyo Learning Science
Teaching February 7, 2024
Date: Quarter: Third Quarter
Time: 7:00 - 8:20 AM

indicators to
be observed
during the
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of
gravity and friction affect movement of objects
B. The learners should be able to produce an
advertisement demonstrate road safety.
C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able
Competencies/Objectives to;
a. Identifying different kinds of forces
A. Subject Matter Observing kinds of forces
B. References
C. Materials PowerPoint presentation, IM’s, Picture
D. Valuing
E. Integration
F. Strategy
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill To fill energized before we start to our class this
morning, let us have an energizer first. “AKO’Y

Group 1 – All stand and sing (akoy gising) with

Group 2 – All stand and sing (hindi tulog) with
Group 3 – All stand and sing (nakikinig) with action
Group 4 – All stand and sing ( wow) with action
2. Review Last meeting we tackled about describing forces and
the effects of Force on Objects. If you really
understand the discussion, we will have a short

Direction: (Pass the ball) Pupils will pass the ball

while the music is playing. As the music stops, the
pupils holding the ball will answer the question to be
asked by the teacher.

1. Man applies force to push a push cart.

a. Force can change the speed of a moving
b. Force can change the size and shape of
an object.
c. Force can transfer energy to an object to
make it move.
2. Man applies force on a brake to stop the car.
a. Force can change the position or
direction of movement of an object.
b. Force can stop a moving object
c. Force can change the speed of a moving
3. Man exerts force to slow down the moving
a. Force can change the speed of a moving
b. Force can change the position or
direction of movement of an object.
c. Force can change the size and shape of
an object.
4. Exerting force changes the shape of the
a. Force can change the size and shape of
an object.
b. Force can stop a moving object
c. Force can change the position or
direction of movement of an object
5. The man applies force to raise the flag.
a. Force can change the position or
direction of movement of an object
b. Force can transfer energy to an object to
make it move.
c. Force can change the speed of a moving

Very good, everyone!

3. Motivation This morning class, we will have an activity. All you
need to do is observe carefully.

(Teacher demonstrate how do different kinds of

forces affect motion)

Which object reached the ground first?

 The coin
What kind of force causes the coin to fall?
 Gravity
Why did the coin rolling on the floor slow down and
 Friction
What kind of force opposes the motion of the
 Air resistance

Very good!
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation Our topic this morning is all about Kinds of Forces.
a. Setting of Standards Before we continue to our new lesson for today, I
want us to have an agreement for us to have a
harmonious and organized flow of discussion.

First things first:

1. Raise your hand when you want to ask
questions or when you want to speak to the class.
2. Listen and be quiet when someone is talking
in the front or sharing his idea in class.
3. Use positive language and a positive attitude.
4. Be respectful of other ideas, therefore respect
one another.

Is it clear class?

We have an attitude chart and score board.

Are we clear?
1.a. Introduction This time class we will be having another activity.
This game called “PUZZLE PICS”. I will group you
into five groups.
Every group has
a picture that
needs to be
arranged, and the group that finishes first can arrange
the last puzzle picture and will be the winner.

Did you


Group 1: Group 2:

Group 3: Group 4:

Group 5: Last:

Thank you everyone for your participation and

congrats to the winner!
1.b. Asking (HOTS) In our activity, what have you observed? What are
Valuing those pictures that we puzzled over?
 Students answer

2. Discussion/Modelling Our topic this morning is all about the kinds of

forces. People that travel in the outer space
experience many kinds of forces. These forces also
exist around us on Earth. These forces are
gravitational, magnetic, electric, and strong and
weak nuclear force. This four forces are called
universal forces.
1. Gravitational Force – A force is a force that
pulls objects toward one another. The
universal force that affects the bigger and the
smaller objects.
2. Magnetic Force - A force that causes objects
to attract or repel each other. It is shown
when magnets of iron are attracted to each
3. Electric Force – A force that exists between
charged particles. This force is much
stronger than gravitational force.
4. Frictional Force – It causes the object that
moves along a surface to slow down and
eventually stop. This force can be observed
when you move a table or chair without
5. Nuclear Force – The force that holds the
particles in the nucleus together
 Strong nuclear force holds the nuclear
particles together by holding the quarks
 Weak nuclear force holds particles within
protons and neutrons together.
6. Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces – Because
of centrifugal and centripetal forces, vehicles
can move in a circular motions.
 Centripetal force is a force that pulls an
object inward.
 Centrifugal force is an outward force that
pulls an object away from the center.
3. Guided Application
(Gawain Natin)
C. Concluding Activities
1. Generalization What are the kinds of forces
2. Application
(Gawain Mo)
IV. Evaluation Direction: Identify the type of force that acts on the
different activities below. Use the words in the box.
Gravitational force Frictional force Nuclear
Electrical force Magnetic Force
______1. Moving Maglev train
_______2. Lightning during thunderstorm
_______3. Nuclear explosion
_______4. Orbiting planets
_______5. Raising and falling of Erath’s ocean tides
_______6. A refrigerator door stays closed
_______7. A ball rolls off the table and falls to the
_______8. A car stops when the driver steps on the
_______9. Telephone at work
_______10. A boy finding it difficult to push a box
on the floor
V. Assignment List the activities that take place in your classroom
and at home. Classify each activity according to the
universal forces that apply to them.

Activities at Home Types of Universal Forces

Activities in the Types of Universal Forces


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