2nd Sem Midterm TQ

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Commission on Diocesan Schools


Central East #1, Bangar, La Union
Tel. No. (072) 619-6949
Email: st.christopher.academy.elyu@gmail.com
DepEd School ID: 400082 || ESC School ID: 0100068
S.Y. 2023-2024
“Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do” – Benjamin Spock
NAME:_______________________________________________ DATE:___________
GRADE/SECTION:_____________________________________ SCORE:__________
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (20 points)
Direction: Read the statements/questions carefully. Identify what is being asked in each item. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided.
____1. Understanding, Culture, Society, and Politics (UCSP) is a multidisciplinary course that integrates and combines
contents, methods, and theories of the following EXCEPT:
A. Anthropology B. Mathematics C. Political Science D. Sociology
____2. It refers to the culturally defined standards by which people assess desirability, goodness, and beauty and that
as broad guidelines for social living.
A. Folkways B. Mores C. Norms D. Values
____3. It is a method used in studying anthropology wherein researchers immerse themselves in the culture of their
in a long period of time.
A. Ethnocentric View C. Linguistic Research
B. Historical Particularism D. Participant Observation
____4. As___ a we carry our ancestors’ tradition and beliefs, speak the language of our parents, practice faith and the
way of life of our community, create and showcase the arts and heritage of our people and transmit some, if not
of these to the next generation.
A. cultural being C. social being
B. political being D. spiritual being
____5. Mommy and Daddy taught their one-year old daughter Cloud how to play ABC song with the use of their Lenovo
cell phone. Now, Cloud can able to open the phone and sing the ABC song. What characteristic of culture is
in the situation?
A. culture is integrated C. culture is shared
B. culture is learned D. culture is symbolic
____6. The birth of Sociology gave rise to the scientific and rational understanding of the society. How did Erving
contribute to the field?
A. He introduced participant observation as a tool for research.
B. He favored historical particularism as an approach in understanding society.
C. He theorized dramaturgical approach in analyzing social interactions and relationships.
D. He proposed the looking glass self-theory as a way of seeing behavior and social phenomenon.
____7. Political Science is an important discipline that deals with laws, governmental processes, and state formulation.
Which among the following is NOT the primary concern of this field?
A. Government and Business C. Public Administration
B. Political Dynamics D. Social Institutions and Structures
____8. Sociologists like Comte, Durkheim, and Weber gave their own views about society. What is society according to a
sociological perspective?
A. It is the people interacting with one another to create a culture.
B. It is the group of people working on attaining one's personal desires.
C. It is the shared beliefs and values of residents in a certain territory.
D. It is the community of individuals building architecture and creating work of arts.
____9. Edward B. Tylor described culture as “complex whole”. What does this mean?
A. Culture connects people.
B. Culture is the end-result of society.
C. Culture is about the activities of groups within society.
D. Culture is comprised of all the facets and work of humankind.
____10. As a student studying this discipline, what is the most beneficial reason of having knowledge on the study of
culture, society, and politics?
A. To make people ethnocentric.
B. To change the way people view the world.
C. To provide people avenues for self-expression.
D. To prepare people for active and responsible civic engagement.

____11. Ahmed is a Muslim while his friend, Rody, is a Catholic. Sometimes, while doing their homework in Rody's
Ahmed makes fun of the fact that Catholics have images of saints in their houses. What should Rody do about this
A. Rody should stop being friends with Ahmed.
B. Rody should retaliate by making fun of Ahmed's religion.
C. Rody should talk to Ahmed to explain their religious differences.
D. Rody should do nothing. Ahmed will eventually stop laughing about it.
____12. Devi is a Hindu, and she studies in a public school. Her parents forbade her to make friends with Christians
they are afraid that she will be bullied. She, however, has Christian friends, and they understand her religion
of what they learned from their lesson in World Religions. What should Devi do about this problem?
A. Devi should just avoid talking about her friends to her parents.
B. Devi should just follow her parents since they know what is best for her.
C. Devi should explain to her parents that religion should not be a barrier for friendship.
D. Devi should tell the truth and explain to her parents that her Christian friends are nice.
____13. Which of the following refers to a group of people whose members interact, reside in a definable area and share a
A. Culture B. Residents C. Society D. Ethnosphere

____14. The several elements of culture tend to guide people in becoming an effective member of a society. What is the
meaning of norms?
A. They have a firm control to moral and ethical behavior.
B. These are the standard an expected behavior within a society.
C. They are behaviors of less importance yet still influence our behavior.
D. They are ordinance of reason enacted to protect the people from the bad effects of outdated mores.
____15. One of the goals of studying Anthropology is appreciate your own cultural identity. As a student, what can you
to help preserve your culture and tradition?
A. I cannot do anything because I am still too young.
B. I will use the internet to research since we live in the modern times now.
C. I will imitate the culture of other countries especially those portrayed my favorite shows.
D. I will continue to learn more about our culture, practice it, and influence others to do the same
____16. Which of refers to anything that carry a meaning recognized by people who share a culture?
A. Values C. Beliefs
B. Symbols D. Taboos
____17. Which is considered to be the hallmark of modern society?
A. Information and communication technology C. Machines and industries
B. Irrigation systems D. All of the above
____18. Which of the following is NOT an example of material culture?
A. Homes C. Language
B. Schools D. Neighborhood
____19. Technological tools, architectural, structures, fashion and accessories, and food are all examples of what
component of culture?
A. Basic Culture C. Material Culture
B. Commercial Culture D. Non-material Culture
____20. Who defined culture in terms of communicable intelligence, conventional understandings or communicated
A. Robert Ranulph Marrett C. Edward B. Tylor
B. Radcliffe Brown D. Auguste Comte


Direction: Identify what is being asked. Write your answer in the space provided.
Counterculture Ethnocentrism Cultural Relativism Cultural Variation Cultural shock
High culture Cultural Change Popular culture Real culture Sub-culture
__________________________1. It refers to the rich diversity in social patterns that different human group exhibit
around the world.
__________________________2. It is a culture that is shared with a pattern or mores, folkways, and values.
__________________________3. It refers to the culture practiced by middle and working classes of the society.
__________________________4. It refers to the culture patronized by the upper class society.
__________________________5. It is the regard that one’s own culture is the center of everything.
__________________________6. This refers to the feeling of being fearful when immersed in an unfamiliar culture.
__________________________7. It refers to the practice of assessing a culture by its own standards rather than viewing
it through the lens of one’s own culture.
__________________________8. It refers to a culture whose values and norms place it at odds with mainstream society
that actively rejects the dominant cultural values and norms.
__________________________9. This refers to the patterns or traits that are globally common to all societies.
__________________________10. It is observed when new opens up new ways of living and when new ideas enter a
culture as a result of globalization.

III. MATCHING TYPE (10 points)

Direction: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer own the space provided.

____ 1. He describe culture as cultivation the process of A. Auguste Comte
transmitting and acquiring traditions as a result of which society is B. Radcliffe Brown
perpetuated C. George Simmel
____ 2.He tend to define culture in terms of “communicable D. Non-material culture
intelligence,” “conventional understandings” or “communicated E. Robert Ranulp Marrett
ideas.” F. Karl Marx
____ 3. A German philosopher and economist who made G. Charles Darwin
Communist Manifesto that presents the theory of society which H. Franz Boas
is different from the point of view of Comte. I. Bronislaw Malinowski
____ 4. He Proposes the Philosophical position of positivism. J. E.B Taylor
____ 5. He is a pioneer in the field of sociology and emphasized K. Max Weber
the role of rationalization in the development of society.
____ 6. He introduced participant observation as a method of
studying culture.
____ 7. He conceptualized the definition of culture in 1860s and
according to him, culture is a complex of whole.
____ 8. He is considered the Father of American Anthropology
and advocated cultural relativism.
____ 9. A component of Culture that consist of intangible things.
____ 10.He said that society was the patterned interactions among
members of a group, the sum of responses to ordinary life events.

IV. TRUE OR FALSE (10points)

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, otherwise FALSE if the statement is wrong.
____1. Societies are group of people that used a shared culture
____2. We only learn culture from our parents, grandparents or teachers.
____3. Culture is not dynamic because we already have fixed culture even before we are not born.
____4. Laws in general are originated from mores
____5. Society can function without its culture
____6. Ethnocentrism is a perception that arises from the fact that cultures differ and each culture defines reality
____7. Cultural relativism is the differences in social behaviors that different cultures exhbit around the world.
____8. Culture comes from the Latin word cultura, means cultivation.
____9. Sociology comes from the Latin word socius – means companion and Greek word logos – means to study.
____10. Political Science came from two ancient words. The word political came from Greek word “polis” means city-
state and science comes from Latin word “scire” which means to know.

V. Essay (10 points)

Direction: Answer the question briefly but substantially:
Content: 7 points
Grammar: 3 points

1. Construct a Triple Venn Diagram to compare and contrast Sociology, Anthropology, and Political Science.
Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:
Subject Teacher Academic Coordinator Principal

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