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TOM AND JERRY original screenplay by David Newman this draft by Tue D. Nguyen based on the characters created by Bill Hanna & doe Barbera and the name suggested by John carr //rownite (firet draft) February 2019 Nom! IN THIS SCRIPT -- TOM WILL COMMUNICATE MEOWING AND SIGN-LANGUAGE WITH HIS HANDS. AS FOR JERRY - HE WILL ALSO COMMUNICATE WITH SIGN LANGUAGE. THEIR COMMUNICATION WILL HAVE SUPERIMPOSED ENGLISH SUBTITLES. NEITHER WILL TALK. BUT CAN GRUNT. THOUGH IE THERE IS A NECESSARY FOR TOM TO SPEAK ONCE! P.S. -- THIS IS ONLY TO BE ONLY AN ANIMATED MOTION PICTURE AS IT IS Ti -D) t “~ Tom and Jerry-1 OPEN ON: A very familiar theme tune by Scott Bradley as we FADE UP ON: THE MGM LION (LEO THE Lton) It appears, very fancy in the era of the 1960s. The Lion roars in the amount of two times, in customary fashion =-Suddenly, it fades into disappearance as springing into frame is a REGULAR FELINE ANIMAL, we will know him as TOM THE CAT - he meows two times, and thinks better of it for himself to be proud of that by smiling. The circular film ribbon PULLS BACK as it turns into a shaped letter of “9”. The background starts to fade into an orangey color background. The rest of the letters from left and right “2” and “MY”, form the name “20M” -- and a another word appears “and” -~ Then, a ANOTHER ANIMAL springs into frame out of nowhere as the words below it appear in a normal pace "JERRY", the animal appearing o~ nowhere, is a mouse, as we will know him as JERRY THE MOUSE -~ he lands on the letter “¥”, looking right at us, giving a little waving. fom Looks at Jerzy with a seething look of anger. ALL of the words are formed a bit separately: Tom ana aerne Fave Drssotvs to: ‘THESAME COLOR BACKGROUND Tt is blank now as it is still the same oraige background. SUPERINPOSE WAIN CREDITS in a bouncy, aggressive style of cartoon aoa both dealer aniey jotetetefinceo yee se ned wien magia into traditional melancholy music as if it was scored by Jerry Goldsmith. SUPERIMPOSE FINAL CREDIT as we FADE OUT Tom and Jerry-2 IRIS IN: EXD, THE EARTH - FROM SPACE A variety of stars as we are amazed by it as we MOVE STRAIGHT TOWARD the earth --~As we still MOVE STRAIGHT -~ favoring oceans, clouds that they are starting to fade as we move in as we DISSOLVE TO: NEW ei EW = AERIAL SHOT, LOOKING DIRECTLY DOWNWARD from the roofs of skyscrapers to the busy city street below -- the familiar “canyons of steel” angle as the moment passes, a frantic meowing cry rings out from down the street: car (0s) COME ON, LET'S GET HIM! ! We move to the source of the outcry that comes into view dashing down the block at a good 50 mph, his churning feet making clouds of dust. We get a look of our leading animal, JERRY MOUSE, in a characteristic situation: running for his life. Running tight at his heels, their jaws snapping at his behind like castanets, are TWO ALLEY CATS, both resemble a threat themselves, ornery customers. One has a black eye patch. The other sports some scars. In an alley of a restaurant, coming out is a ALLIGATOR-CHEF who steps out onto the sidewalk to throw some ugly trash into a big garbage dumpster -- as he is finished with it, Jerry comes zooming toward him. The charging mouse crashes into the Alligator full force, knocking him flat on his face. Jerry keeps running. Before the Alligator can get to his feet, the first of the pursuing cats come running up behind Jerry. In his mad dash, he steps on the Alligator’s outstretched tail which causes the reptile to flip straight upward smashing the cat in the face. Further down the street, the chase is still on. Jerry is gaining on the second cat, as he runs into the gutter. Just ahead is a construction site: an open manhole surrounded by a taut rope barrier. A sign hanging from the rope reads: “DIG WE MUS! DANGER -~ MOLES WORKING.” Tom and Jerry-3 TWO MOLES wearing hard-hats and carrying pick-axes, are climbing down into the open manhole. Jerry ducks under the first rope barrier and nearly leaps over the open manhole in his path. The force of the impact causes the manhole cover to flip up in the air. It comes down with a tremendous CLANG! right on the noggin of the second cat who is running in pursuit -- it absolutely flattens the cat into a pancake. The pancaked-cat vibrates on the ground, just like a manhole cover or, for example, a spun half-dollar. Jerry, running hard, turns to see what happened. He doesn’t see the taut rope stretched right in front of him. He hits the rope and the effect is like a slingshot or a bow being pulled taut: his momentum pulls the rope a few feet forward and then it springs him backwards with a loud TWANG! What stops his flight is the stomach of the first cat, now back in the chase. Jerry connects with him like a cannonball. It knocks the air out of the cat -- with a sound of air escaping from a balloon, the cat literally deflates in front of our eyes, Just the loose cat skin. DEFLATED CAT Somebody get, that damn mouse! SECOND CAT (0S) Oh, I will-¥OU LITTLE RASCAL! ! Jerry is up and running as the second cat resumes the chase. Jerry, ducking into a narrow alley. FOLLOW HIM in as, halfway down, he opens a side door to a building. It is too late for the second cat as he tries to get him, but slams his face into the door as he breaks into a hundred tiny pieces, like a China plate. ‘INT._MOUSE BAR - DAY Jerry collapses in fatigue and exhaustion against the doorway. PULL BACK TO REVEAL where we are: a dingy, dark little bar room. All the customers are MICE, seated at tables, nursing drinks, some standing at the bar. It’s a poor mill kind of place and its clientele is definitely on the shabby side. Behind the bar, an OCTOPUS-BARTENDER uses its eight arms to make different drinks, mop up the bar, ring the cash register. OCTOPUS-BARTENDER Got a buzz-kill, here. Tom and Jerry-4 MICE Here. OCTOPUS-BARTENDER Come on, Pete, you know, you'll go nuts with this! MICE (PETE) Ah! Phooey. I don’t care, Charlie. It’s my medicine. OCTOPUS~BARTENDER Alright. The bartender hands the drink to the mice. He drinks it -- after the moment passes, he starts to have a mild/wild crazed seizure as he zig-zags with each pop that until he blasts up the ceiling -- and then comes back as he crashes on the wooden stool with his butt. His head goes everywhere. Jerry goes to help Pete -— PETE im alright, alright. (turns to gaze) Jerry? Jerry nods. The quick knowledge that Pete is Jerry’s friend. PETE Dang, buddy. Come and sit. Both are seated at a table. Jerry facepalms on himself as Pete frowns -~ then knows something: PETE Was it those damn cats, were they? Jerry nods. PETE No good-timing buttheads. Ain’t it right, Charlie? OCTOPUS-BARTENDER Dang straight. The bartender uses his arm to open the door and throws the already broken pieces of the wooden stool away — Tom and Jerry-5 But one of the hands from the second cat as it strikes inside, grabbing one of the arms of the bartender, as he grimaces. OCTOPUS-BARTENDER One of them, eh? I/11 git ‘em back for this. The bartender stops his job as he gets all of his arms, striking out. EXD. ALLEY - SECOND car As he lays and tries to think better of dragging the bartender out of the bar, but the arms strike instantly against the cat who staggers and then slams into a wall and slocps down into a dumpster and it slams itself down, The arms creep its way back to the bar and closes the door. INDL_MOUSE BAR OCTOPUS-BARTENDER o~ That's for one of ya twats eating my family! The bartender goes back to work. We are back with Jerry and Pete: PETE You know, you should have Charlie as your bodyguard. He’s always there with you anytime, Guess what happen to Charlie’s family? Jerry’s curious to know. PETE Got ate by one of those idiotic cats. Captured. Cut badly. Steamed fried. Charlie had the thought to hurt them with the sure of revenge. And he did. Jerry, stunned by what Pete told him. PETE But you gotta have him as your bodyquard. Tom and Jerry-6 Jerry turns to gaze at the Bartender who returns the gaze with a smile. Jerry turns to Pete, feels uneasy. (NOTE: The sign-language has to be real! For damn sure!) JERRY (sign-language) Yeah, I rather not. PETE Ok. That’s fine. Right, Charlie. OCTOFUS~BARTENDER It's alright, Jerry. I’m not employed for bodyguard. But I can help anytime for free Jerry nods. PETE So what is in the mind of Jerry for today? JERRY (sign-language) I wish I had lived in a real home. PETE Home, eh? You know, I know a friend. She's great. Jerry lits up as he hears the mention of “She”. Nodding his head for more answer. PETE Her name’s Ann. Real-Estate Agent. Sweet girl. I/l1 assure you that it'll be fine for you, Jerry. EXL._REAL ESTATE = DAY A large building, as Jerry walking as PEOPLE avoid stepping on him. FOCUS on him as he walks to the entrance, but a small door is in favor for a small animal. PAN TO a SIGN that reads: “BRADLEY’S ESTATE OF WONDERS” Tom and Jerry-7 ‘VL._RECEPTION DESK A quirky blonde haired girl receptionist with a hair-pin attached, the memory conjures up as Susan Blakely. As if it was played by Peyton Roi List. She is working on calls ~- then finishes: RECEPTIONIST Yes. Talk to you soon ~ Bye. She hangs up. Gazes around and stops, as-- HER POV ~ JERRY Walks, gazing around. BACK IO RECEPTION DESK She frowns -- thinks something, as- RECEPTIONIST A mouse, huh. Haven't had one for a long time. JERRY (08) Ahem! She turns ~~ PULL BACK as Jerry stands, waiting. RECEPTIONIST Yes. Do you have an appointment, sir? JERRY (sign-language) I’m pretty sure, my friend did one for me. For Ann Hanna RECEPTIONIST Let me check. She goes through the book of “Scheduled Appointments”. RECEPTIONIST on. Got here. For Jerry? She gazes at him who nods. RECEPTIONIST (smiles) Great. Follow me, T can get you to Ann. Nice gal. Tom and Jerry-8 Both walk into the elevator as it closes. DISSOLVE TO: nz 5 = ELE It opens, as PEOPLE exit, including the receptionist « Jerry. = SMAL: BR About 1/2 inches. A marking reads: “ANN HANNA - THE BEST IN KIND”. The receptionist knocks cutely about two times. ANN. (0S) Who is it? RECEPTIONIST It’s Emily, Ann. There's a Jerry Mouse for you. ANN (08) on. Send him in Emily. RECEPTIONIST ok. (to Jerry) Here's your chance. Jerry nods. Emily (receptionist) leaves. ANN (0S) Door’s open. Jerry enters. INL_ANN!S OFFICE ANN (08) Please, be seated. Jerry walks, seated on a chair. PAN to ANN, 2 mouse, lovely beauty like Emily (receptionist), who has the resemblance in style of Diane Lane. Worn in professional clothing. Suitable for a Real~ Estate Agent. TWO SHOT - JERRY & ANN ANN I see you're in wanting a real home. Don't you? Jerry nods. a Tom and Jerry-9 ANN Ever get tired of being chased by cats in the lath street. He nods again. In agreement with Ann. ANN Well, I looked for much houses but the one was very easy was one at Quimby Street. Could that be a choice? Nods again. ANN Alright. Just sign here. And I'll assure you. There’s not much of any cats there. He sighs with a “phew” in relief. ANN Any questions? He points with his finger, one. ANN Alright. JERRY (sign-language) How you can be so sure, there isn’t any? ANN What’d you think? There are cats but only in homes, more trained and have caring for a mouse. None seen any mouse that changes their attention on them. JERRY (sign-language) (nods) I see. ANN If there's any trouble or something. “~ Give me a call. She gives him her card. Tom and Jerry-10 EXD. SUBURBAN HOUSE - DAY LONG SHOT-~A white frame house. Two stories, with a nice green lawn and a big backyard. From this distance, WE CAN JUST BARELY SEE a little blue round doorway at the base of the side of the house. MEDIUM SHOT--That little blue door, rounded like a mouse hole, is SEEN MORE CLEARLY Now. CLOSE SHOT--ON THE LITTLE BLUE DOOR, with just the edges of the white frame side of the big house showing around the top and sides. IND. JERRY'S HOME - DAY A charming house itself. The front room is a living room with a nice overstuffed chair, a TV set, a dining table, some pictures on the walls, one consists of Jerry with his buddy Pete. And another consist of Jerry with his cousin, who has a long yellow suit with black stripes and a green hat, a named labeled on the suit reads: “Muscles”. What’s else in this house. Well. A bed of course, Kitchen. Refrigerator. PAN AWAY as we see Jerry in the bathroom. Gazing around in awe. He exits, as DISSOLVE TO: ‘LATER — JERRY He seated on a chair, writing on a paper note -~ finishes and holds it up as we 200M ON IT as it reads: Dear Pete, I have finally got myself a fondue at the end of the rainbow. Peaceful and quiet. Just for a start. Nothing to disturb me. At least I can live a life of quiet Pleasure. - Jerry Mouse JERRY smiles and agrees with what he wrote --then: Tom and Jerry-11 Sound (0S): the screechings’ of a truck brakes, coming to a stop right outside. HOLD on him. Puzzled. He gets up, walks to the front door. Opens it. Looks out. ‘EXT, YARD - DAY The panel truck parked in the driveway has a sign painted on the side: JOE’S PET SHOP. sTERRY Bven more puzzled. Thinking it over. He walks across hie home to the mouse-hole doorway, peeks out. HIS_ov BEGIN on a large box labelled Joe’s Pet shop. Tt is opened, its lid off, a big ribbon with a bow now untied. PAN SLOWLY FROM THE OPENED BOX TO THE ENTRANCE TO THE KITCHEN. CAMERA IS IN TIGHT (STILL HIS POV) AS IT NOW FOCUSES ON the end of a tail. The tip is white fur, but the rest of the tail is gray. PAN UP THE TAIL, STILL GOING VERY SLOWLY. As CAMERA PANS MORE OF THE GRAY FUR BODY Sound (0S): very nearby, the unmistakable sound of milk being poured from a bottle. PAN UP TO THE HEAD of the animal who is pouring the milk into a glass. He drinks it all down in one big chug-a-lug and then licks his chops (and whiskers). It is TOM. Another of our leading animals besides Jerry. Mep./cU = JERRY Looking out of his mouse hole, his expression of total despair, as if his world had just collapsed, quick and fast! JERRY (silent) Oi vey... WIPE DISSOLVE: an tom and Jerry-12 INT. MAIN HOUSE — LIVING ROOM - NIGHT ON TOM, fast asleep in special blanket marked “Tom”, filled with soft pillows. Behind him the flames flicker in the fireplace. All is quiet. Soundtrack music of a plucked, pizzicato nature indicates discreet footsteps. 200M IN TO TOM’S EYE, as one certain eye opens. WE SEE IN IT WHAT HE SEES: the IMAGE (REFLECTION) of JERRY, tip-toeing very carefully across the room, trying not to awaken the sleeping cat. ON JERRY. As he steps gingerly into the kitchen, like he’s walking on eggshells. Everytime he puts a foot down he cringes in fear that he'll wake up Tom. INT_KITCHEN — NIGHT very carefully, he positions the stool. Very cautiously, he mounts it. Very gingerly, he starts to climb on the top of the refrigerator -- then: From QS, Tom whistles -- Jerry freezes in mid-climb. Tom ENTERS FRAME, smiling with smug confidence with that stupid grin. And reaches out to tap Jerry's hanging tail from side to side like a pendulum, TOM (meows) Thereby hangs a tail. Trying not to show fear, Jerry pills himself up to the top, sits, looks down nervously. Throughout the following, Jerry is literally sweating with nervousness, while Tom deliberately enjoys the power of his position. JERRY (whacky animal sound) Uh... (sign-language) Bi. ‘TOM Abhh. (sign-language) I know what you’ re communicating. Hi to yourself. Tom and Jerry-13 Long pause. Jerry seems to be trying to swallow his Adam’s apple. TOM (sign-Language) You come here often? JERRY (sign-language) Who, me? TOM (sign-language) I don’t see anybody else around, do you? JERRY (sign-language) No, no, no, I'm... (thinking fast) --just visiting. Listen, 1/11 just say good-night now and -~ ‘TOM (sign-language) You weren’t trying to get that cheese, were ya? JERRY (sign-language) Nah, not me. You'll never catch me eating that. TOM (sign~language) I won't? JERRY (eign-language) Actually, I’m not much for eating. ‘TOM (sign-language) Really? Jerry nods. TOM (sign-1anguage) Climbing the refrigerator for exercise? Nods again. TOM (frowns) limmph . (beat) -- (then) (sign~language) Are you a mouse? Nods again. Tom and Jerry-14 TOM (sign-language) You know, I’ve been getting a lot of mouse reports years ago. You know what I did to them? Jerry, curious. TOM (sign-language) Years ago of my job as an exterminator, I poisoned about 30 of your species, with a simple deadly spray! Stunned of Jerry as he starts to gulp. TOM (sign-language) Say. I didn’t get your name. JERRY (sign-language) Jerry Mouse. ‘TOM (sign-language) Is that so. Well, I'm Tom, Tom Cat. Just call me Tom, (devilish grin) Look, why don’t you come down here and let's try to iron out our little difficulties! With that, he yanks hard on Jerry’s tail. As Jerry crashes to the ground, Tom pushes a button on the wall. An ironing board springs out from its housing and begins to pound the mouse, driving him deeper and deeper and deeper into the floor just like a hammer pounding a nail. As Jerry's head begins to flatten like the head of a nail WIPE DISSOLVE: JERRY Out cold, on the kitchen floor. As he woozily comes to: Sound: Real boards being hammered by real nails. Tom and Jerry-15 ON THE REFRIGERATOR Tom is furiously boarding it up with planks of 2x4"s, hanging signs read “MICE KEEP QUT!”. He works at a rapid pace, almost like a maniac in his intensity, putting up enough boards to keep out an army of mice. So absorbed is he in his work that he doesn’t see Jerry come crawling up behind him. Jerry gently lifts the end of Tom’s tail, moves to the right a few feet, where a waffle iron sits on the kitchen counter. He plugs in the electricity, closes the waffle iron on Ton’s tail. In seconds, the iron glows steaming red hot ~~ thei ‘TOM Au Tom leaps up in the air, still screaming, His tail -- the part of it affected, anyhow -- has now taken on the shape of a waffle round and gridded, glowing red as well. Jerry starts to run out of the kitchen. Tom grabs a loaf of bread and begins flinging each slice into @ toaster. THen he picks up the toaster and points it at the retreating Jerry, and begins firing toast at him like a machine gun, Sound: The rat-rat-rat of a machine gun. sEREY As he frantically runs away from the oncoming toast bullets, he doesn’t see where he’s heading. He runs head on straight into the radiator by the wall A moment later, he comes out the other side of the radiator, his body now completely transformed by the pipes into a pleated, accordion shape. As he bounces off in the direction of the mouse hole. MOUSE HOLE As Jerry, now mouse~shaped, gets there as he turns, gasps, and turns instantly, entering inside as he slams the door as too late for Tom who slams from his face to the all the way to his entire body, turning completely still, like the second cat, Tom breaks in pieces like a China plate. Falling on the floor. Tom and Jerry-16 sERRY’S_HOME Jerry, leaned against the door, breathing rapidly like heck -- DISSOLVE TO: = 1B = MORN Sounds of birds chirping are heard, as. cy_= chock It is positioned as, 10:00 AM. From Q§: the sound of a truck is heard, as~ EXD. JERRY'S HOME — MORNING The small door opens, Jerry runs quickly outside with a simple sized envelope. As he reaches to the MAILMAN. MATLMAN Oh, hey there, fella. Jerry gestures of the envelope. MAILMAN Oh, a envelope? He nods. The mailman picks it up. MAILMAN Muscles, eh? Nods again. MAILMAN Alright. I'll get to him as soon as possible. Jerry smiles, turns back to his home. WIPE DISSOLVE: EXD. ALLEY FROM 14th STREET - DAY HOLD. Then: Tom and Jerry-17 WHAAAAM! - slamming against a wall is a CAT, who was thrown by full force, who’s injured like hell. PAN DOLLY RIGHT as a CRASH sound is heard, another CAT is thrown on the wooden fence hole as his head fits through it. PAN MORE as we see a bunch of cats with their eyes having x's on it. Representing that they're dead for sure. ANOTHER CRASH as PANNING FURTHER MORE to the LAST CAT who's color is orange that a mouse, yellow suit/black-striped and green hat, MUSCLES, grabbing by the tail, whirling fast over and over side by side on the ground whacking the orange cat and then whirling repeatedly -- then throws the cat and (OS - SMASH!). Muscles finishing with his dirty job. Turns back to walk to home. As he is about to do that: MAILMAN (0S) Hey, Muscles? MUSCLES (turns) (deep voice) Yeah? MAILMAN (0S) You got mail. MUSCLES Mail, eh. Mailman walks to Muscles and gives him the sized letter sent by Jerry. MUSCLES Thanks. How the kids, Bill, MAILMAN Theyre fine, Muscles. Seeya. MUSCLES Seeya, Bill. Mailman leaves. Muscles gets to his home, tears open the envelope ~~ reads the letter. MUSCLES Dear, cousin Muscles. I have a problem. There's a cat that’s been in the home for the day. It’s causing trouble for me. I’m without food. I’m starving. Can you come over? Your cousin, Jerry. 7 Tom and Jerry-18 He frowns madly as he tears the paper up and throws it away. He kicks open his door in quiet rage. Enters. BEAT. Then, he comes out with a bag suitcase. DISSOLVE TO: EST - EXT, SUBURBAN HOUSE - pay HOLD. Then, A BUS arrives, the doors open and it closes as it drives away fast! Standing in the sidewalk is Muscles. ‘SIDE ANGLE — MUSCLES standing with a grim, strict expression. PAN A BIT UP as we see A CAT COUPLE as walk and chatting, and they turn to look at Muscles. Stop. And they back away in fear. Could there some known reputation that Muscles has? A reputation of being a ruthless fighter with such incredible strength? Maybe 50. He walks -- WIPE DISSOLVE: ‘EXT. JERRY'S HOME - DAY As he approaches to the home ~~ BOOOM! - A shaking is impacted as Muscles keeps his balance. MUSCLES The heck was that? Muscles knocks the door. The door is opened by Jerry. MUSCLES Cousin Jerry. Jerry waves him to come in as he does, The door closes. ‘INT. JERRY'S HOME — DAY MUSCLES The heck was that exploding? Tom and Jerry-19 Then ~ A lit-sized dynamite rolls over into the hole. Where it lays next to Jerzy, Muscles quickly grabs the dynamite. He walks, exiting the hole/nome. EXT. MOUSE HOLE PULL BACK as Tom has plugged his ears with his fingers, and his eyes shut. Lying down on the floor. With himself smiling. Muscles approaches to Tom, opening his mouth and sticks the dynamite inside. Seals it shut! BOOOOM! - An explosion is impacted as smoke holes appear out from each side ear-to-ear. Tom shakes his head back to normal, gets mad, grabs Muscles. Muscles grabs Tom by the fur tight and joint grapples him to the ground. Muscles is on the floor, already as he grabs and throws Tom against the wall. He approaches to him, grabbing again the fur, very tight. MUSCLES Listen, pussycat. Don’t let me catch you picking on my little cousin while I’m around. You understand? Tom frowns. MUSCLES Do ya? Tom neds quickly. MUSCLES Good. Muscles gets off of Tom, but grabs part of Tom's foot and starts to whirl him around and lets go as sending Tom (0S) crashing! ! rou still on the wall and slides down onto a vase. MUSCLES gargling ~- then spits @ quick round liquid as Lt sends up t Tom and Jerry-20 THE VASE As the liquid hits it. It cracks! It breaks into pieces falling as it is completed showing Tom as the shape of the vase with the two handles. His expression completely off. WIPE DISSOLVE: Tow wearing a red sweatshirt with a letter emblem “Z” printed. Exercising himself -~ then exercises with equipment. The last thing he does is flexing his muscle from all the way up! He finishes his exercise. Walks off. ‘KITCHEN = COUNTER A box of Oreo is opened as Muscles with a Oreo in his mouth offers Jerry, who accepts but gazes something and then quickly runs away like a bullet. Muscles frowns as Tom appears. Muscles turns. Tom slams the top of him as the cookie cracks and crumbles away. Muscles with his hand forming a fist who slips his thumb into his mouth and breathing in, exhaling as the fist is expanding-expanding “EXPANDING into a GIANT FORM! BEAT. Then - Muscles whirls the fist right into Tom’s face who quickly staggers, sending him against the: WALL As Tom slams with his head goes right into a birdhouse clock. Completely still -- then, collapses down, slamming! Springing out of his mouth is a mechanical colored BIRD repeatedly over and over. WIPE DISSOLV! ~ Tom and Jerry-21 INL_Livinc 200m Jerry and Muscles on Tom's bed. As Muscles relaxes, but Jerry isn’t. Gazing around. MUSCLES Don’t worry, cousin. There’s nothing wrong? JERRY (sign-language) Easy for you to say. MUSCLES Heh. Don’t worry. HOLD. PAN ALL THE WAY UP TO THE CEILING -~ the sounds of SAWING are heard as @ sharp-edged saw sawing right through making a circle. It opens. But a hand carefully grabs it as we ZOOM IN TIGHT on it. DISSOLVE TO: IND.ADTIC Tom puts the circle aside. He brings up a heavy black bowling ball. Carefully holding it and then drops-- INT. LIVING ROOM MOSCLES Ya know what? Jerry curious. MUSCLES I --THE BLACK BOWLING BALL SLAMS RIGHT INTO WHERE MUSCLES IS, TEARING APART HALF OF TOM’S BED! Jerzy gasps -- looks up, gasps again as he turns to run where Tom starts to chase. IND._HALLWAY As Tom's chasing Jerry --- KCROOK! - Hoth stop, as~ PAN TO-~ Tom and Jerry-22 BASEMENT DOOR It is opened, where Muscles comes up with the bowling ball and swings the ball, sending. BACK 20 TOM AND JERRY Jerry runs, avoiding. As for Tom, that it is too late for him to avoid, Tom running away -- Muscles runs into a DOUBLE-BARREL MUZZLE OF A SHOTGUN as we PULL WIDER as Tom holds it, firmly. Muscles blows into the muzzle of the shotgun with his mouth, AND: But with Muscles holding the muzzle with his two fingers. The bullets flows wobbly all its way back to Tom as the two sized bullets go right into Tom's eyes. Muscles walks up to Tom with a hammer, and right behind him as Muscles slams the back of Tom’s head with the hammer as the SOUND of a LOUD RINGING GUNSHOT croons as the bullets explode. Tom's eyes pitch bright-red but around his normal eyes. WIPE DISSOLVE: INL._ENTRANCE Tom, squatted on a chair as he is wearing professional fancy-looking glasses. He is holding a phone, dialing numbers ‘IND,_CROOKED MEDIUM SIZED ROOM A ghetto stylish room as we favor a SLIGHTLY DIRTY TABLE with a sign reads “DIRTY WORK, INC,” ~~ The phone rings -- it is answered. PAN LEFT as we see the phone was answered by a CAT, suited like a THUG, there are two other CATS, the same way. The style here is more like Sam Peckinpah meets Walter Hill. ‘THUG 1 Yeah? (beat) Ok. == Mouse, eh? Alright -- ok - ok. Deal. ~ Tom and Jerry-23 THUG 2 What is it, boss? THUG 1 Mouse problem. Tomorrow. WIPE DISSOLV! EXD. STREET - DAY Jerry walking with Muscles who PEOPLE avoid in stagger -- chattering is also involved. CHATTERERS It's Muscles. . I heard he beat up a cat to death. . . Wild guy. ‘EXT. BRADLEY'S ESTATE OF WONDERS ~ pay As Jerry and Muscles walk into the building. WP, BRADLEY'S ES: = As they are inside the place, A SECURITY GUARD blocks them. SECURITY GUARD You scheduled an appointment? MUSCLES What does it look like, toots? SECURITY GUARD Smart mouth, eh? I should-~ MUSCLES What you're gonna do? I've been the talk of the town. SECURITY GUARD I ain’t know ya from nowhere. Git out: EXT. BRADLEY'S ESTATE OF WONDERS - AWKWARD ANGLE OF LARGE POORS = DAY HOLD. ‘Then, BAAAAM! - The security guard is thrown, crashing through the glass. PEOPLE gasp! INL._BECEPTION DESK Emily (receptionist) witnesses the whole thing, Ts about to call the police, but-- Tom and Jerry-24 MUSCLES Ahem! PULL BACK TO WIDE showing Jerry counter next to Emily. MUSCLES Ya know better than the police, sweetie. EMILY Oh, yes. Yes. She hangs up the phone. MUSCLES (os) and Muscles standing on the to call My friend here wants to meet Miss Ann Hanna. Including myself. ‘INT. ANNs OFFICE ANN: She is doing paperwork. A bunch of paperwork, as- ™~ KNOCK-KNOCK! ANN (sighs) Not now. A door is kicked, slammed as it starties her. she looks. Gasps. ann Muscles? ‘THO SHOT - MUSCLES, JERRY, ANN MUSCLES Well, I’m the talk of the town, am 1? How's it been, Ann? ANN Fine. You brought a friend? MUSCLES Well, a certain cousin. Jerry appears. ~ ANN Jerry? He’s your cousin? (Muscles nods) Tom and Jerry-25 He leans to grab Ann by the suit-collar close to him. MUSCLES Now, listen. Ya promised Jerry a home. ANN Yes. MUSCLES Without a cat. ANN on. I must’ve not read carefully. MUSCLES Really? Thought you were the best of Real Estate Agents. (ann smiles weakly) Why I oughta-- Jerry intervenes. JERRY (oud music) No! Muscles gasps silently, as well as Ann Both frown. MUSCLES What's got into you, Jerry? JERRY (sign-Language) Don't. You know she did the best she could. Right? MUSCLES The heck makes you think of that? She lets you have a house that has a cat that nearly kills you ANN I can propose something~ MUSCLES And what is it?! Better think fast. ANN spike. TATE MALL Dé It opens as Muscles and Jerry, exit and walk, as-— Tom and Jerry-26 ANN Just hope it could work, guys. MUSCLES I hope so. The door closes. MUSCLES I could think what Spike would bring for with you to that cat. WIPE DISSOLVE: EXT. SUBURBAN HOUSE — MORNING A BUS arrives by -- it then drives away, leaving us a muscular sized (as CAMERA PANS to reveal) BULLDOG, with a spiky red collar. It is a tough one, tough like Lenny Montana. More a bodyguard to the Mafia. More threatening with sharp-edged teeth from left to right on a side pointing up. This is SPIKE. EXT, WINDOW Tom comes up to look = Iut._Toy The first time he sees Spike. A startling transformation - that fear has turned him totally white. And now he turns into an old man -~ suddenly sprouting whisky white beard, all stooped over, leaning on a cane. TOM (old, quivery) Oi vey. .- EXT JERRY'S HOME Spike knocks on the door -- it opens, as Jerry and Muscles come out. SPIKE, (tough eerie voice) You called for me? MUSCLES Yes. For him, Ann gave us a card. Tom and Jerry-27 SPIKE That’s me, all right. Cat problem, huh. MUSCLES (nods) Yeah. Ann’s sometimes not honest. SPIKE That could be true. But hey, I could live around this neighborhood for free. Tf that’s fine with the little fella here. Jerry nods. SPIKE (smiles) That’s good. (beat) Say. He doesn’t talk much don’t he? MUSCLES No. Only communication is sign-language. Born without speaking. SPIKE Oh. I feel bad. But 1/11 help you for good. WIPE DISSOLVE EXL._LAWN — pay Jerry enjoying in the sunshine -- =- PULL BACK as we see TOM behind him. ‘TOM Abcha! Jerry turns. Gasps. Blows a whistle. Instantly, Spike comes charging out of the blue, socks Tom in the face. He flies straight OUT OF FRAME, Spike grabs him by the tail, whaps him from one side to the other, slamming him against the ground. With one last smash, he drops him. Spike emiles to Jerry who does the same. SPIKE (with a wink) Anytime, fella. —~ Tom and Jerry-28 WIPE DISSOLVE: LATER = INT. LIVING ROOM Tom, waiting, seated on his new bed --- ---DING-DONG! He gets out of the bed, going up to-- INT, ENTRANCE Tom opens the door, the Dirty Works (DW), Inc. CATS are here. TOM (meows) Wow. You guys are fast. RUG 1 We sure are. EXT. SUBURBAN NEIGHBORHOOD - SPIKE, looks afraid. THUG 1 (08) Where is he? INT_ENTRANCE Tom firmly/strictly points to that direction. THUG 1 Ok, let's go! The DW Cats walk in a cute way -- Tom closes the door, as BAAAAM! BAZOOM! CROOSH! SLAAAAM! ~ Muscles is thrown at the door. As he gets back to normal, his expression from mad to fury of xage. Tom fzowns but has a nervous look on himself. Muscles races quick like a speed of lightning, as-- BAAAAM! BAZOOM! CROOSH! SLAAAAM! ~ chairs, stools and foot equipment, fly everywhere. Tom and Jerry-29 EXT, SUBURBAN HOUSE — MEDTUM SHOT ~ DA DOOR - WIDE: BEAT. -. Cats, flying into: Then, SLAMMING OUT OF THE DOOR are the DW EXL_A ANOTHER SUBURBAN HOUSE — DAY. They crash right through a window, where it leade to the bathroom, as-- WOMAN (0S) A u EXT, SUBURBAN HOUSE - DAY Muscles comes out, as-- MUSCLES That/11 teach ya a damn lesso: PULL BACK as SPIKE is next to Muscles. He turns to gaze. MUSCLES I’m was right. That double-crossing girl couldn’t be honest about you. (turns) HEY! (whistles) over here. SPRINGING INTO FRAME is TOM who bows down and kisses repeatedly on Muscles’ foot. Treating him like a lord. DISSOLVE TO: ‘IVL,_JERRY’S HOME = LATER Muscles packing up his suitcase. Finishes. Gives his cousin, Jerry a hug. They break. MUSCLES Well, if you want to treat you like a lord. Wear the suit and hat. He'll think it’s me. Jerry nods. MUSCLES So long, cousin. (Jerry waves as Muscles leave) Tom and Jerry-30 EXD. JERRY'S HOME ~ DAY Muscles leaves waving to Spike. MUSCLES So long, Spike. Spikes waves. SPIKE (sighs) What a gentleman. PHWEEP! ~ A whistle is heard, as-- SPRING PAST SPIKE is TOM who approaches to Jerry. Like Muscles, Tom is doing for Jerry. FADE OUT FADE IN: SOUNDS of birds chirping are heard. EXT. SUBURBAN HOUSE — MORNING A cot is there at the front lawn as water sprinkles mostly every- where. Jerry is lying there, as, he whistles. PULL BACK revealing TOM, who has a brick, very pissed off for now. Jerry turns with his eyes open -- gasps as he looks. TOM (meows) You pissed me off for sure! JERRY (frowns, grim) (sign-language) Oh, really? (blows a whistle) Then, the FIST of SPIKE, inflated five times the normal size, comes zooming around the corner like Plastic Man’s. It connects sharply, but very firmly with Tom’s snoot. POW! It knocks Tom hard against the garage door, with such full force that the door flies up with Tom on it. He disappears from sight. Tom and Jerry-31 A moment later, the door comes down and Tom, flattened like a steam-roller had ran over him very badly, comes sliding down the door. WIPE DISSOLVE: ‘WL_BEDROOM — DAY Jerry is propped up in bed wearing fancy pajamas. A miserable looking Tom, wearing a butler’s coat, waits beside him, taking orders, handing him fresh bites of cheese. Jerry plops a large wedge of cheese into his mouth in one bite. Halfway down his throat, it gets stuck, and finally as it gets down, it forces Jerry to form in the size of the large cheeze. WIPE DISSOLVE: INT. LIVING ROOM - wicHT A gloomy-looking Tom sits on a sofa, watching the TV set. MOVE IN TO THE TV, Jonny Quest is on the air. The episode is “EHE ROBOT SPY”. The Mechanical Spider is sticking a wiring tube against a MILITARY MAN, who's body is completely still in himself. BACK TO TOM, He sighs. Switches the channel from his remote. BACK TO TV, as the channel switches to this time as the CBS logo appears, followed by a very wise mustached, middle-aged, avuncular gentleman, WALTER CRONKITE. WALTER Good evening, this is Walter Cronkite with the news. This afternoon, in a stormy session at City Hall --- We SEE a SHOT OF CITY HALL with lightning and thunder around it. WALTER the controversial leash law has been passed by the City Council. All dogs must be kept on a leash or risk a one-way trip to the dog pound. Tom switches it off. He has a big qrin on his face for the first time in days. Tom and Jerry-32 EXT. SUBURBAN HOUSE - YARD: DOG HOUSE - DAY A gloomy, down-in-the-dumps Spike sits beside his doghouse. A thick rope is attached to his collar, and the other end is attached to the doghouse. Tom, smug and gloating, comes strutting out, goes over to him. He has a baseball bat. He picks up the rope, but is unable to rip it out. SPIKE Ya know, It shouldn’t happen to a dog. Taking his time, Tom, as if merely curious, still has the slack leash rope and measures it off quickly by overlapping one foot at a time in his hands. ‘TOM (to himself) (meowing) Four feet. . . Now he drops the rope and walks off four feet in a straight line from the front of the doghouse. This, then, is exactly how far Spike can go before he has reached the end of his leash. Using his foot, Tom draws a line in the dirt to mark this distance. Tom then stands just a bit on the other side of the dividing line. Then he leans his way over to Spike and raps the baseball on the dog sharply across the head. Spike leaps up, furious, springing at Tom. But Tom is safe by inches on the other side of the line. As Spike strains in vain at the restraining rope, Tom, in rapid succession: 1. Hits Spike in the face with a cream pie. 2. Using two pie plates as cymbals, he crashes Spike's head between them (with appropriate sound effects). 3. Socks him with a big boxing glove. 4. Spike is snapping his teeth ferociously, growling, just inches short of being able to connect. Tom and Jerry-33 5. Tom holds up a log to Spike's snapping jaws. With the sound of a buzzsaw, Spike bites most of the wood off rapidly, whittling the log into the shape of a baseball. 1a 6. Tom swings the baseball 4M and knocking Spike back into the doghouse. Immensely pleased with himself, Tom now dusts his hands and starts away. EXT, ISING’S CANDY SHOP TRUCK ~ LATER As Tom walks to the truck. Kids are in front around the truck. KIDS (greet) Hello! Tom smiles, waving. CANDY SERVER Hey, Tom. (Tom waves, Hi) Want to try a bubble gumball. TOM (meows) Sure. CANDY SERVER Alright. He finds a orange colored gumball. CANDY SERVER Here. He gives it to Tom. To try ~~ he stops. Thinks of something -- --then, a LIGHT BULB POPS UP ABOVE HIS HEAD as it lit up. Tom has an idea. A devilish little idea. For sure. He waves to the Candy Server for something. Tom gets closer to his ear and whispering. He leans back. And the Candy Server ge: able expression. frowning with a question- CANDY SERVER You sure, Tom? Tom nods. Tom and Jerry-34 WIPE DISSOLVE: TOM is given by the Candy Server, a box with @ ribbon. CANDY SERVER Here ya go, Tom. I hope you're doing something with it. Tom just shrugs wisely and walks away. ‘INL._BEDROOM — DAY Unsuspecting, Jerry still sits in his cushy bed, munching cheese. Tom enters with a rolled-up newspaper in hand. Jerry frowns as he stops eating the cheese. And with that he wallops Jerry across the head with the newspaper. JERRY (sign-language) What was that for? TOM (sign-Language) Didn't you ead the news? Jerry shrugs. Tom tosses the news to him -~ He picks it up, as-- Tt reads: LEASH LAW PASSED! APPROVED! DOGS HAVE TO BE ON LEASH! BACK TO JERRY stunned by this -- looks up to TOM shrugs. Tom and Jerry-35 TERRY still stunned -- then sighs. = TOM AND JERR’ meows as Jerry gazes up. Tom pulls out the box with the ribbon. He gives it to Jerzy, who opens it. Quite skeptical of it. As he sees: pov IN WIDE = TOM AND JERRY Jerry looks up to Tom -- then, Tom nods his head of approval. Jerry turns back to the gumball and he plops the whole entire thing Chews it --- chewing more as it gets hard. Thinks. Then, tries to attempt to whistle. Doesn't work. Attempt #2. Nothing. Attempt #3. Nothing. Not working at all. Jerry turns to Tom. Smiles weakly. Tom smiles devilishly. Jerry, afraid -- then, spits the gumball out of his mouth to Tom's forehead who yelps a bit. Jerry runs away! As Tom chases after him, as~~ CRASH - CRASH - SLAAAAM! - Sounds of crashing are heard. A crashing of a ringing bell is also heard -- Jerry comes INTO FRAME as he in the shape cf a SIZED RINGING BELL. It rings while he walks awkwardly. WIPE DISSOLVE: aERRY running, PULL BACK, as-- TOM does the same. ~ Tom and Jerry-36 PULL BACK MORE, as JERRY gets into the mouse hole, more faster than ‘Tom, which it’s too late for him to plop his head inside it, but the door is slammed where Tom crashes from his face to his entire body cracks into pieces. WIPE DISSOLVE: JIVL._JERRY’S_HOME - JERRY trapped/can not escape as he walks around ‘PIME-DISSOLVE: Sitting. Stomach growling. Frustrated with it. Thinks better as he knuckle-sandwiches his stomach, but JERRY (animal voice) of! Collapses on the floor on his face. DISSOLVE TO: ‘INL._JERRY’S HOME - NIGHT Jerry, slumped on a sofa as he watches television. Tired. The Flintstones is on the air then a static appears a bit to a news report by a FEMALE NEWS ANCHOR, a Mary Ellen Trainor type. FEMALE ANCHOR This just in from CBS. A group of dogs. Dangerous ones. That the police couldn't touch. Calling themselves. The Looters’, are protesting the leash law that was passed by City Council, to be removed for life. The City Council's top rank man couldn't be reached for comment. But a representative was reached and said they are looking into it. Jerry, still tired. DISSOLVE 70: ‘Tom and Jerry-37 EXT, YARD - DOG HOUSE - DAY Jerry walks up to meet Spike, depressed and miserable, sits tied up. Jerry whistles, but Spike just looks up sadly. JERRY (sign-language) ! Where were you? Spike holds up the rope, showing him the problem. SPIKE Sorry, pal. I’m at the end of my rope. Sound: Meowing is heard, as-- =-Tom comes charging out of the house, heading for Jerry. Jerry, yelps and runs away. As Tom comes after him, just as he passes the dog house. He stops. A malicious grin comes on his face. He stands on the other side of the line and gives Spike a knuckle to the face. Enraged, Spike leaps to the line, jaws snapping. But again, just short. Tom holds a length of a lead plumbing pipe out, sticks it in spike’s snapping jaws. With a horrible KRRRRUNCH sound, spike’s teeth all fall out, broken in little bits. WIPE DISSOLVE EXD, SUBURBAN HOUSE - FRONT YARD - THE NEXT DAY Where we see TOM comfy on a chair cot, as Jerry is doing the slave work for Tom ~ Tom lifts a hand up for Jerry to take a break. ‘Then, a BEAR-CUB-NEWSBOY riding a bicycle comes down the road, aso NEWSBOY-BEAR Hey, Tom. ‘Tom meows, waving. NEWSBOY-BEAR Got the news here. Tom and Jerry-38 He grabs a newspaper from a satchel and flings it near the table stand where Jerry is. Tom grabs the paper, looks through it, and TOM (human voice) Baaah! He offers the news to Jerry, who accepts it and reads: HIS ROY = NEWSPAPER REPORT That it reads: LEASH LAW BANNED HAPPY HOUNDS HAIL FREEDOM THANKING THE LOOTERS’ DOGS FREE TO ROAM! BACK 10 JERRY a stunned of what he read -- then, yelps in excitement. tom swivels, turns to see what Jerry did. Frowning, DE 4 Tom still frowning, As Jerry stops. He points to the news report. Tom refuses to believe it -- snaps -- Jerry refuses. Tom, turning pissed as he grabs out a big wooden hammer and is about to slam down where Jerry is, who avoids it. He escapes, running. EXL_YARD - DOG HOUSE Spike, alone for a moment, gets up, goes over the line that Tom made in the dirt, and erases it, covering it up with his paw. Then he draws a line exactly like it, but about six inches closer to the dog house. Then he sits down to wait. =) Amoment later, Jerry whizzes by, running for his life. Tom is right behind him, but when he passes the dog house, he just can’t resist. He stops, stands on the “safe” side of the line -- Tom does a awkward pose, as: Tom and Jerry--39 --Spike leaps gyer the line and grabs the astonished Tom in a bear hug. Hysterical, Tom tries to extricate himself. Spike clutches his fur. With a sound of rrrrerrrip! Tom's entire fur covering is yanked off, revealing him clad in long red flannels underneath. Mortified with embarrassment, Tom sees US (THE AUDIENCE) locking at him in his underwear. He covers himself and runs behind a tree. WIPE DISSOLVE EXL LAWN, HOUSE - DAY Jerry facing toward the house, Tom in hot pursuit. Jerry bounds up the porch steps. But before Tom can do the same, the paw of Spike comes INTO FRAME and steps down on Tom's tail. ‘Tom, not yet realizing he is immobile, keeps running, but he’s simply running in place, churning the air. He turns to see what’s holding him back. Tom is startled to see Spike loose. How startled? His jaw drops ~~ clear to the ground. That startled. Spike grabe him tight with his hands and throws him (in 08) as CRASHING & SLAMMING is impacted and heard as Tom (in OS) is attacked by Spike, very severely. WIPE DISSOLVE: EST= EXT. THE QUIMBY CLINIC = NIGHT A sign reads: THE QUIMBY CLINIC. CLOSE ON TOM -~ who has a expressionless, but dumbed face. PULL BACK as we show Tom wrapped in bandages. PAN AWAY TO THE DOOR WINDOW, where Spike was staring Tom for the time -- he chuckles. INT, WAITING ROOM = NIGHT Jerry, waiting as he reads a magazine which has Jane Fonda on the front cover. Posing beautifully.

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