Testavan SPC

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Transdermal Gel 2% w/w


Consumer Medicine Information

What is in this leaflet TESTAVAN is a testosterone- • shortness of breath

containing gel that is applied daily • wheezing or difficulty breathing
This leaflet answers some common by the patient to the skin of the • swelling of the face, lips, tongue
questions about TESTAVAN. It upper arm and shoulder. The or other parts of the body.
does not contain all the available testosterone passes from the gel
• rash, itching or hives on the skin
information. It does not take the through the skin and into the
Do not use TESTAVAN if you
place of talking to your doctor or bloodstream at a steady rate.
have or are suspected to have:
pharmacist. The testosterone in TESTAVAN is
• prostate cancer
For detailed instructions on how to identical to the naturally-occurring
testosterone present in the body. • breast cancer in males.
apply TESTAVAN, please read the
package insert before use. TESTAVAN should not be used
A doctor's prescription is required
in men desiring fertility.
All medicines have risks and to obtain the medicine.
TESTAVAN must not be used by
benefits. Your doctor has weighed This medicine is not addictive. This children under the age of 18
the risks of you using TESTAVAN medicine is not expected to affect years.
against the benefits they expect it your ability to drive a car or operate The safety of TESTAVAN in
will have for you. machinery. children under 18 years of age has
If you have any concerns about Ask your doctor if you have any not been established.
using this medicine, ask your questions about why this TESTAVAN must not be used by
doctor or pharmacist. medicine has been prescribed for women, particularly if they are,
Keep this leaflet with the you. or anticipate becoming, pregnant
medicine. Your doctor may have prescribed it or who are breastfeeding.
You may need to read it again. for another reason.
Pregnant women must avoid any
contact with the TESTAVAN
treated skin.
Do not use this medicine after the
What TESTAVAN is Before you use expiry date printed on the pack
used for TESTAVAN or if the packaging is torn or
shows signs of tampering.
TESTAVAN is used to replace the Before beginning therapy and
If it has expired or is damaged,
body's natural hormone, each time you get a new pack, you
return it to your pharmacist for
testosterone, when not enough is should read the package insert,
which contains detailed disposal.
made by the body.
instructions for use. If you are not sure whether you
Testosterone is a natural male should start using this medicine,
hormone, known as an androgen, When you must not use it talk to your doctor.
which controls normal sexual
Do not use TESTAVAN if you
development and function in men. Before you start to use it
have an allergy to:
Testosterone is essential for the Tell your doctor if you have
• testosterone, the active
development and maintenance of allergies to any other medicines,
ingredient in TESTAVAN
the male reproductive organs as foods, preservatives or dyes.
well as other male characteristics, • any of the ingredients listed at
Tell your doctor if you have or
such as facial and body hair growth, the end of this leaflet.
have had any of the following
deep voice, sexual drive, muscle Some of the symptoms of an medical conditions:
mass and body fat distribution. allergic reaction may include:

Published by MIMS October 2020 1
• high blood calcium levels may produce a positive reaction How much to use
associated with tumours in anti-doping tests.
The usual starting dose is 23 mg
Taking other medicines testosterone (one pump actuation)
• high levels of calcium in the
per day. You should not use more
urine (hypercalciuria) Tell your doctor or pharmacist if than 69 mg testosterone per day
• high blood pressure or heart you are taking any other
(which is equivalent to three pump
disease medicines, including any that you
actuations). Your doctor will tell
buy without a prescription from
• a tendency to retain fluid (signs you the dose of TESTAVAN that is
your pharmacy, supermarket or
may include swollen feet or right for you.
health food shop.
Some medicines and TESTAVAN How to use it
• liver or kidney disease
may interfere with each other.
• epilepsy Use TESTAVAN exactly as your
These include:
• migraines doctor tells you to use it. Apply
• oral anticoagulants, medicines your dose correctly by following
• sleep apnoea (abnormal pauses
used to thin blood and to treat or
in breathing during sleep) the detailed instructions for use
prevent blood clots contained in the package insert.
• a blood disorder where too
• corticosteroids or TESTAVAN is for use by adult
many red blood cells are being
adrenocorticotropic hormone men only.
(ACTH), hormones used to
• thrombophilia (an abnormality TESTAVAN is to be applied to
control inflammation the skin of the upper arm and
of blood coagulation that
• insulin, a medicine used to shoulder only.
increases the risk of thrombosis control blood sugar levels.
- blood clots in blood vessels Before applying TESTAVAN,
These medicines may be affected by make sure the skin is clean, dry
• thrombosis (blood clots) in the
TESTAVAN or may affect how and that there is no broken skin.
deeper veins of the body such as
well it works. You may need Apply TESTAVAN to the skin
in your legs (deep-vein
different amounts of your using the applicator. Do not apply
thrombosis), in the lungs
medicines, or you may need to take TESTAVAN with fingers or
(pulmonary embolism) or in the
different medicines. hands.
veins of the eye (ocular
thrombosis). Your doctor and pharmacist have Hands should be washed well
more information on medicines to with soap and water after
Before treatment with TESTAVAN TESTAVAN has been applied.
be careful with or avoid while
your doctor will need to check that
taking this medicine. Avoid swimming or showering for
you do not have prostate or breast
at least two (2) hours after
cancer. applying TESTAVAN.
TESTAVAN may increase the risk TESTAVAN is flammable until
of benign prostatic hyperplasia How to use dry. Avoid fire, flame or smoking
(enlargement of the prostate gland) TESTAVAN until the gel has dried.
and/or prostate cancer. It may also Follow these steps when using
increase the risk of breast cancer in Follow all directions given to you TESTAVAN multi-dose pump:
males. by your doctor or pharmacist
carefully. 1. Before using the pump for the
If you use TESTAVAN over long first time, prime the pump by
periods of time, you may develop They may differ from the
information contained in this leaflet. pressing the pump head all the
an abnormal increase in the number way down over a tissue paper
of red blood cells in the blood Prior to using TESTAVAN you
until gel appears.
(polycythaemia). Your doctor may should read the package insert,
which contains detailed 2. Repeat (4) four more times by
organise regular blood counts to
instructions for use. pressing the pump head all the
monitor this.
way down into a tissue. Do not
If you have not told your doctor If you do not understand the
instructions printed on the use the gel that appears.
about any of the above, tell
pharmacist label or in the 3. Throw the used tissue into a
him/her before you start using
package insert, ask your doctor rubbish bin to avoid accidental
or pharmacist for help. exposure to others.
Athletes should note that the
4. Your TESTAVAN pump is
active substance, testosterone,
ready to use.

Published by MIMS October 2020 2
5. The content of only one pump Continue taking your medicine tests, tell your doctor that you are
actuation should be applied to for as long as your doctor tells using this medicine.
the applicator at a time. you.
6. The applicator should be used to Things you must not do
spread the gel evenly across the
If you forget to use it
Do not use TESTAVAN to treat
skin of one upper arm and If you forget to apply a dose, any other complaints unless your
shoulder. Do not get any gel on apply it as soon as you remember. doctor tells you to.
your hands. If you do not remember to apply Do not give your TESTAVAN to
7. Allow the gel to dry completely the dose until the next dose is due, anyone else, even if they have the
before getting dressed. then just apply one dose. same condition as you.
8. When more than one pump Do not apply a double dose to Do not stop using TESTAVAN or
actuation is needed, the make up for the dose that you lower the dosage without first
procedure is repeated to the missed. checking with your doctor.
other arm and shoulder (as If you stop using it suddenly, your
described in Table 1). If you use too much condition may worsen or you may
Table 1: Dosing Information for (overdose) have unwanted side effects.
TESTAVAN 2% w/w Gel Wash the skin with soap and
water. Immediately telephone Things to be careful of
your doctor or the Poisons TESTAVAN can transfer from your
Information Centre (telephone 13
body to others. This can happen if
11 26) for advice, or go to
other people come into contact with
Accident and Emergency at the
nearest hospital, if you think that the area where TESTAVAN was
you or anyone else may have used applied.
too much TESTAVAN. Do this If you expect another person to
even if there are no signs of have direct skin-to-skin contact
discomfort or poisoning. with the application area, first wash
You may need urgent medical the area well with soap and water.
Unwanted transfer of testosterone to
another person can be substantially
reduced by wearing a shirt or
similar. You should have a shower
While you are using or bath before having intimate
TESTAVAN physical contact.
Women and children should
Things you must do
avoid contact with the unwashed
If you are about to be started on or unclothed area where
any new medicine, remind your TESTAVAN has been applied. If
doctor and pharmacist that you your partner is pregnant, it is
When to use it
are taking TESTAVAN. particularly important that you
Apply TESTAVAN once daily at Tell any other doctors, dentists, take care to protect her from
approximately the same time each and pharmacists who treat you testosterone. If a woman or child
day, preferably in the morning. that you are taking this medicine. makes contact with the
Using it at the same time each day application area, the contact area
Keep all of your doctor's on the woman or child should be
helps maintain a steady level of
appointments. Your doctor may washed well with soap and water
testosterone in the blood. It will also
monitor your blood pressure, immediately.
help you remember when to apply examine your prostate and
it. conduct other tests (including Signs of increased testosterone in
blood tests) from time to time, children include enlarged penis or
How long to use it particularly if you are elderly. clitoris, early development of
This is to make sure the medicine pubic hair, increased erections or
TESTAVAN helps control the sex drive, and aggressive
is working and to check for
symptoms of your condition, but behaviour. In women, this may
unwanted side effects.
does not cure it. Therefore, you include changes in body hair and
The use of TESTAVAN may affect
must use TESTAVAN every day. the development or worsening of
the results of certain laboratory
tests. If you are about to have any

Published by MIMS October 2020 3
Side effects • unwanted, frequent or prolonged Each metered-dose pump contains
and painful erections 85.5 g gel and is capable of
Tell your doctor or pharmacist as • severe stomach pain or dispensing 56 metered individual
soon as possible if you do not feel tenderness, which do not doses of 1.15 g gel (1.25 mL), each
well while you are using disappear within a short time dose containing 23 mg of
TESTAVAN. testosterone.
• increased risk of weight gain.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist to Tell your doctor or pharmacist if
answer any questions you may you notice anything that is
have. making you feel unwell. TESTAVAN contains 23 mg of
All medicines can have side effects. Other side effects not listed above testosterone per 1.15 g gel as the
Sometimes they are serious, most of may also occur in some people. active ingredient.
the time they are not. You may need
Inactive ingredients:
medical treatment if you get some
of the side effects. Do not be • ethanol
alarmed by this list of possible side • water - purified
After using TESTAVAN
effects. You may not experience • propylene glycol
any of them. • diethylene glycol monoethyl
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if ether
you notice any of the following Keep TESTAVAN in a cool dry
• carbomer 980
and they worry you: place where the temperature
stays below 25°C. • trolamine
• skin reactions such as rash, • disodium edetate.
Store TESTAVAN in the original
redness, itching, dryness, and/or
container and do not use after 60
irritation Supplier
days of opening.
• high triglyceride levels in the
Do not store TESTAVAN or any TESTAVAN is supplied in
other medicine in the bathroom Australia by:
• increased levels of an enzyme, or near a sink. Do not leave it on
prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a window sill or in the car. Ferring Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd
in the blood Heat and dampness can destroy Suite 2, Level 1, Building 1
• easy bruising and/or blood clot some medicines. 20 Bridge Street
formation Pymble NSW 2073, Australia.
Keep it where children cannot
• headaches reach it. AUST R 277958 - TESTAVAN
• high levels of haemoglobin, the A locked cupboard at least one-and- testosterone 2% w/w gel in a
oxygen carrying substance in the a-half metres above the ground is a metered-dose dispenser with a cap
blood good place to store medicines. applicator
• high blood pressure. This leaflet was prepared in August
Disposal 2020.
These are the common side effects
of TESTAVAN. If your doctor tells you to stop DOCS #43261-3
using this medicine, the expiry
Your doctor may need to monitor TESTAVAN and FERRING are
date has passed, or more than 60
your blood pressure and conduct registered trademarks of Ferring
days have passed since you first
blood tests, as TESTAVAN can opened the dispenser bottle, B.V.
increase your blood pressure and return any medicine that is left ® = Registered trademark
affect your liver function. You may over to your pharmacy for
not experience any specific disposal.
Side effects associated with high
doses or long term treatment
include: Product description
• increased tendency to retain
fluid (signs may include swollen What it looks like
feet or ankles) TESTAVAN is a translucent to
• decreased sperm count, which slightly opalescent gel presented in
may affect fertility a non-aerosol metered-dose pump.

Published by MIMS October 2020 4

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