Assignment1 - Glasanay

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Name: Whyljyne Mary D.


Section Code: B188

Assignment 1. Human Ingenuity Borne out of Scarcity

1. Explain in detail the problems/challenges faced by the country Israel.

Israel faced several significant challenges, primarily centred around a

scarcity of essential resources. With over half of the country’s land being a desert,
there was a severe water shortage, and the soil quality was not favourable for
agriculture. Additionally, Israel lacked significant oil reserves. Despite these
challenges, the country had to make the best out of its situation. The historical
narrative, such as Moses striking a rock for water in the desert, symbolizes the
struggle for water in the region. Furthermore, the documentary emphasizes the
importance of turning risk factors into opportunities, as the nation grappled with
limited natural resources.

2. How did Israel overcome the challenges they encountered, and what solutions
were undertaken to overcome such?

Israel overcame these challenges through technological innovation,

creativity, and strategic planning. In 1953, the construction of the national water
carrier began, creating a system of pipelines, canals, and reservoirs to transport
water from the Sea of Galilee to different parts of the country. The development of
desalination technology became a game-changer, with Israel desalinating water
from the Mediterranean Sea to meet a significant portion of its drinking water
needs. Additionally, the country embraced wastewater recycling, utilizing
ultraviolet light to purify water for agricultural irrigation. Drip irrigation,
pioneered by Israeli engineers, revolutionized farming practices, allowing
increased crop yields with reduced water consumption.

3. Is poverty or scarcity a problem?

While the documentary primarily addresses water scarcity as a major

challenge, it doesn't extensively delve into the issue of poverty. However, it
indirectly suggests that resource scarcity, if not effectively managed, could
contribute to economic challenges. Israel's emphasis on technological
advancements and sustainable practices reflects a proactive stance to mitigate the
impact of scarcity on both economic and environmental fronts.
4. What are your generalizations from this documentary?

The generalizations from this documentary highlight Israel’s remarkable

ability to transform adversity into innovation. Despite geographical and resource
limitations, the nation’s commitment to technological development, water
management, and agricultural ingenuity has allowed it to thrive in an arid
environment. The emphasis on exporting water technology and knowledge to
other countries underscores Israel’s global impact in addressing similar challenges
worldwide. Overall, the documentary portrays Israel as a resilient nation that
effectively addresses its challenges through creativity and forward-thinking

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