HW3.1 - Bas T124WSB 8 - Group 4

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Group 4:

Trần Ngọc Quỳnh

Nguyễn Nam Khánh
Huỳnh Trần Uyển Nhi
Nguyễn Đăng Triệu
Nguyễn Ngọc Lâm Duy
Class: BAS-T124WSB-8

Critically evaluate 2 sources on the topic of your group essay. Use the
CRAAP test questions (see Files folder) to guide your evaluation.
→ Requirements:
(1) no article repeats for group members;
(2) BOTH articles must be from the UEH Smart
Library search.
Your HW3.1 file should follow the following format for EACH of the 2 sources:
→ reference information of the source, APA7
→ para 1: a short summary of the article content
(2-3 sentences)
→ para 2-6: CRAAP evaluation (one para per criterion)
1 evaluation = 400-500 words
Total word count: 800-1000 words.

Trần Ngọc Quỳnh:

1. Ghouchani, B. E., Jodaki, S., Joudaki, M., Balali, A., & Rajabion, L. (2020). A
model for examining the role of the Internet of Things in the development of
e-business. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 50(1),
20-33. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/10.1108/VJIKMS-04-2019-0058

Esmaeilpour et al. (2020) propose that top-notch, secure, and user-friendly IoT
services and user proficiency in IT can bolster the growth of e-business. The
e-business development can also affect the operational expenses associated with
these services. This framework facilitates comprehension of the relationship between
IoT and the prosperity of e-business.
The article’s publication date was October 22nd, 2019, and its issue publication date
was January 17th, 2020. According to UEH Library and Emerald Insight, it was first
sent to Emerald on April 28th, 2019, then revised on August 21st, 2019, and accepted
on September 8th, 2019. E-business is a rapidly developing field, and relying solely on
a 2020 article about the relationship between IoT and e-business may not provide the
most up-to-date information because of technological advancements, growing
consumer behavior and business practices, and market shifts. Even though
Esmaeilpour et al. wrote this article three years ago, it still relates to our main topic
and holds value for our research. With full access via UEH Library, the link is
functional and points to accurate information.
The article I mentioned is valuable, and I have looked up various resources before
choosing this one. Therefore, it should be included in our research report. It provides
valuable insights into the critical aspects of developing e-business and IoT services.
Given its technical nature and academic format, the intended audience will likely be
researchers, academics, or professionals in related fields such as IT, business, and
e-commerce. The topic and author's background suggest it may be more suitable for
an advanced audience than an introductory one.
This article was written by a group of authors, including Babak Esmaeilpour
Ghouchani, Susan Jodaki, Maryam Joudaki, Alireza Balali, and Leila Rajabiuon. They
are from well-known universities in the world, such as Islamic Azad University (Iran),
Abadan Payam Noor University (Iran), International Center of Payam-Noor University
(Iran), RMIT University (Australia), Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Iran), and
University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee (USA). Most of them work in
engineering, computer engineering, business, and finance departments, so they are
qualified to write on this topic. This article was published by one of the world's leading
digital publishers – Emerald Group Publishing- I believe readers can gain more
information by contacting Emerald via the company’s channels. At the end of the
article, Leila Rajabiuon's contact email is stated. The URL does not reveal any further
details about the author.
The content of this article comes from various educational resources, such as books,
scholarly journals, business reviews, etc., which are reliable and appropriate sources.
To support their point of view, the paper also showed their questionnaire and the
analyzed results. Throughout the research article, the author’s tone seems unbiased
and emotionless. There are some minor errors with the grammar, specifically with
using the article “the.” There is no spelling or typographical errors.
This paper aims to predict how IoT services will impact the progress of e-commerce.
The authors' intentions are evident throughout the article. The information provided in
this article is factual and presented from an objective and unbiased perspective, free
from any political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional, or personal biases.

2. Florea, N. V., Duica, M. C., Mihai, D. C., & Coman, D. M. (2018). E-Business - a
Virtual Bridge between Organizations and Customers with Real Results - a
Mathematical View. Journal of Science & Arts, 18(4), 989–1000.
Florea et al. (2018) highlight the advantages of e-business in connecting organizations
with their customers. It shows how e-business positively affects KPIs for both
organizations and customers. E-business can significantly improve organizational
outcomes and customer satisfaction when backed by a data-driven approach. It
recommends the strategic adoption of e-business solutions to stay competitive.
This document was submitted to the Journal of Science and Arts on April 29th, 2018,
and was later published on December 30th, 2018. No updates or revisions have been
made to the document since then. Despite being over five years old, this information is
still valuable and essential for our group's report. I can confirm that the link provided is
still functional, as I have double-checked it.
The report we are reviewing discusses the connection between e-business and
organizations and the relationship between e-business and customers. The
information presented in this article is highly relevant to our topic. The paper is
well-researched, detailed, and written in an understandable language. In my view, it is
suitable for most people interested in e-business. However, it would benefit readers to
know about scientific research to understand some of the critical ratios and values
presented in the report. Before selecting this article, I reviewed numerous resources
available at the UEH Library.
Authored by Nicoleta Valentina Florea, Mircea Constantin Duica, Doina Constanta
Mihai, and Dan Marius Coman, this journal emanates from the esteemed Faculty of
Economic Sciences and Sciences and Arts at the Valahia University of Targoviste.
Given their academic background and expertise in E-business, the authors are duly
qualified to offer their insights on the subject. The email addresses of all writers are
provided at the footer of the first page, while the URL offers no additional author
The data and information for this study have been gathered from multiple reliable
sources, including scholarly journals and business magazines. The authors have
provided references, data, and outcomes that support their viewpoint, all of which
have been verified by Valahia University of Targoviste and can be cross-checked
online. The article maintains a neutral tone, without biased opinions or emotional
expressions. Moreover, no spelling, grammar, or typographical errors were detected
throughout the study.
In conclusion, the article aims to showcase the development of e-business while
examining its advantages and disadvantages for both companies and consumers.
Furthermore, a mathematical model was created to demonstrate the direct and
positive correlation between e-business and the key factors that impact these online
processes. The authors throughout the paper have made their intentions and
purposes clear, with an objective and impartial point of view, free from any political,
ideological, cultural, religious, institutional, or personal biases.

Nguyễn Nam Khánh

1. Analysis of the Impact of the Pandemic on the Growth, Use, and Development
...: Academic Resources.(2023).
Due to the effect of COVID-19, this research illustrates that multiple different fields in
many countries have changed rapidly. Especially, the economy is one of the fields that
were affected seriously; therefore, E-business has become an optimal tool for people
to trade-off.
the research was conducted in 2023 and was stored in UEH library. I believe that this
is a really up-to-date source that would be supportive of my current research. The link
is still functional.
I believe that when the pandemic occurred, E-business was one of the sectors that
developed rapidly in that period of time. This would help to expand my topic when
mentioning the development of E-business. Besides that, it also meets my academic
requirements. Although there are some aspects that I want more information on, it still
satisfies what I need for a practical example of the development of E-business.
this research was written by Michael Cabanillas, Orlando Iparraguirre-Villanueva, and
Milagros Ambrosio-Pérez. However, I could only find information about two writers.
Michael Cabanillas-Carbonell graduated from the National University of Callao, Peru,
with a master's degree in systems engineering. Michael currently works as a research
professor at Norbert Wiener University, a professor at Universidad Privada del Norte,
and a professor at Universidad Autónoma del Perú. Software development,
augmented reality, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and business intelligence
are Michael's areas of expertise. Orlando Iparraguirre-Villanueva is a systems
engineer who graduated from Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal in Peru with a
Ph.D. in systems engineering and a master's degree in information technology
management. Orlando has considerable experience teaching undergraduate and
graduate students at many colleges around the nation. He has also served as a thesis
adviser and juror at various universities. Orlando is a national and international
speaker and panelist.
This research was conducted through a systematic review, using the PRISMA
(preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses) statement. They
carried it out based on a set of 27 structured items, including a flowchart on the
process of detecting scientific articles. In total, 844 scientific articles were found after
the search in the databases.
The article aims to emphasize the development of E-business in Covid-19. It could
enable sales to resume in difficult situation or even could boost sales and attract more
potential customers. Their point of view is totally objective since they did not involve
political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional, or personal biases.


(2019). Ebscohost.com.
Nowadays with the significant development of business and science, users are easily
permitted to access privacy and data for E-business companies. This is mainly
because of the unawareness of users, which was known as data mining. This
research focuses on security aspects and also provides possible solutions to address
this problem.
This article was submitted in 2019 and there has been no update since then. Besides,
my group will discover many aspects of E-business, so this is a really valuable source
for seeking information.
When mentioning different aspects of E-business, my group also needs to find the
disadvantages of it. Therefore, the content about cyber security in E-business will
effectively support our points about the potential threats. I choose this article after
considering the numerous resources available at the UEH library.
Satya Narayan Tripathy, Susanta KUMAR Das, and Sisira Kumar Kapat are the
authorities of the research. They are all from the Department of Computer Science,
Berhampur University, Odisha, India. The email addresses of all writers are provided
at the footer of the first page, while the URL offers no additional author information.
Although the first page's footer contains each writer's email address; no further author
information is available via the URL.
The data and information in this article were gathered from multiple sources and
research. The authors provided references, data, figures, and outcomes in order to
support their point of view. In addition, there are no political, cultural, religious,
personal biases or emotional expressions.
The primary purpose of this research is to point out the threats in E-business and
effective solutions for people to be more aware of their privacy when not only using
E-business systems but also using the Internet. Determining the information's
appropriateness for your research requires an understanding of its intended use. If
people want to learn the fundamentals, get advice from professionals in the field.

Huỳnh Trần Uyển Nhi:

1. Josimovski, S., Pulevska,I. L., Dodevski, D. (2023). Understanding the Consumer

Dynamics of AI in North Macedonian E-Business. Economics and Culture. 20. 64-75.
Josimovski et al (2023) demonstrates how Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing
e-business by providing personalized customer experiences, automating repetitive
tasks, and optimizing supply chain management. AI also aids in data-driven decisions,
such as pricing strategies and risk management tools, it also plays a crucial role in
fraud detection and prevention, allowing businesses to anticipate customer needs and
address them proactively. However, challenges such as privacy concerns and
algorithmic biases raise questions about consumer acceptance and ethical use of AI in
CRAAP Evaluation:
The report was submitted on October 5, 2023, and approved on December 10, 2023
by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial NoDerivatives 4.0 International.
As the study was published, no revisions or adjustments have been made. Since AI is
having an impact on e-business, this study is a valuable source for our group to ingest
and gain insights into the future of online commerce. The links are functional, with full
access through the UEH Smart Library.

This study bears a strong connection to our topic, as it clarifies the potential of AI in
enhancing efficiency, personalization, and customer experience in e-business,
emphasizing its significant role in the digital landscape, and highlighting its impact on
the future of online commerce. Moreover, this is the most suitable resource for the
group essay since it provides comprehensive research findings and case studies that
support our argument.

This study was conducted by a group of authors including Saso Josimovski, Lidija
Pulevska Ivanovska and Darko Dodevski. Saso Josimovski and Lidija Pulevska are
both full-time professors from Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North
Macedonia - the oldest and largest public university in the country and Darko Dodevski
graduated from AIX-Marseille University, France, working as an astrophysicist, author
& science communicator. Since they are all highly knowledgeable and experienced in
their respective disciplines, they are all competent to do this research. Their diverse
backgrounds and experiences contribute to a comprehensive and well-rounded
analysis of the subject matter. All the emails of the authors are shown at the top of the
report, making it easy to contact them for further inquiries or collaboration
The research uses a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative
analysis. In order to determine the degree of awareness and experiences with AI in
e-business, primary data was gathered through the distribution of a structured
questionnaire among different demographic groups. Statistical tests like ANOVA and
correlation tests were used to evaluate the data collected and test hypotheses about
consumer perceptions and experiences of AI. This article maintains a professional
tone and provides valuable insights into the impact of AI on consumer behavior.
To sum up, the research aims to understand how AI influences customer behavior and
preferences, as well as to identify and evaluate the benefits and challenges of
incorporating AI into e-business. It also seeks to address ethical concerns related to AI
decision-making. In addition, the research was conducted with an objective viewpoint
to ensure unbiased analysis and findings. The study employed a mixed-methods
approach, combining quantitative data analysis with qualitative interviews, to provide a
comprehensive understanding of the impact of AI on customer behavior and
e-business practices.

2. Remeikiene, R., Čepel, M., Gaspareniene, L. (2019). Evaluation of E-business micro

and macro determinants by Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes model. Engineering
Economics. 30. 591-600. 10.5755/j01.ee.30.5.19639.
Remeikiene et al (2019) utilized literature analysis, statistical data analysis, expert
evaluation, and the Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model to address
research gaps in e-business development. The study found that micro environmental
determinants, such as business managers' motivation and positive views on
e-business, significantly influence e-business development in Lithuania. Macro
environmental determinants, such as real effective exchange rate, internet access,
government deficit/surplus, youth employment, and internet use for interaction with
public authorities, also impact e-business development.

CRAAP Evaluation:
The article was received in December 2017 and approved in December 2019 before
being published on December 14, 2019 on the property of Engineering Economics. No
updates or changes to the article have been made. The fact that this study fills in
research gaps in e-business growth and offers insightful information on the variables
affecting its success makes it a great fit for the group subject. With complete access
through the UEH Smart Library, the links are still working well.

The paper is a helpful resource for our team as we look into the e-business research
gap and pinpoint possible areas that need more research. Through research, we may
collect empirical data and evaluate the body of literature to have a thorough grasp of
the state of e-business research today. Moreover, the results of our investigation might
aid in formulating tactics and suggestions for companies functioning within the online
The article was composed by Rita Remeikiene, a Senior researcher and Ligita
Gaspareniene both graduated from Vilnius University (Lithuania), the other one is Dr.
Martin Čepel who graduated from Mercatorum University (Italy). The writers offer a
distinctive viewpoint on the subject because of their varied experiences and depth of
knowledge. Ligita Gaspareniene's academic background and Rita Remeikiene's
research competence enhance Dr. Martin Čepel's practical understanding from his
studies in Italy. This partnership guarantees a thorough examination of the topic,
combining theoretical and practical knowledge. On top of the paper, there is a neatly
organized list of all the email addresses of the authors, making it convenient for
readers or potential collaborators to contact them.
The research employs various methodologies, such as expert evaluation, statistical
data analysis, systematic and comparative analysis of scientific literature, and the
Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model. These methodologies are used to
gather and analyze data from different sources, allowing for a comprehensive and
in-depth understanding of the research topic. The study used an academic voice while
being written in a style that is comprehensible to both experts and non-experts in the
field, ensuring that the findings can be easily understood and applied by a wide range
of audiences.
In conclusion, the research tries to assess the aspects that impact e-business,
including consumer behavior, market competition, and technical developments.
Throughout the whole paper, the writers have been transparent about their goals and
intentions with an unbiased, neutral viewpoint that is devoid of any institutional,
political, ideological, cultural, religious, or personal prejudices.
Nguyễn Đăng Triệu

1.Xie, G. (n.d.). View of effect of the application of e-business on performance of

E-agribusiness in Beijing, China.


This article emphasizes the value of e-business to Beijing, China's agriculture

outcome through several evaluations. It also lists the disadvantages, offers practical
examples for e-agribusiness implementation in this field, and offers recommendations
for legislators and practitioners of e-agribusiness.

CRAAP evaluations


The article was initially published in April 2023. With the rapid development of digital
technology, especially online business, more and more research is being created to
apply this model into practice. The essay has completed the task of providing an
accurate source of information about the positive effects of online business on many
industries, specifically agriculture, and above all, suggesting solutions for online
business in the hope of integrating quickly into Beijing ‘s agricultural sector. As the
publication date aligns with current global patterns, the data is more indisputable and
fully equipped to prove and discuss the invisible connection between 4.0 trading
technology with Beijing’s agricultural industry.


Regarding relevance, a large lot of material has been synthesized from reputable
research publications in this article with the aim of assisting readers in fully
comprehending the significant contributions that e-business has made to agriculture in
Beijing, China. Moreover, collaborating with numerous highly educated authors results
in a research article that is extremely in-depth on many factors, especially objectively,
thereby bringing reputation and trustworthiness to the article


The owner of this article is Xie Genhua, a student from City University Malaysia.
Although the first page's footer contains each writer's email address; no further author
information is available via the URL.


In terms of accuracy, it is evident that Xie Genua highlights the influences of Internet
commerce on Beijing's agricultural output. There are absolutely no fabricated sources
of information or derived from subjective personal perspectives. Each argument's
persuasiveness is increased by the careful selection and recording of practiced
information. Simultaneously, the author proactively gives two distinct studies for each
element in the hope of aiding readers in comparing and believing the author's notions.


The purpose of this article is to illustrate the relationship between e-business and
Beijing's agricultural performance by analyzing the benefits of using digital business in
agriculture, highlighting the key elements affecting e-business's effectiveness in
e-agriculture, and—most importantly—generating a variety of solutions that can
address obstacles and constraints.

In conclusion, I would use this article for some specific reasons. Since the material
was published recently, the author is known to have ties to UCL, and it has relevant
and useful content that could be utilized easily.

2.COCIORVA, A. (2022, June 30). A proposed model for developing a monitoring

solution for e-business enhancement. Informatică economică.


This article provides a framework for creating monitoring applications and outlines all
of its implications for the information society and e-business. The theoretical
foundation and experimental framework that support the model will be covered in the
current paper's pages.

CRAAP evaluation


The research article was released recently on 26 February 2022. As digital technology,
particularly internet business, continues to grow at a rapid pace, more and more
businesses are tending to apply E-commerce into practice. However, managing an
entire online business system is also considered a big challenge. As a result, this
article has succeeded in solving that difficulty by finding a model that can help
businesses manage and promote the potential of online business.


In terms of relevance, utilizing specialized knowledge, the author has assessed the
viability of technical solutions, the benefits and drawbacks of algorithms like machine
learning, and cloud development,... From then, bringing the traits together into a
cohesive line and tasked with managing internet business more conveniently and
intelligently. From my perspective, I find this article interesting and useful in order to
have an overall view of monitoring E-business.


The author, Alexandru COCIORVA, has an affiliation with Bucharest University of

Economic Studies, Romania. Because of the author's reputation and extensive
educational background, the quantity of material in terms of E-business offered to
readers will be ensured. Although the first page's footer contains each writer's email
address; no further author information is available via the URL.


In terms of correctness, the author has a solid basic understanding of the concepts
and operations of each electrical algorithm and synthesizes information from multiple
credible reference sources. The accuracy of the knowledge source will be assured to
the readers. Additionally, the author had to test all possible outcomes numerous times
in order to develop a model with exceptional features and the ability to match the
rigorous standards of running an Internet business. Through this, the author will rely
on the results of recorded data to draw the most objective conclusions.


The main purpose of this article is to explain how electronic algorithms operate and
their applications in online business management. In addition, the author also recounts
the entire process of testing the program with specific data and common errors
encountered.This article is a great enthusiasm of the author and is considered an
extremely valuable source of reference information for businesses.
Nguyễn Ngọc Lâm Duy

Association of Energy Engineers. (2001). E-Business: Energy & Facility Management.

Lilburn, GA: Fairmont Press. ISBN 9780881733525. Retrieved from

CRAAP Evaluation:
1. Currency:
The information provided by the Association of Energy Engineers in the publication
"E-Business: Energy & Facility Management" dates back to 2001. Despite its age, the
relevance of the content depends on the nature and scope of your research. Energy
and facility management practices may have undergone substantial changes since
then. The link to the source is functional, facilitating easy access to the information.
Given the dynamic nature of technology and business practices, one must consider
whether the information's timeliness is crucial for the specific research context. If the
focus is on historical perspectives or foundational principles in E-Business and Energy
& Facility Management, the publication's age might not be a significant drawback.
However, for those seeking the latest industry trends and innovations, supplementing
this source with more recent publications would be prudent.

2. Relevance:
The content of "E-Business: Energy & Facility Management" directly addresses the
intersection of E-Business principles and the management of energy and facilities.
This alignment makes it relevant for professionals and researchers interested in
understanding how digital technologies are integrated into the energy sector. The
intended audience appears to be individuals involved in energy management, facilities
management, or those exploring the synergy between E-Business and sustainable
While the information seems tailored for a specialized audience, its appropriateness
for your needs hinges on your research goals. Consider whether the depth of
information matches your requirements and explore a variety of sources to ensure a
comprehensive understanding of the topic before deciding to cite this particular

3. Authority:
The source, the Association of Energy Engineers, is a reputable organization known
for its expertise in the energy sector. While the specific authorship details might not be
explicitly stated, the association's credibility is derived from its standing in the industry.
The absence of an individual author might be less significant in the context of
organizational publications, especially when the focus is on presenting collective
knowledge or industry insights.
The .com format in the URL might typically suggest a commercial site, but in this case,
it is associated with a professional organization. In the realm of associations and
institutions, a .com domain is not uncommon, and its use doesn't diminish the
reliability of the information provided.

4. Accuracy:
The reliability of the information in "E-Business: Energy & Facility Management" is
supported by the Association of Energy Engineers' reputable standing in the field. As a
professional organization, their publications are likely subjected to thorough review
processes, ensuring accuracy and reliability. However, to enhance the robustness of
your research, cross-referencing information from this source with other reputable
publications and academic sources is advisable.
The content should be scrutinized for any potential biases or limitations, common
considerations when assessing the accuracy of any information source. Additionally,
understanding the historical context of the publication can provide insights into the
industry's evolution since 2001.

5. Purpose:
The purpose of "E-Business: Energy & Facility Management" is primarily informative
and educational. The publication aims to provide insights into the integration of
E-Business principles into the realms of energy and facility management. While there
might be elements of promotion associated with the publication, common in materials
from professional organizations, the primary goal is to share knowledge and contribute
to the understanding of the industry's dynamics.
Understanding the purpose of the information is crucial for assessing its suitability for
your research. If your goal is to gain foundational knowledge, insights from industry
experts, and historical perspectives, this source aligns with those objectives. However,
if your research demands a critical analysis of the latest industry trends, you may need
to complement this publication with more recent and varied sources.

Reference: Szymkiewicz, G. (2001). How to Evaluate E-business Solution Providers.
Credit Union Magazine, 67(12), 39.


The article "How to Evaluate E-business Solution Providers" by George Szymkiewicz,

published in December 2001, offers insights into assessing e-business solutions.
However, its age raises concerns about currency and relevance. The lack of
information about the author's credentials diminishes authority. A critical approach is
necessary, supplemented by more recent sources, for a comprehensive understanding
of evaluating e-business solution providers.

Published in December 2001, the article may lack currency due to the rapid evolution
of e-business technologies. Its age prompts consideration of whether the information
has been updated, or if more recent sources are necessary to ensure relevance.


Assessing the article's relevance involves gauging its applicability to current needs.
Questions arise about its effectiveness in addressing contemporary concerns about
evaluating e-business solution providers. The intended audience and alignment with
current understanding are crucial aspects to evaluate.


While George Szymkiewicz is the author, the lack of information about his credentials
or affiliations raises questions about the source's authority. A robust evaluation often
includes insights into the author's expertise, and the absence of contact information
diminishes the source's credibility.


Verification of the article's accuracy involves examining sources, supporting evidence,

and review processes. Confirming details from other sources or personal knowledge
contributes to establishing the information's veracity. Additionally, scrutiny of language
for objectivity and the presence of errors is essential.


Understanding the purpose of the article aids in contextualizing the information.

Questions arise about whether the article is meant to inform, teach, sell, entertain, or
persuade. Assessing the author's intentions and examining the balance between facts,
opinions, and potential biases is crucial for a comprehensive understanding.

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