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P 100 Question1:Calculate the specfic volume of super heated steam at 10

T 623.15 Pc= 221.2 Bar

R 0.083145 Tc= 623.15 K
Tc 647.3
Pc 221.2
a 5.524362
b 0.030414

Iteration Vi f(Vi) f'(Vi)

1 1 50.50319 195.818
2 0.742091 14.59088 89.32209
3 0.57874 4.04095 42.5149
4 0.483692 0.987102 22.64768
5 0.440107 0.163173 15.35008
6 0.429477 0.008601 13.74314
7 0.428851 2.896E-05 13.65065
8 0.428849 3.321E-10 13.65034
9 0.428849 -1.61E-15 13.65034
10 0.428849 1.943E-15 13.65034
e of super heated steam at 100 bar absolute and 623.15K using vanderwaals eqn .
P 70
T 303 100 kg/hr of an organic ester of formula C19H36O2 is
R 0.08 continuous process. The company purchases its hydr
Tc 33 initially at 70 bar and 303 K. If the company buys 50
Pc 12.8 cylinders it should order? For H2, T = 33 K, P = 12.8 b
a 0.229711 a = (27R2T2/64P) and b = (RT/8P) where R = 0.08 lit.a
b 0.025781 for solving the problem.

Iteration Vi f(Vi) f'(Vi)

1 1 44.1791 158.1403
2 0.720634 12.83067 71.74803
3 0.541804 3.606396 33.65331
4 0.434641 0.921389 17.26119
5 0.381262 0.175215 10.89572
6 0.36518 0.013679 9.212613
7 0.363696 0.000111 9.062689
8 0.363683 7.607E-09 9.061451
9 0.363683 3.201E-16 9.061451
10 0.363683 -1.38E-16 9.061451
f formula C19H36O2 is being hydrogenated to C19H38O ₂ by a
any purchases its hydrogen in cylinders of 10 m³ capacity
the company buys 50 days demand of H ₂ at a time, how many
H2, T = 33 K, P = 12.8 bar. Vanderwaals constants are given by
P) where R = 0.08 lit.atm/gmol.°K. Use Vanderwaals equation

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