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Grammar english
1 Complete the text with the correct form of these
40.5/52 3 Complete the text with the correct answer,
verbs. There are two extra verbs. 78% A, B or C.

call • expand • found • know • make • set You’ll be glad to know that I’m finding university a bit
succeed easier now. The first couple of weeks were (1) ……………

harder than I expected. I guess it’s because I’ve had a

Richard Branson was born in 1950 in England. He’s year off from studying and I’ve got out of the habit. The
known as an entrepreneur, adventurer and philanthropist. course is very interesting, (2) …………… better than I
He (1) ………………………..…………………………………..………… Virgin imagined. We do have (3) …………… more lectures and
has been expanding
Records in the 1960s and since then, (2) ……………………….. seminars than I expected though. The food is OK; it
…………………………………..………… his empire to include certainly beats school food – that was the worst food
airlines, a train company and a mobile phone business. (4) ……………. I’ve made quite a few friends now and I’ve
He’s always trying to establish new records. He joined the tennis team. I think I’m the worst player
has set
(3) ………………………..………………………..………… some world (5) ……………, but it’s fun!
records such as the fastest Atlantic boat crossing and the
only Pacific Ocean crossing in a hot-air balloon. He’s 1 A considerably B ever C by miles

tried to set other world records such as circumnavigating 2 A by far B even C more

hasn’t succeded
the globe by balloon, but he (4) ………………………..………… 3 A altogether B quite C a great deal

………………………..………… yet. In 2000, Queen Elizabeth II 4 A by far and away B ever C altogether
called made him a
(5) ………………………..……………..………………………….. 5 A by miles B easily C by much

knight, so he should now be addressed as Sir Richard /5


/5 4 Find and correct five mistakes in the text.

I thought running a marathon was hard, but it seems that
2 Choose the correct alternative to complete the there are a lot of people out there looking for more ever
dialogue. difficult challenges. Take the North Pole Marathon for
example. This is a standard marathon distance to be
A: Alex, how are you? I (1) ’ve been meaning/’ve meant that’s run in simply the worse weather conditions possible.
to ring you. simply I can’t even begin to imagine running in temperatures of
B: I’m fine, Sandra. How are you?
simply -30 degrees Celsius, let alone running on ice rather than
A: Good, thanks. (2) Have you started/Have you been
the worstearth. If you prefer the heat though, how about the Death
Valley Run of 217 km? It takes place in July in
starting college yet?
temperatures of 48 degrees Celsius which must make it
B: Yes. I’ve been there for almost a month now. I’m by far and
by far away the hottest run in the world. Finally, if you
really enjoying it. I have quite a lot of assignments, away
prefer something a little long, there’s always the Double longer
but I’ve made a few good friends too, so it’s fun. Ironman. An 8 km swim, followed by a 360 km bike ride
A: That’s wonderful. Like I said, I wanted to talk to you. and an 84 km run sounds like the longest triathlon even. ever
I (3) worked/’ve been working at the local college and /5
the other day I learnt about a Mandarin class that I
(4) ’ve thought/thought might interest you. I know you Total / 20
always (5) wanted/have been wanting to learn
B: Thank you. That does sound interesting. Have you
got the details with you?


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lorella duda

5 Complete the text with these words. 7 Complete the dialogue by adding one of these
prefixes to the words given.
adventure • exploits • feat • mission • ordeal
anti • co • dis • il • im • in
After 257 days at sea, the six women of The Coxless inter • ir • over • un
Crew finally ended their maritime (1) mission adventure

when they arrived in Cairns, Australia in January 2016. A: Now, I know we all think that Alice is the best
They left San Francisco in April 2015. This club president in the world and, therefore,
(2) …………………………..…... of endurance makes them the irreplaceable (replaceable), but she’s leaving
(1) ………………….…….….
first all-female team to cross the Pacific Ocean. They had us soon and we really need to decide on her
quite a/an (3) …………………………..…... at times, being successor.
smashed by waves and circled by sharks. However, they B: Well, I think that we can reduce the four candidates
can now look forward to talking about their we’ve interviewed to three straight away. Tom
(4) …………………………..…... for years to come. In addition, unsuitable
Jenkins is completely (2) …………………………..…...
they set out on this (5) …………………………..…... to raise (suitable) for the position. His reference says that he’s
money for charity and they have accomplished that unreliable and often arrives late to meetings, which is
as well. inexcusable.
A: I agree. I didn’t think that Fiona Scott was suitable
either. She doesn’t seem to have any respect for her
6 Choose the best alternative to complete co-workers
current (3) …………………………..…... (workers) and this job
the text. requires teamwork.
B: Quite right. She appeared to be rather
Great (1) accomplishments/ordeals can be measured in
(4) ………………………… (social), which puts her at a great
many ways. Crossing the Atlantic in a rowing boat or
disadvantage (advantage) for this position.
(5) …………………………
climbing Mount Everest sounds pretty impressive.
A: What about Stewart Thomas? Now I know his writing
Achieving over a million followers on the Internet might
was almost (6) …………………………..…... (legible), but he
be the success other people crave. However, something
did seem very confident and sensible.
as mundane as moving house can also be a huge
B: Yes, but I don’t think we should (7) …………………………..…
(2) feat/undertaking. People have to face the
(estimate) his capabilities. His CV was very short
(3) trial/adventure of working in a new office or starting at
and uninformative, which suggests he is rather
a new school. There may be what seem like
inexperienced (experienced).
(8) …………………………..…...
insurmountable (4) hurdles/exploits at the beginning,
A: OK, so that leaves Tina Foster. Her CV is excellent
such as making new friends. In addition, other
and I enjoyed meeting her. She was friendly and had
(5) missions/obstacles like learning your way around a
an answer for everything.
new city and dealing with a whole new bureaucratic
B: She’s got some experience in a similar role, so
system will no doubt crop up. However, most people
I think she would cope very well. I liked her
learn to adapt to new surroundings and given time will
(9) …………………………..…... (action) with the other
feel quite at home in their new abode.
candidates during the role-plays, too. She showed
/5 she would work well within the team.
A: It’s a shame that she can’t start until next month, but I
don’t think it’s (10) …………………………..…...
impossible (possible) to
work without a president for three weeks.

/ 10

Total / 20

2 of 7
Reading 75%
8 Read the article about studying abroad. For each statement (1–6), choose the correct paragraph (A–E). You
may choose each paragraph more than once.

Studying abroad
How different is it?
When someone says they’re planning on studying at a university abroad, the majority of people automatically
think of the difficulties that a new language might present. No doubt most students who consider this step will
have studied the new language in some depth. They may well struggle at first as they tune in to the accents of
the professors and grapple with heavy texts in a foreign language. However, they are usually able to hold their
own in the long run. In actual fact, it can be other challenges – often things that don’t occur to students – that
can cause the first months to be something of a trial, with various hurdles to overcome.
The language is not the only new thing to contend with at university. Different countries promote very different
learning and teaching styles and this difference is often underestimated by newcomers. In some countries,
universities provide a very structured course with numerous lectures, seminars, tutorials and guided
assignments. Others encourage more self-led learning and there are minimal lectures and face-to-face meetings
with tutors. Instead the emphasis is on one’s own research and writing. To those who are unaccustomed to this
style, it can be very difficult to know where to find information or what to investigate and they can feel
overwhelmed. However, after a little guidance in the right direction, most students get the hang of this.
Everyone knows that studying is only one part of university life. The social side is also important for making
friends, participating in sports and clubs and joining causes. This can also be hard in a different culture and is
another obstacle which shouldn’t be discounted. It can take a while to find common ground with people and
considerably longer to work out the sense of humour. It’s far harder to learn the cultural norms than the actual
language because it’s not something that is written down. In many cases, students need to experience a cultural
misunderstanding in order to learn that particular unwritten rule. For example, something as simple as greeting
new people can be complicated: does one shake hands, give someone a kiss on the cheek or just say ‘hi!’?
The simple act of finding one’s way around a new location can be significantly harder in a foreign country, too.
The transport systems can appear daunting at first as people figure out which is the most suitable form of
transport and where to pay. On top of that, all the usual landmarks such as supermarkets, shops and cafés can
appear very different. It can be a little hard to find the customary food or clothing, shop opening hours may
catch you unawares and the bureaucratic systems require some getting used to. The different currency may
also cause complications. If there is little difference between currencies, it can be dangerous as any slight
difference in price may go unnoticed initially. However, if there’s a large discrepancy between currencies, it can
be hard to work out exactly how much something is very quickly, which can also lead to problems.
On top of all these unforeseen obstacles is perhaps the biggest hurdle of all and that is homesickness. It’s only
once people are away from home that they begin to appreciate it and realise how much they rely on the
support network of family and friends that they have. A feeling of loneliness that would have been
unimaginable at home can hit anyone at any time and make them feel depressed. Thankfully, it’s usually
temporary and a new experience will soon pick them up. However, in some cases it can last a lot longer and
require more effort on the part of the student to shake it off or they may need to find help from a tutor or
adviser in the host country.
Difficulties aside, most students in a foreign country agree that studying abroad is a comprehensive experience
which is worth all the challenges. They learn about another culture and about themselves and change some of
their beliefs and principles. They develop a significantly broader skill set without realising it, and of course gain
fluency in a new language. If they return to their own country when they graduate, they may well find
themselves a great deal more employable due to the additional skills they’ve acquired. They might even find
themselves accepting a job in another country and embarking on yet another cultural adventure.

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1 The difficulty of familiarising yourself with a new 9 Read the article again. Are the statements True
neighbourhood. ………… (T), False (F) or is the information Not Given
2 The idea that different countries adhere to different
educational methods. ………… 1 The writer considers using the new language to
3 The suggestion that people feel down at some point be the biggest obstacle facing any student
because they miss their old social life. ………… studying abroad. T/F/NG
4 The idea that learning new cultural habits is even 2 The article states that students find more
harder than learning a new language. ………… independent educational methods very easy
5 The belief that studying abroad enhances a person’s to get used to. T/F/NG
employability. ………… 3 The writer suggests that students work out the
6 The possibility of problems due to a disparity between new culture best through dealing with social
the monies of the two different countries. ………… misconceptions. T/F/NG
4 The article states that trading times vary
considerably in different countries. T/F/NG
5 The author believes people don’t value their family
enough until they are far away from them. T/F/NG
6 The author thinks that people who study abroad
alter their mindset and broaden their horizons. T/F/NG


Total / 12

Use of English
10 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. You should use between two
and six words, including the word given.
1 Due to the fall down the stairs I had an agonising pain 4 This is without doubt the best book I’ve read this month.
I hurt my back when I fell down the stairs and the by far and away the best
This is …………………………………………………………………………
pain is unbearable
……………………………………………………………………………………… . book I’ve read this month.
2 They were not much better than the last group of 5 We’ve done a lot of preparation for this marathon over
candidates. SCARCELY the last few months. TRAINING
scarcely any better than
They were ……………………………………………………………………… have been training
We …………………………………………………………………………………
the last group of candidates. for this marathon for months.
3 The new engine didn’t make the car go any faster at all. 6 The plot in this sitcom is becoming increasingly absurd.
to be ineffective for
The new engine proved ………………………………………………… became ever
The plot in this sitcom …………………………………………………..
ineffective in increasing the car’s speed.
……………………………………. is becoming ever more absurd.


4 of 7
11 Complete the text. Write one word in each gap.
I have an interview with a university in London soon so this last week I’ve been preparing for it as best I can.
accomplishment/achievement adventure
If I’m accepted it’ll be a real (1) …………………………..…... . I want to study economics there, so I’ve been
(2) …………………………..…... the subject. I plan to work in business once I graduate which is why I think this course is
very suitable and I (3) …………………………..…... applied to an English university because I’m keen to improve my
English. I think studying my degree abroad will give me an edge over students from my country although I know I
judge underestimate
mustn’t (4) …………………………..…... their abilities. Last year I spent the summer in Edinburgh working in a café and I
really enjoyed being in an English-speaking environment, although I (5) found
…………………………..…... the Scottish accent
a little hard to understand at times. I think studying in London will be a wonderful opportunity and my English will
really come on. I’ve just seen the course syllabus and I’ve realised that it’ll be quite a (6) …………………………..…...
trial to
read all the texts, but I’m sure it’ll be worth it. feat/challenge/struggle

Total / 12

Listening 5/12
12 Listen to five people talking about an activity they do. Match the speakers (1–5) with the
reason that they do the activity (A–H). There are three extra reasons.
A for a surge of excitement e
Speaker 1 …………
B to make lots of money for myself/ourselves c
Speaker 2 …………
C to have more adventures
Speaker 3 …………
D to prove to others I can do it
E to see who is the best
Speaker 4 ………… g
F to show off d
Speaker 5 ………… h
G to make the most of life
H to show myself I can do it


13 Listen again. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

1 Speaker 1 says that he and his brother compete ... 5 Speaker 4 believes that taking part in the challenges ...
A to maintain their fitness and support one another. A makes them feel better about themselves.
B to find out who is the boss. B pushes them to enjoy life.
C because they’re both too proud to suggest C helps them raise awareness of the disease.
they stop. 6 Speaker 5 says that when he was little ...
2 Speaker 2 says that he isn’t very sure about his A he had a big problem with low self-esteem.
motivation, but ... B he dreamt of being on the school football or
A he finds it a good way to increase his income. rugby team.
B he’s always adding to his collection of adventures. C he was cleverer than his brother but not as sporty.
C he loves the speed and excitement of motor racing. 7 Speaker 5 enjoys his hobby because ...
3 Speaker 3 said that the first time she jumped ... A it enables him to clear his mind.
A she was very nervous and reluctant to do it. B it reminds him that he is better at something than
B she was quite excited and it felt a very natural thing his brother.
to do. C he can prove to everyone how good he is.
C she was a little scared and not completely sure
about doing it.
4 Speaker 3 explains that the jump ... /7
A offers you a real sense of freedom and success.
B enables you to experience a spectrum of emotions Total / 12
from fear to accomplishment.
C clears your mind completely so you can enjoy
the fall.

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Writing 75%
14 A friend has emailed you asking for advice. Read the email below and then write an email in reply.
Remember to write informally and to organise your email into appropriate paragraphs.

So, I got an interview for the job that I told you about at the local library.  I’m excited but
a bit nervous. Have you got any advice on how I can prepare for the interview? What kind
of questions do you think they’ll ask me? What sort of questions should I ask? Do you think
it would be a good idea to go there before the interview and have a look around?

Write 250–275 words.

Hi John

Thanks so much for your email. What fantastic news that you’ve got that job at the local library - you must be over

the moon! And of course I’m really excited because you will be really near from me and we can meet more often.

Anyway, in your email you asked me for some help about how to prepare yourself for an interview. First of all, you
should make a good impression, and be prepare for literally anything. You should practice (but not over-rehearse) a
gain confidence
speech in front of a mirror or with someone you know, the objective of this is to earn some confidence but not sound

unnatural or like a robot. And another thing you can do is look up for some information about the place so that you

show real interest in the job, and of course, it’s a great idea to have a look around before the interview so that you can

see how things are.


One thing that I learnt was that when an interviewer expresses disagreement with what you’ve just said, you shouldn’t

back down, in fact, you should stick with your opinion and back it up, give arguments, because you’re not being judged

on what you believe but how you can develop an argument. By the way, I think the interviewer will ask you questions

such as; ‘What is your favorite book? Why?’ ‘Why do you want this job?’ and I’m sure you’ll be thinking this are really

silly questions but you might want to think them before hand to give a surprisingly answer.


Give me a call after the interview, won’t you? Good luck.


Bye for now,







/ 12

6 of 7
15 You are going to carry out an interview with someone in your class. Think of answers to these questions
and how to extend your answers as much as possible.

1 What do you usually do at the weekend?

2 Are you a member of a sports team or a club?
3 What was the last book that you read and would recommend to someone?
4 Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?
5 What do you consider to be your best subjects at school?
6 How would you describe yourself?

Now work with a partner. Take it in turns to ask and answer the questions.

/ 12

Total / 100

a surprising answer

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