15 Conversation Topic With Guide

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Spoken English classes often cover a wide range of topics to help learners practice their

language skills. Here are some conversation topics for a spoken English class:

1. Introductions:
 Greetings and self-introduction.
 Talking about your name, age, and nationality.
 Asking and responding to questions about someone's background.
2. Hobbies and Interests:
 Discussing your hobbies and interests.
 Asking others about their favorite pastimes.
 Sharing what you like to do in your free time.
3. Family:/describe person /who question
 Talking about your family members.
 Describing your family structure.
 Discussing family traditions and events.
4. Daily Routine:present simple /usuallywords/do does/once twice
 Describing your daily schedule.
 Talking about your morning and evening routines.
 Asking others about their typical day.
5. Food and Dining:preference modal verbs
 Discussing your favorite foods and dishes.
 Ordering food at a restaurant.
 Talking about cooking and recipes.
6. Travel and Vacation: vocabulary phrasal/past simple /present perfect /future
 Sharing travel experiences.
 Planning a trip or vacation.
 Talking about your dream destinations.
7. Work and Occupation:business vocab/adjectives /question
 Describing your job or occupation.
 Discussing workplace responsibilities.
 Asking about someone else's career.
8. Shopping:use to/trends vocabulary /modalverbs and superlative adj.
 Discussing shopping habits and preferences.
 Talking about fashion and clothing.
 Role-playing shopping scenarios.
9. Technology and Gadgets:debate/opinion /arguments
 Discussing the latest technology trends.
 Sharing your favorite apps and devices.
 Talking about how technology impacts daily life.
10. Health and Fitness:interest /informationinaddition,however
 Discussing exercise routines and fitness goals.
 Talking about healthy eating and diet.
 Sharing tips for staying fit and active.
11. Weather:vocab/tenses
 Talking about the current weather.
 Discussing how weather affects daily activities.
 Sharing experiences related to extreme weather conditions.
12. Entertainment:preference /recommendation
 Discussing movies, music, and TV shows.
 Sharing opinions on the latest entertainment trends.
 Recommending books or movies to others.
13. Cultural Differences:vocab/phrasal/debate/arguments /opinion
 Talking about cultural norms and customs.
 Sharing experiences from different cultures.
 Discussing cultural festivals and celebrations.
14. Future Plans and Goals:future simple
 Discussing short-term and long-term goals.
 Talking about career aspirations.
 Sharing personal development plans.
15. Social Issues and Current Events:news vocabulary /tenses strength /assessment
 Discussing important news and current events.
 Sharing opinions on social issues like climate change, equality, and more.
 Debating various viewpoints on contemporary topics.

These topics can serve as a starting point for conversations in spoken English classes,
helping learners practice and improve their language skills in real-life contexts.
Remember to adapt the topics and questions based on the proficiency level and
interests of the class participants.

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