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English Assignment

By : Misses Hapsari Ayuningtiyas

Name : Gerald Octa Rado

Kelas: X.6

Comprehension Question in EBOOK

1. Why is it important to maintain a clean and tidy school environment, according to the text?


Is it important because it essential for a healthy and pleasant learning atmosphere.

2. What materials are recommended for keeping the school clean, as mentioned in the text?



 Trash bins
 Trash bags
 Broom and dustpan
 Mop and bucket
 Cleaning supplies (detergent, disinfectant, etc.)

3. How can you encourage proper disposal of trash in the school, as outlined in the procedure?


We can encourage people to use trash bin for disposing of wrappers, papers, and other waste and
tell them to empty trash bins regularly, especially after lunch or event.

4. What steps can be taken to prevent the spread of germs in the school, especially during flue


We can Disinfect doorknobs, light switches, handrails, and other frequently-touched surface

5. Besides reporting damage and issues, what other strategies are suggested in the text to
promote responsibility and cleanliness among students and staff?


Teach them about the importance of environmental conservation and cleanliness or we can organize
seminars or workshops on waste reduction and sustainability.

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