FL 3 Module 3

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Module 3 Learning Korean 24

Module 3
Mastering Korean Politeness: The Art of Respectful Communication

Welcome to Module Three!

This module aims to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of

the three levels of politeness in the Korean language: 반말 (Pammal), 존댓말
(Chondaemal), and 높임말 (Nophimmal). Politeness is an integral part of Korean
Module culture and language, and mastering these levels is essential for effective
Overview communication and building positive relationships in Korean society. Through detailed
explanations, examples, and practice activities, learners will develop the necessary
skills to navigate different social contexts and use the appropriate politeness levels
with confidence.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this Module, you should be able to:

1. Understand the significance of politeness in Korean culture and language;
2. Differentiate between the three levels of politeness: 반말, 존댓말, and 높임말;
3. Use the appropriate politeness level based on the social context and the relationship between
the speaker and the listener;
4. Apply the principles of politeness to real-life conversations and interactions in Korean; and
5. Develop cultural sensitivity and awareness of Korean social etiquette related to politeness.

Learning Content

Politeness is highly valued in Korean culture, and it is expressed through different speech levels. In this
section, learners will be introduced to the three levels of politeness in the Korean language: 반말
(Pammal), 존댓말 (Chondaemal), and 높임말 (Nophimmal). Additionally, we will discuss two additional
speech levels: "the deferential speech level" and "the polite speech level." We will explore the
significance of politeness in Korean society and understand why it is crucial for effective communication.

반말 (Pammal)
반말, also known as informal speech, is used among close friends, family members, or people of the
same age. Learners will understand the characteristics and features of 반말, including the use of casual
speech patterns and sentence endings. Examples of 반말 in everyday conversations will be provided to
help learners grasp its appropriate usage. Practice activities will allow learners to become familiar with
using 반말 in various informal contexts.

존댓말 (Chondaemal)
존댓말, or formal speech, is employed in formal and respectful situations, such as when speaking to
elders, superiors, or strangers. Learners will learn the speech patterns, vocabulary, and honorific markers
associated with 존댓말. They will understand the importance of using polite sentence endings and
honorific terms to show respect. Through examples and exercises, learners will practice using 존댓말
appropriately in different formal contexts.

높임말 (Nophimmal)
높임말, also known as honorific speech, is the highest level of politeness in the Korean language. It is
used when speaking to individuals of significantly higher social status, such as elders or authority figures.
Learners will explore the specific speech patterns, honorific verb forms, and respectful vocabulary used
in 높임말. They will gain insights into the cultural implications and expectations associated with this level
of politeness. Practice exercises will be conducted to simulate interactions using 높임말.
Module 3 Learning Korean 25

The Deferential Speech Level

The deferential speech level is used to show utmost respect and deference, typically when speaking to
individuals of much higher social status, such as royalty or revered figures. Learners will understand the
unique speech patterns, honorific vocabulary, and verb forms used in this level. They will gain insights
into the cultural significance and appropriate contexts for using this level of politeness.

The polite speech level is employed in various social situations to maintain a respectful tone, such as
when speaking to unfamiliar individuals, acquaintances, or individuals of slightly higher social status.
Learners will learn the specific speech patterns, polite vocabulary, and appropriate verb forms associated
with this level. They will practice using it through examples and interactive exercises.

Understanding the impact of politeness on interpersonal relationships is essential. In this section,

learners will delve into the sociocultural context of politeness in Korean society. They will discuss cultural
norms and expectations related to politeness, such as appropriate forms of address, honorifics, and
gestures of respect. Through collaborative activities and discussions, learners will develop strategies for
effectively expressing politeness in various social contexts.

To enhance practical application, learners will engage in role-playing exercises where they can practice
using the appropriate politeness levels, including the deferential speech level and the polite speech level.
They will participate in conversations using the different speech levels, receiving feedback and
corrections to improve their language proficiency. The emphasis will be on developing natural and
culturally appropriate expressions of politeness.

In the conclusion of the module, learners will recapitulate their understanding of the deferential speech
level and the polite speech level. They will reflect on the importance of politeness in effective
communication and the role it plays in Korean society. Learners will be encouraged to continue practicing
and refining their language skills, striving to maintain respectful interactions in their Korean language
journey. By consistently applying the appropriate speech levels and incorporating politeness strategies,
learners can deepen their connections with others and navigate social situations with cultural sensitivity.
The module aims to empower learners to communicate confidently and respectfully in Korean, fostering
harmonious relationships and promoting a positive cultural exchange.

The deferential speech level is utilized in public and formal communication settings, such as
broadcasting, public speeches, business-related meetings, and conference presentations. This level of
speech has distinct endings for each type of sentence: declarative, interrogative, imperative, and

Declarative Statements

In declarative statements, the ending -습니다 is used when the stem ends in a consonant, for example,
먹 + 습니다 =먹습니다, meaning "(someone) eats." However, when the stem ends in a vowel, the ending
-ㅂ니다 is used, as in 가 + ㅂ니다 = 갑니다, meaning "(someone) goes."

The deferential speech level, being formal in nature, often includes various fixed expressions. Some
examples of these expressions are:

처음 뵙겠습니다
"Nice to meet you" (literally, "(I) meet you for the first time").

만나너 반갑습니다
"Nice to meet you" (literally, "(I) am glad because I meet you").

잘 먹겠습니다
"Thanks for the meal" (literally, "(I) will eat well").

"Thank you" (literally, "(I) do gratitude").

실 례합니다
Module 3 Learning Korean 26

"Excuse me" (literally, "(I) do discourtesy").

"Congratulations" (literally, "(I) congratulate").

These expressions exemplify the deferential speech level's formal and respectful nature, reflecting
Korean cultural norms of politeness and social hierarchy. By understanding and using these expressions
appropriately, learners can effectively convey respect and maintain appropriate decorum in formal

Interrogative Statements

For the interrogative (question), the ending is -습니까 for the stem ending in a consonant, as in 먹습니까?
“(do you) eat?” However, it is -ㅂ니까? for the stem ending in a vowel, as in 갑니까? “(do you) go?” Here
are more examples

굽다 “roast”
언제 고기를 굽습니까? “When (do you) roast the meat?”

믿다 “believe”
그 친구를 믿습니까? “(Do you) believe that friend?”

가르치다 “teach”
어디서 한국어를 가르칩니까? “Where (do you) teach Korean?”

배우다 “learn”
언제 태권도를 배웁니까? “When (do you) learn Taekwondo?”

Imperative Statements

For the imperative (command), the ending is -으십시오 for the stem ending in a consonant, as in
먹으십시오 “eat.” However, the ending is -십시오for the stem ending in a vowel, as in 가십시오“go.” Here
are more examples.

닫다 “close”
창문을 닫으십시오. “Close the window”

읽다 “read”
한국어 책을 읽으십시오. “Read the Korean book”

만나다 “meet”
선생님을 만나십시오! “Meet the teacher!”

보다 “see”
코미디 영화를 보으십시오! “See the comedy movie!”

Propositive Statements

For the propositive (suggestion), the ending is -으십시다 for the stem ending in a consonant, as in
먹으십시다 “(let us) eat.” However, it is -십시다 for the stem ending in a vowel, as in 갑시다“(let us) go.”
Here are more examples.

귾 “quit”
Module 3 Learning Korean 27

담배를 귾읍시다. “(Let us) quit smoking.”

앉다 “sit”
앞줄에읹읍시다. “(Let us) sit in the front row.”

보내다 “send out”

편지를 보넵시다. “(Let us) send out the letter.”

버리다 “throw away”

스레기를 보립시다. “(Let us) throw away the garbage.”

The Polite Speech Level

The polite speech level is the informal counterpart of the deferential speech level. As the most commonly
used speech level regardless of age or gender, the polite speech level is broadly used in any situation
where polite language is called for. It is used when addressing someone of senior status in a casual,
non-formal, and everyday types of conversations; it is used with friends if their friendship began in
adulthood; it is the most common speech level used toward strangers.

The polite speech level endings have two forms: -어요 and -아요. When the verb and/or adjective stem
ends in either 아 or 오, -아요 is used. On the other hand, -어요 is used with the stem that ends in any
other vowels. For example, the following is a list of some verbs and adjectives (with dictionary endings)
in the left column with the polite speech level ending -어/아요 in the right column:

Dictionary form The polite speech level endings

가다 “go” 가요 (가 + 아요 but contracted to 가요)
보다 “see” 봐요 (보 + 아요 but contracted)
오다 “come” 와요 (오 + 아요 but contracted)
받다 “receive” 받아요 (받 + 아요)
살다 “live” 살아요 (살 + 아요)
기다리다 “wait” 기다려료 (기다리 + 어요 but contracted to기다려료)
배우다 “learn” 배워요 (배우 + 어요 but contracted)
넣다 “put (something) in” 넣어요 (넣 + 어요)
묶다 “tie” 묶어요 (묶 + 어요)
먹다 “eat” 먹어요(먹 + 어요)

You probably wonder why some verbs or adjectives such as 가다 is not 가아요, but 가요. This is attributed
to the vowel contraction in Korean: when similar or the same two vowels appear together (e.g., 다아 =
가), the vowels tend to be contracted.

The copula 이다 “be” and 이니다 “be not” as well as the verb 하다 “do” do not follow the above rules.
The conjugation of 이다, 아니다, and 하다 is irregular in that the polite speech level of 이다 is 이에요,
아니다 is 아니에요, and 하다 is 해요.

이다 이어요 (X) 이에요 (O)

아니다 아니어요 (X) 아니에요(O)
하다 하아요(X) 해요(O)

The endings -어/아요 are used for all sentence types: declarative, imperat-ive, interrogative, and
propositive. For instance, consider the following:

점심을 먹어요. “(I) eat lunch.”

점심을 먹어요? “(Do you) eat lunch?”
점심을 먹어요! “Eat lunch!”
Module 3 Learning Korean 28

점심을 먹어요. “(Let us) eat lunch.”

Koreans use contextual elements as well as intonation (e.g., rising intonation for a question) to figure out
what sentence type the ending is used for.

Mixed Use of the Deferential and Polite Speech Levels

Koreans frequently use the deferential speech level as well as the polite speech level together even in
formal conversational settings. One pos-sible scenario is when you meet a person for the first time. The
speakers may introduce themselves using the deferential speech level (using the aforementioned fixed
expressions). However, once identified, they may switch to the polite speech level. The use of the polite
speech level ending generates an effect of making a dialogue sound less formal, even in formal
conversational contexts.


The discussion focuses on the different levels of politeness in the Korean language: 반말 (Pammal),
존댓말 (Chondaemal), and 높임말 (Nophimmal), as well as the deferential speech level and the polite
speech level. The module aims to teach learners about the characteristics and appropriate usage of each
level of politeness, providing examples, exercises, and practice activities. It emphasizes the significance
of politeness in Korean society and its role in effective communication. Learners also delve into the
cultural context of politeness, discussing norms, honorifics, and respectful gestures. Role-playing
exercises and feedback help learners apply the appropriate speech levels and develop natural and
culturally sensitive expressions of politeness. The module concludes by emphasizing the importance of
politeness and encouraging learners to continue refining their language skills for respectful interactions
and positive cultural exchange.

Supplemental Content: List of Verbs (동사)


가난하다 Poor, Needy 거두다 to collect; to achieve

가능하다 Possible, Feasible 거룩하다 Holy, Divine
가다 to go 거세다 Fierce, Strong
가득하다 Full, Crammed 거짓말하다 to lie, to tell a lie
가르치다 to teach 거창하다 Grand, Grandiose
가리키다 to point, to indicate 걱정하다 to worry (about)
가져가다 to take, to carry 건강하다 Healthy, Well
가져오다 to bring; to cause 건너다 to cross (over)
가져오다 To bring 건전하다 Sound, Healthy
가지다 to have, to possess 건조하다 Dry, Arid
가혹하다 Severe, Harsh 걸리다 (1) to hang, to be hung; to
catch (a cold)
간단하다 Simple, Easy, Brief 걸리다 (2) to take (time)
간절하다 Ardent, Earnest 걸맞다 Suitable, Fit
간편하다 Simple, Convenient 걸어가다 to go on foot, to walk
갈아타다 to change/transfer to (car, 걸어오다 to come on foot
metro, train etc.)
감다 (1) to close (one’s eyes) 검다 Black
감다 (2) to wind up, to coil 격렬하다 Intense, Fierce
감사하다 to appreciate, to thank 겪다 to experience, to undergo
감사하다 Thankful 견디다 to endure, to bear, to
감추다 to hide, to disguise 결석하다 To be absent
값싸다 Cheap, Inexpensive 결심하다 to resolve
Module 3 Learning Korean 29

강력하다 Strong, Powerful 결정되다 to be decided

강렬하다 Strong, Intense 결정하다 to decide
강조하다 to emphasize 결혼하다 to marry
강하다 Strong, Powerful 경쾌하다 Light, Rhythmical
갖추다 to prepare, to be 경험하다 to experience
equipped (with)
같다 Same, Identical: Similar 계산하다 to calculate; to pay
개발하다 to develop, to create 계속되다 to continue; to be
거대하다 Huge, Great 계속하다 to continue, to keep (on)
고려하다 to consider 계시다 to be, to stay (honorific of
고백하다 To confess 그만하다 As Much As That
고생하다 to have a hard time, to 그윽하다 Deep And Delicate
고소하다 To Have A Sesame Taste 그치다 to stop, to cease
고요하다 Quiet, Tranquil, Calm 극심하다 Extreme, Severe
고유하다 Indigenous, Inherent 근무하다 to work
고치다 to repair, to fix; to 급격하다 Sharp, Rapid, Drastic
고프다 Hungry 급급하다 Busy
곤란하다 Difficult, Tough, 급하다 Impetuous, Urgent
공부하다 to study 기다리다 to wait
공정하다 Just, Fair 기대하다 to expect, to anticipate
공평하다 Fair, Impartial 기록하다 to record, to write
공허하다 Empty, Hollow 기뻐하다 to rejoice, to be happy
과감하다 Drastic, Bold 기쁘다 Glad, Happy
과도하다 Excessive 기억나다 to remember, to come to
관련되다 to be related (to) 기억하다 to remember, to recall
관찰하다 to observe, to watch 기울이다 to lean; to pay (attention)
관하다 concerning, regarding 김막히다 Dumbfounded, Wonderful
광범위하다 Extensive, Widespread 깊다 Deep
괜찮다 Fine, Ok 깎다 to peel, to cut; to cut
down, to discount
굉장하다 Wonderful, Great 깔끔하다 Neat, Tidy (ㄲ)
구경하다 to see the sights, to look 깨끗하다 Clean
구성되다 to be composed, to be 깨다 (1) to wake (up); to sober up
구하다 (1) to seek; to get 깨다 (2) to break, to smash
구하다 (2) to rescue, to save 꺼내다 to pull, to take out
굳다 Hard, Stiff, Strong 꼼꼼하다 Meticulous, Precise
굵다 Thick, Big 꾸미다 to decorate; to invent, to
궁금하다 Curious 꾸준하다 Steady, Constant
귀중하다 Precious, Valuable 꿈꾸다 to dream (of)
귀찮다 Troublesome, Tiresome 끄다 to put out; to switch off
귀하다 Precious, Valuable, Rare 끄덕이다 to nod, to give a nod
그럴듯하다 Plausible 끈질기다 Persistent
그리다 to draw, to paint 끊다 to cut; to stop; to hang up
그만두다 to stop, to drop, to quit 끊어지다 to get cut; to be
Module 3 Learning Korean 30

끊임없다 Constant, Incessant 넘어가다 to cross; to move on

끓다 to boil 넘어서다 to cross, to pass
끔찍하다 Terrible, Awful 넘치다 to overflow, to brim over
끝나다 to end, to be over 넣다 to put (something in)
끝내다 to finish, to put an end to 노동하다 To work
끝없다 Endless 노래하다 to sing a song
나가다 to go out; to attend; to 노력하다 to endeavor, to strive
leave, to quit
나누다 to divide, to split; to share 놀라다 to be surprised
나다 to grow, to sprout; to 높다 High
happen, to occur
나빠지다 to become worse 높이다 to make something high,
to increase
나쁘다 Bad, Poor 놓다 to lay, to put; to release,
to let go
나서다 to come/step forward 놓이다 to be put, to be laid; to
feel relieved
나오다 to come out, to turn up; to 놓치다 to miss (bus, opportunity)
finish; to quit
나타나다 to appear 눈부시다 Dazzling
나타내다 to show, to express 느끼다 to feel
난감하다 Embarrassing 느리다 Slow
날아가다 to fly away, to fly off; to 늘리다 to increase, to lengthen
be gone
낡다 Old, Shabby, Old 늘어나다 to stretch; to grow, to
Fashioned increase
남기다 to leave (behind) 늙다 to get old
남다 to remain, to be left 늦다 to be late
낮다 Low 늦다 Late
낯익다 Familiar 다가가다 to approach
낳다 to give birth to; to 다가오다 to approach, to come up
내놓다 to put out, to take out 다녀오다 to go and get back
내다 to give, to put; to hand 다니다 to go (to); to attend
in; to pay
내려가다 to go down 다름없다 As Good As, Same
내려오다 to come down 다양하다 Various
내리다 to fall; to get off; to lower 다정하다 Kind, Friendly
넉넉하다 Enough, Sufficient 다치다 to hurt, to be wounded
넓다 Large, Broad 다하다 to run out; to carry out, to
넘기다 to pass, to pass over, to 닦다 to clean, to wash
turn (over)
넘다 to cross, to pass 단단하다 Hard, Solid
단순하다 Simple, Naive 돌리다 to change, to convert; to
spin, to turn
단정하다 Neat, Tidy 돌보다 to take care, to look after
단호하다 Firm, Determined 돌아가다 to return; to pass away
닫다 to close 돌아보다 to look back
닫히다 to be closed, to close 돌아오다 to return, to come back
달라지다 to change, to alter 동등하다 Equal, Equivalent
달려가다 to run, to dash 동일하다 Same As, Identical
달리다 (1) to run 되다 to become, to come to
달리다 (2) to hang; to be up to, to 두다 to put, to set
Module 3 Learning Korean 31

depend on
달아나다 to escape, to run away 두드러지다 Remarkable, Noticeable
닮다 to resemble, to look like 두착하다 To arrive
담기다 to be put in 둑서하다 To read
담다 to put, to hold 둘러보다 to look around
답답하다 Stuffy, Stifling 둘러싸다 to surround
당기다 to pull, to draw 뒤늦다 Belated
당당하다 Confident, Honorable 드러나다 to come out, to appear, to
be exposed
당연하다 Natural, Reasonable 드러내다 to show, to reveal
당하다 to go through, to suffer 드리다 to give (honorific of 주다)
닿다 to touch, to reach 든든하다 Reassured, Reliable
대다 to put, to apply, to touch 들리다 to be heard, to sound
대단하다 Great, Huge 들어가다 to enter, to go into
대답하다 to answer, to reply 들어서다 to enter, to go into; to be
대하다 to treat, to face; 들어오다 to enter, to come into
더하다 to add 들여다보다 to look in(to)
던지다 to throw 따다 to pick, to get; to unlock
덮다 to cover, to close 따뜻하다 Warm
데려가다 to take (a person) 따라가다 to follow, to go after; to
데려오다 to bring, to fetch 따라오다 to follow; to match
데리다 to pick somebody up 들여다보다 to look in(to)
도망가다 to run away 딱딱하다 Firm, Stiff
도와주다 to help 때리다 to beat, to hit
도착하다 to arrive 떠나다 to leave
독특하다 Peculiar, Distinctive 떠들썩하다 Noisy, Uproarious


미소짓다 To smile 부르다 to call; to sing

밀다 to push 불다 to blow
밉다 Detestable 빠르다 Fast, Quick
바르다 Straight, Correct, Right 빨갛다 Red
가깝다 Close, Near 끌다 to pull, to draw; to drag,
to prolong
가늘다 Thin, Slender, Fine 날다 to fly
가볍다 Light, Slight 날카롭다 Sharp
갈아입다 to change (one’s clothes) 남다르다 Unusual, Extraordinary
갑작스럽다 Sudden, Abrupt 낫다 Better, Superior
거칠다 Rough, Coarse 낯설다 Unfamiliar
걱정스럽다 Anxious, Troubled 내밀다 to stick out, to stretch out
걸다 to hang; to call 노랗다 Yellow
게으르다 Lazy, Idle 놀다 to play, to hang out with
고급스럽다 Luxurious, Classy 놀랍다 Surprising, Amazing
고르다 to choose, to select 누렇다 (Golden) Yellow
고르다 Even, Regular 눕다 to lie
고맙다 Thankful 늘다 to increase; to improve
고통스럽다 Painful, Agonizing 다르다 Different
곧다 Straight, Upright 단조롭다 Monotonous, Dull
괴롭다 Painful, Distressed 달다 to hoist, to attach, to wear
귀엽다 Cute, Lovely 달다 Sweet, Sugary
Module 3 Learning Korean 32

그러다 to do that, to do this 더럽다 Dirty, Filthy

그렇다 So, True 덥다 Hot (Weather)
그르다 Wrong, Incorrect 돌다 to turn, to rotate
그립다 Miss, Long For 돕다 to help
기르다 to raise, to grow; to 두껍다 Thick
길다 Long, Lengthy 두렵다 Afraid, Scared
까다롭다 Difficult, Fussy 둥그렇다 Round
까맣다 Black 둥글다 Round
깨닫다 to realize, to become 벌다 to make (money), to earn
aware (money)

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