L14 S8 Business Vocabularies

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11 ae le Starting point eta make decisions. Who Sera Cees t wrong, Ce ee Perret pet freer tas eed frre eases what they think before eat romain? eee rates 2 What was the best decision you e Berane etis Recta ites your personal life.) 72 Working with words | Decision-making L_ When you have a long list of individual tasks at work (or at home), how do you decide which to do first? Tell your partner. 2 } 11.1 Look at“The Priority Matrix’ below and listen to a trainer explaining the four parts of the matrix. Number each part (1-4) in the order you hear them talked about. URGENT Do now (or do it quickly) IMPORTANT MoT URGENT 3. Work with a partner: Look at four tasks a-d. Where would you put them in the Priority Matrix? Give reasons for your answers. ‘The launch of a major new product in 12 months’ time. Arranging a leaving party for an employee wo has been with the company for over 20 years Your key customer has left a voicemail with a complaint about a large order. He sounds very angry. You receive an invitation to visit the new showrooms of an office furniture company. 4. Make alist of four or five jobs that you currently have to do. Decide where to put them on the Priority Matrix. 5 Tell your partner about your decisions in 4, How helpful was the Priority Maitix in your decision-making? 6 > 11.1 Replace the words in bold in sentences 1-8 with the verbs from the list. ‘Then listen again and check. ‘make up your mind incite avoid evalunte ignore prioritize reach delegate 1 The hardest part is to decide which job to do first. make up your mind 2 Immediately deal with any job which is urgent and important, Do it straightaway Spend some time thinking before you arrive at a final decision. It might be useful to ask for suggestions from colleagues. ‘Compare and consider their opinions before making a final plan ‘These are the types of jobs you can often give to others. Stay away from dealing with those kinds of bs for a while. If you don’t think about them, they might disappear altogether. 7 Read about decision-making at a company called Suma. Complete the article with six of the answers from 6. Change the form of the verb if necessary. Suma Suma is « health(ood wholosaler with a truly demoeratic system of management, Atits regular General Meetings, the ‘company | any major decisions through a system ‘of eonsultaiton and consensus in which every empleyee ro to speak out and no one’s view or opinion Is exer? While Suma has a management commitiee to implement the decisions made at the Goneral Meetings, the company is able to the traditional confrontation between managers and workors in hierarchieal struetures. This is partly becaus® all the employees are pald the same wage ‘and have an equal stake in the sueces of the company: Ata day-to-day level, solfmanaging teams of employees make a list of tasks and then © them in ‘order of importance. Suma also uses a systom of multi- skiling $0 employoos loarn more than one role within the cooperative. This mean that ferent jobs ca be more widely and evory member has the hance 1 learn moro about the company. 8 Match the words in bold in the article about Suma to definitions 1-7. 1 adiscussion where different opinions are heard an argument or open coniliet a system where decision-making always starts at the top. when everyone has an equal vote an employee in a cooperative ‘general agreement between a group of people ‘a company which is owned by all tie employees and profits are shared >) For more exercises, got to Practice file 12 on page 126. 9 Work in two groups. Group A: Make alist of the advantages of decision-making with a cooperative like Suma and the disadvantages in more hierarchical company structures. Group B: Make a list of the disadvantages of decision-making with a cooperative like Suma and the advantages in more hierarchical company structures. 10 Now each group presents its lists of advantages and disadvantages. Then the ‘whole class can discuss the different views. Try to reach a consensus about the best approach to decision-making. 73 Unit 11 | Decisions Language at work | First and second conditionals 1 Ifyou need to make an important decision at work or in your personal life, do ‘you talk to other people first? Which people usually give you good advice? 2 Read this email from Hise, a business owner, to Jeff, consultant, and answer the questions. + What decision does Ilse have to make? ‘+ What are her options? + What advice do you think Jeff will give her? Dear Jeff, I'm writing to you to ask for your expert advice. We've got the opportunity to relocate our computer games shop to a new out-of-town shopping centre. If we move, we'll probably have a larger base of potential (and wealthy) customers, However, there is a downside, f we don’t keep our shop in town, we may lose our current customers who are jocal students without cars. I don’t think they'll travel all the way to the new premises. Obviously, if we had more money, we'd keep the shop in town and open up at the shopping centre too, but that's not a realistic option. We'd greatly appreciate it if you could advise us on this matter. Many thanks and best wishes, lise. 3. Match sentences a-c from the email to the two types of conditional in the Language point. Use the words in bold to help you LANGUAGE POINT If we move, we'll probably have a larger base of potential customers. b If we don’t keep our shop in town, we may lose our current customers. If we had more money, we'd keep the shop in town. First conditional: if + present simple, will/may/might/can + infinitive ‘We use the first conditional to talk about possible future situations. Second conditional: if + past simple, would/couid + infinitive ‘We use the second conditional to talk about an imaginary or unreal situation that is improbable or impossible. >) For more information, go to Grammar reference on page 127. 74 Unit 11 | Decision SS 4 Underline the correct words in italics. Tip | if not and unless 1 If you asked the bank fora loan to keep both shops, they probably sort / it not= ures: annulh't give you it. {xe don't keep this ston 2 Tmight be able to put you in touch with an investor if you're / wre interested. wel ese mos oo caren 3. If you went / eam 10 meet me tonight, I can give you some detailed feedback eee on your dea. Mente 4 Veven lend you the extra money if Lave / had it customers 5 -If/ Unless your customers have cars, they won't be able to travel to your shop. 6 Will /Would you need to move if your online business takes off? 7 Whatwill ‘would you do if there wasn'ta new shopping centre? >» For more exercises, go to Practice file 11 on page 127. 5 Complete sentences 1-8 with your own words and ideas. Example: If you ignore uninsportant jobs chic aren't urgent, they normally disappecr. 1. Ifyou ignore unimportant jobs which aren‘t urgent, they 2. Ifyou don’t trust your instincts sometimes, then ... 3 One day, I might Start my own business if. 4 Unless a business consults its employees from time to time, it 5 If managers didn’t delegate, they 6 7 8 If managers can't make quick decisions, then they No group of workers can achieve a consensus if. If my company offered me early retirement T 6 Work with a partner. Take turns to read your full sentences in 5. As you listen, compare your ideas and check your partner used the correct verb form. 7 Work with a partner or in small groups. What will/would you do if. * your company is/was relocated to another part of the country or abroad + your company is/was taken over by its main competitor * your partner gets/got a new job a long way from home/abroad + your boss's job becomes/became vacant Practically speaking | How to use if 1» 11.2 Listen to the four conversations. Answer the questions, Conversation 1; What is difficult? Does the other person agree? Conversation 2: What is their deadline to pay? What don’t they have? Conversation 3: What is starting? Where is Walter’s appointment? Conversation 4: How much isthe increase in the cost? 2 > 11.2 Match sentences a-d to the conversations in 1. Then listen again and check. a What if we gave thom after-sales support for free? b If I were you, I'd take it. © Ifyou don’t mind, I'd like to leavea bit early today. d If only we had more time. 3 Lookat the words in bold in 2, Which if-expression is for ...? siving advice suggesting wishing making a request A Work with a partner. Take tums to: * give your partner advice about his/her job + suggest a place for the whole class to goto this evening * wish for something to improve in your working life + request an extra day off this week Unit 11 | Decisions Business communication | Negotiating 1 Have you ever been in any of these situations? Did you have to negotiate with the other people? What happened? + Agrocing the price of a product or service with a supplier * Deciding who will pay fora meal out + Asking your boss for additional time off + Discussing with family and /or friends which film to see atthe cinema 2 11.3 Patricia works for a UK manufacturing company which is trying to sell its products in Hungary. She is negotiating with Laszlo, who is a distributor in Hungary, Listen to part of the negotiation and answer the questions. 1 How long does the draft contract last? 2 Why does Laszlo want exclusivity in the region? 3. Why does Patricia want to roviow the contract every 12 months? 4 Why don’t they reach an agreement? 3 } 11.4 Listen toa different version of Patricia and Laszlo’s negotiation. Which of these negotiation stages do you hear? + Introducing the issue Key expressions + Explaining your position + Asking about the other person's position Introducing the issue Wd like to deuse an ieove *+ Making an offer with you. + Compromising “Thora's comathing we need + Rejecting an offer to discuss. + Accepting an offer Vie have an iesue/preblem with 4. 11.4 Listen again and number the expressions in the correct order 1-8. Explaining and asking about The concer we have is that .. a 1 There’s something we need to discuss ie crostoryconcern Dee If offer a review after 18 months, will you agree? Whats your postion? Yes, I think that would be far. Do you nave any views/ Til meet you halfway on this. ‘concerns about I's a deal. Making an offer __I'm sorry, but [ can’t agree to that. Lat me make you on ofr. EOL ) For more exercises, go to Practice file 11 on page 126. Imeem supposing we 5 Work with a partner and practise a negotiation, Student A wants to buy. comperieny Student B’s ten-year-old car, Student B wants about $2,000 for the car. Terecc mates Afterwards, swap roles and repeat the negotiation. Tiere ounce {A Introduce the issue. Explain your position. Ask about B's position. "ll meet you halfway. B Explain your position. I can't accept that But can A Make your first offer offer you. B Reject the offer. mo1 Put bow Absit he A Make a second offer and ask for something in return. Reject an afer B Accept the offer. \'m sorry, but leant agree tothat 6 Work with a partner: You are going to negotiate an agreement. Student A, turn \'m afraid that isnt possible to page 141, Student B, turn to page 139. I'm not in a position to Bota 7 After the negotiation, make notes on these questions. Then report back to the Raine class on your answers. Tok that would be far 1 Did you reach final agreement? I can agree to that, 2. Was the negotiation successful for both sides? Wes 2 deal, 3 What did you offer each other? 4. What key expressions did you use to help the negotiation? * The Decision Game ‘Work in small groups. You work at the Central Bank, a British bank with branches in most towns and cities. All of your call centres are based in the UK, in ateas of high unemployment. You must make a series of decisions which will affect the future of these call centres. Work together and ‘make your first decision by choosing option a or b. Start at 1. Follow the instructions. ‘Serer maregament wan! yet ot cae ‘nd inrove profit. nnd, cl ene ‘workers are pad fie times ss ther in the UK Yaucecae keep cal cetes UK an aco ane oss, Got 6. investigate mote tly the cost nd anes ‘ot moving the cl cenies. Got 2. you close the UK cal conte, 1,000 jes ‘wll test. You do not want to cause an Unnecessary pare cause you ae stl st the Investigate stage. You ecto 2 be ope abut your plans. Goto) keep you plans confident forthe momen Goto ‘he nia call conte snow asuccoss and ‘carplainis hav copped, However, an den, ‘wore now cass ata as much a2 UK Warkat ar soe wl ost hal es much You wilrow baw to ooo 2 chesper iterate ‘rthink of oer places neve cess mich be ‘cheaper Return tor end ner. ‘Anevespener has ra campaign orasng you she pattie bank, Ths ioc for your image, tt mean rat your ars cu be ee Inthe ftuo,Rotur to 1 or end hero, No you have svete unin eroblems, tha cal centre s gang abead However, Uk ‘ustomers sy there are een eemmmusicaton frobloma wit th ncan-baseé calender, You deci to 2. askserier maregaent invest ore mone staff raring, Got 3. cana lator to estemors oping te need to so up in Fla. Goto 7, ‘Storabelors compan that you ao ee ‘roftabe than rival berks, They are sil puting ‘essreon you te cut crs, You deck fo 2 please sharoneldersby closing some ass Droitble branches. Go to 9. organza revepaper cempsigh pang tothe pub hy you nant to keep tea centre obs in UK Go to. ‘ustomors are even angrier when they recov yur lee. They con cre wa your malves are. Yu dediée 2 nore ina conplais. Goto 13, 1b vost moro money inset rai ots. ‘UK cal centre employees have heard bout your possible plat goto Ind. They wan {ulensutaton win tieurio You dee 0 4 evabathe union and Secuse the pine th ‘hon. Gott. ‘b ‘note the ror and oo abe wh your dls. Goto 16 Your plant close smater trarchss wl cost 500 obs. Thi casos protest rom the union fn rem customers he ie oar ho ell ‘ranches. You decid to canyon nih tecosies 60 WD. 1 recansse otor ways of cattigetets, ‘eluding ts cal cate option, Goto 2, Going ae withthe branch cosues ese the ‘ark seve usand estore ant ats alt ‘ot agatve puis. You lose your jet Ratarn tot or ond hore. Unit 11 | Decisions Yeur region with the unien hav reechod ‘crossroads. The urien wanstoreéuce UK ob losses ta mim, You decide fo 4 koop us 150 UX call conaons anak a sirke, Goto 1, keep 400 Ucjobe which il ay the unen. Goto 3, Union nogoatons have been succesful Both sides have compromised. You have eureec so kp 250 UX jobs. The bark fiers you a ‘ou naw missin whieh maps losing thor unpotitadiobrancheo, Youle 0 accept thei tough few missin. Goto 10, sigy where you are happy tat you hae Survied = eticat merent.Retura 91 oF ‘ond here. Angry costes contact Heod Office and name ova personally respansbie fo the problems Senior manapes are happy tose you asa eepagnat You are move manage a small branch inthe counrsidet isthe end of our artions, Retum et orend here. There have ben tee one-day sites in Selecod bres, You decd 0 4 Taco up te union and rote t tang your poston. Goto 13. > re-open nogttins waite uno, Goto. Someone as leaked the sory about tere plans ote unon, You are tacked in he tabi pres as a ecorter of ert. You cide deny everyting ard goahend wh Heats insecet Goto 14 open upnepettins withthe ini Goto 7

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