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Power Generation and Systems Planning (EN 302/EN 642)

Tutorial 1: Power Systems

1. Installed capacities for India in 1950 and 2013 were 1.7 GW and 230 GW, respectively.
Determine the average annual growth of installed capacity for India.

[Ans: 8.1%]

2. A 120 MW power plant supplies the following power to the consumers, with a connected load of
150 MW. Determine average load, load factor, capacity factor, utilization factor, and demand
factor. Draw the load curve and the load duration curve.

Time (h) 0-6 6-10 10-12 12-16 16-20 20-22 22-24

Load (MW) 30 70 90 60 100 80 50

[Ans: 64.16 MW; 0.64; 0.53; 0.83; 0.67]

3. The peak load on an 80 MW power plant is 60 MW. The annual system load factor is 0.5. The
maximum demands of industrial, residential, commercial, and agricultural loads connected to
this power plant are 30 MW, 20 MW, 10 MW, and 14 MW, respectively. Determine (a) the
average load, (b) the annual energy supplied, and (c) the diversity factor.

[Ans: 30 MW; 262.8 GWh; 1.233]

4. Load data for a small isolated village is given below. An independent agency has suggested
installing a diesel generator with a capacity of 40 kW. However, the generator cannot run less
than 30% of its rated capacity (also known as the turndown ratio). Determine the amount of
energy to be dumped per day.

Time (h) 10-14 14-18 18-22 22-2 2-6 6-10

Load (kW) 20 12 35 10 8.5 12.5

[Ans: 22 kWh]


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