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Environmental Research 200 (2021) 111762

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Microplastic contaminants in the aqueous environment, fate, toxicity

consequences, and remediation strategies
Pankaj Bhatt a, b, *, Vinay Mohan Pathak c, d, Ahmad Reza Bagheri e, Muhammad Bilal f, **
State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Subtropical Agro-Bioresources, Guangdong Province Key Laboratory of Microbial Signals and Disease Control,
Integrative Microbiology Research Centre, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, 510642, China
Guangdong Laboratory for Lingman Modern Agriculture, Guangzhou, 510642, China
Department of Microbiology, University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi, 110021, India
Department of Botany and Microbiology, Gurukul Kangri (Deemed to University), Haridwar, Uttarakhand, 249404, India
Chemistry Department, Yasouj University, Yasouj, 75918-74831, Iran
School of Life Science and Food Engineering, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huaian, 223003, China


Keywords: Microplastic is a fragmented plastic part that emerges as a potential marine and terrestrial contaminant. The
Microplastic pollution microplastic wastes in marine and soil environments cause severe problems in living systems. Microplastic wastes
Microorganism have been linked to various health problems, including reproductive harm and obesity, plus issues such as organ
problems and developmental delays in children. Recycling plastic/microplastics from the environment is very
low, so remediating these polymers after their utilization is of paramount concern. The microplastic causes se­
Circular economy vere toxic effects and contaminates the environment. Microplastic affects marine life, microorganism in soil, soil
enzymes, plants system, and physicochemical properties. Ecotoxicology of the microplastic raised many ques­
tions about its use and development from the environment. Various physicochemical and microbial technologies
have been developed for their remediation from the environment. The microplastic effects are linked with its
concentration, size, and shape in contaminated environments. Microplastic is able to sorb the inorganic and
organic contaminants and affect their fate into the contaminated sites. Microbial technology is considered safer
for the remediation of the microplastics via its unique metabolic machinery. Bioplastic is regarded as safer and
eco-friendly as compared to plastics. The review article explored an in-depth understanding of the microplastic,
its fate, toxicity to the environment, and robust remediation strategies.

1. Introduction 2018). It is estimated that plastics contribute approximately 80 % of

total sea litter (Montoto-Martínez et al., 2020). Plastic particles appear
The widespread application of different plastic contaminants and as food and enter an animal body like fishes, planktons, and mammals.
pollutants (Cunha et al., 2020; Kausar et al., 2020; Rashid et al., 2021; Their accumulation causes intestinal blockage and disturbing the
Sher et al., 2021) in the environment is a global concern. Their physical digestive system of a wide range of aquatic organisms (Thiel et al.,
and chemical properties, such as durability and resistance, have now 2018). As a result of technology development over the past decade, there
become a serious problem and triggering adverse environmental effects is progressive information on plastic contamination and its problems.
(Hartmann et al., 2019; Montoto-Martínez et al., 2020). Different nat­ Reports of plastic debris accumulating in the oceans have been
ural systems like water, wastewater, soil, air, and atmosphere face the increasing steadily in recent years (Hartmann et al., 2019). Plastics
plastics problem that creates a threat to and terrestrial and marine floating on the ocean surface are buoyant plastic, while high-density
ecosystems. The area most affected by plastic pollution is the marine plastics such as microplastics sink beneath the ocean floor.
environment, and plastic debris impacts marine biota and ecosystem at Recent reports suggest that municipal waste contains various plas­
different levels (Hartmann et al., 2019; Seeley et al., 2020; Thiel et al., tics, and 50 % of the plastics are high density, it will easily sink to the sea

* Corresponding author. State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Subtropical Agro-Bioresources, Guangdong Province Key Laboratory of Microbial
Signals and Disease Control, Integrative Microbiology Research Centre, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, 510642, China.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (P. Bhatt), (M. Bilal).
Received 6 March 2021; Received in revised form 10 June 2021; Accepted 22 July 2021
Available online 24 July 2021
0013-9351/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
P. Bhatt et al. Environmental Research 200 (2021) 111762

Fig. 1. Chemical structure of the commonly used plastic polymers.

floor (Bui et al., 2020). The oceans are polluted by various sizes of and are later comes into organs, blood, and even able to cross placental
plastics ranging from large to very small pieces (deciplastics (1–10 dm), barriers (Astner et al., 2020). They adversely affect a wide range of or­
centiplastics (1–10 cm), milliplastics (1–10 mm), microplastics (1–1000 ganisms, including large fishes, microorganisms, and other marine biota
μm) and also plastic in nanosize as nano-plastics (1–1000 nm)) (Astner (Danso et al., 2019). Many plastic additives act as endocrine inhibitors
et al., 2020; Hartmann et al., 2019). Small plastic pieces, fibers, and and can alter hormone signalling that affects metabolic and reproduc­
granules as microplastics are prominent ocean plastic debris forms. This tive processes (Galloway et al., 2017).
includes synthetic particles, microbeads used in cosmetics, drug de­ Microplastics are the most abundant form of plastic debris and serve
livery, medicine, and other applications. Plastics are usually made up of as a growing aquatic contaminant. Their biological impact on the marine
a complex mixture of chemical additives, residual monomers, and syn­ environment has not been well studied (Seeley et al., 2020). As its
thetic polymers (Galloway et al., 2017). Many countries like China, ubiquitous nature makes it feasible for their universal application in
India, the USA and the United Kingdom are worried about plastics. At modern lifestyles, and global manufacturing figures of plastics increase
the European level, programs were conducted for evaluation, i.e., in to 300 million tons annually (Paço et al., 2017). In a study, it was esti­
Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), Technical Subgroup on mated that 400 million metric tons of plastic were produced in 2015, of
Marine Litter (TSG ML). They recommended that more data and further which 300 million metric tons of plastic were generated as plastic waste.
studies are needed to better evaluate microliter abundance and distri­ Due to a lack of proper disposal practices, 79 % of plastic waste was
bution in seawater (Montoto-Martínez et al., 2020). The European released into the environment (Astner et al., 2020). The user plastics are
Commission has primarily considered microliters of particle size <5 mm mostly “single-use” items, and for this reason, significant parts of these
to develop standard criteria for monitoring and evaluating the envi­ plastic items end up in the ocean or are disposed of in landfills within the
ronmental condition of seawater (Montoto-Martínez et al., 2020). year of their manufacture (Andrady, 2011; Hartmann et al., 2019).
Microplastics and nano-plastics are of great concern due to their Compared to its production, only 50 % of the plastics are directly dis­
surface morphology, particle size, abundance, and hydrophobic nature, carded in the environment after a single use without proper disposal
which helps to adsorbed and transport varieties of contaminants (plas­ (Galloway et al., 2017). It is estimated that 10 % of the total plastic
ticizers, pesticides, harmful agents) to the organisms, and ultimately, waste per year eventually reaches the marine environment (Mon­
they enter into the digestion system (Astner et al., 2020; Kedzierski toto-Martínez et al., 2020).
et al., 2019). The incidence of nano-plastic increases gradually in Plastic material floats freely in aquatic environments and carries
various systems and locations. The size of these plastics played a many things from one place to another. Now, it serves as a carrier for
signature role in their distribution worldwide. The size of nano-plastics changing the habitat of the species that is growing on its surface, and
is smaller than that of regular clay particles. They enter the food chain these species are introduced into new environments that they previously
through the root system of plants by adsorption and transfer to animals did not inhabit (Kedzierski et al., 2019; Thiel et al., 2018). The

P. Bhatt et al. Environmental Research 200 (2021) 111762

initiatives have been taken to control plastic pollution in open seawater of various substances at a mesoscopic scale of about 1–100 nm. Small-
so that microplastics are considered hazardous, but due to a lack of angle neutron scattering is in many respects very similar to small-
knowledge and awareness of its harmful ecological effects, huge angle X-ray scattering (SAXS); both techniques are jointly referred to
amounts of plastic wastes are released into the oceans (Galloway et al., as small-angle scattering (SAS). Advantages of SANS over SAXS are its
2017). The reports showed that large-scale of plastics entered the ocean. sensitivity to light elements, the possibility of isotope labelling, and the
In 2014, 7000–35,000 tons of floating plastic material were found in the strong scattering by magnetic moments. While USANS is a powerful new
open sea, and another study in the same year reported that 5 trillion tool to quantitatively characterize materials’ morphology on length
pieces of plastic debris (250,000 tons) were estimated in the sea (Cózar scales from 0.1 to 50 μm. The technique has already been used on a wide
et al., 2014; Eriksen et al., 2014). range of materials, from hydrogels to geologic specimens. They experi­
The floating nature of microliters plays a vital role in marine debris mented with the detection of a wide range of nano-plastics smaller sized
movement (Montoto-Martínez et al., 2020). The last four decades are the (50 nm) to larger sized (300–1000 nm) (Astner et al., 2020). Micro­
major contributor to plastic accumulation in the marine environment. plastics studies in the open sea require many samples for evaluation of
Wind ocean gears are helping them increase their concentration in the abundance, distribution, sources, and now statistical tools are used to
center region of the oceans (Xu et al., 2020). Five oceans gyres were solve this problem (Seeley et al., 2020). Kedzierski et al. (2019) used two
most polluted with microplastics, and of these, the Mediterranean Sea, criteria: the chemical nature of microplastic and granulometric distri­
Arctic, and China Sea were found to be highly contaminated and butions for microplastic examination, and analysis was done using the
selected for sample collection. During the 2014 expedition, thousands of statistical sub-sampling method. They suggested that statistical ap­
microplastic fragments were collected from the surface of the Mediter­ proaches are efficient tools for microplastic investigations because they
ranean basin (Kedzierski et al., 2019) (Fig. 1). Environmental conditions require a limited number of samples for outcome prediction. It is found
are also playing an important role in the formation of secondary that only 3 % of the microplastics of all collections need to be analysed
microplastics that is produced by the action of biodegradation and for a view of the northwest Mediterranean basin (Kedzierski et al., 2019;
photooxidation of fragmented plastic. The fission process is not well Thiel et al., 2018).
defined, it depends on the circumstances, sometimes the breakdown of Plastic degradation is a breakdown process that changes the physical
1 mm piece to 1 nm piece takes 300 years in seawater (Galloway et al., as well as chemical properties of the polymer. Polymer degradation
2017). Microplastic contamination has been reported at many unex­ started with chain length disruption that causes ageing and other factors
pected locations instead of open seawater, a recent study showing their such as chemical and thermal (Bhardwaj et al., 2012). Plastic waste
presence in the air, ice, rivers, and deep sediment (Montoto-Martínez management problems should be solved in an eco-friendly manner by
et al., 2020). using microorganisms. The breakdown or disintegration of plastic de­
Plastics in agricultural practices as plastic mulch films is another pends on the chemical constituents that support the microbial growth by
major source of microplastics and nano-plastic pollution in soil systems. means of nutrient sources for them. Despite the general durability of
Polyethylene (PE) is largely used as plastic mulch in agriculture plastics, a combination of photo-oxidation by ultraviolet (UV) radiation,
methods. Instead of plastics’ benefits, it damages soil health, plastics physical abrasion by water currents carrying sand grains, and biological
broken into small pieces or particles and residues on soil for a long time degradation by organisms renders plastics brittle. This causes the for­
without degradation. To overcome the problems of non-degradable mation of microplastics (MPs, defined as plastics with sizes ranging from
plastics in agriculture, new biodegradable plastic mulches have been 100 nm to 5 mm) and nanoplastics (NPs < 100 nm in size), which are
introduced, and these plastic mulches are compatible with biodegra­ collectively called secondary microplastics and nanoplastics (MNPs).
dation. These biodegradable plastic mulches are made by polymers such This classification is based on the European Commission’s definition of
as polylactic acid, poly (butylene-adipate-co-terephthalate), cellulose, engineered nanoparticles (ENPs). Microorganisms utilize these con­
poly (butylene succinate), polyhydroxyclonate, and poly (butylene taminants for their growth and survival by degrading them (Pathak and
sucrose-co-adipate). Such polymers take time, and only 90 % of Navneet, 2017). Microorganisms are played a significant role in the
biodegradation is not completely degraded in soil conditions. breakdown of plastic material. Bacterial as well as fungal species were
Microplastic and nano-plastic problems arise through the biode­ reported for plastic degradation.
gradable plastic mulch in agricultural fields and affect soil fertility The microbial plastic degradation using the bacterial approach is
(Astner et al., 2020). A sampling of microplastics typically has some aerobic or anaerobic, while fungal biodegradation strictly under
analysis requirements, such as variable-sized net, mesh, and aperture. anaerobic conditions (Chandra and Rustgi, 1998). Microbial minerali­
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) recommends tools for zation of synthetic polymers serves as a suitable approach compared to
microplastic studies in surface waters, but researchers face some prob­ other degradation technique (Schink et al., 1992). The strains belonging
lems with these techniques, such as large volume calculations and mesh to the Paenibacillus sp., Rhodococcus ruber, Oscillatoria subbrevis, Phor­
size limitations. The sampling from sub-surface waters uses alternative midium lucidum, Pseudomonas aestusnigri, Pseudomonas protegens, Cory­
approaches like a volume-reduced bucket, pump sampling, bulk water nebacterium sp., Bacillus sp., Streptomyces sp., Aureobasidium pullulans,
sampling, and Niskin bottle sampling. A Niskin bottle is a plastic cyl­ Arthrobacter sp., Enterobacter sp., Pseudomonas geniculate, Aspergillus
inder with stoppers at each end to completely seal the bottle. This device fumigatus, Bacillus niacin, Stenotrophomonas rhizophila, Agromyces sp.,
is used to take water samples at the desired depth without the danger of Agromyces sp., Azotobacter vinelandii, Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium
mixing with water from other depths. Recent reports state that the use of pinophilum, Pseudomonas stutzeri, Ralstonia pickettii, Comamonas acid­
pump-underway ship water to collect microplastic samples is a highly ovorans, Brevibacillus borstelensis, Comamonas acidovorans TB-35, Pseu­
used technique (Montoto-Martínez et al., 2020). Monitoring and col­ domonas chlororaphis, Streptomyces badius, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens,
lecting broad-scale microplastics from open seawater is challenging for Arthrobacter paraffineus, Acinetobacter baumannii, Microbacterium para­
researchers (Andrady, 2011). However, the analysis approach of oxydans, Nocardia asteroides, Micrococcus luteus, Acremonium Kiliense,
microplastics and nano-plastics is not well developed, and the small size Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Bacillus subtilis MZA-75, Cladosporium
and a large number of distributions limit the analytical approach for sphaerospermum, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Penicillium chrysogenum,
their detection (Kedzierski et al., 2019). Pseudomonas chlororaphis are the prominent microbial agents reported
Astner et al. exploited the two analytical approaches, such as small- for different type of plastic polymer degradation (Bardají et al., 2019;
angle neutron scattering (SANS) and ultra-small-angle neutron scat­ Gilan et al., 2004; Santo et al., 2013; Sarmah and Rout, 2018; Sarmah
tering (USANS), as a potential tool for detection and measure nano- and Rout, 2018; Bollinger et al., 2020; Hung et al., 2016; Kay et al.,
plastic in soil. SANS is an experimental technique that uses elastic 1993; Adıgüzel and Tunçer, 2017; Almeida et al., 2019; Webb et al.,
neutron scattering at small scattering angles to investigate the structure 2000; Goel et al., 2008; Danso et al., 2018; Danso et al., 2018; Bubpachat

P. Bhatt et al. Environmental Research 200 (2021) 111762

Fig. 2. Adverse impacts of microplastic on humans, animals, and organisms.

et al., 2018; Jung et al., 2018; Bian et al., 2019; Y. Wei et al., 2018; dangerous complications. Nobre et al. (2015) reported that the raw MPs
Negoro et al., 2012; Yasuhira et al., 2007; Adaya et al., 2018; Jung et al., could induce more toxicity. They proved that the MPs’ leaching to the
2018; Panagiotidou et al., 2014; Kasuya et al., 1999; Pathak and Nav­ environment is strongly related to the media and environment, where
neet, 2017; Jaiswal et al., 2020). The problem of microplastic waste MPs are accumulated.
increases due to the huge application of plastic polymers in different Due to high surface area, MPs have a large adsorption capacity and
sectors. There is an urgent need to develop the technology to degrade can absorb different water contamination like heavy metals, dyes and
microplastic from marine and terrestrial environments. The advantages, organic molecules (Setälä et al., 2014). The presence of MPs in the soil
such as the separation and reusability of photocatalysts with low cost can also generate hazardous effects. Based on Lwanga and co-workers
and energy, antifouling properties, and fine permeate flux, have made report (Lwanga et al., 2017), soil pollution with MPs can inhibit earth­
the degradation method an efficient method among conventional worms’ growth and enhance their mortality rate. Zhu et al. (2018) also
methods. In this review, microplastics, their properties and their effects reported that exposure to MPs could change the intestinal flora of Fol­
on both human and animals were investigated. Due to the importance of somia candida. MPs can also act as carriers of different organisms (Li
these materials, their different removal approaches were also investi­ et al., 2020; Picó and Barceló, 2020). The ubiquity of MPs, which have
gated. We have attempted to compile information about the remediation adverse effects on aquatic species, ecosystems, and human health, has
strategies for microplastic waste. Microplastic and plastic waste’s given rise to scientific and public concerns (Veerasingam et al., 2020).
toxicity to the living systems evaluated, and microbial technology have These concerns arise since organisms can ingest MPs, which causes MPs
been critically reviewed. Different aspects of microplastics, their attri­ to diffuse to cellular boundaries and accumulate (Hou et al., 2020).
butes and removal from different media are discussed. These MPs can then translocate throughout the food chain. MPs are
known to have adverse effects on bacteria, algae, echinoderms, rotifers,
2. Microplastic and toxicity consequences mollusks, and arthropods (Teng et al., 2020). Due to their hydrophobic
surfaces, MPs can adsorb persistent bioaccumulative and toxic com­
Microplastics (MPs) are pervasive and can be found everywhere, pounds (PBT), including persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and
from water sources to the soil. The presence of MPs in water sources, metals. It has been shown that the absorbed contaminants can be
especially drinking water, can generate some harmful diseases. MPs can transferred to organisms with MPs (Chen et al., 2020a; Burrows et al.,
accumulate in the human body, damage different tissues, and cause 2020). There are different factors like crystallinity, size, shape and na­
chronic inflammation (Schirinzi et al., 2017). The adverse effects of MPs ture of plastics, which can affect the adsorption of MPs via various
are related to various parameters, like particle size and concentration of mechanisms (Zhang et al., 2018a, 2018b, 2019).
MPs. Small particles can easily excrete from the body, while larger Different additives in MPs can disrupt the synthesis of endocrine
particles (˃2 μm) retain in the intestinal tract for a longer duration hormones (Liu et al., 2019; Lee and Kim, 2018). MPs can threaten ma­
resulting in adverse effects (Triebskorn et al., 2019). MPs can also enter rine life due to their presence in aquatic environment (Ziajahromi et al.,
the circulation of blood (Wright and Kelly, 2017). 2018). The importance of the pollution of marine life with MPs is due to
MPs are formed from different monomers, oligomers, and chemical the fact that marine life is the center of the food chain, which human
additives, which can leak and enter the human body and environment, have been used (Zhao et al., 2020). Recent studies confirmed that MPs
causing illnesses (Padervand et al., 2020). Chemical additives are can accumulate in different body tissues, like the liver, kidney, and gut
applied during the construction of polymers to improve their perfor­ of mice, and can change the metabolism and oxidative stress (Bui et al.,
mance, like stability and applicability. These additives are considered 2020; Yang et al., 2019). Different organisms can mistakenly eat MPs
the main source of pollution to water sources, subsequently producing instead of foods, which can block the eating organs of aquatic organisms.

P. Bhatt et al. Environmental Research 200 (2021) 111762

3.1. Filtration process

The first step for the separation and removal of MPs is filtration,
reducing their number (Pivokonsky et al., 2011). One of the applied
filters for the removal of MPs is a sand filter. A sand filter can capture
target MPs through interaction with MPs or adhere to them. Different
studies reported that a filtration method is a practical approach for the
removal of MPs. Wang and co-workers applied the sand filtration
method to remove MPs from China (Wang et al., 2020a). According to
the results, the removal percentage of the used sand filtration system
was not very high. Although the sand filtration method is useful for the
removal of MPs, but this method is not the main method for removing
MPs. Another suitable method for removing MPs is a rapid sand filter
(RSF) that uses different media layers for removing MPs. This property
of RSF makes it an excellent candidate for the elimination of MPs. Due to
different layers, like silica sand, the MPs can interact with these layers
and separate from water. Hidayaturrahman and Lee evaluated the
removal of MPs using RSF (Hidayaturrahman and Lee, 2019). Results
proved that the applied system was applicable for removing MPs up to
97 %. The obtained results demonstrated that RSF could be applied as an
ideal system for the removal of MPs.
Granular activated carbon filtration (GAC) is another useful system
for removing MPs, which has been applied in recent years. Based on
Wang and coworkers’ study, GAC removed up to 60 % of MPs (Wang
et al., 2020a). Compared to other methods, GAC has lower efficiency.
The main limitation of GAC is that the mechanism of removal of MPs in
Fig. 3. Different methods for the removal of microplastic.
this system is still unknown. Disc-filter (DF) is another valuable method
for the removal of MPs. DF can be in different sizes. Talvitie et al., (2017)
There is a huge concern about MPs since they can damage the digestive used and reported DF to remove MPs. Based on their results, DF was able
system (Lv et al., 2019). MPs have low density and can float in the ocean to reduce MPs concentrations. It is expected that DF with a smaller size is
and inhibit diffusion of sunlight to the deep of water, reducing photo­ more efficient for the removal of MPs. But, in some cases, DF shows the
synthesis function and affects organism’s life (Ma et al., 2019)) (. Fig. 2 opposite results due to membrane fouling since MPs can adhere to
represents the harmful effects of MPs on human, animals, and membranes’ surface.

3. Physicochemical methods for microplastic removal 3.2. Coagulation

Due to the hazardous effects of MPs, their removal from the envi­ The coagulation method is based on the application of different
ronment and water sources is vital. To date, various methods have been chemical coagulants to remove MPs. The aluminum coagulants include
used for the removal of MPs (Fig. 3). Among these methods, coagulation, aluminum sulfate, aluminum chloride and sodium aluminate. The iron
sedimentation, sand filtration, and clarification are traditional methods coagulants include ferric sulfate, ferrous sulfate, ferric chloride and
for removing MPs from drinking water. Generally, traditional methods ferric chloride sulfate. Other chemicals used as coagulants include hy­
are useful for the removal of small MPs. drated lime and magnesium carbonate. The coagulants’ role in the
coagulation process is destabilized surface charge and then the forma­
tion of flocs with MPs. In the next step, MPs can be removed by settling

Fig. 4. (a) Modification of Fe nanoparticles with HDTMS, (b) removal of MPs using hydrophobic magnetic nanoparticles and (c) modification process of Fe
nanoparticles using HDTMS. Reproduced with permission from Grbic et al. (2019). Copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society.

P. Bhatt et al. Environmental Research 200 (2021) 111762

Fig. 5. The proposed mechanism for removal of MPs. Reproduced with permission (Ye et al., 2020). Copyright © 2020 Elsevier.

Fig. 6. Biodegradable and non-biodegradable plastic/microplastic polymers.

or skimming. W. Skaf and co-workers removed MPs from simulated removal process was also evaluated, and results proved that Cl− had
drinking water via alum coagulation (Skaf et al., 2020). The applied lower effects compare to other reagents.
method was helpful for removing the model plastic sphere (density 1.3 g
cm3, 1–5 μm diameter). The MPs were removed using coagulation using
3.3. Dissolved air flotation
alum at different concentrations. In this work, the effect of surfactants
on removal percentage was investigated. In the other work, polystyrene
Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is useful for the exclusion of insoluble
(PS) and polyethylene (PE) MPs were removed using the coagulation
substances. In the DAF method, the air is dissolved in water producing
method by application of PAC and FeCl3 as coagulation agents (Zhou
different bubbles. The formed bubbles can attach to the surface of
et al., 2020). Based on the results, PAC had a higher ability to remove PS
insoluble substances and subsequently be removed by skimming. DAF
and PE compared to FeCl3. SEM analysis showed that agglomeration
can be able to remove MPs with high efficiency. Some studies have
adsorption occurred in the PS system. The mechanism of interaction of
demonstrated that different parameters can affect the applicability and
MPs with PS was also followed by FT-IR analysis. The effect of the pH of
performance of the DAF method. Therefore, the control of these pa­
media on the removal percentage of MPs was investigated. The result
rameters can improve the performance and accurate analysis of MPs.
confirmed that MPs were efficiently removed in alkaline media than in
This drawback of the DAF method can be an ideal subject for future
acidic media. In this study, the effects of Cl− , SO2− 2−
4 and CO3 on the studies. Wang and co-workers investigated the removal of MPs using

P. Bhatt et al. Environmental Research 200 (2021) 111762

positive modification by DAF (Wang et al., 2020b). The conventional

DAF was able to remove MPs between 32.0 and 38.0 %. This low
removal percentage proved that when the hydrophilic/hydrophobic
interaction was the dominant mechanism, the adhesion between
microbubbles (MBs) and MPs were not ideal. When the surface modifiers
were applied, the removal percentage of MPs was also increased.

3.4. Grit chamber/primary sedimentation

Grit chamber/primary sedimentation method can remove MPs by

surface skimming and sedimentation. Murphy et al. investigated that the
primary stage had excellent performance for removing MPs up to 70.0 %
(Murphy et al., 2016). The applied fibrous form is effective on the
removal performance of grit chamber/primary sedimentation systems.
The high performance of these methods makes them versatile methods
for eliminating MPs. It is worth mentioning that different factors are
influential in the mechanism of removal of MPs. In this regard, these
factors should be considered and evaluated to improve applied methods’
removal efficiency.

3.5. Other methods for removal of MPs

Electrocoagulation in another applicable approach for the removal of

MPs. Compared to traditional methods, like coagulation, electro­
coagulation does not need to use chemicals or microbes. The Electro­
coagulation method is based on using metal electrodes that produce
coagulants electrically, making the applied method simple, easy, and
Fig. 7. Microbial degradation of the PET and its utilization in biosynthetic versatile (Garcia-Segura et al., 2017; Moussa et al., 2016). Recently, the
pathways. Reproduced with permission from Wilkes & Aristilde (2017). removal of MPs using the electrocoagulation approach was investigated
Copyright © 2017 The Society for Applied Microbiology. by Perren and co-workers using polyethylene microbeads as a model
(Perren et al., 2018). The applied method removed more than 90 % of
MPs, indicating the method’s good performance. The maximum MPs
removal (99.24 %) was achieved at pH 7.5. By increasing the current
density, the percentage of reduction was decreased, which is related to
the increase in energy consumption. The water conductivity had no
evident impact on the removal efficiency. Electrocoagulation was found
not only useful but also a simple method for the efficient removal of
The other useful method for the removal of MPs is the magnetic
procedure. Grbic et al. removed MPs magnetically from the water by
synthesizing hydrophobic Fe nanoparticles, interacting with MPs and
recovering them from the media (Grbic et al., 2019). The applied
method showed efficiency for the removal of polyethylene and poly­
styrene MPs. Since MPs are hydrophobic, to increase the interaction of
Fe nanoparticles with MPs, the surface of Fe NPs was modified. Fig. 4
shows (a) the modification process, (b) the removal of MPs using hy­
drophobic magnetic nanoparticles and (c) the modification process of Fe
nanoparticles using HDTMS. The magnetic removal makes it easy to
separate MPs from the media and improve the proposed method’s
repeatability. Fe nanoparticles were chosen due to their unique prop­
erties of high surface area, high adsorption capacity, easy synthesis, low
cost, and magnetic properties.
In another study, Ye and co-workers investigated the removal of
attached metals to MPs (Ye et al., 2020). Magnetic biochar synthesized
using an easy and fast method had porosity and graphitization (PGMB),
which was used to remove MPs. The activation of persulfate (PS) using
PGMB can remove organic compound up to 60 % of the attached Pb on
the surface of MPs. Based on the different analyses, the covered organic
layer on the surface of MPs can create key sites for metal sorption, whose
decomposition and peeling were the critical steps in the whole process.
Fig. 5 represents the proposed mechanism for the removal of MPs. In
Fig. 8. Microbial degradation pathway of PE into the environment. Repro­ other research, MPs and oil were removed using recyclable magnetic
duced with permission from Wilkes & Aristilde (2017). Copyright © 2017 The micro submarines (Sun et al., 2020). SPGs were fabricated using sput­
Society for Applied Microbiology. tering for concurrent removal of MPs and oil from water. The hollow
structure of the prepared micro submarine facilitated two main func­
tions. The applied micro submarine transported oil 37-times larger than

P. Bhatt et al. Environmental Research 200 (2021) 111762

Fig. 9. Bacterial degradation pathway of styrene.

its own volume, making it a great device for removing oil and MPs. adsorption of MPs. Langmuir isotherm was more suitable than other
Membrane separation is an advantageous method for the removal of models. The maximum adsorption capacities of MPs were achieved to be
MPs due to high selectivity. Membrane separation is a technology that in the range of 5.0–9. MPs were removed from secondary wastewater
selectively separates (fractionates) materials via pores and minute gaps treatment plant (Rajala et al., 2020). The maximum removal percentage
in the molecular arrangement of a continuous structure. Membrane of 99.4 % was obtained when ferric chloride and poly aluminum chlo­
separations are classified by pore size and by the separation driving ride were used. Degradation of MPs is a green and sustainable way for
force. In the membrane method, the particles are separated based on removing these pollutants from the environment. To this end, poly­
their size. At first, the particles with smaller sizes are passed from the propylene MPs were degraded under visible light in a continuous water
membrane pores following the larger particles. The membrane process flow system (Uheida et al., 2020). Novel glass fiber substrates were
can distinguish different particles from each other. Li and co-workers applied. ZnO nanorods were coated on glass fiber inserts and used for
developed dynamic membranes (DMs) with meshes of 90 μm and the degradation of target MPs.
were used to remove MPs from the environment (Li et al., 2018). Dy­
namic membranes are very applicable in removing MPs because they are 4. Microbial degradation of the microplastic/plastic polymers
cheap and can reduce energy consumption. DMs are very useful for the
removal of non-degradable particles having a low density. In the novel Microorganisms degrade the various hazardous material from the
work, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) were used to remove MPs environment (Bhatt et al., 2019; Pathak and Navneet, 2017). The
(Chen et al., 2020b). Different MOFs-based foam materials were con­ microplastic polymers are also reported to be hydrolyzable in the pres­
structed and used for the removal of MPs. The synthesized MOFs had ence of microbial strains. The indigenous microbial strains are able to
amazing properties. These exclusive properties make MOFs as versatile produce the enzymes that acted on the chemical structure of the
and novel materials for removing MPs. Among different synthesized microplastic/plastic polymer. Recent pioneering work in these fields by
MOFs, UiO-66-OH@MF-3 had a higher performance for removing MPs various researchers explained how many fractions of plastic waste could
up to 95.5 %. Chitin and graphene oxide sponges were fabricated and be degraded by microorganisms (Danso et al., 2019). The main synthetic
used to remove MPs in a pH range of 6–8 (Zamani et al., 2020). The microplastic polymers that are existing in our economy are polyethylene
applied sorbent could remove different MPs with a high percentage in terephthalate (PET), polyurethane (PU), polyethylene (PE), poly­
the range of 72.4–89.8 %. The kinetic studies confirmed that different propylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), polyamide (PA), and polyvinyl­
interactions, like electrostatic interactions, were responsible for the chloride (PVC). It is imperative to know about the microbial enzymes’

P. Bhatt et al. Environmental Research 200 (2021) 111762

Fig. 10. Degradation of poly (cis 1,4-isoprene) using Streptomyces coelicolor 1A.

catalytic potential in these polymers’ degradation via their active cata­ have been improved by previous researcher’s time to time because some
lytic sites (Fig. 6). The catalytic sites of the microbial enzymes contain of the PET hydrolases are antibacterial in nature (Austin et al., 2018;
few of the amino acids that play an important role in degradation of Carniel et al., 2017; R. Wei et al., 2016).
MPs. Fungal phyla of Fusarium and Humicola investigated for the PET
Both the fungi and bacterial strains degrade the PET polymers. It was degrading cutinases. The Candida antarctica lipase CalB is inhibited by
noticed that microbial strains partially degraded the PET from oligo­ the bis-(hydroxyethyl) (BHET) and MHET (Carniel et al., 2017). The
meric form to monomer (Lebreton et al., 2018). The enzyme PET hy­ bioinformatic-based work explored the importance of PET hydrolases in
drolases are responsible for its degradation. The PET hydrolase catalytic degradation (Danso et al., 2018). A metagenomic based study identified
rate is lower. So, PET degradation is only possible via a few bacterial more than 800 PET hydrolases in Archaea and bacterial strains in the
strains. Almost all bacterial strains degrading the PET belong to the terrestrial and marine environments. The cutinase has been character­
gram-positive phyla actinobacteria (Herrero Acero et al., 2011). The ized for the polyester degradation from the Pseudomonas pelagia. The
genera Thermobifida and Thermomonospora were reported for PET enzymes PpCutA and PpelaLip further investigated and confirmed for
degradation (Danso et al., 2019; Kawai et al., 2014; Ru et al., 2020). PET degradation of polyoxyethylene terephthalate (Haernvall et al., 2017).
degrading enzymes are categorized as PET hydrolase, MHETase, and P. pertucinogena also found useful for the remediation of the polyesters
tannase. These enzymes are a type of serine hydrolases viz., cutinases, (Bollinger et al., 2020).
carboxylesterases, and lipases. The main feature of these enzymes is a Metagenome-based esterases viz., MGS0156 and GEN0105 can hy­
catalytic triad, which plays a vital role in PET degradation (Bhatt et al., drolyze the polylactic acid, polycaprolactone, and bis(benzoyloxyethyl)-
2020; Ollis et al., 1992; R. Wei et al., 2014). The structural analysis terephthalate. The 3D structure of the MGS0156 represented the
suggested these enzymes contain α/β folds and disulfide bonds. The modified α/β hydrolase fold with a hydrophobic active site and a lid
disulfide bonds provide thermal stability to these enzymes during PET domain (Hajighasemi et al., 2018). The MGS0156 showed 70 % close
catalysis investigated into the Ideonella sakaiensis 206-F6. This bacte­ similarity with the enzymes of Desulfovibrio fructosivorans (Danso et al.,
rium belongs to Burkholderiales able to use PET as a sole source of carbon 2019). The main enzymes discovered for the PET degradation from the
for its growth (Yoshida et al., 2016). Another enzymes reported for the microbial strains are TfH (Thermobifida fusca) (R. J. Müller et al., 2005),
intermediate compound mono (2-hydroxyethyl) terephthalic acid HiC (Humicola insolens), PmC, PsC (Pseudomonad mendocina, Fusarium
(MHET) degradation showed similarity with tannases. The bacterial cell solani) (Ronkvist et al., 2009), LC-cutinase (from compost metagenome)
is able to uptake MHET and hydrolyze using the enzyme MHETase. The (Sulaiman et al., 2012), Cut190 (Saccharomonospora viridis) (Kawai
enzymes of the Thermobifida, Sacchromonospora, and Thermomonospora et al., 2014), Tfcut2 (Thermobifida fusca) (R. Wei et al., 2019) and
can degrade the PET. The substrate-binding ability of these enzymes lsPETase (Ideonella sakaiensis) (Ru et al., 2020; R. Wei et al., 2019).

P. Bhatt et al. Environmental Research 200 (2021) 111762

manganese peroxidase, soybean peroxidase, laccase, and alkB gene re­

ported the catalysis of the PE (Ru et al., 2020). There are no reports for
the biochemical and sequence-based study about PE degrading enzymes.
Polyamide is also an interesting polymer linked via the amide bonds.
The most popular forms of synthetic polyamides are nylon and Kevlar.
Microbial strains are found for their possible role in the degradation of
these polymers (Danso et al., 2019). These polymers act as the sole
source of carbon and nitrogen for bacterial strains. The bacterium
Arthrobacter sp. KI72 reported the first time responsible for the degra­
dation of polyamides (Takehara et al., 2017; Tosa and Chibata, 1965).
Oligomeric nylon degraded via hydrolases and aminotransferases. The
genes for the degradation of nylon found on the plasmid (pOAD2) of the
strain KI72 (Danso et al., 2018, 2019). Other bacterial strains of Bacillus
cereus, Brevundimonas vesicularis, B. sphaericus, P. aeruginosa, and Vibrio
furnisii were found effective for nylon degradation (Prijambada et al.,
1995; Sudhakar et al., 2007; Tosa and Chibata, 1965).
Polystyrene (PS) is a styrene polymer. The carbon isotope-based
study in soil and activated sewage sludge suggested that less than
0.01 % PS degraded after 8 weeks (Ru et al., 2020). The degradation rate
of PS was observed very lesser in initial experiments (Sielicki et al.,
1978). In addition to the mixed flora, axenic cultures isolated and
characterized in the laboratory for the PS’s degradation. The microbial
strains of the genera Xanthomonas (Oikawa1, 2003), Sphingobacterium,
Bacillus, Rhodococcus (Mor and Sivan, 2008), Microbacterium (Atiq et al.,
2010), Paenibacillus, Pseudomonas (Atiq et al., 2010), Rhizopus, Asper­
gillus, Phanerochaete (Ru et al., 2020), Exiguobacterium (Y. Yang et al.,
Fig. 11. Microbial degradation of polyvinyl alcohol using enzymatic catalysis 2015) reported for the PS degradation (Fig. 9). The enzyme hydroqui­
of dehydrogenase, oxidase, hydrolase, and aldolase. Reproduced with permis­ none peroxidase from the strain Azotobacter beijerinckii HM121 found
sion from Wilkes and Aristilde (2017). Copyright © 2017 The Society for Applied effective for PS degradation (Nakamiya et al., 1997).
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polypropylene (PP) are made up of the
repeating unit of the chloroethyl and propane 1–2, diyl monomers,
Based on the degradation intermediates PET degradation pathway is respectively (Danso et al., 2019). Very few studies investigated the
proposed by researchers (Fig. 7). Overall, it was suggested that PET degradation of PVC and PP due to the mixed microbial cultures (Cacciari
degrading hydrolases represent the best-explored enzymes for the et al., 1993; Iakovlev et al., 2017). Both bacterial and fungal strains are
catalysis of the PET polymers. These enzymes can degrade the PET in effective for the degradation of the PVC and PP. In addition to the above
natural microplastic contaminated sites or wherever plastic polymers investigations, the invertebrates’ microbiomes were also found effective
existed. More screening of the potential strains secreting the PET for microplastic/plastic polymer degradation (Danso et al., 2018; Ru
degrading enzymes could help make their efficient removal worldwide. et al., 2020). Based on the previous reports, the degradation pathways
The PU plastic derived from the condensation polyols and poly­ have been illustrated well for the degradation of poly (cis 1,4-isoprene)
isocyanates is linked via the urethane bonds. and polyvinyl chloride (Bode et al., 2000) (Figs. 10 and 11). Table 1
Initially, fungi were identified for polyurethane degradation in 1968 represented the microbial strains and enzymes responsible for destroy­
(Darby and Kaplan, 1968). After that, many of the fungi have been re­ ing the plastic/microplastic polymers in various contaminated
ported for the degradation of polyurethane (Ru et al., 2020). In addition environments.
to fungi, bacterial strains are also found effective for the bioremediation
of polyurethane. The fungal strains belonging to the genera Curvularia 5. Bioplastic an alternative to plastic/microplastic
(Crabbe et al., 1994), Aspergillus (Khan et al., 2017), Chaetomium (Darby
and Kaplan, 1968), Geomyces (Cosgrove et al., 2007), Alternaria (Mat­ Most plastic products only can be used once without recycling
sumiya et al., 2010), Pestalotiopsis (Russell et al., 2011), Cladosporium methods. The packaging sector consumed approximately 40 % of the
(Álvarez-Barragán et al., 2016) and Penicillium (Magnin et al., 2019) used plastics. In Europe (year, 2016) polyethylene, polyethylene tere­
have been investigated for their PU degradation potential. Whereas the phthalate, polypropylene, and polystyrene were used about 60 % of the
bacterial strains of the genera Corynebacterium (Kay et al., 1991), Pseu­ total plastic and considered non-degradative plastic (Narancic &
domonas, Comamonas (Nakajima-Kambe et al., 1995), Bacillus (Blake O’Connor, 2019). To date, the potential of recycling plastic waste is
et al., 1998; Nair & Kumar, 2007), Acinetobacter (Howard et al., 2012), unexploited largely, with few exceptions with slow rate recycling. The
Alicycliphilus (Oceguera-Cervantes et al., 2007), Staphylococcus (Jansen reason is the high price of recycling and low application commercially
et al., 1991) found effective for PU degradation. The microbial enzymes (Narancic & O’Connor, 2017; Xu et al., 2020). Single-use plastic and
viz., esterase, lipase, pulA, pueA, pueB, and LC-cutinase, esterase E3573, MPs cause severe problem in marine environments. The coral reefs,
were investigated for the degradation of the PU (Ru et al., 2020). The marine mammals, and terrestrial life widely affected by the enhanced
bacterial and fungal strains were also reported for their PE degradation microplastic waste day by day (Andrady, 2011; Lamb et al., 2018; L. C.
potential (Fig. 8). M. Lebreton et al., 2017).
Previously, the microbes of the genera Rhodococcus (Gilan et al., Some of the researchers found that landfilling is the end of plastic
2004), Bacillus (Sudhakar et al., 2008), Arthrobacter, Pseudomonas waste. The chemicals released from plastic waste affect several animal
(Balasubramanian et al., 2010), Enterobacter (X. Q. Yang et al., 2014), life’s in the environment. So, to overcome the toxic effects of the MPs
Serratia (Azeko et al., 2015), Achromobacter (Kowalczyk et al., 2016), and other plastic wastes European Union (EU) and the United States
Zalerion (Paço et al., 2017), Phormidium (Sarmah and Rout, 2018), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) preferred the reduction of
Oscillatoria, Alcanivorax (Delacuvellerie et al., 2019) reported for the plastic waste whereas the reduction by other methods such as recycling,
degradation of PE. The enzymes/genes of microbial origin viz., reuse, disposal, and energy recovery considered least (Jabeen et al.,

P. Bhatt et al. Environmental Research 200 (2021) 111762

Table 1
Microbial degradation of plastic polymers.
Microorganism Enzyme Type of Degradation analysis Reference

Paenibacillus sp. Alkane-monooxygenase PE Weight loss, FTIR, SEM Bardají et al. (2019)
Rhodococcus ruber Lacasse PE Weight loss, SEM, FTIR Gilan et al. (2004)
Rhodococcus ruber Laccase PE ATR-FTIR, DSC, GPC, Weight loss Santo et al. (2013)
Oscillatoria subbrevis laccase and manganese peroxidase PE FTIR, NMR, SEM, Weight loss, CHN, TGA, DSC, OP, Sarmah & Rout (2018)
Phormidium lucidum laccase and manganese peroxidase PE FTIR, NMR, SEM, Weight loss, CHN, TGA, DSC, OP, Sarmah & Rout (2018)
Pseudomonas aestusnigri Polyester-hydrolase PU Clear zone Bollinger et al. (2020)
Pseudomonas protegens Lipase PU Clear zone, Spectrophotometry, NMR, HPLC Hung et al. (2016)
Corynebacterium sp. Esterase PU Tensilometer, ATR-FTIR Kay et al. (1993)
Bacillus sp. Cutinase PCL Weight loss, Clear zone Adıgüzel & Tunçer (2017)
Streptomyces sp. Hydrolase PCL Clear zone Almeida et al. (2019)
Aureobasidium pullulans Esterase PVC Blend SEM; Weight loss; Clear zone Webb et al. (2000)
Arthrobacter sp. Esterase PC FTIR, Spectrophotometry Goel et al. (2008)
Enterobacter sp. Esterase PC FTIR, Spectrophotometry Goel et al. (2008)
Oleispira antarctica PET-hydrolase PET Clear zone, HPLC Danso et al. (2018)
Pseudomonas geniculata Protease PLA Weight loss, SEM, GPC Bubpachat et al. (2018)
Aspergillus fumigatus Esterase PLA Clear zone, MS, Weight loss, SEM Jung et al. (2018)
Bacillus niacini PVAase PVA Clear zone Bian et al. (2019)
Stenotrophomonas rhizophila PVA-dehydrogenase PVA Iodometric analysis; Spectrophotometry (Y. Wei et al., 2018)
Agromyces sp. Nylon-hydrolase Nylon MS, TLC Negoro et al. (2012)
Agromyces sp. Nylon-Oligomer-Degrading- Nylon Spectrophotometry Yasuhira et al. (2007)
Azotobacter vinelandii PHB-depolymerase PHB HPLC Adaya et al. (2018)
Aspergillus fumigatus Esterase PHB Clear zone, MS, Weight loss, SEM Jung et al. (2018)
Penicillium pinophilum PHB-depolymerase PHB Spectrophotometry, Weight loss, SEM Panagiotidou et al. (2014)
Pseudomonas stutzeri PHB-depolymerase P3HP Weight loss Kasuya et al. (1999)
Ralstonia pickettii PHB-depolymerase P4HB Weight loss Kasuya et al. (1999)
Comamonas acidovorans PHB-depolymerase P4HB Weight loss Kasuya et al. (1999)
Pseudomonas stutzeri PHB-depolymerase P4HB Weight loss Kasuya et al. (1999)
Comamonas acidovorans PHB-depolymerase P3HP Weight loss Kasuya et al. (1999)
Paracoccus denitrificans 3HV_Dehydrogenase P3HV HPLC Lu et al. (2014)
Ralstonia pickettii PHA depolymerases P (3HB-co- HPLC, NMR, Weight loss Wang et al. (2002)
Pseudomonas indica PHA depolymerases P (3HB-co- GC, NMR, FTIR, MS, MALDI-TOF Elbanna et al. (2004)
Schlegelella PHA depolymerases P (3HB-co- GC, NMR, FTIR, MS, MALDI-TOF Elbanna et al. (2004)
thermodepolymerans 3MP)
Streptomyces roseolus PHA-depolymerase P3HO Clear zone Gangoiti et al. (2012)
Pseudomonas Polyesterase PBAT MS Wallace et al. (2017)
Fusarium solani Cutinase PBAT NMR, Spectrophotometry, QCM-D Zumstein et al. (2017)
Rhizopus oryzae Lipase PBAT NMR, Spectrophotometry, QCM-D Zumstein et al. (2017)
Uncultured bacterium Carboxylesterase PBAT Clear zone, HPLC (C. A. Müller et al., 2017)
Bacillus pumilus PBAT hydrolase PBAT Clear zone, Weight loss, SEM Muroi et al. (2017)
Thermobifida cellulosilytica Cutinase PEF QCM-D, SEM, AFM, HPLC Weinberger et al. (2017)
Stenotrophomonas rhizophila PVA-dehydrogenase PVA Iodometric analysis; Spectrophotometry (Y. Wei et al., 2018)
Bacillus niacini PVAase PVA Clear zone Bian et al. (2019)
Sphingomonas sp. O-PVA-hydrolase O-PVA NA Klomklang et al. (2005)
Pseudomonas sp. Oxidized-PVA-hydrolase O-PVA Spectrophotometry Shimao et al. (2000)
Acidovorax sp. PHA depolymerases P (3HB-co- SEM, FTIR, X-ray, Tensilometer, CO2 Wang et al. (2002)
Clostridium botulinum Estarase PBAT HPLC Perz et al. (2016)
Pelosinus fermentans Lipase PBAT Spectrophotometry, MS Biundo et al. (2016)
Clostridium hathewayi Esterase PBAT HPLC, SEM Perz et al. (2016)
Paenibacillus amylolyticus Protease and esterase PBS Clear zone Teeraphatpornchai et al. (2003)
Acidovorax delafieldii PBS depolymerase PBS Clear zone Uchida et al. (2002)
Rhizopus oryzae Lipase PBS QCM-D, Spectrophotometry Zumstein et al. (2016)
Saccharomonospora viridis Cutinase PBS Clear zone Kawai et al. (2014)
Aspergillus sp. PBS-degrading enzyme PBS Clear zone, Spectrophotometry, MS Li et al. (2011)
Aspergillus oryzae Cutinase PBS Clear zone Maeda et al. (2005)
Cryptococcus sp. Cutinase Spectrophotometry Maeda et al. (2005)
Uncultured bacterium PLA-depolymerase PBS Spectrophotometry Mayumi et al. (2008)
Uncultured bacterium PLA-depolymerase PBS Spectrophotometry Mayumi et al. (2008)
Uncultured bacterium PLA-depolymerase PBS Spectrophotometry Mayumi et al. (2008)
Aspergillus fumigatus Esterase PBS Clear zone, MS, Weight loss, SEM Jung et al. (2018)
Pseudozyma antarctica Pseudozyma antarctica GB-4 (0) PBS Clear zone, Spectrophotometry Sameshima-Yamashita et al.
esterase (2019)
Pseudozyma antarctica Cutinase PBS blend SEM, NMR, TOC Shinozaki et al. (2013)
Roseateles depolymerans Esterase PBSTIL Clear zone Shah et al. (2013)
Fusarium solani Cutinase PMCL TOC, NMR Ronkvist et al. (2009)
Saccharomonospora viridis Cutinase Ecoflex Clear zone Kawai et al. (2014)

P. Bhatt et al. Environmental Research 200 (2021) 111762

Fig. 12. Circular economy for plastic/microplastic in environment.

2015). The interesting alternate option of plastic waste is biodegradable they cannot be the solution to the present plastic waste pollution. Ulti­
plastics which opens new life management for plastic waste. Bioplastic is mately, we need to think about managing plastic waste (Shruti and
a plastic material synthesized from renewable biomass such as, vege­ Kutralam-Muniasamy, 2019). The majority of the bioplastic is reported
table fate oil, food waste, corn starch, straw, etc. In addition to this, to degrade using anaerobic digestions (Narancic et al., 2018). The plastic
bioplastic also derived from the used plastic and agricultural wastes waste used throughout the world followed the linear economy, whereas
using microorganisms. It was reported that not all bioplastics are the bioplastics can be used in the circular economy. The circular econ­
degradable (Jabeen et al., 2015; Narancic & O’Connor, 2019). omy mainly focuses on reusing plastic waste from every corner of its
Bioplastics are divided into two broad categories, called degradable application (Danso et al., 2019). A circular economy helps to return
and non-degradable plastics (Fig. 12). Bioplastics such as poly­ carbon into the environment and is used for sustainability via various
hydroxyalkanoate, polylactic acid, thermoplastic starch, and cellulose natural methods. The combination of pyrolysis and microbiology
are biodegradable (Narancic et al., 2020). Microbial strains produced transformed the non-degradable plastic into the biodegradable. The
the enzymes that catalyze the degradation of these polymers. The mi­ discovery of more enzymes in plastic polymers separate each of the
crobial enzyme cutinases and lipases degraded the polyethylene tere­ monomers. The monomer could then be used further to re-synthesize
phthalate. The complete mineralization of the polyethylene is not and recycle the plastic in a different aspect. Bioplastic production is 1
reported to date. The bioplastics polyhydroxyalkanoates, oil-based % of the total plastic production worldwide. So, more attention needs to
polycaprolactone, and polylactic acid can be mineralized using micro­ pay about the research and production of bioplastic throughout the
bial actions. Plastics such as bio-polyethylene terephthalate, world. The global bioplastic market is targeted to reach $6.73 up to 2025
polyol-polyurethane, and bio-polyethylene are non-degradable. The (Adaya et al., 2018). The demand for bioplastic is increasing in the
oil-based plastics are categorized based on their biodegradation ability. country, viz, China, India, African countries, and many European
Polyethylene and polystyrene are non-biodegradable, while poly­ countries emerging with fast economic growth (Narancic et al., 2020).
caprolactone and polybutylene adipate terephthalate are degradable in The starch blends, polyhydroxyalkanoates, and polylactic acids are
nature (Jabeen et al., 2015). The biobased synthesis of polyethylene considered important polymers for the growth of the biobased plastic
from sugar cane is a successful attempt in Brazil (Narancic et al., 2020). industry. The enhanced development in this sector could increase these
However, polyethylene terephthalate is synthesized from the plant polymers’ share in the near future (Holmes et al., 2008; Narancic et al.,
material used to manufacture liquid drink plastic bottles (Cacciari et al., 2020). The overall studies confirm that the use of bioplastic is safer and
1993). Although plastics production is biobased, which contributes to more sustainable for the environment. We can replace the daily needs of
reducing greenhouse gases, they are non-degradable (Beagan et al., plastic in our life with bioplastics and make the environment safer for
2020). everyone.
Some researchers working on the biobased, degradable plastics that
can be applied for sustainable development are in progress. In the future, 6. Conclusion and future prospects
we need to do more research on the biobased, degradable plastics that
could be the alternative to current plastic, plastic debris and micro­ Microplastic is an emerging pollutant contaminating both marine
plastics from the environments (Adaya et al., 2018; Shruti and and terrestrial environments. This can create severe toxicity in the living
Kutralam-Muniasamy, 2019). Bioplastics are made up of biomass; it systems. It releases toxic compounds, which can be transported during
reduces the emissions of greenhouse gases. Biodegradation of the bio­ its migration into contaminated environments. Due to the huge appli­
plastic depends on the chemical nature of the polymer. All bioplastics cation of plastic waste in our daily life, we need to reduce its application
are not degradable always, some degraded completely or partly (Nar­ and think about its recycling in the environment. The plastic waste used,
ancic et al., 2018, 2020). Polylactic acid is a major bioplastic available in and management is important for its recycling and remediation. Physi­
the market. It is commonly used in the packing of the material (Zumstein cochemical and microbial methods were found effective in the past
et al., 2016). For its biodegradation, a higher temperature is required. decades to remove plastic, debris, and microplastic. To reduce micro­
Various microbial strains can use polylactic acid as substrate and cata­ plastic, we need to control plastic’s main source, whatever we are using
lyze using their enzymes, whereas it was reported that a major part was for different purposes. Bioplastic developed can be used as an alternative
degraded by the non-enzymatic hydrolysis (Kawai, 2010). for plastics. Combined remediation ecotechnologies, waste manage­
The bioplastics are eco-friendly compared to microplastics; however, ment, and circular economy are the main solution to reducing the

P. Bhatt et al. Environmental Research 200 (2021) 111762

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