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Green University of Bangladesh

An Assignment on
The functions and roles of each principal organ of the UN & describe any
three specialized agencies of the UN.

Course Title: Public International Law

Course code: LLBH 301

Presented for
Name: Barrister KH Mashruf Shafi
Designation: Lecturer
Department of Law
Green University of Bangladesh

Presented By
Name: Md. AL Nahian Bin Ratan
Student ID: 222911011
Batch: 222
Department of Law
Green University of Bangladesh
The UN, formed in 1945 through the UN Charter, is the largest and most impactful inter-
governmental organization globally. The UN consists of six primary organs. And the specialized
agencies are separate, self-governing entities within the larger UN framework. With the aid of
secondary research, the author of this study has made an effort to examine the functions and roles
of each principal organ of the UN & describe any three specialized agencies of the UN.
Table of Contents
....................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
CHAPTER: ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Introductory issues............................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 introductions: .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Objectives of the assignment .................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Methodology of the assignment ............................................................................................... 5
1.4 Limitations of the assignment .................................................................................................. 5
1.5 Aim of the study: ......................................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER: TWO ........................................................................................................................................... 6
The concept of the Principal Organs of the UN ..................................................................................... 6
2.1 General Concept of Principal Organs of UN................................................................................. 6
2.2 The six main organs of the UN...................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER: THREE ....................................................................................................................................... 7
The Function of the Six Main Organs ..................................................................................................... 7
3.1 The General Assembly .................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 The Security Council ..................................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER: FOUR .......................................................................................................................................... 9
The Specialized Agencies of UN.............................................................................................................. 9
4.1 The Concept of Specialized Agencies ........................................................................................... 9
4.2 The Mandates of Three Specialized Agencies ............................................................................. 9
4.3 The Key Objectives: ....................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 The Roles in Attaining the UN's Greater Goals:......................................................................... 10
CHAPTER: FIVE.......................................................................................................................................... 11
Conclusion and Acknowledgment ........................................................................................................ 11
5.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Acknowledgement....................................................................................................................... 11
Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Books .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Websites ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Introductory issues
1.1 introductions:
The UN comprises five main bodies: the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and
Social Council, Secretariat, and International Court of Justice. While the Trusteeship Council
played a role in decolonization, UN specialized agencies might act as international standards-
setting bodies or carry out projects. There are agencies with specific functions, such as
UNESCO, FAO, ICAO, and the IMF.1

1.2 Objectives of the assignment

With the following goals in mind, this assignment was completed:
1. To briefly discuss the principal organs and specialized agencies of the UN.
2. To sketch out their respective mandates, and key objectives.
3. To understand their roles in achieving the UN's broader goals.

1.3 Methodology of the assignment

The only data gathered for this study are secondary data. By using this method, I have
completed my assignment.

1.4 Limitations of the assignment

Every assignment has some restrictions. These are the restrictions
• This study has been conducted under multiple academic tasks to do within
strict deadlines.
• This study was finished on schedule.
• This study was carried out in a particular setting, specifically in Dhaka.

1.5 Aim of the study:

To deal with the question," What are the main goals of each mandate, and how do the UN's key
organs and specialized agencies contribute to achieving the organization's overall objectives?”

Making sense of the UN Specialized Agencies, Funds, and Programmes ( – 10/12/23- 2:31AM
The concept of the Principal Organs of the UN

2.1 General Concept of Principal Organs of UN

Formed on October 24, 1945, the UN, the second global organization, succeeded the League
of Nations. It aims to foster friendly state relations, echoing structures from the earlier
League of Nations.2 The UN comprises five main organs: General Assembly, Security Council,
Economic and Social Council, Secretariat, and International Court of Justice. The Trusteeship
Council, historically pivotal in decolonization, became inactive in 1994, pending formal
dissolution via UN Charter amendment.3

2.2 The six main organs of

the UN
The General Assembly: With
representatives from all 193 member
states, is the UN's main deliberative body.
Meeting annually in September, it decides
on global issues. It plays a crucial role in
approving financial assessments.

The Security Council: With 15

members (5 permanent, 10 elected), maintains global peace. It investigates aggression, seeks
peaceful resolutions, and holds authority for sanctions and force. Decisions demand 9 votes,
including all permanent members, binding all UN states.

The Economic and Social Council: ECOSOC, serves as a key platform for addressing
global economic, social, and environmental challenges. It coordinates 70% of the UN's
resources, overseeing 15 agencies and commissions. Its 54 member states, elected by the
UNGA for overlapping three-year terms.

Secretariat: It is UN's administrative arm. For a 5-year tenure, led by the Secretary-
General. acts as the UN's public face. The Secretariat collects and analyzes data, conducts
economic and sociological research, maintains facilities utilized by other UN agencies, offers
interpretation services and translates documents into the UN's official languages.
International Court of Justice: ICJ is the UN’s primary judicial arm. It settles
international legal disputes between governments and provides advisory views on
international legal topics. Its headquarters are located in The Hague, the Netherlands.

United Nations (UN) | Definition, History, Founders, Flag, & Facts | Britannica 10/12/23 – 2:42PM
The UN's Main Organs - United Nations Research Guide - Guides at Georgetown Law Library 10/12/23 – 2:42PM
The Trusteeship Council: It was established to help trust territories transition
from colonies to sovereign nations, made up of the 5 permanent members of the Security
Council. The Council suspended its activities in 1994.4

The Function of the Six Main Organs

3.1 The General Assembly

According to UNs Charter, the General Assembly may:

- Approve UN budget and set financial assessments for member states

- Elect non-permanent Security Council members and appoint key UN positions
- Address general principles for international peace, security, and disarmament
- Discuss and make recommendations on global questions within the UN Charter's
- Initiate studies and recommendations for international cooperation, law, human
rights, and economic collaboration
- Propose peaceful resolutions for potential conflicts affecting friendly relations among
- Review reports from the Security Council and other UN organs5

3.2 The Security Council

The Security Council's functions and powers are defined in the UNs Charter as follows:

- Maintain international peace and security per UN principles

- Investigate disputes to prevent international tension
- Recommend dispute resolution methods and settlement terms
- Formulate armament regulation plans
- Determine threats to peace or acts of aggression and suggest actions
- Call for economic sanctions to prevent aggression
- Authorize military action against aggressors
- Recommend new member admissions
- Manage UN trusteeship functions in strategic areas
- Suggest Secretary-General appointment and elect International Court of Justice
Judges in collaboration with the General Assembly.6

Trusteeship Council | United Nations 10/12/23 – 4:03PM
Functions and powers of the General Assembly 11/12/23- 12:23AM
Functions and Powers | United Nations Security Council 11/12/23- 12:40AM
3.3 The Economic & Social Council
Some of the functions of ECOSOC are:
- Review progress on 2030 Agenda and global development goals
- Provide guidance and oversight for UN development activities
- Convene stakeholders for dialogue and partnerships
- Foster policy coherence and coordination among UN entities
- Address emerging challenges affecting sustainable development in various dimensions7

3.4 The Secretariat

UN Secretariat Functions are:
- Maintain records for all UN organs
- Implement decisions from various UN bodies
- Set agenda for UN General Assembly
- Gather and prepare background information on issues
- Organize international conferences
- Translate speeches and distribute documents in UN languages
- Offer expert advice and staff for all departments
- Administer the UN budget.8

3.5 The International Court of Justice

Key functions of ICJ are:
- Settle disputes between nations
- Provide legal advice to other UN organs
- Resolve disagreements on international law interpretation
- Determine reparations for violations of treaties
- Promote international justice and human rights respect
- Exercise a law-making function through judicial precedent.9

3.6 The Trusteeship Council

- Review Administering Authority reports on Trust Territory advancement
- Address petitions and conduct missions in consultation with Administering Authority
- Oversee administration of trust territories
- Receive reports on trust territory conditions
- Promote welfare of trust territories and facilitate independence
- Supervise trust territory elections.10

United Nations (UN) - 6 Main Principal Organs [UPSC] ( 11/12/23- 12: 58AM
What are the of UN Secretariat? ( 11/12/23- 1:15AM
International Court of Justice: Functions - Cegast Academy 11/12/23- 1:22AM
Chapter XIII: The Trusteeship Council (Articles 86-91) | United Nations 11/12/23- 1:30AM
The Specialized Agencies of UN11

4.1 The Concept of Specialized Agencies

UN specialized agencies collaborate with the UN under
relationship agreements, guided by Article 58 of the Charter,
"recommendations for the coordination of the policies and
activities of the specialized agencies".12 Sometimes reference is
made to 15 Specialized Agencies because the World Bank Group
is now regarded as 1 organization, composed in part of 3
Specialized Agencies.
For this assignment, the study's author has selected: FAO, WHO
& UNESCO, for discussion of their respective mandates & key objectives.

4.2 The Mandates of Three Specialized Agencies

Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO): Its goals are to enhance rural communities' quality of
life, boost agricultural output, enhance nutrition, and support global economic expansion.

United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO): The primary
Mandate of UNESCO is to advance international collaboration in the areas of education, research,
culture, and communication to promote peace and security.

World Health Organization (WHO): WHO aims to protect the vulnerable, advance global health,
and maintain global security. Its objective is to guarantee universal health coverage for an additional
billion people.

4.3 The Key Objectives:

Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO):
• Raise Nutrition level & standards of living
• Improve distribution of food & agricultural products
• Betterment of rural population
• Humanities freed from hunger.

United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

• Promote peace and security
• Promote social equality and opportunities
• Preserve the legacy of our species for future generations

Dr M Rabiul Hossain, Fundamentals of International Organization, Ankur Prakashani, Chapter Four
What are UN Specialized Agencies, and how many are there? - Ask DAG! 11/12/23- 1:45AM
• Preserve the heritage of humanity in its various aspects
• Support the sustainable development goals

World Health Organization (WHO):

• To monitor public health risks.
• To promote universal healthcare.
• To coordinate responses to health emergencies.
• To direct and coordinate authority on international health work.

4.3 Their Roles in Attaining the UN's Greater Goals:

Following its inception, the FAO, UNESCO, and WHO have undertaken several initiatives to achieve
the UN's main goals of preserving international peace and security.

Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)

• World Summit on Food Security, 16-18 November 2009,
• Initiative on Soaring Food Prices to help small producers, December 2007
• FAO & European Union Partnership, May 2009, signed initial to help poor farmers
• Special Food Security Programs
• Emergency responses & early warning of food emergencies
• FAOSTAT, online multilingual database on World Agriculture Trade Flows
• International alliances against hunger- WFP, IFAD.

United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

• Several training programs
• International science programs
• Independent media & freedom of press
• Promotion of cultural diversity
• International cooperation agreements
• Attempts to bridge the worldwide digital divide.

World Health Organization (WHO):

• - Lead and coordinate health issues in the UN system
• - Support countries in achieving SDG health targets
• - Monitor global health progress and challenges
• - Advocate for health as a human right and development catalyst
• - Offer technical assistance on health policies
• - Conduct research and innovation
• - Respond to health emergencies
• - Promote partnerships among stakeholders and sectors.13

Sustainable Development Goals ( 12/12/23- 4:19PM
Conclusion and Acknowledgment

5.1 Conclusion
In conclusion, the United Nations, through its principal organs, plays a vital role in fostering
international cooperation, maintaining peace, and addressing global challenges. The General
Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, International Court of
Justice, and Secretariat each contribute distinct functions. Furthermore, specialized agencies such as
FAO, WHO, and UNESCO exemplify the UN's commitment to specific mandates, striving collectively
to advance shared objectives and contribute to the organization's overarching goals of peace,
development, and human rights.

5.2 Acknowledgement
By using the Documents review method the author of this study only gathered secondary data within
the limitations. The author of this study would like to thank Barrister KH Mashruf Shafi sir for giving
support and guidance to finish this study.


• Dr M Rabiul Hossain, Fundamentals of International Organization, Ankur Prakashani,


• Making sense of the UN Specialized Agencies, Funds, and Programmes (

• 1
United Nations (UN) | Definition, History, Founders, Flag, & Facts | Britannica
• The UN's Main Organs - United Nations Research Guide - Guides at Georgetown Law Library
• Trusteeship Council | United Nations
• Functions and powers of the General Assembly
• 1
Functions and Powers | United Nations Security Council
• United Nations (UN) - 6 Main Principal Organs [UPSC] (
• What are the of UN Secretariat? (
• International Court of Justice: Functions - Cegast Academy
• Chapter XIII: The Trusteeship Council (Articles 86-91) | United Nations
• What are UN Specialized Agencies, and how many are there? - Ask DAG!
• Sustainable Development Goals (

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