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The technological revolutions of the 21st

century are emerging from entirely new
ANTECEDENTS sectors, based on microprocessors,
tele-communications, biotechnology and
What is Science, Technologyand Society? nano-technology. Products are transforming
Science and Technology and Society is an business practices across the economy, as
interdisciplinary course designed to examine the well as the lives of all who have access to
ways that science and technology shape, and are their efects. The most remarkable
shaped by, our society, politics, and culture. breakthroughs will come from the
interaction of insights and applications
HISTORY arising when these technologies converge.
↝ Sociology - Study of social problems 4. have the power to better the lives of poor
people in developing countries.
↝ Anthropology - Study of human biological,
physiological characteristics and their

Science is an evolving body of knowledge NORWAY GERMANY

that is based on theoretical positions and
experimental and empirical activities that generates
universal truths. SWITZERLAND tie AUSTRALIA tie

Technology is the application of science and ICELAND tie NETHERLANDS tie

creation of systems, processes and objects designed
to help humans in their daily activities.

Society is the sum total of our interactions 5. diferentiators between countries that are
as humans, including the interactions that we able to tackle poverty efectively by growing
engage in to understand the nature of things and to and developing their economies, and those
create things. that are not.
6. engine of growth
A lot of our problems in modern society involve not
7. interventions for cognitive enhancement,
only technology:
proton cancer therapy and genetic
↳ Human Values
↳ Social Organization
↳ Political Decisions
↳ Economic Resources
Just like with any other discipline, the best
↳ Environmental Concerns
way to truly understand where we are in science
today is to look back at what happened in the past.
The influence of science and technology on
The history of science can teach us many lessons
people’s lives is expanding. While recent benefits
about the way scientists think and understand the
to humanity are unparalleled in the history of the
world around us. A historical perspective will make
human species, in some instances the impact has
us appreciate more what science really is.
been harmful or the long-term efects give causes
for serious concerns. From Ancient Times to 600 BC
● Science during ancient times involved
The Role of Science and Technology practical arts like healing practices and metal
1. alter the way people live, connect, tradition.
communicate and transact, with profound ● Imhotep – a human known for his knowledge
efects on economic development; of medicine
2. key drivers to development, because ● Most historians agree that the heart of
technological and scientific revolutions Egyptian medicine was trial and error.
underpin economic advances, improvements ● The most advanced invention in Early
in health systems, education and Egyptians Civilizations is papyrus.
infrastructure; ● ↳ PAPYRUS - an ancient form of paper, made
from the papyrus plant, a reed which grows including their structure,
in the marshy areas around the Nile river. properties, and biochemical
Papyrus was used early 3,000 BC in ancient processes.
Egypt until around 1100 AD.
d. Mineralogy - scientific study of the
chemistry, crystal structure, and
1) Egyptians, Sumerians and other physical properties of minerals and
races wrote on clay tablets and mineralized artifacts
smooth-rocks e. Geography - the study of places and
2) Time-consuming the relationships between people
3) Not easily to store and transport. and their environments
● Mesopotamians makes POTTERY with the
f. Mathematics - science and study of
use of the first known potter’s wheel.
quality, structure, space, and change.
● Chinese used COMPASS to aid themselves in
g. Astronomy - study of everything in
their travels.
the universe beyond Earth's
The Advent of Science (600 BC to 500 AD)
● The ancient Greeks were the early thinkers
The Islamic Golden Age
and as far as historians can tell, they were
↳ The Islamic Golden Age was a period of
the first true scientists. They collected facts
cultural, economic and scientific
and observations and then explained it in
flourishing in the history of Islam.
natural world.
↳ This period is traditionally understood to
● Scientific thought in Classica Antiquity
have begun during the reign of the Abbasid
becomes tangible from the 6 th century BC
caliph Harun al-Rashid (786 to 809) with
in pre-Socratic philosophy
the inauguration of the House of Wisdom in
⧪ Thales and Pythagoras
● In circa 385 BC, Plato founded the Academy.
● Plato’s student Aristotle begins the “scientific
revolution” of the Hellenistic Period. ↳ Where scholars from various parts of the
● Some others scholars: world with diferent cultural backgrounds
a. Eratosthenes were mandated to gather and translate all
b. Euclid of the world's classical knowledge into the
c. Aristarchus of Samos Arabic language.
d. Hipparchus ↳ Technology in the Islamic world adopted and
e. Archimedes preserved knowledge and technologies
from contemporary and earlier
This period produce substantial advances in civilizations, including Persia, Egypt, India,
scientific knowledge, especially in;
China, and Greco-Roman antiquity, while
a. Anatomy - study of the functions of
making numerous improvements,
those structures
innovations and inventions .
b. Zoology - branch of biology that
↳ Islamic scientific achievements encompassed
studies the animal kingdom,
a wide range of subject areas, especially
including the structure,
astronomy, mathematics, and medicine.
embryology, evolution,
↳ Islamic science was characterized by having
classification, habits, and
practical purposes as well as the goal of
distribution of all animals, both
living and extinct, and how they
➸ Astronomy was useful in determining
interact with their ecosystems the Qibla.
c. Botany - branch of biology that ➸ Botany is applied in agriculture and
deals with the study of plants, geography enabled scientists to
make accurate maps. ↳ This period produced numerous books,
➸ Mathematics also flourished during essays, inventions, scientific discoveries,
the Islamic Golden Age with the laws, wars and revolutions.
works of Al-Khwarizmi, Avicenna ↳ The Enlightenment’s important 17th-century
and Jamshid al Kashi that led to precursors included the key natural
advanced in algebra, trigonometry, philosophers of the Scientific Revolution,
geometry and Arabic numerals. including Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler
and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
Ancient China
↳ Ancient China gave the world the Four Great Industrial Revolution (1760 - 1840)
Inventions that include the compass, ● Isaac Newton published his “Principia
gunpowder, papermaking and printing. Mathematica” (1686) and John Locke his
“Essay Concerning Human Understanding”
(1689)—two works that provided the
The Renaissance 1300 – 1600 AD scientific, mathematical and philosophical
↳ Marie Boas Hall coined the term Scientific toolkit for the Enlightenment’s major
Renaissance to designate the early phase of advances.
the Scientific Revolution, 1450–1630 ● The science of metallurgy permitted the
↳ Peter Dear has argued for a two-phase tailoring of alloy steels to industrial
model of early modern science: specifications.
1. Scientific Renaissance focused on ● Science of chemistry permitted the creation of
the restoration of the natural new substances, like the aniline dyes.
● Electricity and magnetism were harnessed in
knowledge of the ancients.
the electric dynamo and motor.
2. Scientific Revolution of the 17th ● Science turned from the everyday world to
century, when scientists shifted the worlds of atoms and molecules, electric
from recovery to innovation. currents and magnetic fields, microbes and
↳ The most important technological advance viruses, and nebulae and galaxies,
of all in this period was the development of instruments increasingly provided the sole
printing, with movable metal type, about contact with phenomena.
the mid-15th century in Germany. ● The technological changes included the
↳ Johannes Gutenberg is usually called its following:
inventor, but in fact many people and many 1. the use of new basic materials, chiefly
iron and steel,
steps were involved.
2. the use of new energy sources,
↳ Block printing on wood came to the West
including both fuels and motive
from China.
power, such as coal, the steam
↳ Flemish technique of oil painting was the
origin of the new printers’ ink. engine, electricity, petroleum, and
↳ Three Men of Mainz — Johannes Gutenberg the internal-combustion engine
and his contemporaries Johann Fust and 3. the invention of new machines, such
Peter Schöfer. as the spinning jenny and the power
loom that permitted increased
production with a smaller
The Enlightenment Period (1715 – 1789 AD)
expenditure of human energy
↳ The Enlightenment Period or the Age of
4. a new organization of work known
Reason was characterized by radical
as the factory system, which entailed
reorientation in science, which emphasized
increased division of labor and
reason over superstition and science over
specialization of function,
blind faith.
5. important developments in
transportation and communication, technologies.
including the steam locomotive, ● Think GPS systems that suggest the fastest
steamship, automobile, airplane, route to a destination, voice-activated virtual
telegraph, and radio, assistants such as Apple’s Siri, personalized
6. the increasing application of science Netflix recommendations, and Facebook’s
to industry. ability to recognize your face and tag you in
a friend’s photo.
20th Century Science: Physics and Information Age
● 20th century was strongly marked by
Einstein’s formulation of the theory of
relativity (1905) including the unifying
concept of energy related to mass and the
speed of light: E = mc2
Pre-Spanish Era
● Year 1953 was an important landmark for
↪ First inhabitants in the archipelago who
biology with the description by Crick and
Watson of the structure of DNA, the carrier of settled in Palawan and Batangas around 40
genetic information (Rosch, 2014) 000 years ago have made simple tools or
● Physics has enabled us to understand the weapons of stone which eventually
basic components of matter and we are well developed techniques for sawing, drilling
on the way to an ever more consistent and and polishing hard stones.
unitary understanding of the entire ↪ This very primitive technology was brought
structure of natural reality, which we by primal needs of survival by hunting wild
discover as being made up not only of animals and gathering fruits and
matter and energy but also of information vegetables in the forest. They learned that
and forms. by polishing hard stones, they can develop
● Biology too, with the discovery of DNA and sharp objects that are useful in their day to
the development of genetics, allows us to day activities.
penetrate the fundamental processes of life ↪ As the early Filipinos flourished, they have
and to intervene in the gene pool of certain learned how to extract, smelt and refine
organisms by imitating some of these metals like copper, gold, bronze and iron
natural mechanisms. from nature and consequently fashion
● Information technology and the digital them into tools and implements.
processing of information have transformed ↪ They also learned how to weave cotton,
our lifestyle and our way of communicating engaged themselves in agriculture and are
in the space of very few decades. knowledgeable on building boats for
● The 20th century has seen medicine find a coastal trade.
cure for many life threatening diseases and ↪ The ancient crafts of stone carving, pottery
the beginning of organ transplants. and smelting of metals involves a lot of
science, which is understanding the nature
Science and Technology in the Fourth Industrial of matter involved.
Revolution ↪ The ingenuity of the Ifugaos in building the
● Fourth Industrial Revolution is a way of Banaue Rice Terraces.
describing the blurring of boundaries ↪ The smelting of metals exhibited the
between the physical, digital, and biological primitive Filipinos knowledge on the
worlds. It’s a fusion of advances in artificial composition of alloy
intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of and the optimum temperature that will
produce the metal with acceptable tensile
Things (IoT), 3D printing, genetic strength.
engineering, quantum computing, and other
agricultural exporting economy brought
Spanish Colonial Era. modernization of some sectors, notably
↪ Three (3) school was established during this sugar and hemp production.
1. The Malolos Constitution -
elementary education provide free American Period
schooling ↪ Philippines saw a rapid growth during the
2. The Universidad Literaria de American occupation and was made
Filipinas - provide courses in law, possible by the government’s extensive
medicine, surgery, pharmacy and public education system from elementary
notarianship established by Emilio to tertiary schools.
Aguinaldo on 19 October 1898. ↪ The establishment of various public tertiary
3. Military Academy of Malolos - schools like the Philippine Normal School
decreed that all diplomas awarded and University of the Philippines provided
by UST after 1898 be considered the needs for professionally trained
null and void. Filipinos in building the government’s
↪ Dr. Jose P. Rizal organization and programs.
- He is the epitome of the Renaissance ↪ The University of the Philippines Los Baños
man in the Philippine context. opened the College of Agriculture in 1909
- He is a scientist, a doctor, an while the University of the Philippines –
engineer (he designed and built a Diliman opened the Colleges of Arts,
water system in Dapitan), a Engineering and Veterinary Medicine in
journalist, a novelist, an urban 1910.
planner and a hero. ↪ Most of the early instructors and professors
- Being a doctor and scientist, he had in other colleges such as in the sciences
extensive knowledge on medicine and engineering were Americans and
and was able to operate his foreigners.
mother’s blinding eye. ↪ The Bureau of Science became the primary
↪ In 1887, the Laboratorio Municipal de research center of the Philippines until World
War II.
Ciudad de Manila was created and whose
↪ Lastly, on December 8, 1933, the National
functions were to conduct biochemical
Research Council of the Philippines was
analyses for public health and to undertake established.
specimen examinations for clinical and
medico-legal cases. Commonwealth Period
↪ First scientific journal in the country was ↪ When the Americans granted independence
titled Cronica de Ciencias Medicas de Filipinas and the Commonwealth government was
showed the studies undertaken during that
established, the Filipinos were busy in
working towards economic reliance but
↪ As the colonization of the Spaniards
acknowledge the importance and vital role
lengthened, they began to exploit the
of science and technology for the economic
natural resources of the country through
development. The short-lived
agriculture, mining of metals and minerals
Commonwealth Government was
and establishing various kinds of industries
succeeded by the Japanese occupation
to further promote economic growth.
when the Pacific war broke out in 1941.
↪ 19th century, Manila has become a
This is also true when World War II ended
cosmopolitan center and modern amenities
and left Manila, the country’s capital, in
were introduced to the city.
ruins. The government had to rebuild again
↪ The Philippines had evolved into a primary
and normalize the operations in the whole The most influential figure in Western
country. science until the 1600's, was the philosopher,
Aristotle, who created a body of scientific theory
Science and Technology since Independence that towered like a colossus over Western
↪ In 1946 the Bureau of Science was replaced Civilization for some 2000 years. Given the
limitations under which the Greeks were working
by the Institute of Science and was placed
compared to now, Aristotle's theories made sense
under the Oice of the President of the when taken in a logical order.
Philippines. However, the agency faced lack
of financial support from the government A. Copernican Revolution
and experienced planning and coordination ↳ Nicolas Copernicus was a Polish scholar
problems. working at the University of Padua in
northern Italy. He wrestled with the paths
↪ In a report by the US Economic Survey to the
of planetary orbits.
Philippines in 1950, there is a lack of basic ↳ Ptolemy, the second century Greek
information which were necessities to the astronomer, was the main authority who
country's industries, lack of support of put order to and passed this cumbersome
experimental work and minimal budget for system of epicycles to posterity.
scientific research and low salaries of ↳ Copernicus published his book in 1534,
scientists employed by the government. Concerning the Revolutions of the Celestial
Worlds, which served as the foundations
↪ In 1958, during the regime of President
for a revolution in how Europeans would
Carlos P. Garcia, the Philippine Congress passed
view the world and its place in the
Science Act of 1958 which established the
National Science Development Board Johannes Kepler
(NSDB). ↳ Tycho Brahe, using only the naked eye,
tracked the entire orbits of various stars
MODULE 3 and planets. He kept extensive records of
Intellectual Revolutions that Defined Society his observations, but did not really know
what to do with them. That task was left to
What is an Intellectual Revolution? his successor, Johannes Kepler.
An intellectual revolution is a period where ↳ Kepler was a brilliant mathematician who
paradigm shifts occurred and where scientific had a mystical vision of the mathematical
beliefs that have been widely embraced and perfection of the universe that owed a great
accepted by the people were challenged and deal to the ancient Greek mathematician
opposed. Historically, this intellectual revolution Pythagoras.
can be summed up as the “replacement of
Aristotelian ethics and Christian morality by a new Galileo Galilei
type of decision making which may be termed ↳ He armed with a new invention, the
instrumental reasoning or cost-benefit analysis” telescope, which would further shatter the
(Wootton as cited by McCarthy, 2019). old theory and lead the way to a new one.
↳ Galileo saw the sun's perfection marred by
The Birth of Modern Science sunspots and the moon's perfection marred
Western science, like so many other by craters with his inventions of telescope.
aspects of Western Civilization, was born with the ↳ He also saw four moons orbiting Jupiter.
ancient Greeks. They were the first to explain the ↳ In his book, The Starry Messenger (1611),
world in terms of natural laws rather than myths he reported these disturbing findings and
about gods and heroes. They also passed on the spread the news across Europe.
idea of the value of math and experiment in
Isaac Newton
science, although they usually thought only in
↳ The printing of Newton's book, Principia
terms of one to the exclusion of the other.
Mathematica, in 1687 is often seen as the start
of the
Enlightenment (1687-1789). almost universally considered 'organic';
↳ It was a significant turning point in history, that is, it was thought to come from some
for, armed with the tools of Newton's laws kind of deterioration or disease of the
and calculus, scientists had an brain.
unprecedented faith in their ability to ↳ Sigmund Freud proposed the concept of
understand, predict, and manipulate the psychoanalysis.
laws of nature for their own purposes.
D. Scientific Revolution in Mesoamerica
B. The Darwinian Revolution ↳ The most advanced Mesoamerican
↳ The publication in 1859 of The Origin of civilization was the Maya civilization that
Species by Charles Darwin ushered in a was well on its way to develop true science.
new era in the intellectual history of They knew how to make paper and had
humanity. pictorial script called Maya hieroglyphs
↳ Darwin is deservedly given credit for the that allowed them to record all knowledge
theory of biological evolution: he on long strips of paper folded
accumulated evidence demonstrating that harmonica-style into books.
organisms evolve and discovered the ↳ Early Meso-American civilizations knew about
and used magnetism. (Malmström, 1976, 1979)
process, natural selection, by which they
E. Asian Scientific Revolution
↳ The discoveries of Copernicus, Kepler,
↳ Currently, Japan is probably the most
Galileo, and Newton in the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries, had gradually notable country in Asia in terms of
ushered in the notion that the workings of scientific and technological achievement,
the universe could be explained by human particularly in terms of its electronics and
reason. automobile products.
↳ It was shown that the earth is not the center ↳ For instance, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea,
and China together produce a staggering
of the universe, but a small planet rotating
90% of the world’s digital gadgets.
around an average star; that the universe is
immense in space and in time; and that the ↳ South Korea’s cultural popularity around
motions of the planets around the sun can the world has caused a number of startup’s
to emerge working within the digital and
be explained by the same simple laws that
technology sectors, including website
account for the motion of physical objects
on our planet.
↳ Taiwan is following a similar path to Japan
↳ The advances of physical science had thus
meanwhile, moving away from hardware
driven humanity's conception of the
production, instead turning to software and
universe to a split-personality state of
content development.
afairs, which persisted well into the
mid-nineteenth century. Scientific
F. Scientific Revolution in Middle East
explanations, derived from natural laws,
↳ In engineering and architecture Egyptians
dominated the world of nonliving matter,
took an early lead, owing largely to the
on the earth as well as in the heavens.
stress they laid on the construction of such
Supernatural explanations, depending on
elaborate monuments as vast pyramids and
the unfathomable deeds of the Creator,
temples of granite and sandstone.
accounted for the origin and configuration
↳ The Babylonians led in the development of
of living creatures—the most diversified,
such practical arts as irrigation.
complex, and interesting realities of the
↳ Of all the accomplishments of the ancient
Middle East, the invention of the alphabet
is probably the greatest.
C. Freudian Revolution
G. Scientific Revolution in Africa
↳ Freud's most obvious impact was to change
↳ The solar calendar that we use today
the way society thought about and dealt
evolved from the Egyptian calendar of
with mental illness.
twelve months, calibrated according to the
↳ Before psychoanalysis, mental illness was
day on which the star Sirius rose on the
horizon with the Sun.
↳ In the field of Mathematics, Nubian
builders calculated the volumes of masonry
and building materials, as well as the
slopes of pyramids, for construction
↳ In the field of medicine included scientifically
proven methods, as well as techniques and
strategies which were culturally specific
and psychologically significant. Among the
common principles and procedures were
hydrotherapy, heat therapy, spinal
manipulation, quarantine, bone-setting and

H. Information Revolution
↳ Information revolution is a period of change
that describes current economic, social and
technological trends beyond the Industrial
Revolution. The information revolution was
fueled by advances in semiconductor
technology, particularly the Metal
Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Efect
Transistor (MOSFET) and the Integrated
circuit (IC) chip, leading to the Information
Age in the early 21st century.

1. Computers are unique machines;
they help to extend the brain power.
2. Computerized robots have been
replacing blue-collar workers.
3. Computers are merely devices that
follow sets of instructions called
computer programs, or software.

1. Computers might soon be replacing
white collar workers.
2. Computers may invade one's
privacy or wage war.
3. Computers might turn one into
button pusher and cause massive

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